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September 10, 1981 - Image 17

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-09-10

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, Seotember 10, 1981--Page 17

I li

Bikers beware!
Cops on prowl

Bicycling will get you to classes
faster, especially when you're late for
that math quiz. But there are a few
prerequisites to bicycling in Ann Arbor.
Bike registration is mandatory by
city ordinance, and costs a one-time fee
of $2.50. Cyclists can register at any of
the dorm offices, the Housing Office, or
at the City Clerk's office in City Hall.
THE NEXT prerequisite is that
riders obey all traffic laws, Last June,
the Ann Arbor police began issuing $20
tickets to bicycle traffic violators.
However, so far police have been war-
ning most bikers rather than
automatically giving them tickets.
Traffic laws for bicyclists are essen-
tially the same as for motorists. "The
basic rule of thumb," said City Bicycle
Coordinator Tom Pendleton, "is would
you do that while driving a car?"
These are the main violations that
police may ticket abicyclist for:
" riding the wrong way on a one-way
" running a stop sign or red light.
" not having registration - a bike
with no registration may also be im-

" not yielding to pedestrians,
especially on sidewalks.
. not having lights or reflectors at
"GOING THE wrong way on a one-
way street is the worst violation, and
the most dangerous," said Patrolman
Walter Willard, who is the only officer
riding a bike on campus patrol.
Motorists pulling out onto a one-way
street usually don't check the opposite
way for traffic, he explained. The
majority of tickets issued are for one-
way street violations.
As a result of citizen letters and com-
plaints, the police especially target the
State-Liberty-Thompson area for bike
violations. "Most bicycle problems
emanate from there," Willard said.
Some city residents do not like the
ticketing and the fines involved. Candy
Ellison, 27, was given a $20 ticket last
June for riding the wrong way on Liber-
ty toward State Street.
"I'm used to just casually and
carelessly riding my bike. I never
realized they were giving out tickets,"
Ellison said. "When the officer told her
of the fine, "I was just floored," she
See BIKES, Page 19






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Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM
officer Walter Willard patrols campus area by bicycle

Ann Arbor police
(or violators.


Regents eliminate geography
in face of $11 million shortfall

(Continued from Page 1)
department who have not finished their
wegree requirements before a program
9seliminated; how strong a voice, if
any, students and faculty should have
in the budget cut decision-making
process; and, in a broad sense, how to
administer cuts without seriously
damjaging the University's national
During the extended geography
depiartment review, the administration
gained some practice in conducting
such a study without stirring overt
dissention among University com-
munity-practice that will doubtless
ome in handy during the current
review of the physical therapy
program, slated, for possible
DESPITE THE University's best ef-
forts to make the geography review go
smoothly, the process sparked changes
from both students and faculty that the
administration had unjustly singled out
the geography department and simply
ushed through the decision, ignoring
legitimate arguments in the depar-
tment's favor.
The administration, on the other
hand, contended that the review was
not a "forgone conclusion." Officials
insisted that if overwhelming evidence
supporting the department's con-

tinuance were to surface the review
proceedings could easily be ended.
University administrators, primarily
former LSA Dean John Knott and Vice-
president for Academic Affairs Bill
Frye, based their arguments against
the department on several factors.
They claimed the department's quality
has slipped considerably in past years
and no longer measured .up to the
University's standard of excellence.
ALSO, AFTER A few years the
University will save $200,000 annually
through the elimination of the depar-
tment and dismissal of non-tenured
faculty and staff.
And, administrators claimed,
geography can still be taught at the
University without a separate depar-
tment. They argued-over the objec-
tions of geography professors-that
related departments could offer some
geography courses after the departmet
is eliminated.
Geography department Chairman
John Nystuen, who claimed to be
disappointed but not surprised by the
Regent's decision, accused the ad-
ministration of "secretly targeting" the
geography department, and claimed
that the program was doomed before it
ever entered the first review commit-

BOTH NYSTUEN and several
graduate students warned that the
Regent's decision would seriously
damage the University's ability to at-
tract and maintain top quality
professors and students in any field, af-
ter word has spread that the University
of Michigan has started cutting depar-
A number of University students
were angered that the administration
gave them no official role in the review.
Faculty members were upset because
the administration ignored their vote to
maintain the department. Some per-
sons even charged that two members of
a special faculty review committee that
recommended discontinuation were
Ultimately, the review left many ob-
servers with the impression that the
administration had determined to ax
geography long before the official
review process was initiated, and that
the public review served merely as a
formal mechanism intended to placate
angry members of the University
community. Whatever the accuracy of
these charges, the University will cer-
tainly encounter skepticism and op-
position from many quarters if it at-
tempts to eliminate other departments
in the future.

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