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September 15, 1981 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1981-09-15

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Ninety-Two Years C COOLER
Of F ~ Z4 14 U1 ~~I It will be partly cloudy and
Editorial Freedom' cooler today with a high in
w Tthe upper sls.
Vol. XCII, No. 5 Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September 15, 1981 Ten Cents Twelve Pages plus Supplement

Alumni board


to keep frat coed

Even though it will probably mean
expulsion from the group's national'
organization, the alumni board of the
Michigan chapter of Theta Xi voted.
Sunday night to keep the fraternity
The board, composed of 12 alumni
and two delegates from the house,
voted seven to four (with one absten-
tion) in favor of keeping the house coed.
qwo board members were not present.
'We considered the active members of
the house and what their feelings were.
We had to consider the feelings of the
alumni. We also had to project into the
future and figure out how the house
would best remain viable," said Bob
Wolf, alumni board president.
THE MEETING, which lasted a

grueling 5 hours, signaled the end of a
controversy that has plagued the
fraternity since 1979, when the Theta Xi
national organization passed a
resolution prohibiting chapters from
rushing woman members.
The Michigan chapter has been coed
since 1972 as part of a "coed housing.
experiment" which was approved by
the national organization.
In July, however, Theta Xi national
put the Michigan chapter on suspension'
for not complying with the national's
demands to reduce the number of
women pledging the fraternity and
phase out the election of women to
house offices. The suspension tem-
porarily revoked the local chapter's
voting privileges.
REVOKING THE house's charter
will not be discussed until next sum-

mer, when Theta Xi holds its biannual
Marty McDonald, a member who
lived in the house last year, said there
was a "strong possibility" that the
group's charter would be revoked by
the national organization. "The alumni
board has already discussed a new
name for the chapter if we should have
to reorganize," McDonald said.
Although the reactions of house
members differed, none were willing to
predict how the national convention
would view their decision.
"I'm totally psyched," said house
resident Carrie Dolan. "People (in the
house) were kind of nervous before .. .
They were afraid that the campus was
going conservative and that the
'traditional frat' is a big thing- ob-
See THETA, Page 5


'Censoring God'

Reader's Digest condensing Bible

Daily Photo by BRIAN MA5CK
Diag distractions
LSA student Sally Petrella pauses from her reading outside the Graduate Library yesterday o watch activities on the

NEW YORK (AP)- The Moral Majority has a new group
f sinners to worry about- the editors of Reader's Digest.
The New York chapter of Moral Majority yesterday con-
demned what its president called a "hellish" plan by
Reader's Digest to publish a condensed version of the Bible.
"YOU CAN'T change the word of God," said the Rev.
Daniel Fore. "It's censoring God.':
The Reader's Digest Bible, scheduled for publication a
year, from now, will be a reduced version of the Revised
Standard Version of the Bible, which also has been criticized
y fundamentalists.
U Fore acknowledged he had not seen any manuscripts of the
condensed Bible, but he insisted it would be a sacrilege.
"THEY'RE SAYING to God, 'You didn't know what you
were talking about,' " Fore complained.
He accused Reader's Digest of "trying to water down
religion.. . to take the blood out of the Bible."
Fore said Moral Majority was not proposing that the book
be banned- only that it neither be bought nor read.
"OURS IS A ministry of influence," Fore said. "We can

only speak out, and hope people will listen."
He predicted that Roman Catholic and Jewish leaders
would join the outcry when they learn how the project is
being handled by "a group of people whose only motive is
Fore said he was speaking only for the New York chapter
of the conservative political organization. William Faulkner,
a spokesman fdr the national organization, said Moral
Majority President Rev. Jerry Falwell was traveling and
unavailable for comment.
JACK WALSH, editor of the Bible project, said from
Reader's Digest headquarters in Pleasantville, a suburb of
New York City, that he expected "great interest" in the con-
'Many people want to read the Bible but never have
because of its length and complexity," he said.
"It will sound exactly like the RSV, but 40 percent shor-
ter," Walsh said. "True condensation never interferes with
the essential substance of a text."


The budget ax has fallen again-this
time right on the neck of the LSA
In the comming academic year; only
14 LSA faculty, members will be gran-
ted tenure, down 23 from a year ago,
LSA Dean Peter Steiner announced in
his first faculty address yesterday.
"WE ARE IN the process of reducing
the tenure track faculty from 750 to 700
over the next five years," Steiner said.
In addition, Steiner also said only 62
new appointments to the LSA faculty
will be made this year, 32 fewer than
last year.
"This is the first time in memory I
can remember figures like this," said

Communications Prof. William.
Colburn, LSA Faculty Parliamen=
UP UNTIL now, University officials
have said that tenure appointments
would not be influenced by budgetary
Explaining the new policy, Steiner
said the faculty can no longer rely on
help from higher authorities, such as
Washington, Lansing, and "Billy
.Frye," vice president for academic af-
"It was very brave of him (Steiner)
to talk about comparisons this way,"
Colburn said. "He did it to show the
faculty the extent of the (budget)
See STEINER, Page 5

Arranged by Words and music by
c C7 F C7 Gm7 C7
over dinner
It was conceived over dinner in a restaurant and par-
tially composed on a table napkin. The two authors put the V67v
finishing touches on it while they were several hundred ___
miles apart. -
"We never sent each other any score, we just sang it tov
each other over the phone," explains former Michigan
Band Director William Revelli.
THAT STORY MAY sound unusual, but that's how
Revelli and song writer Mack Wolfson co-authored the
new Michigan fight song, "Michigan Go Go Blue," un-
veiled Saturday at the Slippery Rock-Wayne State football f WPM
Wolfson and I were talking about Michigan's fight .
songs over dinner last January when we realized that one Y
hadn't been written in a long time," Revelli said. ''
"'Varsity"was written more than 60 years ago and 'Vic-
tors' before this century. So we decided to compose our .
own. '
"It is just another fight song," Revelli saiad "We're not
trying to replace 'Victors' and 'Varsity.' They're
See FIGHT, Page 2a

University may adopt

anti-hazin g
Some campus initiation rites could be
a thing of the past if a group of students
and administrators comes to an
agreement on a set of hazing
If adopted, the anti-hazing policy
would prohibit initiation practices that
could cause physical or mental harm,
force and initiate to drink or eat, impair
academic performance, or break the
law, said Chris Carlsen, a consultant in
the Student Activities and
Organizations Office.
THE STATEMENT was written by a
group of fraternity and sorority :mem-
bers and other interested students last
spring and is now in the hands of Vice
President for Student Services Henry
Johnson, Carlsen said.
Carlsen, who was an appointee to a
statewide committee to investigate
possible solutions to hazing; said she and
the students wanted to set down some
hazing guidelines "before we got into a
big problem."

"We didn't want to be in a reac-
tionary positon," Carlsen said.
The policy statement is the result of
work beginning in April 1980 which in-
cluded investigatons of anti-hazing
laws and policies around the country in
such states as Virginia, Texas, and New
Meanwhile, State Rep. Perry Bullard
(D-Ann Arbor) said yesterday that anti-
hazing legislation he proposed last
:spring has been shuffled around this
summer to make way for higher
priority legislation, but that drafting of
the bill would begin "hopefully by mid-
The legislation would give the
University the responsibility of setting
guidelines for hazing practices and
could include penalties for violating
hazing rules.
Bullard said the legislation he hopes to
enact in Michigan is most like that
currently enforced in New York, where
universities are responsible for "inter-
nal enforcement of order" rather than
the State.

Searching for peanuts
DON'T EVER ASSUME a 4000-pound elephant
can't squeeze through a 32-inch gap in a fence.
Because the agile Sneezy, a 10-year-old elephant
resident of the Tulsa Zoo, did just that and

Where'd they all go?
Racing outhouses on wheels will roar through Jackson-
ville, Ore., next month as part of festivities to mark its 121st
birthday. "This is something we hope people will associate
with Jacksonville," said Chamber of Commerce president
Dick Lucier. Lucier says he hopes the Oct. 11 outhouse race
will rival a bathtub race at Gold Hill and a rooster crow at
Rogue River, two other Jackson county towns. The rules
say the privies must be mounted on wheels no larger than
five inches in diameter and powered by crews of up to five

yes, but mother says no. The mother is 82-year-old Devorah
Sharon, whose son, Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, said last
week that his mother kept a gun under her pillow. Israeli
newspapers said Sharon made the remark to Secretary of
State Alexander Haig Jr. to dramatize Israel's concern
with security. But in Sharon's home village of Kfar Malal,
Mrs. Sharon was quoted as saying: "What? Arik said that?
It surely must have been a joke." e "

ce former Beatle John Lennon was shot last December,
some rock stars have been reluctant to tour, but Jagger is
philosophical. "You can.'t spend your life being paranoid.
There'll always be the nutters and you just have to watch
out for them. You take every precaution and when you're on
stage you just have to watch the first 30 rows for the nutters
with the handgun." Q




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