The Michigan Daily-Friday,' Nursing not a job for women only By JULIE BARTH Mike Meade is a bearded, rugged- looking man in his mid-twenties. Confi- dent and outgoing, he wears blue jeans, a white T-shirt, and heavy construction boots. But, he does not drive a semi- truck; he is not a construction worker. Meade is a nurse at University Hospital. The reasons Meade gives for entering the field of nursing are common to many male nurses. First of all, he cites job mobility. "You can always get a job anywhere in the country," he says. He was also impressed by the unlimited number of hours that nurses are able to work. ACCORDING TO Meade, the field of nursing is varied, offering a wide variety of career choices. Many male nurses, such as University nurse Mark Predum, aspire toward specialization in anesthesia, which offers higher pay, more regular hours, and exposure to the more scientific aspects of the profession. These attractions usually lure more male nurses who, according to University nurse Mike Haas, often may be the primary breadwinners in the family, while many female nurses are supplementing the household in- come. The second major motivation for male nurses is their own personal philosophy. Much the same as their female counterparts, male nurses say they gain a tremendous amount of satisfaction working with people and helping them. "I provide a necessary * service for other individuals and get feedback from them," according to Meade. The nurses say their desire to help people contrasts sharply with the often self-serving ends of the business world. Meade commented, "I wouldn't feel} right about supporting multi- national imperialism." LICENSED PRACTICAL nurse Mike Welch entered the field of nursing after spending time in the world of business pn a smaller scale. After working for 10 years in retail sales, he quit his job and worked for a time as a custodian at University Hospital. After seeing the work of nurses there, Welch decided to give nursing a try. After four years as an LPN, he says he enjoys dealing with September 11, 1981-Page 9-B New downtown building planned By ANNETTE STARON Since city zoning approval was gran- ted last December, all that has stood in the way of construction of a new, eight- story retail- and office building down- town has been high interest rates. Years ago, when rates were lower, Bill Kotila and some friends bought the property where Sun Bakery now stands on the coner of Fifth and Liberty Streets. Now, on the brink of realization, their plans to construct a modern, brick-and-glass office building ...-. are blocked only by high interest rates and the lack of a financial backer. "WE BOUGHT the land about ten years ago as an investment," said Kotila from his office in Wilmette, Illinois. He said they bought it "with the thought that one day we'd build something there." About a year ago, preliminary work began on designing a building for the site which is on the principal street linking the State and Main business districts. The building, designed by a local ar- chitectural firm, Hobbs and Black, will contain retail shops and an open plaza on the street level for shoppers to walk through. Chuck Mancherian, Assistant Director of the Ann Arbor City Plan- ning Department, described it as. "a covered plaza with benches." THE REST OF the building will terrace back with small porch-like areas on each level. This story was reprinted from the Daily's summer edition. ------------------------- .0 Doily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM PAUL ALEXANDER, a registered nurse at University Hospital, prepares to suction fluid from a patient in the Intensive Care Unit. Male nurses at the University say they opted for their career because they enjoy working with people and helping them. Jasper Day Pack Features full-grain leather bottom with two leather accessory patches, large front pocket, inside pocket, two side pockets, padded shoulder straps, waist belt, two-way zippered closure, people on a positive basis (rather than a profit-seeking basis, which he sees as negative.) "The rewards are im.. mediate," he says. Most male nurses say they enjoy their careers, even though "nursing school paints a rosy picture" of a profession that is often underpaid and understaffed, according to Predum. "Sometimes it can be discouraging, says Mike Haas. "We take care of human beings, but we don't get paid like the line guys who hang bumpers or guys who empty garbage." However, most nurses claim they are satisfied, never- theless. "I knew the money situation before I became a nurse," adds Predum. ON-THE-JOB differences for the female versus the male nurse are vir- tually negligible. Our job is the same," insists Predum. He says nursing has a "neutered job description." However, "I can refuse to do a job on a female, and any patient has the right to refuse me as a nurse, but this has only hap- pened about twice in my career," he says. Meade observes, "Some of the patients are curious, but most of them take it really well." He encountered perhaps his biggest challenge while on the OB rotation in nursing school, where highly personal post-birth monitoring must be performed on women. "There was a lot of anxiety on both parts at first, but if you maintain a calm and professional attitude, the patients react the same as they would with a female nurse," he reports. Haas once encountered a 97-year-old woman who refused to be treated by males. What about her physician? "Well, that was okay. After all, he was the doctor." NURSES REPORT that a vital part of their work is teaching patients. Ac- cording to Meade, "We teach patients about self care, disease medication, and preventive measures." However, he says he enjoys' learning from his patients even more. One of his patients gave him tips on how to change brake shoes on his car. Another was the author of one of his nursing school tex- tbooks. A 94-year-old man taught him the "secret for living: Moderation in everything . . including moderation." This story was reprinted from the Daily's summer edition. r, - *.r removeable zippered pouch, In Super K- Kote nylon packcloth. Regularly priced at $35.04 Now OnSale. $ 29.99 Saturday, Sept.12 through Friday, Sept.18 Profs predict surge in economy ByJOHN ADAM The nation's economy will recover from its current recession and enter a period of rapid growth by the end of the year, a team of University economists predicted. The growth period is expected to be accompanied by slowing inflation, sharp improvement in unemployment rates, and record federal budget deficits much greater than those en- visioned in the Reagan ad- ministration's budget plans. THE FORECAST is based on the econometric model constructed by the University Research Seminar in Quan- titative Economics, directed by economics and statistics Prof. Saul Hymans. University President Harold Shapiro, and Economists Joan Crary, a research scientist, and Prof. E. Philip Howrey aided Hymans in this update of the Economic Outlook issued last November. Basically, two things have changed since the November report, Hymans explained. The four researchers now know the dimensions of the gover- nment's fiscal program since Reagan's tax and budget proposals were recently passed by Congress. And the Federal Reserve has held to a stricter monetary policy than the team of researchers orignially forecast. THIS TIGHT monetary policy with its *high interest rates is the cause of the current small recession, Hymans said. "But the recession will be minor and over at the end of the year." The short run economic outlook as outlined in the forecast, appears rather bright. INFLATION-In the absence of adver- se supply shocks in areas such as food prices, crude oil prices, and spot shor- tages of raw industrial materials, the rate of inflation will continue to edge downward. During the first half of next year the annual inflation rate is forecast to be 7.1 percent, dropping fur- ther to 6.8 percent in the second half of the year. UNEMPLOYMENT-The unem- ployment rate is predicted to rise during the early months of 1982, and then will stabilize at a peak level of 8.4 percent for several months. During the second half of 1982 the unemployment rate will decline to below 8 percent and by the third quarter of 1983, the jobless rate will be below 7 percent and heading downward still. ECONOMIC GROWTH-After the decline of real GNP (Gross National Product) continues in the third quarter of this year, the trend will start to be reversed in the fourth. By mid-1982 the economic expansion will have spread to all major sectors of the economy. The overall rate of economic growth will double between the first and second halves of 1982 and average nearly 5 percent annual rate from early 1982 to- mid 1982. This strong growth is forecast Say it with Balloons BALLOOA BOUQUETS 995 -1972 to continue through the first half of 1983 and to accelerate even further after the third stage of the personal tax cut becomes effective in mid-1983. FEDERAL DEFICIT-The ad- ministration's tax cut, though helping to accelerate economic recovery, will produce enormous increases in the federal deficit. In their report, the four economists said "there is simply no way for the tax cut to reduce the fiscal '82 and '83 deficits. Newly expanded selection of soft luggage, backpacks and shoulder bags in a full range of prices, colors, sizes and styles for all campus & travel needs. Open 7 days a week, in the Michigan Union. 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