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September 11, 1981 - Image 120

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-09-11

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Page 14-A-'Friday, September 11, 1981-The Michigan Daily



Orioles lose,

4-1, fall two

games behind Detroit



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BALTIMORE (AP) - John Denny
had his scoreless pitching streak snap-
ped at 34 2-3 consecutive innings, but
with the help of reliever Dan Spillner
defeated the Baltimore Orioles 4-1 last
Denny, who had thrown three
straight shutouts, kept the Orioles
scoreless until two out in the eighth.
Then, Ken Singleton singled in Al Bum-
bry with Baltimore's run.
DENNY, WHO recorded a career-
high 10 strikeouts and gave up only five
hits, then yielded to Spillner, who
registered his fifth save.
It was the fifth consecutive triumph
for Denny, 8-4, who has allowed only
two earned runs in his last 41 2-3 in-

nings. Denny fanned each batter in the
Baltimore lineup once by the time the
Orioles had batted around twice
through the first five innings.
Five of the first seven Baltimore bat-
ters reached base in the first two in-
nings on three hits and two walks, but
Denny pitched out of trouble with the
help of a double play and catcher Ron
Hassey, who thre outl Bumbry trying to
The Indians scored once in the fourth
on singles by Jorge Orta and Mike
Hargrove and a sacrifice fly by Toby
Sammy Stewart, 3-6, making his
second start of the season, yielded

another run in the sixth when Rick
Manning doubled, took third after a fly
ball and scored on Hargrove's sacrifice
fly. A double by Von Hayes and Pat
Kelly's single made it 3-1 in the seventh,
and Harrah scored the Indian's final run
on a wild pitch by Tippy Marinez in the
A pep rally is scheduled for tonight at
7:00 p.m. for tomorrow's Slippery
Rock-Wayne State football game. The
festivities will be held at Ferry Field,
featuring the Slippery Rock Marching
Band and Rockettes in addition to the
Budweiser Clydesdales. The two foot
ball teams will square off tomorrow it
1:00 p.m. at Michigan Stadium.

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Ann Arbor
separate classes for:
children:. ballet. creative movement
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new classes
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Taping posters on dorm room walls:
standing in line at Crisp; waking up for
those first morning classes-it's all
part of the beginning of another school
year. However, as one budding young
scholar so aptly put it, "I just don't feel
settled in until I've mailed the fir:
week of Gridde Picks into the Daily." If
you, too, wish to rid yourself of those
opening week jitters and qualify for a
free one-item pizza from Pizza Bob's,
as well, send your guesses to the Daily
office at 420 Maynard by midnight
1. MICHIGAN at Wisconsin
(pick score)
2. Illinois at Michigan St.
3. Indiana at Northwestern
4. Ohio St. at Duke
5. Stanfod at Purdue
6. Nebraska at Iowa
7. Ohio U. at Minnesota
8. LSU at Notre Dame
9. Arizona at BYUt
10. California at Georgia
11. Tennessee at USC
12. Texas Tech at Colorado
13. West Virginia at Virginia
14. Slippery Rock at Wayne St.
15. Millsaps at Southwestern Tennesse
16. Merchant Marine at Coast Guard
17. Wyoming at Oklahoma
18. Cincinnati at Penn St.
19. Citadel at Navy
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