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January 18, 1980 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-01-18

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Page 14-Friday, January 18, 1980-The Michigan Daily

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'Average citizen' ends bid for presidency

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DAYTON, Ohio (AP) - Most people never even knew
that Jeffrey Hale was on the campaign trail. But now, after
losing his wife and running up $20,000 in debts, the 40-year-old
toolmaker says he has abandoned his dream of becoming
"I loved my wife very much and I guess I did mistreat
her, doing what I did the way I did it without a financial
backing," Hale said Wednesday. "It's something I'm going
to have to live with all my life."
Hale, who announced his plans to seek the presidency as
an independent nearly a year ago, had hoped by this time to
be stomping through Iowa instead of returning to his regular
Friday night bowling league.
LAST MARCH, HE rented the Dayton Convention Cen-
ter's 4,000-seat 'hall for a series of "state of the nation"
speeches. And although a total of less than 100 people showed
up, he vowed to battle on.
Hale, who said he believed people were "begging for an
average American citizen to stand up," called in his platform
for reinstating the draft, overhauling the U.S. legal system,
improving agricultural and educational programs and com-
batting crime and unemployment.
Hale quit his job and remained unemployed during most
of his campaign, relying mainly on income from his wife,

who worked at a downtown restaurant.
"A BUNCH OF people started whispering in her ear
about me making her work while I was off on this wild goose
chase," said Hale, who said his wife left him in June.
The $2,000 he spent on his campaign plus other bills that
piled up put him in the hole, he said, and that doesn't include
the $23,000 he still owes on his home.
Despite all the problems and difficulties, Hale, who has
gone back to work, said if he could ever get proper financial
backing, he'd do it all over again. And he insists he could win.
"NOW, SOME PEOPLE said to me, 'You can't just walk
in and be president. You have to be a commissioner, a
mayor, a representative, a senator or a governor first,' "
Hale said.
"But I said that by the time you were done being all that
stuff, you'd be so corrupt you wouldn't be any good as
president. And that's the truth."
Hale said he had a tough time getting attention from the
media, and cited television coverage of his "state of the
union" address.
"It was supposed to have been on the 6:30 p.m. world
news," he said, "but all I got was a big fat political gag. They
put it on at 7:20 the following morning when everybody was
at work."


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WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Carter yesterday urged the president of
the nation's dockworkers union to end a
nine-day-old boycott of Soviet ship
cargo, which Carter said is snarling
transportation in this country, sources
White House sources said Thomas
Gleason, president of the International
Longshoremen's Association, did not
promise Carter to end the boycott, but
said he would reply promptly after con-
sulting with his union.
said Carter, "speaking as president and
commander-in-chief," said "that the
abrupt stoppage of all grain shipments
was contrary to our national interests,
that it was clogging the pipeline, inter-
fering with normal commerce and was
unfair to the farmer."
"He asked their cooperation in un-
clogging the pipeline and Gleason said
he would have to go back and talk to the
membership," said the official, who
asked not to be identified.
The president asked that the dock-

End shipments
workers again handle the grain ship- Administration officials said1
ments, but he did not ask that they end boycott has brought con
their boycott on handling shipments of throughout the grain transp
other products bound for the Soviet system, clogging barges and r,
Union, sources said. and leaving grain elevators chop
THE ILA boycott has prevented the As a result, the officials sa
shipment of three million metric tons of boycott is starting to hurt An
grain previously committed to the farmers who are unable to sh
Soviet Union, the sources said. Carter products to market.
announced on Jan. 4 that he was halting
shipment of 17 million metric tons of
wheat and corn to the Soviet Union in
retaliation for the Soviet Union sending A
troops into Afghanistan. However, Car-
ter said he would allow the sale of eight
million metric tons of grain to proceed. gov. lax O
The dockworkers' boycott has been
blocking shipment of a portion of that LONDON (AP) - Amnesty
eight million tons. national charged yesterday th
Among those attending the mid-day Soames has failed to take a firs
meeting was Thomas Donahue, the against torture or end other
AFL-CIO's new secretary-treasurer. rights violations in Rhodesia
Neither Donahue nor Gleason indicated month-old tenure as British g
if the ILA would honor Carter's request. there. Soames rejected the char
THE ILA'S 80,000 dockworkers have The London-based human
been refusing to handle Soviet cargo organization, which won the 197
since Jan. 9, at ports on the Atlantic and Peace Prize for its work in
gulf of Mexico and at key inland political prisoners around the
locations. West Coast dockworkers are said Soames had failed to end th
represented by another union, which is tion without charge or trial of t
not participating in the action against ds of persons. Amnesty said it a
Soviet cargo. dismayed at what it calledc
failure "to end the se'crecy surr

the ILA
ked full.
aid, the
ip their

GLEASON, WHOSE union also is
boycotting Iranian ships, announced
the Soviet boycott after Carter announ-
ced a partial embargo of future grain
sales to the Soviets.
The ILA, whose members long have
been fervently anti-communist, had
boycotted Russian shipping for 21 years
until lifting its ban in 1972.

[nt'l: Rhodesian
n torture bans

,y Inter-
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in his
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he deten-
also was

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The Amnesty statement followed
nine-day visit to Rhodesia by the
organization's representatives.
IN SALISBURY, Rhodesia, a
spokesman for Soames said 81
prisoners were held on strictly political
grounds when the governor arrived and
all had been released - the last group
of 21 on Wednesday.
The spokesman said Soames regar-
ded the human rights organization as a
very respectable group, but the gover-
nor "was not acting in a vacuum." The#
implication was that as long as
lawlessness continues in the country,
certain stern measures will be
The Amnesty statement said "up to
6,000 convicted political prisoners" are
still believed held, many of them jailed
under martial law tribunals.
Amnesty noted Soames has suspen-
ded these tribunals, but said: "This
should be regarded as an
acknowledgement of the serious
deficiencies of this judicial mechanism,
and we believe that a general amnesty
for all prisoners convicted by them
should be serio'usly considered."


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