. .rr Y '(1(s['_a. .L1\UUV '_41 t L p1'(/ TFf J.fTl Ta"T.7 i:7._ _ books ci I (Continued from Page 6) Throughout the story, William hints that his father's alcholism caused family problems, and made his mother a more sensitive, humble, and grateful in- dividual. when Bert and Ray, a pair of antique dealers, teach Ma the business, she picks it up quickly and soon beats Bert and Ray in her selling ability. However, she is always unhappy to let them have first dibs at antique sales, for she appreciates their having started her in the business. William quickly learns about business, mostly the dishonest practices such as hiking up prices, making profits, and taking people for rides. Though there is a little too much description of antique itefhs, the story picksup when Bert and Ray decline the purchase of an oriental silk screen which Ma then buys. The screen turns out to be quite valuable, and it is purchased by the Freer Gallery for $20,000. Bert and Ray are extremely jealous. Ma is understanding of their behavior, however, and William reveals a sense of self through his intelligence, perception, and deep appreciation of Ma. Throwing Shadows is of particular interest not only in its literary achievements and relevance, but also in its connection with two major yet perhaps unfamiliar children's book awards. There are roughly more than 60 kinds of awards given annually in this country in the area of children's literature. The Newbery Award, given to the author of the most distinguisned con- tribution to children's literature published during the preceding year, and the Caldecott Medal, given to the illustrator of the most distinguished children's book, are ones you're probably able to associate with this specialized and growing field of literature. Throwing Shadows has been nominated for the American Book Awards, Children's Literature category. This award has met with recent heated con- troversy and wide publicity. In contrast to the National Book Awards, which it replaced last June, this' new award includes in the voting process booksellers, publishers, and librarians. This makes the awards, ac- cording to authors and literary critics, a commercial enterprise. The collection has been named among the Notable Children's Books for 1979. Chosen among thousands of children's' books published last year, Konigsburg's book won this award for "literary quality, originality of text and illustration, clarity and style of language, excellence of illustration, design and format, subject matter of interest and value to children, and likelihood of acceptance to children." 1 t-i S, experiments (Continued from Page 3) her heart with the purpose of measuring renal hormones, but the ex- periment had to be stopped suddenly when she "ran into some pretty intense complications." Emergency care was provided and she was hospitalized. Julie says the complications were a fluke and insists that her experience did not scare her away from volunteering in other experiments. Last week she participated in a flu vaccine ex- periment for $30. "It's almost, kind of fun," she says, explaining that it's an easy way to earn money. "I would do more (experiments) if I knew about more," she says. At any given time there are usually several notices on bulletin boards at U' hospital and other places around cam- pus advertising experiments that need participants. There are occasional ads in the Daily but many potential subjects hear about a project from people who have already participated in the ex- periment. A person is usually more receptive to the idea if a roommate or close friend is a living testimonial. Many different departments, schools and colleges around the University of- fer research experiments in which students can participate. If these aren't enough to keep the dedicated guinea pig (sorry) busy, the Warner-Lam- bert/Parke-Davis Research Division has a community research program that welcomes student volunteers. Located just a busride away on Plymouth Rd. by North Campus, Parke-Davis community research is primarily concerned with testing new drugs on normal volunteers. The products tested in the community research clinic have already undergone laboratory tests .on animals and now must be tested on normal humans before they can be given to subjects ill with the disease they're supposed to treat. Often there are only a small number of subjects participating in a test, because the sooner the research is over, the sooner the drug can be used on subjects who are ill. Parke-Davis does not advertise for volunteers, although the manager of the research clinic, Dave Wood, says they may consider doing so soon. Most of their volunteers are community people-homemakers, students, and people employed in health-related professions-who have heard about the program by word of. mouth. Parke- Davis representatives have gone to civic, church and medical groups in the community-to explain their program. "Ann Arbor's a good community with a. research-oriented mind," says Wood. A typical experiment at Parke-Davis might involve a dozen volunteers. About half might be given a placebo, and half a new drug. Tests such as blood and urine samples and blood pressure measurements given, and if necessary, would be volunteers could stay overnight in one of the several hotel-motel rooms at the clinic. If some of the subjects get sick to their; stomachs or show other adverse sym- ptoms, the experiment is stopped. The subjects are under closely controlled observation, and emergency care is available if needed. The pay for a Parke-Davis ex- periment is on a scale similar to that of the University experiments. And like the "compensation" the University provides, pay is decided on the amount of time spent on the project and the degree of inconvenience and discom- fort. The amount of risk the experiment poses supposedly does not enter into consideration when deciding how much to pay for an experiment, since risk is supposed to be minimal in all of them. Some pay variations in seemingly similar experiments may occur because of differences in the amount of grant money each researcher has to spend on volunteers, explains Dr. William Coon, head of the University Medical School's Human Subject Review committee. The Human Subject Review commit- tee looks at all research proposals that use human subjects in the medical school. They ask questions on both procedural and ethical grounds before granting or denying approval of the ex- periment. When reviewing proposals to do experiments on healthy normals, says Coon, the committee examines the amount of payment volunteers are to receive and asks whether it may be a subtle form of coercion. They consider whether the experimenter may be trying to buy people because of the risks involved and whether the amount of money offered is so great that people can not be truly rational when deciding whether or not to participate. The review committee considers over 600 proposals a year, and each project receives an annual review. Of the new proposals brought to the committee, thirty to fifty per cent are returned to the researcher to be revised before they gain approval. Students who want to volunteer in a research project often have their own "review committee" of parents and friends to give them the go-ahead. Parents generally don't approve and of- ten beg their offspring not to volun- teer-usually to no avail. Some poten- tial subjects just don't bother to inform their parents of their plans. Friends of scientific prostitutes call them fools and idiots, but most dedicated volunteers are unperturbed. "My friends think I'm pretty crazy," admits Julie. -She hasn't had any luck convincing them to join her, but she keeps trying. <;, : administration (Continued from Page 5) paradoxically, we are told the flight from teaching enhances teaching. NON-ACADEMIC SELF-INTEREST O n the effects of institutional self- interest on the non-academic aspects of University life we may look briefly at counseling services, residen- ce hall operation and off-campus housing. Non-academic services are of- ten offered as proof of the University's concern for students-although it is generally acknowledged that we are in a phase of "laissez faire" attitudes toward student life. ... academic counseling is extremely poor at the University and -has been so over the last 20 years. in the residence halls the dominant motive of its administration is convenience of operation with least risk to its operators. "Dormitories are by and large sterile and institutionalized to the extent that they resemble penal in- stitution, quarters more than facilities needed by young people involved in the educational process."V Edward Salowitz University Housing Office Michigan College Personnel Journal ... In the field of off-campus housing there is good evidence that the Univer- sity created the current off-campus housing crisis through its expanding student enrollment over the past 20 years. PSYCHOLOGICAL RAMIFICATIONS Tf social scientists were looking for jan engine that shreds the human personality, they need look no further than the conditions of student life at the University of Michigan. Here is an en- vironment that the average adult in the outside world would be afraid to face. ... (Honigman cites many "prices" students have to pay, including high housing costs, transportation and parking problems, social and sexual adjustments, lack of privacy and time, academic obligations and crises of identity). We have all the ingredients necessary to make people passive and apathetic. They have neither the time nor energy to think about how or why the University is being run. Nor will people with their noses barely above water make waves. The effect of this total environment is to make the institution easier to run. . . . It seems to me that the separate features of the University environment when placed together form an uncon- scious pattern of institutionalization or. brainwashing. ... 25-40 per cent of undergraduates drop out before graduation from the University ... The system doesn't seem to miss them and has only a mild curiosity as to why they leave. SUMMARY There is no doubt that as a business the $500 million a year University of Michigan is a success. In the enor- mously competitive world of higher education, out of some 3,000 American colleges and universities, the Univer- sity of Michigan ranks in the top 10, and some would say in the top 5.- . But we may wonder whether the modern university in gaining the world has not perhaps lost its soul. The tendency of the university, both as an institution and as a financial dependent of the public, is to too often reject controversy and support only an official orthodoxy. That the univer- sity is profoundly asleep socially and morally, that it discriminates against unorthodox or controversial ideas, and that it is more concerned with the put- suit of prestige and social success than the truth, are charges frequently brought against the modern university. I believe such charges are true. r undas Co-editors In and out of the administration with Robert Honig Elisa Isaacson RJ Smith Whoring for science Supplement to The Michigan Daily Kael the critic critiqued More Konigsl kiddie lit Associate editor Adrienne Lyons .Cover photo by Steve Hook Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, April 20, 1980