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April 20, 1980 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-04-20

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Rev. Moon's CARP recruits on campus
Campus group promotes Divine Principle

In the midst of a Diag crowd obviously sympa-
thetic to speakers who were denouncing the call for
draft registration, one small but vocal group ap-
peared somewhat out of place. Their signs were
not anti-draft or even anti-war, but rather
displayed such slogans as "Stop Sovief Im-
perialism" and "Defend World Freedom." One of
the pro-draft demonstrators proudly waved an
American flag.
This small group, a newcomer to the University
of Michigan campus, is the Collegiate Association
for the Research of Principles (CARP)-one of
several organizations affiliated with Sun Myung
Moon and his controversial Unification Church.
NONE OF THE 11 local CARP members joined
the movement in Ann Arbor. They came to this

area-and the University in particular-to
promote their organization and to recruit student
members. They have vigorously publicized their
group and its philosophies, but in the four months
they have been in operation locally, they have
failed to recruit a single University student.
"It's kind of hard to really explain to people
your faith," said local CARP President and tran-,
sfer University student Bill Hilbert. "People have
fears and there is a lot of invisible stuff you have to
fight," Hilbert said, adding that "people have
heard things about Rev. Moon" and are suspicious
of the movement.
THOSE "THINGS" include charges of mind con-
trol, manipulation, and forced adherence to CARP
directives. Former CARP members from other,
cities told the Daily they were induced to give up

their money, leave school, break contacts with
their families, and begin to lead a life of "fund-
raising" for the Moon organization.
Current CARP members and Unification Chur-
ch representatives fiercely deny these allegations.
Steve Symonds, CARP's campus minister, said
those who oppose the movement are consciously
or unconsciously under communist influence.
Symonds said especially because CARP is so
vigorously anti-communist, "a very large amount
See PRO-DRAFT, Page 5
CARP-THE COLLEGIATE Association for the
Research of Principles-has staged several Diag
rallies to promote its philosophies, but so far
they have failed to recruit a new student


See editorial page


1 Iu1

See Today for details

Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. XC, No. 160 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, April 20, 1980 Ten Cents Fourteen Pages plus Supplement

vote to keep,
Methodist Church, the second-largest
Protestant body in the country, over-
whelmingly rejected efforts to soften its
stand against homosexual practices
Such practices are "incompatible
with Christian teaching," declared
delegates to the denomination's gover-
ning conference. They swept aside by a
vote of 728-225 a move to delete that
phrase from the church's Book of
THE ACTION came in the course of
about three hours of debate on an issue
tfias "smoldered throughout most
major churches, Protestant and Roman
"The atmosphere has been poisoned
and inflamed," declared the Rev. Lee
Moorhead of Madison, Wis. He said
" "vicious and vile attitudes" have been
fostered about homosexuals,
sometimes turning the Gospel's "good
news" into "bad news."
"I hope pastors will ndt be in-
timidated and will remain pastors of all
human souls," whether homosexual or
heterosexual, he said.
STILL TO be considered was a
proposal that would bar avowed
homosexuals from the ministry. That
issue has been aggravated by the reap-
pointment in 1978 of an avowed
homosexual, the Rev. Paul Abels, to the
Pastorate of Manhattan's Washington
Square Methodist Church.
The 9.6 million-member
denomination, holding its once-in-four
years governing conference, also
authorized a delegation to meet with
President Carter to urge "restraint,
peace and reconciliation" regarding
Iran and its holding of U.S. hostages.
Carter recently has spoken of
Spossible military action as a last resort
in the hostage situation.
IT WAS THE emotional debate over
homosexuality, however, that
dominated the church's legislative
session, the first of the 10-day conferen-
ce. Four previous days were devoted to
formalities and committee meetings.
Half the 1,000 delegates are clergy
and half laity from the church's 38,576
congregations across the country, for-
Ming a representative body that fun-
ctions much like the U.S. Congress.
The denomination is second in size
among Protestants only to the 13-
million-member Southern Baptist Con-
The Rev. William Walker of Por-
tland, Ore., led the effort to remove the
condemnation of homosexual practices,
saying it makes homosexuals "feel they
cannot be part of the household of faith
without a sense of condemnation"

Mother of
hostage waits
to visit son

AP Photo

Repairing a halo
Workers stand on a lift to clean the doughnut-shaped Dodge Fountain in Hart Plaza yesterday in preparation for
warmer days ahead.
P housing, picture. bleak

From AP and UPI
Hostage mother Barbara Timm
talked yesterday to the Moslem
militants' who have held her son
prisoner at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran
or 168 days and said chances were
"pretty good" she will visit him. But
first she might have to make a face-to-
face appeal to Ayatollah Ruhollah
"We'll not be pushy about it.. . We'll
let them (the militants) decide," the
Wisconsin woman, weary after days of
travel and frustration, said in Tehran.
TIMM'S JOURNEY to the Iranian
capital came as Iran's foreign minister,
Sadegh Ghotbzadeh, concluded a
mysterious trip to Paris. He reportedly
met there with men said to have acted
at intermediaries in the crisis
negotiations, but the exact nature of his
mission was not divulged.
The embassy militants and the
Iranian government remained defiant
of the U.S.-led economic embargo and
President Carter's ,hints at military
action against Iran if the hostages are
not freed.
"We are not afraid . . . We are all
prepared to die," one of the militants
was quoted as saying in a telephone
interview with the Courier-Post
newspaper of Camden, N.Y. He said the
militants still demand return to Iran of
the exiled Shah Mohammad Reza
Pahlavi in exchange for the hostages'
THE IRANIAN government
announced it was cutting off oil
exports to Portugal, which on Thursday
joined Carter by banning Portugese-
Iranian trade, and said any oil
company selling Iranian petroleum to

Portugal would be blacklisted by
Portugal last year obtained some 20
per cent of its oil from Iran. But an
official of Portugal's National Fuel
Board said in Lisbon yesterday that
Iran's share this year would drop to 2.8
per cent "and that has already been


Last in a seven-part series
Complaints about housing inthe city
are many. Some say rents are too high.
Renting in A2: 11



enrollment and lack of dormitory space
at the University, condominium
conversion, and changes in the court
system are all factors to consider in
predicting the future of the rental
housing in the city.
ANOTHER FACTOR in the feature of
Ann Arbor housing is the tenants
themselves. Dave Cahill, legal counsel
and board member of the Ann Arbor
Tenants Union (AATU), said today's
tenants do not show the interest in
organizing the way their counterparts
did several years ago.
According to Housing Inspection
Supervisor William Yadlosky, one of
the reasons housing conditions have
improved is the effectiveness of the
tenant rent strikes in the late 60s and
early 70s, in which students, through
mobilization efforts of the AATU and
Student Legal Services (SLS), withheld
rent for months until landlords and
owners were forced to improve the
protested poor conditions. Yadlosky
said there still exists a fear on the part of
landlords tCat strikes could- occur
again. This fear helps keep rental
properties in compliance with housing
But the AATU and the Public Interest
Research Group in Michigan (PIRGIM)

are currently discussing plans to strike
against a large rental agency in the
city, not only because they believe poor
conditions still exist, but according to
one AATU member, to fight back
against high rents.
near campus the University has no
plans to, build additional student
James Brinkerhoff, University vice-
See PICTURE, Page 2

... waiting for answer
Part of Carter's sanctions program is
a ban on American travel td Iran, But
the ban did not deter Timm, 42, mother
of hostage Kevin Hermening, a 20-year-
old Marine sergeant.
SHE FLEW IN to Tehran early
yesterday accompanied by her
husband, Kenneth, who is Hermening's
stepfather, and by their lawyer, Carl
McAfee of Norton, Va. McAfee said he
believed the ban might not apply to the
See MOTHER, Page 8

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Research maysuffer in '8s

Others gripe about the low quality of
most dwellings. Still others bemoan the
low vacancy rates.
But as different solutions are
evaluated, inherent problems become
evident that shed a pessimistic light on
the future of housing in Ann Arbor.
High building costs, lack of building
sites near campus, declining

Last in a three-part series
With the economic picture for the
country already bleak, the nation's
colleges are 'finding themselves faced
with declining enrollments, tighter
budgets, and aging faculty. But the
University expects to continue its
scholarly endeavors, despite signs in-
dicating increased teaching and ad-
ministrative loads. How the University
decides to deal with this situation will

be a critical issue in the 1980s.
University President Harold Shapiro
said that while he believes the Univer-
sity should increase its present level of
research, such an increase will not af-
fect the quality of teaching.
SOME UNIVERSITY officials say
the declining enrollment rates forecast
for the University will ease the
faculty's heavy teaching burden,
leaving it freer for research activities.
According to Carl Berger, associate

dean of the School of Education, in the
late 1960s, the University experienced a
rise of enrollment among the 18- to 20-
year-old age group, but didn't have
enough professors to teach the in-
creased number of students.
"Back then, the teaching function
detracted from the research function,"
Berger said. "With a drop in student
enrollment, perhaps now we can ad-
dress some of the research problems
See RESEARCH, Page 8

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Shepherd, an Engineering sophomore. Helen Rishoi, of the
Office of Student Services, said the eight recipients were
chosen from more than 100 students nominated by
University faculty, staff, and students. According to the
Office of Student Services, the students are to be recognized
for their "outstanding contribution to an activity,
organization, or project which increases the diversity and
enhances the richness of the student experience and life on
this campus, or which benefits the greater community
beyond the University." Rishoi said that unfortunately for

Volkswagen," one elderly woman commented. "It's crazy,
but it's fun." ,O
Space cases
When NASA's space shuttle program begins operating
later this decade, it will be able to accommodate many
experiments, including one being designed by University
professors and students. The Aerospace Engineering
nrect cllonern orh no ctntnn to iiemac - a c

resume publication May 8 in its sumnier tabloid style. Good
luck on finals and have a newsworthy summer. Q
On the inside
A visiting professor's ode to his homeland, Israel, is on
the editorial page . . . the arts page has reviews of Ted
Nugent and Linda Ronstadt. . . snorts covers the annual


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