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Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom
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See Today for details
Vol. XC No. 159
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, April 19, 1980
Ten Cents
Ten Pages'plus Supplement
to back
Bush in
LANSING-(UPI)-Gov. William
Milliken finally climbed off the fence
L y,, endorsing what he candidly
coes is George Bush's long-shot bid
to head off Republican frontrunner
Ronald Reagan for the GOP
The announcement-timed in part to
give the former U.N. ambassador a
boost in next week's important Pen-
nsylvania primary-followed a hastily
called meeting between the two in Pit-
tsburgh Thursday.
MILLIKEN SAID he is "encouraged"
y Bush's approach. to most issues and
believes he has the best chance of put-
ting together a broad coalition of voter
support this fall.
But the moderate governor insisted
he is not trying to stop anyone, adding
he could support Reagan as the
nominee and even feel comfortable
with his candidacy.
Milliken conceded Bush appears to be
"a long-shot" at this stage of the cam-
~'ign, but noted less than half the
elegates to the national convention in
1etroit have been selected so far.
Colleen Engler, a spokeswoman for
the Michigan Bush camp, said she was
"thrilled" with Milliken's announ-
cement and said it will boost her can-
didate's chances with independent
voters who could be decisive in the
state's May 20 primary.
Milliken's move ended months of in-
ecision and waffling during which he
aintained an edgy neutrality while
eyeing the confused and contradictory
primary results.
New figures:
U.S. economy
sliding further
Daily Photo by JOHN HAGEN
As usual, the first signs of spring arrive just when final exams are about to begin. But this student, sunning himself
yesterday, doesn't seem to feel any guilt about taking time off from the books.
Courts host rentaifrays
Sixth in a seven-part series
The shower 'in Mike Simonian's and
Stewart Feldman's apartment had not
worked in months-the water pressure
flucuated and the temperature changed
without notice. They complained to the
Village Green apartment complex
landlord, who took care of several other
complaints without repairing the
Last November, the tenants-both
University law students-began
Liberal arts graduates
valuable to society?
withholding their rent.
WHEN THE DID not receive the
money, the Village Green management
contacted the tenants. The mangement
then issued a "notice to quit" which
gave the tenants one week notice before
civil court action would be taken
against them.
1 Simonian and Feldman did not pay
the rent and Village Green filed suit
against them on Jan. 6. The tenants
responded with a countersuit claiming
the management was responsible for
damages "arising from their (Village
Green's) breech of warranty of
habitability and loss of beneficial
enjoyment of the apartment."
landlord-tenant disputes is not an
uncommon practice in Ann Arbor. But
the process does not always culminate
with the verdict of a jury-the disputing
parties often settle out of court before
trial actually begins. The Village Green
case was resolved a week before the
scheduled trial.
"Ultimately, we don't try many of
these, often times it's the night before
(the trial) that they get down to brass
tacks," Judge S.J. Elden of Ann
Arbor's 15th District Court, where
many landlord-tenant cases are
"We make extensive use of the pre-
trial," said Elden. "If we get the people
together, often times things can be
worked out." The "pre-trial" is a
meeting between the judge and the
attorneys for both parties to discuss
details of the case.
Some landlords contend students are
too quick to turn to legal means to
resolve disputes-at least in pasrt
because of student access to free legal
counsel. The University Student Legal
Services is a main supplier of the legal
Ii - -
From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON-The nation's
economy was sinking rapidly into a
recession in the first quarter of 1980,
new figures showed yesterday, but of-
ficials sought to assure the public that
the downturn won't be severs.
The commerce Department reported
yesterday that the nation's economy
grew at a sluggish 1.1 per cent in the
first three months of the year, as
measured by the gross national
product. This is down sharply from the
2 per cent growth in the final three mon-
ths of 1979.
WHILE OVERALL growth for the
quarter was above recession levels, the
GNP figures showed that a recession,
may have started in February, said
Courtenay Slater, the department's
chief economist.
"The statistical picture is one of an
economy which peaked in January and
then began a slide into recession," she
said. "While new or revised data may
change this picture, it would be difficult
to interpret currently available infor-
mation any other way."
Traditionally, economists have held
that the country is not in a recession un-
til the GNP declines for two consecutive
quarters, and yesterday's figures
showed the economy was still
growing-however slightly.'
BUT SLATER said when economists
take a look back at this period
sometime in the future, they may well
determine that the 1980 recession began
during the first quarter.
"My guess is the recession started in
February and March," she said.
Meanwhile, several major banks
lowered their prime lending rates to
19 per cent yesterday amid the
evidence of a recession that would
reduce the demand for money. The
prime rate, which banks charge on
loans to their most credit-worthy cor-
porate customers, reached the peak of
20 per cent early this month.
New York, the nation's fifth-largest
bank, cut the rate from 20 per cent and
was quickly joined at the lower rate by
several other banks, including San
Francisco's Bank of America, the
nation's largest. But Citibank of New
York, the nation's second-largest bank,
cut its rate only to 19% per cent.
President Carter said at his news
conference Thursday that a recession
probably has begun, although he
Renting in A2:
predicted it will be ",mild and short."
Slater used the word "moderate" in
her forecast of the recession, but said it
would not be nearly so severe as the,
steep 1974-1975 downturn when unem-
ployment hit 9 per cent.
The administration is forecasting
that unemployment will hit a peak of 7.2
per cent in the fourth quarter of this
year, with an additional increase to 7.3
per 'cent in 1981.
select siteR
for new
'U' hosit
The new University Hospital will be
built on a sloping 5.7 acre site
overlooking the Huron River Valley on
the northern edge of the medical cam-
pus, the University Regents decided
The hospital, slated for completion in
the late 1980's, will face the river.
Behind the building will be landscaped
courts and the center of the medical
campus on Observatory hill.
The proposal to build the new hospital
was approved in September by the
Michigan Department of Public Health
after a sometimes stormy debate at the
regional level over the size and cost of
the University's plans. The new
hospital replaces the 586-bed present
University Hospital that is more than 50
years old.
Now that the site has been selected,
the next step will be development of
block plans-designs of the basic
building configuration including floor-
by-floor plans. This is a fairly detailed
phase of design and the Hospital Plan-
ning Office hopes to come back to the
Regents in June for final approval.
After the block plans are completed,
the planners can go ahead with the
schematic and then the working
designs. Only when the schematic plans
of the interior of the building are
finished will hospital planners have an
accurate estimate of what the hospital
will cost, although the state set an up-
per limit of $210 million as a condition
for approval in September.
The new hospital will be built into the
side of the valley and will "step up"
with the topography of the area.
Because there is direct access to the
site from the valley, planners estimate
there will be "minimal" conflict with
ongoing operations on the medical
The Regents heard a presentation
Thursday from Univeristy planners
Johnson, Johnson and Roy on the ad-
vantages and disadvantages of two
possible sites for the hospital. The site
not chosen was the east site-an 8.6
acre lot across from Markley residence
hall bordered by University Terrace
Apartments on the south and Nichols
arboretum on the east.
The north site, which the Regents
selected, was recommended over the
east site for several reasons. The north
site allows for a building that accom-
modates the existing grain of the
topography. It allows for better
See NEW, Page 2
Second in a three-part series
In these times of economic uncertain-
ty and tightening job markets, a
University student might be tempted to
direct his or her education toward an
easily marketable ' area such as
business or engineering.
But some students will still desire a
e2nd Chance
are charged
with felony
Felony charges were brought last
Tuesday against two former bouncers
at Second Chance nightclub, after less
severe misdemeanor charges were
dropped. The bouncers allegedly struck
and injured patrons on the evening of
March 29.
Additional assault and battery
harges were also brought against one
of the ex-bouncers.
Edward Abbott, 22, both of Ypsilanti,
were arraigned in Fifteenth District
Court on charges of assault with intent
to do great bodily harm less than mur-
der. ,The charge holds a penalty of a
maximum of 10 years in prison and/or a
See 2ND, Page 3
liberal arts degree, hoping for the best
when it comes time to look for a job.
University President Harold Shapiro
admits that an engineering or business
graduate will be more "marketable"
than a liberal arts graduate over the
next several years, but he said the
situation should not discourage a'
student from entering the liberal arts.
"Getting a job is only one part of an
education," Shapiro said. "Universities
should continue to make liberal arts an
important part of education."
School of Education Associate Dean
Carl Berger emphasized that an
education should train a student to
work with ideas, and to address and
solve complex problems.
"A liberal arts education should not
be something that trains you for a
specific job," said Berger, "but
something that allows you to think
about your job in such a way that it will
be exciting."
The value of a liberal arts degree
depends largely upon how you perceive'
yourself as a human being, said Marvin
Peterson, director of the School of
Education's Center for the Study of
Higher Education. He said law,
business, and medical programs are
challenged by society to think about
important philosophical and societal
"In these areas there is an expansion
of liberal arts, not a decline," said
LSA Student Government President
Dan Solomon said a liberal arts
education is vitally important if in-
dividuals wish to maintain a broad per-
spective on life. He said one of the
problems with contemporary society is
that it is firmly entrenched in old
See LIBERAL, Page 2
services for students, who pay a few
dollars per term for the service.,
"(Students) don't function under the
same rules as regular tenants," said
Steve Welch, a real estate officer for
Ann Arbor Trust Co. "There is no
pressure on them to not go to court
See RENTAL, Page 2
Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM
THIS SCALE MODEL of the medical campus was presented to the Regents Thursday. The road in the foreground will
be constructed to allow bettr access for the new hospital which will be built on the north site. The Old Main Hospital,
which can be seen in the upper right corner will eventually be demolished.
Michigan's primary if you have resided in the state for at
least 30 days. Persons who aren't able to register at the city
clerk's office can also do so at any Secretary of State's
office, the Public Interest Research Group In Michigan
(PIRGIM) office in the Michigan Union, and the Ann Arbor
Public Library. Q
Spare change, Governor?
Gov. William Milliken announced a $4.7 million cut in
is recommendation for 1980-81 state appropriations to the
University Thursday as part of an almost $200 million
budget cut statewide. In total, $20 million was cut from
make fabric softener sheets by moistening toilet tissue,i
paper towels, or fabric scraps with liquid fabric softener
usually find that these homemade sheets stain clothes,
melt, and occasionally cause fires. According to a
manufacturer, commercially made fabric softner sheets
are produced from a synthetic fabric that is especially
treated to withstand high temperatures. Toilet tissue,
paper towels and other paper products have not been heat-
treated, thus creating a potential problem. In response to
high inflation, many people are attempting to save money
by producing at home more of the goods and services they
use in daily living. But people must realize that many of the
into the courtroom. Wolford, 49, says he skates about 100
miles a week on errands and trips around Seattle, told the
judge that roller skates are his transportation, not his
recreation. Wolford, who tries to use the sidewalks when he
can, is trying to change the law against roller skating in the
streets. But sometimes it just gets him in more trouble. He
was skating to a meeting with a city official about changing
the law when another police officer saw him and cited him
under the same ordinance. Wolford lost his first case. The
next one is set for May 2nd. Wonder if dancing in the street
is illegal, too?Dc
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