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April 12, 1980 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1980-04-12

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Page 8-Saturday, April 12, 1980-The Michigan Daily
Transit strike ends temporarily

From AP and UPI
NEW YORK-The 11-day bus and
subway strike that had left millions of
New York City commuters without
their usual means of travel ended at
least temporaily yesterday when union
officials deadlocked on a contract
proposal and ordered-a return to work.
Buses and subways were expected to
begin returning to service within hours,
with full service by morning, said
Richard Ravitch, chairman of the
Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
JOHN LAWE, president of Local 100
of the Transport Workers Union, or-
dered his 35,000 members to return to
work after the union's board reached a
22-22 deadlock on whether to accept a 17
per cent wage hike package over a two-
year period.
The offer which the twos executive
board members could not agree on
must be approved by a majority of the
union's divided rank and file. No date
has been set for this voting, which is to
be by mailed ballot. Laws and
negotiations would resume if the pact
was rejected.


The walkout began April 1, only the
second citywide transit strike in the
city's history. The first one in 1966
lasted 12 days, 24 hours longer than the
current walkout.
THE CITY was plagued by large-
scale traffic tieups during the strike as
commuters drove their cars onto the
island of Manhattan or rode fleets of
buses hired by employers. Sidewalks
were jammed by hordes of pedestrians,
and bicycles were nearly as numerous
as taxis.
The union board's vote was preceded
by a 9-4 vote, in favor of the package of
the MTA executive board, with one ab-
The contract provides for a 9 per cent
raise the first year and 8 per cent the
second year. However, the second year
figure was to be increased by cost of

living additions at the rate of one cent
per hour for each four-tenths of one per
cent increase in the regional cost-of-
THE PROPOSAL also contained
productivity clauses thatmanagement
had demanded, mainly relating to
reduced overtime.
Transit wages before the strike
averaged $18,000 a year.
Also taking part in the strike was the
Amalgamated Transit Union, with 2,500
members operating buses in Queens
and on Staten Island. They voted
unanimously for the settlement upon
recommendation by their regional vice,
president, George Link. He called the
pact "the best we can get under the cir-
THE TWU ranks had been divided
when they went into the strike, with a

strong contingent of disident members
forcing the walkout. And the division
remained when the executive board
meeting ended.
"The membership is not going to buy
it, no way," said David Ruebenstein, a
conductor and a dissident union mem-
ber. "Something is wrong here and
something stinks."
George McDonald, a dissident mem-
ber within the ranks of the TWU, had
said his followers would not accept
anything that did not total at least 10,
per cent per year, or 20 per cent overall.
There were indications that Mayor
Edward Koch, who had vowed to "hang
tough" against the striking workers,
felt the proposed contrtact was too
Despite the hardships suffered by
commuters, New Yorkers coped with
the disruption in their normal routines.

Unofficial Results:
MSA Election 1980
ART: Joan Kennedy (SABRE).
BUSINESS ADMIN: Larry Mandel (independent), Mark Vander-
broek (SABRE).
ENGINEERING: Keith Elcock (Realistic), kevin Ireland (ISP),
Karen Steinke (SABRE).
LAW: Reid Butler (independent).
LSA: Bruce Brumberg (independent), Bernard Edelman (independent),
Jonathan Feiger (ISP), Shawn Goodman (PAC/BSU), Amy Hartmann
(SABRE), Carol Isen (PAC/BSU), Lisa Mandel (SABRE), Tom McLaughlin
(GATOR), Kenneth Reeves (PAC/BSU), David Trott (SABRE), Jim Walter
MEDICAL: David Recker (SABRE).
MUSIC: Beth Dochinger (SABRE).
NURSING: Judith Gniewek (SABRE).
PHARMACY: Camille Quincannon (SABRE).
RACKHAM: Timothy Feeman (PAC/BSU), Shirley Mallett (PAC/B-
SU), Janice O'Neal (PAC/BSU), Simon Potter (ISP), H. Scott Prosterman
SOCIAL WORK: Suzanne Dawes (SABRE).
Student Alliance for Better Representation (SABRE):. 15 seats.
People's Action Coalition/Black Student Union (PAC/BSU): Seven seats
plus president and vice-president.
Independents: Five seats.
Independent Students Party (ISP): Three seats
Realistic Party: Two seats.
A Great Alternative to Outmoded Representation (GATOR): One seat.

Proposed federal budget cuts:
a- double whammyfo students


ninie'oiia ly

(Continued from Page 1)
The House Higher Education Re-
authorization bill would leave the GSL
program alone, while the Senate bill
would raise the interest rate from seven
to nine per cent.
THE BASIC Educational Opportunity
Grant (BEOG) is one of the federal
government's grant programs, The
money is administered by the federal
government, and students must show
financial need to.qualify. Currently, the
maximum award is $1,800 per year.
Under the House and Senate bills, the
maximum award for a BEOG would
gradually increase until it reached ap-
proximately $2,600 in 1985. The ad-
ministration's proposal provides for an
increase in the maximum grant to
$1,900 in the 1981-1982 school year.
Because the maximum amount usually
increases more than $100, Zimmerman
said, the administration's proposal is
"essentially a cut.."
Like the BEOG, the Supplemental
Educational Opportunity Grant
(SEOG) is given only to students who


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demonstrate financial need, but it is
administered by individual colleges in-
stead of the government.
BOTH THE HOUSE and Senate bills
would increase the maximum SEOG
award from $1,500 per student to $2,000
in 1981-1992 school year. The ad-
ministration's proposal calls for the
same increase but would not increase
the total funds available. Under the
administration's plan, if a college wan-
ted to award more to each student, it
would have to reduce the number of
students who were given SEOG awards.
Funds available for work-study gran-
ts would not change under any of the
proposals. This year the University's
work-study funds were not fully used,
due to a lack of available applicants.
Zimmerman speculated that a possible
effect of increased interest rates on
student loans would be an increase in
students opting for work-study.
Zimmerman said he expects the final
higher education bill will be somewhat
of a compromise between the House
and the Senate bills. "The ad-
ministration's proposal is too radical a
change," he said.,
STUDENTS AND faculty in the
health science fields, such as nursing,
dentistry, and medicine, will be hit
especially hard next year.
One major problem for these areas is
the strong possibility of recission
(cancellations) in money already
promised to the University in the 1980
If approved, these recissions could
mean losses of approximately $700,000
in capitation grants. Capitation grants
are federal monies which are to be
matched by University funds. They
primarily support programs in the
medical school.
Also lost would be $100,000 in, resear-
ch grants in the School of Nursing, ap-
proximately $65,000 of which goes to
facuilty salaries and would have to be
paid by the University.
Cuts in training grants from the

National Institute of Health (NIH)
would hurt many University graduate
students who rely on NIH grants for
stipends. And cuts in the federally-
funded Health Professions Education
Loan program would mean ap-
proximately 500 University medical
and dental students would not receive
these low-interest loans.
In addition to the threat of these
recissions, the Health Professions
Education Act must be reauthorized by
May 15. The act provides for health
education capitation and training
If the differences between the various
versions of the bill are not reconciled by
May 15, the legislature may choose to
not fund the act altogether, or may
choose a continuing resolution which
means the act would be funded at the
level of the preceeding year.
Tomorrow: A look at budget cuts and their
future impact on University schools and

MSA. election

(Continued from Page 1)
will represent the plaintiffs before CSJ,
the suit was filed because under the
proposed plurality system, "the minor
parties and independents are not
represented in proportion to their
In other election results:
" There were no votes cast in the

School of Public Health; an MSA mem-
ber may be appointed by that schoolj
student government.
. There was a two-way tie in Library
Science-each of two write-in can-
didates got one vote.
" SABRE candidate J. P. Adams was
elected to the Student Publications

VW OKs second U.S. plant;



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Sterling Ho
From AP and UPI
DETROIT-Government officials
and the main union of the American
auto industry, with more than 205,000
unemployed workers, welcomed the
announcement yesterday of
Volkswagen AG's approval of a second
car assembly plant in the United States.
The plant will probably be located in
the Detroit suburb of Sterling Heights,
a Volkswagen AG spokesman said. In
Detroit, a spokesman for VW's U.S.
subsidiary, Volkswagen of America,
said the new plant could begin produc-
tion in the summer of 1982.
THE UNITED Auto Workers union
hailed the decision, saying "It means
additional jobs at a time when we've
got a severe unemployment crisis in the
auto industry," a UAW spokesman said

edghts likely
in'Detroit. "We think it sets an example
that the Japanese auto companies
ought to follow."
The UAW has urged foreign
automakers doing business in the
United States to build domestic plants.
There was no immediate comment
from the Big Four U.S. automakers.
Volkswagen spokesman Rudi Maletz
said Volkswagen turns out 1,000 cars a
day at its plant in New Station, Pa.,
which opened in 1977.
He said the Sterling Heights plant,
which would employ 4,000, would be
dimensioned for a 800-auto daily output.
"Everything is presently on track
... I am hopeful that Volkswagen will
soon be able to sign the papers and
locate their plant in Michigan," said
state Commerce Director William

McLaughlin, who has been trying to
lure VW to Michigan.
to build the factory at the Michigan
Army Missile Plant being vacated by
the Vought Corp., which had made
missiles there until its military con-
tract expired.
Sterling Heights Mayor Antho4
Dobry called the endorsement
"something very good for the com-
munity-for the entire state of
Michigan, not to mention states like In-
diana and Ohio where supplier plants
are located.
"Since we've made all of the moves to
this point-and they've all been in the
interest of getting Volkswagen to come
to this state and this city-all we need is
the transfer."


Studen t plays performed in 'Page to Stage'


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(Continued from Page 5)
is particularly fine and sympathetic
He's also excellent in Robinson's
other piece, "Across," amusingly stuck
as an awkward middleman in an em-
barrasssing moral dilemna. Sitting in-
nocently at a subway station, he's ap-
proached by an outrageously lewd

young woman (Robin Wright, con-
sumnately sleazy) who practically
jumps all over him after a cursory in-
Not above 4 quick little fling when it's.
thrust at him, the man prepared to take
proper advantage of the situation, until
the untimely arrival of a horrifically
Nice Girl (Mary King)-"So.. have,




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you spoken of the Lord today? "-brings
on some fairly artificial but neatly con-
ceived discussions about morals, and
what (not) to do with them. The scene
winds up as a curiuosly conservative
statement on open sexuality, but Tom
Robinson holds it together with sur-
prising dramatic and comic skill.
JEFF WINE'S "The Housecall" is
fun but, like his "At the Theatre," it's a
but too much on a one joke concept,
and a more obvious one at that. Its
friendly subject is entertainingly anar-
chic but a little too thin and too con-
ciously wacky. Paranoid over the
possibility of a draft, Clyde (Beek) at-
tempts to evade by trying to convince
his psychiatrist brother-in-law (Allison)
that he's legitimately bonkers, a
masquerade that nearly drives his wife,
(Amy Rothman) genuinely crazy with
irritation. Clyde undergoes mock-
schizoid changes from gorilla to dog to
infant hammily, while the psychiatrist,
like a classic dope, falls for the whole
thing. It's amusing but pretty silly.
Joanne Reilly also contributed
"Caprice and Stanley," another
aggressively avant-garde exercise, and
a less striking one than her longer
"Gambit." Dan Gordon and Tracey

Rowens are reduced to entertaining
marionettes embodying ideas, as a
couple abstractly examining their
relationship in separate interior
monologues on a bare stage. Like the
actors' mechanized' movements, this
playlet is heavy with the weight
straining to be "different" a
meaningful, but it's interesting
aC OMPLETING the evening is June
Loeffler's "The Connection," an affec-
ting but unpolished situation that
quavers uncertainly between sharp
black comedy and rather unpredictable
sentimental drama. A totally depressed
young woman (Nancy Gittleman) who
has been fired from her job and mu
face moving back in defeat to t
protective shell of her family, lives
piggishly in. a crummy apartment.
Disorientated to nearly suicidal lengths
by her feelings of failure, she snaps to a
state of cool calculation when a visitor
shows up in this hole-a cheerfully or-
dinary telephone repairwoman (Julie
Fink) who has come to disconnect the
line. The resident seems to want only a
little company and sympathy, through
her eagerness to guard the exit with her
big knife hints at a latent streak 0
giggly pathology. "The Connection"
drops these sardonically amusing un-
dertones for a disappointingly sincere
and sentimental ending. but even this
abrupt change of mood carries an
emotional charge.
From Page to Stage has its inevitable
slumps and moments of amateur
mediocrity, but as a forum for student
playwrights, it's an encouraging suc-

For Questions & Autographs*


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