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April 11, 1980 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-04-11

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Page 8-Friday, April 11, 1980-The Michigan Daily

Shah infuriates

Sadat's enemies

Inaugural event in honor of
President and Mrs. Harold Shapiro
The University of Michigan
JEROME JELINEK, violoncello
MARILYN MASON, harpsichord
performing works of: Telemann,
C. P. Bach and
J.S. Bach
SUNDiY, APRIL 13-2:30 p.m.
Admission complimentary

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - When
President Anwar Sadat granted asylum
to the deposed shah of Iran he gave his
own opponents more ammunition. But
he does not appear to have created any
new enemies.'
The critics in Egypt and elsewhere,
who have demanded the shah leave
Egypt, have been attacking Sadat and
his policies for years. The presence
here of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, who
was forced out of Iran by a fundamen-
talist Islamic revolution more than a
year ago, has given -them one more
Singles or
Starts Friday, April 11
Other Classes:,
Call: 668-6486 Tap
621 E. William
corner S. State

argument for attacking the gover-
THE MOST notable recent opposition
has been from young Islamic fun-
damentalists who have seized upon the
shah's presence to take their views into
the open. In one case they clashed
violently with police in the town of
Assyut, 235 miles south of Cairo.
The fundamentalists demand that the
government abandon Egypt's secular
system and institute the Koran, the
Moslem holy book, as the law of the
land. That would require such an
upheaval of established procedure and
behavior that it would amount to a call
for overthrow of the government.
They want an end to Egypt's peace
treaty with Israel, and an end to Sadat's
pro-Western course - including efforts
to shift the economy from rigid state
control to free enterprise.
HELMI GAZZAR, a 25-year-old
student who calls himself the "prince of
princes" of all the Moslem fundamen-
talists in Egypt, recently told reporters
that Egypt's fundamentalist movement
had not been influenced by the Islamic
revival in Iran.
The new student demonstrations
have raised the question of whether the
religious zealots receive support - and
if so how much - from Arab nations

opposed to Sadat because of the treaty
with Israel. Although the fundamen-
talists' numbers appear to be growing,
they are still a minority among Egyp-
tians in general, and even among
SAUDI ARABIA, Iraq, Syria, or
Kuwait have cut off economic assistan-
ce to Egypt, but none had any par-
ticular quarrel with the shah when he
was in power. They have been silent on
the shah's presence here, and have
maintained reasonably good relations
with the Iranian revolutionaries, who;
took over in February 1979.
Iraq, bitterly opposed to peace with
Israel, is now occupied in open confron-
tation with the Tehran regime in a
dispute over ownership of strategic
Persian Gulf islands, and armies are on
the alert on both sides of the border.
Iran, angered by Egypt's aid to the
ousted monarch, seized on the Assyut
clash here and a later Moslem rally to
call on the people of Egypt to rise and
overthrow their president. Most Egyp-
tians appear to have ignored the exhor-
THE SHAH, who underwent surgery
at a military hospital recently, doesn't,
appear to be an issue to most Egyp-
tians. The state-controlled media have
aroused some favorable public feeling

by reminding Egyptians that the shah
helped then when Egypt needed oil and
cash during and after the 1973 war with
The Moslem right is by far the most
potentially dangerous element for
Sadat. It can, with appeals to religious
sentiments, inflame crowds, even if
only temporarily.
Sadat's other opposition comes from
the left, and purely on ideological
grounds. Perhaps because it has nb
religious component in this over-
whelmingly Moslem country, it has
fallen flat in recent years.
Voters OK
MSA fee
(Continued from Page 1)
a rent strike or an attempt to persuade
the University or City Council to ad-
dress student housing concerns to a
greater extent.
Independent Students Party (ISP)
presidential candidate Bob Redko said
he thought a major problem with the
election was that voters didn't know the
preferential voting system could be
used for president/vice-president slates
as well as for representatives.
Redko and Peggy O'Dell finished
fourth behind PAC/BSU, SABRE, and
the Realistic party. Realistic presiden-
tial candidate Mike Ryngaert said he
hopes Breakstone continues his in-
volvement with the MSA course
evaluation project, and said academic
counseling should be another high
Realistic vice-presidential candidate
Tom McDade said "They're (MSA
members) going to have to watch out
for us because we're going to be back
next year."
George Majoros, vice-presidential
candidate for GATOR (A Great Alter-
native 'to Outmoded Representation)
said he hopes the new Assembly will
work toward abolishing large party
domination of MSA. "Three people
(GATOR's three me'mbers) working
against 30 people don't have a chance,"'
he said.
All election results are unofficial until
after the Central Student Judiciary cer-
tification hearing Sunday at 3 p.m.



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