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NInet y Years of Editorial Freedom
See Today for details
IVol. XC, No. 88
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, January 18, 1980
Ten Cents
Fourteen Pages
White House
may push
Por rival
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Carter
administration is considering trying to
set up rival Olympic Games in some
city other than Moscow and hopefully in
a Third World country, White House
*rces said yesterday.
The sources, who asked not to be
identified, said it's not clear "who
would show up" at a rival site not son-
ctioned by the International Olympic
BUT THEY said the proposal is
among several options being studied by
White House and State Department of-
ficials who are considering ways to
jnish the Soviets for their military in-
vention in Afghanistan.
One official acknowledged that U.S.
withdrawal from the Moscow game's or
a move to establish an opposing inter-
national competition could jeopardize
the 1984 Games, scheduled to be held in
Los Angeles.
It has not been decided, another sour-
ce said, whether the United States
would want a rival Olympics to be held
at the same time as those in Moscow or
at another date to permit athletes to
*rtcipate in both.
OFFICIALS SAID the White House
has received considerable support from
within the United States for a boycott of
the Moscow summer Olympics, but
State Department officials have said
most U.S. allies have been cool toward
participating in such a move.
However, British Prime Minister
Margaret Thatcher declared her
overnment's support yesterday for
oving the Olympic Games from
Moscow in retaliation for the Soviet in-
tervention in Afghanistan. A boycott
has found sympathy, but little official
favor, among other NATO allies.
An administration official, asking
that he not be identified, said Deputy
Secretary of State Warren Christopher,.
who returned Wednesday from con-.
sultations with European Allies; found
See CARTER, Page 6
Five plead
'no contest' in
Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM
AMERICAN CIVIL Liberties Union attorney Robert Sedler, Economics Prof. Daniel Fusfeld and Near Eastern Studies
Prof. K. Allin Luther discussed the current situation in Iran at a forum held at the Michigan Union last night.
rande iforum
Five former Alpha Delta Phi frater-
nity members pleaded no contest
yesterday to animal cruelty charges in
connection with the killing and burning
of their house cat last Dec. 6.
Douglas Hamlin, David Froikin,
Brian Dunstan, Michael Anderson, and
Jeffery Abrahamson each face fines of
up to $100 each or a deferred sentencing
program involving 72 hours of com-
munity service, according to 15th
District Court Judge S. J. Elden, who
presided over the hearing. The five
fraternity members are now free on
$500 personal bonds, Elden said.
THE FIVE LSA students, all juniors
except Anderson, who is a sophomore,
were charged with the misdemeanor
"cruelty to animals" under 'the
provisions of a city ordinance.
City Attorney Bruce Laidlaw said last
night the five students agreed to plead
no contest after the city decided to'
charge them under the city ordinance
rather than a state statute which
defines the crime as a felony, and in-
volves a harsher penalty.
Police, who had conducted a lengthy
investigation of the incident, were
hampered by a lack of witnesses and
evidence, according to Ann Arbor
Police Capt. Ken.neth Klinge who
headed the probe.
The incident occurred last Dec. 6
when five members of the fraternity
allegedly captured their house cat, cut
off its paws, strung it .from a tree, and
then set the animal on fire. According
to one house member, the five students.
may have treated the cat in such a
manner because it had been defecating
all over the house instead of in its litter
The bizarre case triggered a public
uproar, and local authorities were
swamped with phone calls and
Humanitarianism and attempts to-
empathize with fellow human beings
are necessary elements in the solution
to the recent crises in Iran, Economic
Prof. Daniel Fusfeld concluded in a
forum yesterday.
More than 20 people attended a
program on Iran last night at the
Michigan Union Assembly Hall and
heard Fusfeld, Near Eastern Studies
Prof. K. Allin Luther, and Robert
Sedler, a lawyer with the American
Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) give
similar views on Iran and American in-
LUTHER BEGAN the forum, which
was sponsored by a group of concerned
students and faculty, by explaining the
reasons for the immigration of Iranian
students to the U.S. Iran, with a
population of 35 million, "has made
great progress in developing higher
education," Luther said.
However, Luther added that Iran's 40
colleges are not nearly big enough to
educate the 80,000 Iranian students.
"Many Iranian students who wanted to
get an education in the 'hard' sciences
were encouraged to train abroad. They
came to the United States because of
this country's good reputation in
technical schooling," Luther said.
Sedler discussed the role of the
American government in the 'legal
harassment' of the Iranian students.
"The American Constitution is replete
with limitations on the power of the
government. We rely on the courts to
'police' these laws and ensure they are
BUT, ACCORDING to Sedler, often
people's feelings get in the way of the
dispensing of justice. "Our country is
full of situations where in times of
'emergency' the judges and the courts
are caught up in their own emotions,"
he added, citing the detention of
Japanese-Americans during World War
II as an example.
Prof. Fusfeld highlighted the effects
of the incident on the feelings of the
general public. "One effect of the con-
frontation has been a mobilization of
public opinion on both the United States
and Iranian sides against the other
side. Government actions create
hostility toward ordinary Americans by
ordinary Iranians," Pusfeld said. "And
yet, these two groups have many things
See SPEAKERS, Page 7
telegrams demanding prosecution. The'
local Humane Society chapter offered a
$750 reward for information on the
"The community was just outraged,"
said Humane Society Director Diane
Allevato late yesterday afternoon.
LAST MONTH; Alpha Delta Phi
spokesmen said five members had been
expelled for their part in the cat in-
cident, but refused at that time to iden-
tify the members.
Last night, however, an Alpha Delta
Phi spokesman confirmed that Hamlin
- who was president of the fraternity
when the incident occurred - Froikin,
Dunstan, Anderson, and Abrahamson
were the members expelled. He
declined further comment.
The five students were present at the
hearingyesterday afternoon, but none
of the five could be reached for com-,
ment last night.
E. DAVID LADD, special counsel for
the Humane Society, said, public
opinion played a role in the case. "They
(the fraternity members) didn't come
forward of their free will," he said
Ladd also said the University and the
Regents might have exerted more
pressure on the fraternity to release the
names of the suspects. Ladd said.
University Vice President for Student.
Services Henry Johnson "was in con-
stant touch with (City Attorney)
Laidlaw" about the case and, wanted,
the matter settled before yesterday's
Regents meeting.
See FIVE, Page 7
plan labor
More than 1,000 nationally renowned
labor organizers, local union members,
and faculty members are expected to
convene this weekend for a labor con-
ference at the Michigan Theatre and
Angell Hall.
The program is sponsored by SEED,
Students for Employment and
Economic Democracy, and the group
hopes the conference will integrate the
labor community with the University.
THE PROJECT began last April
when the three organizers of the 12-
member group, which was founded
solely for the purpose of planning the
conference, tooka. course on political
Co-founder Marvin Shapiro explained
the organizers "had basically two
goals. One was to get students working
together with the labor unions. The
second was that we wanted a
progressive construction for the
various elements to join together and
make certain compromises in their
goals," he said.
Co-founder Robert Leighton added,
"It came partly as a reaction to the
growing anti-union campaign, and the
growing far right, in terms of numbers,
in terms of organization, in terms of
monies. There's a lot of anti-union ac-
tivity going on."
THE ENTIRE program includes a
total of 18 workshops which follow panel
See LABOR, Page 7
In Afghanistan:
Chemical war?
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Soviet army has brought
decontaminating equipment into Afghanistan, raising the
possibility that the Russians may be prepared to use
chemical weapons against rebel tribesmen, U.S. Intelligence
Eources said yesterday.
American specialists have no way of knowing what this
means. The sources said, however, it suggests that chemical
warfare may be used against rebels and to clean up affected
areas so they can be occupied by Soviet military forces or
Afghan government troops.
WHITE HOUSE press secretary Jody Powell, asked
about the report, said he was "not in a position to comment
on that at this time."
Last fall, U.S. intelligence officials, who requested
anonymity, expressed strong suspicion that the Soviet Union
provided chemical weapons reportedly used in Southeast
Asia against Laotian tribesmen resisting communist Pathet
ao and Vietnamese forces.
And in testimony on Capitol Hill last month, a Laotian
refugee said his people were subjected to chemical warfare
attacks in which villagers suffered "heavy bleeding from the
nose, they could not stop their bodies from shaking, and died
in several hours."
TOU YI VANG, a member of the Hmong mountain tribe
that supported the U.S. effort in the Vietnam war, told the
House Asian Affairs subcommittee that eight villagers died
in one attack in 1977.
Some U.S. military specialists say the Russians may
Wave brought the chemical decontaminating equipment into
Afghanistan because this equipment is normally assigned to
many Soviet army units.
Intelligence reports said a chemical decontamination
truck called a TMS-65 was seen with a Soviet army unit in
Kabul, the capital. The reports said various other Russian
army support vehicles in Kabul were outfitted with chemical
protective gear.
GEN. DAVID JONES, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
See SOVIETS, Page 9
U.S. press ousted
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - The Soviet-backed gover-
nment -yesterday ordered American journalists out of
Afghanistan, accusing them of biased reporting and "inter-
ference in the country's internal affairs."
The expulsion order, relayed through the U.S. Embassy
here, goes into effect today. It came three days after Iran or-
dered American journalists from that country. The Iranian
order also is effective today.
IN MOSCOW, the Soviet news agency Tass quoted an
Afghan Revolutionary Council decree as saying "phoney"#
American correspondents were "practicing in fabrications
and insinuations, one being more absurd than another. Their
aim is to step up tension in our country, disrupt the normal
life of the Afghans."
"We cannot but qualify the activities of the above-
mentioned journalists as flagrant interference in the affairs
of the sovereign state of Afghanistan. That is why the
Revolutionary Council has taken a decision to expel the
American journalists from Afghanistan," Tass quoted the
decree as saying.
Almost all of the 50 or 60 American journalists now in
Kabul, the Afghan capital, arrived in the past three weeks -
after the Soviet Union sent up to 100,000 troops into
Afghanistan to try to put down a rebellion by Moslem Afghan
AFGHAN ARMY officers went to the Intercontinental
Hotel on Wednesday night and demanded that the American
correspondents return their passports. The Americans
refused, and summoned U.S. Embassy officials who then met
with the officers at the hotel and said afterward there had
been "a misunderstanding" that would be cleared up yester-
A scuffle began when one of the officers tried to shield his
face from television cameras. An overzealous young Afghan
tried to help by tossing a blanket over the officer, who had to
punch his way free and had his cap knocked off.
The Moselms have declared holy war against the suc-
See AFGHAN, Page 9
AP Photo
AN AFGHAN POLICE officer tries to stop an American tclevision camera
crew from filming him yesterday inside the Kabul Intercontinental hotel.
American journalists have been restricted to the hotel until they are
expelled from the country today.
Goldpricebra $800
as buying rem~ainshev
NEW YORK (AP) - Gold prices
zoomed past $800 an ounce for the first
time ever yesterday as buyers surged
to the precious metal. The new mark
came just two days after the metal first
passed $700.
The $800 price was hit at New York's
Commodity Exchange in trading for
gold to be delivered this month. It rose
to $803 early in the afternoon before
slipping back to $801.
THE SURGE came after prices had
fallen in early trading as many traders
took profits. The New York price drop-
ped as low as $715, down from $744
London dealers said the factors that
had pushed up the price - tension bet-
ween the Soviet Union and the West
over Soviet intervention in
Afghanistan, continuing turmoil in Iran
and other parts of the oil-rich Middle
East and distrust of the dollar - helped
fuel the latest advance.
_ _ f
several tests and then were given the opportunity to change
answers, using secret pressure-sensitive paper to detect
those who cheated. The subjects who valued skill cheated
+ i more on a test of skill, while people who value chance
situations cheated more on a test of chance.
It won't kill you to read this
ne'JIt seems as if the American public is always dying to
know what food or product most recently has been found to
cause cancer. No, we don't have another one for you. As a
Just S.F., please
Of all the minority groups around, you'd think the circle
of science fiction aficionados scattered throughout the
world would care the least about what image contemporary
mortals hold of them. But it turns out that lovers of utopian
societies and laser wars have united in demanding that
their ranks be referred to as S.F. devotees, SF readers, s.f.
followers, or even sf fans - anything but "Sci-Fi" nuts. Ac-
cording to organizers of the local "ConFusion 6 and/or 7"
convention, the term "Sci-Fi" is equivalent in science fic-
tion circles to an "ethnic slur, something to be reserved for
coh rin mntij hnnrr c 'The 9 n(=A nPond Mirnb efrom
junkyard is kind of difficult, but they did it," said site owner
Andrew Manickas. "They picked it clean. I never saw a
cleaner place." Mackinas added that although the thieves
may have been attracted by the few old cars and trucks left
in the debris, most of the trash had little value. Will scrap
iron ever reach $735 an ounce? E
On the inside
Coverage of the basketball game at Illinois.is on the
sports page... the arts page looks at "The Electric Hor-.
seman" ... an analysis -of the labor movement working in
I rim Iif IF- _ _ 1 ---!__ - --
matter of fact, a recently-published 12-page booklet called