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April 08, 1980 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-04-08

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, April 8, 1980-Page 3
MSA candidatesdiseuss issues

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The six Michigan Student Assembly presidential can-
dates answered questions on topics ranging from
tudent apathy to the draft last night at a debate
sponsored by the Public Interest Research Group in
Michigan (PIRGIM).
Six questions, each one chosen from two submitted
by each candidate, were presented to the candidates
in a rotating sequence. The candidates were given
two and a half minutes to respond.
IN ANSWER TO the apathy problem, most of the
candidates said they thought MSA should involve stu-
'dents in meetings, either by holding them in dorms
snd fraternities, or by attracting students to the
ssembly's meetings held in the Union.
Marc Breakstone of the People'.s Action
;Coalition/Black Student Union (PAC/BSU) said he
thought the role of MSA was to "organize students in
an effective way ... and fight for students' rights."
Bruce Richard of the Spartacus Youth League
&SYL) said he saw a more extended role for MSA

than it has taken in the past. He said the SYL wants to
make MSA a "platform for social actions. We would
work for campus labr ... an all campus union. We
want to abolish the tenure process."
THE FORUM WAS interrupted during the public
question period by a Spartacus Youth League (SYL)
member, Topaz Knight, who refused to give up the
floor to the PIRGIM mediator, David Devondi.
GATOR Presidential candidate Bob Jobe left the
debate during the shouting match that ensued.
All candidates except Richard agreed with
Breakstone's assessment of the role of MSA in the
PBob Redko of the Independent Students Party (IS
Party), said the "administration thinks MSA is im-
potent." He said the IS. Party would add another
needed perspective to MSA, and because more
students would be represented, MSA might gain more
Jerry Kowalski of the Student Alliance for Better

helps MSA to get things done. "We're here to get an
education. Things aren't going to improve unless the
whole body (MSA) can establish its goals. There are
benefits to a party system. You can get a lot of
students involved and working together." He also
said the charge that party candidates all vote along a
party line is a myth.
Bob Jobe of the Great Alternatives to Outmoded
Representation Party (GATOR) said the Regents
have the final saiy now on how MSA funds will be
spent because MSA collects the funds from students
through University billing. Jobe saidMSA should try
to rejuvenate the student policy board. "It's a means
of persuasion over the Office of Student Services."
Mike Ryngaert of the Realistic Party said he now
approves of the proposed increase to the mandatory
student government fee, more than ninety per cent of
which could go to Student Legal Services. Asked
about the draft, Ryngaert said, "I don't see how that
is relative to MSA." Other candidates expressed
similar opinions on the issue.

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Representation (SABRE)

said the party system

Speakers address

AAFC-Paths of Glory, 7 p.m.; Barry Lyndon, 8:30 p.m.; Aud. A,
Cinema Two-Daisies, 7,9 p.m., MLB 3.
Cinema Guild-The Ceremony, 8 p.m., Old Arch. Aud.
Physical Education-Panel discussion, "Motor 'Development of
Atypical Populations," 10 am., 1260 CCRB.
Ctry for Chinese Studies-Chen-to Tai, "A Sabbatical Leave in the Far
East," noon, Lane Hall Commons Room.
Ecumenical Campus Center/Committee for New Jewish Agen-
da-Retired Israeli Major General Mattitayahu Peled, "The Israeli Peace
*Movement," noon, International Center.
PAC/Guild House-"The University, a 'Think Tank' for Renown
Academics or a Learning Institution?," Guild House, 802 Monroe.
Ann Arbor Public Library-Jane Conrad, Lou Edwards, discussing
"The Battered Woman," programs, services of Domestic Violence Project,
SAFE House, 12:10, meeting room, 343 S. Fifth Ave.
Physical Education-Ann Gentile, "Movement Strategy and Tactics in,
Young Children," 3 p.m., 1250 CCRB.
Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies-Punch Coomaraswamy,
U.S. ambassador from Singapore, "Singapore, Asia and the West," 3 p.m.,
West Conference Room, 4th Floor, Rackham.
Finance Club-Dean Gilbert Whitaker, Jr., "The Potential Benefits of
Acquiring an MBA," 3:30 p.m., Hale Aud.
Chemistry-Joseph Katz, "Chlorophyll Function in Photosynthesis," 4
p.m., 1200 Chem.
18th Century Semester-William Edinger, "Theories of the Function of
Literary Detail from Hobbes to Wordsworth," 4 p.m., Clements Library.
Great Lakes & Marine Environments-Ronald Hites, "Anthropogenic
Organic Compounds in Lacustrine and Marine Sediments," 4 p.m., 165
Chrysler Center.
Cellular & Mollecular Biology-Hamilton Smith, "New Insights into the
Mechanism of Bacterial Transformation," 4 p.m., S. Lecture Hall, Medical
Science II.
Bioengipeering-Albert Goldstein, "Equipment Calibration in Medical
Ultrasound," 4 p.m., 1042 E. Engineering.
Geological Science-Jonathan Callender, "Tectonic Evolution of the Rio
Grande Rift, and its Relation to the Large-Scale Tectonic of the Western
Cordillera," 4 p.m., 4001 C.C. Little.
Classical Studies-John Humphrey, "Excavating at Carthage: Cistern
Archeology," 4:10 p.m., 231 Angell.
Residential College-Jeanne Gordus, "Saints and Social Support in
Medieval Society," 4 p.m., Room 124, East Quad.
Research Club in Language Learning-Leslie Olsen, "Protocal
Analysis: a method for investigating cognitive processes," 4:30, East Con-
ference Room, Rackham.
Urban Planning-Eugene Schlesinger, Economic Development Institute
of the World Bank, "Theory and Practice of Development Planning in the
Third World,"7 p.m., 2114 Art & Architecture, North Campus.
Natural Resources-Panel discussion, "The Great Lakes Region-The
Challenge of Management,"7 p.m., Pendleton Room, Union.
Computing Center-Paul Pickelmann, "The Programming Language,
Pascal," 7 p.m., Seminar Room, Computing Center. Register by calling
Patricia Judd, 764-9595.
SIMS-"Introduction to the Transcendental Meditation Program," 8
p.m., UGLI Multipurpose Room.
School of Music-Paul Boylan, Dean, 8 p.m., "A Musician First ...," 8
p.m., Recital Hall.
Committee for a Citizens Party-7 p.m., Michigan League, Rooms D
and E.
Rackham Student Government Council Meeting-7:30 p.m., Executive
Board Room of Rackham.
National Organization for Women-Monthly General Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Unitarian Church, 1917 Washtenaw.
Residential College-German Soap Opera, written and performed by
2nd-year German students, 7 p.m., Greene Lounge, East Quad.
Museum of Art-"American Photographs: Gifts from the Collection of
Marvin Felheim," "Fifteen Photographs: A Purchase Exhibition," "Helen
Frankenthaler: Works of the Seventies," 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Slusser Gallery-"Master of Fine Arts Show," 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology-"The Art of the Ancient Weaver: Tex-
tiles from Egypt (4th-12th century A.D.)," 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Clements Library-"Childhood in Early America," 9 a.m.-noon, 1-5 p.m.
Exhibit Museum-"Indians of the Great Lakes Region," 9 a.m.-4:30
Pendleton Arts Center-Paintings by Justin Lee, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Union Gallery-"I.M. Pei and Partners: Drawings for the East

Building, National Gallery of Art," 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Rare Book Room-"Treasures in the Dept. of Rare Books and Special
Collections: An Exhibition in Honor of the Inauguaration of President

A standing-room-only crowd jammed
into the Union's Pendleton Room last
night to hear a series of speakers
address the problems of toxics and
their impact upon the state in the first
part of a four-day symposium
sponsored by the School of Natural
Organizers of the event said they
hope students attending the symposium
will become better acquainted with the
educational implications of current
natural resources problems. The event
is also designed to give students the
opportunity to realize and discuss
practical applications to their fields of
state's Department of Natural
Resources, pointed out that prevention
of illegal waste disposal is critical.
"The issue in 1980 will be how to handle
dump sites,." he said.
What are toxics? What risks are the
population willing to take in order to
maintain their standard of living?
Phillip Antommaria, a consultant for

D'Appolonia Engineers in Pittsburgh,
felt that these issues were very
important in determining the amount of
toxicity people will live with.
A final decision was reached by
the Central Student Judiciary
last week in a dispute over the
Independent Students party
name. According to CSJ Chief
Justice Dave Schape, the name
will appear on the ballot as "IS.
Other parties on the ballot will,
be: ARM (Alliance for Respon-
sible Management), GATOR (A
Great Alternative to Outmoded
Representation), PAC/BSU
(People's Action Coalition/Black
Student Union), Realistic,
SABRE (Student Alliance for
Better Representation), and SYL
(Spartacus Youth League).

Mon-Thurs 10-6
Fri-Sat 8-3

214 S. Fourth Ave.

FDA License Number: 77701


The School of Natural Resources
New Ground Symposium
A coming of age for natural resources
The Great Lakes Region-The
Challenge of Managelment
LAWRENCE AGQENS, Consultant and Senior Planner, North-
east Illinois Planning Commission
EUGENE AUBERT, Director of Great Lakes Environmental
Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, Michigan
LEE BOTTS, Director, Great Lakes Basin Commission, Ann
Arbor, Michigan
W. RONALD DRYNAN, International Joint Commission,
Windsor, Ontario
JOYCE MAGIDSON, Public Relations Officer, Army Corps of
Engineers, Chicago, Illinois
Moderator: ALFRED BEETON, Director, Great Lakes and
Marine Waters Center, The University of Michigan

The Eighteenth Century Semester Presents:
Department of English, University of Maryland (Baltimore County)
TUESDAY, APRIL 8-4:00 p.m.
Clements Library

L i

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