Page 6-Sunday, April 6 980-The Michigan Daily 7* 9 -w w The tchigan Daily-Sunda' Books rN As for a place in the art world, comic books seem relegated to the neighborhood candy stores.. . An energy crisis in the Bush camnaign p /; J . . - - - - - - -.- - - - w- - - w E By David Bowman COMIC BOOKS ARE DYING. Well, maybe not comic books of the caliber that delights the minds of pre-pubescent readers who save their nickels to buy them from the candy store each weekend. But comic books as art-those that appeal to the intellectually sophisticated (i.e. over the age of majority) are pretty scarce these days. Ten years ago it looked as if comic books were un- dergoing a metamorphosis. Comics were shedding that roll-em-off-the-presses mundanity they'd had for decades. Characters became more intricate; superheroes like the Neal Adams-drawn Green Lan- tern and Green Arrow tackled such socially-relevant issues as drug abuse and political corruption. But this growth was stunted by the mid-1970s. It seems, since then, that comics have lost that ability to adapt to the changing times., (The changes that have occurred in comic bookery are depressingly typical of the past decade: The price of your average book has soared from 15t to 40¢, while inversely, the number of pages has decreased from 20 . 44 ~f i to 17. The actual printing has changed little, however; thin, cheap paper and the confines of a very limited four-color printing system have left comics looking exactly as they have in the past). Since I began reading comic books during my pre- seventies adolescence, I've gone through some' inevitably complex and significant personal growth. Meanwhile., comic books, as one of my pet passions,' failed to make any parallel transformations. When the evolution that seemed guaranteed by the magazines' Watergate era social commentary failed to material, David, or Clave, Bowman is a grad- uate from the University's School of ; Music. He has been a collector off comics for a long time! inabilityto reproduce minute detail, and the set num- ber of pages in each book. Then there's the Comics Code Authority, which ser- ves as a censor by reading over each comic and placing its seal of approval in the upper righthand corner of the covers to assure parents that their children are indeed purchasing "wholesome" comics. Deadlines are also a problem. Many comics are published monthly, and it is difficult to keep up artistic quality with that schedule. Finally, the comic book industry has been losing its best personnel. The most creative minds-such as ar- tists Barry Windsor-Smith, of Conan comics, and Neal Adams-invariably leave their jobs and take their talents elsewhere. The reasons for this migration vary: Sometimes the artists and writers find the pay too -low, sometimes they become bored with drawing the same characters day in and day out. Often, their ability simply transcends the medium. So the least in- novative workers, who tend to stay on, fill the racks month after month with worthless reams of superhero banality. The writing quality has become especially depressing of late. Marvel's Trio, written by Roy Thomas, is a prime example of the downhill trend. The plots are crammed full of characters and complicated to the point of incomprehensibility. Recent issues have contained an overabundance of gods (Asgardians, Olympians, Eternals, and Celestials), wearing a good gimmick to the ground. There has been a continuing effort in some sectors of the industry to produce adult-oriented comic books outside the jurisdiction of the Comics Code Authority. These comics usually appear in. magazine format -black and white, with only occasional full-color pages-and though they've been marginally successful in sales, they've been for the most part artistically Comics to8 By Michael Arkush IEEP IN THE HEART of the midwest, the show opened. Jammed into the ballroom of a es Moines hotel, the second American political miracle in four years made his stunning debut. With the rave reviews just recorded, the New Face of 1980 jogged into the room to take his bow. The show had been a suc- cess. The audience couldn't stop the applause. This was Iowa, and the star was George Bush. On that night, he had achieved the impossible by beating Republican frontrunner and party god- father Ronald Reagan in the state's caucuses. Emerging from complete ob- scurity, this maverick from Connec- ticut had just captured first place in the year's presidential primary circuit. With'-the first victory firmly in his grasp, the star came out to address the fans, counseling them that the fight had only just begun, but that the future looked promising. Bush seemed almost to be two men up there on victory night: There was the Knute Rockne element, the coach giving a pep rally to his sup- porters, but the candidate also showed signs of General George Patton, the bold leader, serious about the fight ahead. "I feel we have the momentum now, and we can take this thing across the nation. We're building, and we'll keep fighting till we win. It's about time America had a president who could lead it," Bush said, glowing with pride and optimism. Jumping off the stage to huddle with the troops, General Bush looked like a formidable challenger for the presiden- cy. He was relatively young (55), he was well-educated, and he had an un- matched list of credentials. He was going some place. He had Momentum. Fourteen hundred miles and five weeks later, it was all gone. Several events during that interim period can be blamed for the Great Collapse-the Nashua debate, the in- fluential Manchester Union Leader's support of Ronald Reagan, and Reagan's return to campaigning-but the rise and fall of George Herbert Former Daily editor Michael Ar- kush has spent the past two months on the bus with George Bush and the other presidential primary can- didates. Walker Bush goes much deeper than that. The script he followed from the beginning was plagiarized from its creator, Jimmy Carter, who in 1976 came from nowhere to win the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary. The plan was first developed by Carter's campaign strategist; Hamilton Jordan, who believed that by scoring early, impressive victories in Iowa and New Hampshire, the can- didate could quickly acquire national media exposure. With the new recognition, the hopeful. could crisscross the nation knowing his speeches would be broadcast to a listening public. The early victories also would encourage the influx of campaign donations and volun- teers-essential ingredients in a win- ning formula. But in order to triumph in Iowa and New Hampshire, the cam- paign would need solid and effective organization. Since both- states are small, organization plays a key role, for the results usually depend on which staff works harder in getting its suppor- ters to come to the polls. In a caucus state, turnout is especially significant. There is one specific time slot in the day during which a citizen can vote. Knowing what that time is and where to go becomes a crucial responsibility of campaign staff workers. In 1976,while Henry Jackson and Mo Udall were planning their blit- zes for later in the primary season, Car- ter stormed out in front in Iowa, win- ning 27 per cent of the vote. An in- dispensable part of that victory was Carter's Peanut Brigade, a corps of 500 Georgian volunteers who lived for weeks in the state to tell people about Jimmy Carter. The candidate himself spent many days campaigning there, letting people know where he stood on the issues. Campaigning as an outsider against Washington, with a touch of political evangelism, Carter took the momentum from the first two states, beat George Wallace in the south, and rode a bumpy but successful ride to the Democratic Convention in New York. NCE THIS UNPRECEDENTED climb to the top had been ac- complished, stunned observers reexamined the winning strategy. They concluded the country was desperate for a new figure, an unknown-an ac- curate description of Jimmy Car- ter-and that the Georgian's organization and early momentum had made him the darling of the media. Everyone loved a story; Jimmy Carter was a story. .. By going all the , way, Carter revolutionized the American political process. No one before 1976 had begun his campaign two years before the general election. When Carter had made up his mind to run for the presidency, he was still governor of Georgia, and Richard Nixon was still in the White House. Thus, in 1978, we saw Illinois Rep. Phil Crane be the first to officially an- nounce his ambitious intentions. The pack soon followed until there were nine serious candidates in the race even before the beginning of this year. What a remarkable contrast from 1968 when a national Robert Kennedy didn't announce until spntionalu after the New Hampshire primary. But spent too mto tising, and to despite Crane's early announcement, and New Han only one man read the previous win- Baker is a ner's script carefully enough to take had everythin over the role. Starting in the summer of the hero of 1978, Bush was out there talking to far- Minority Lea mers in Iowa. He was building an anti-SALT in organization, long before most people now being b had ever heard of him. Finally, afte His stunning opening win in Iowa did Baker withdri not cause the tremors among policy he left, thoug analysts that Carter's 1976 successes flaw was his had created. So dramatic was the shift friendly chap in political dynamics that the analysts shirk his resp were now well-accustomed to the Car- the campaigr ter formula. "Organization is of the an unemplo essence. You just can't work without it. presidency in Look what happened when Ford wanted Bush was do to enter the race a few weeks ago. He couldn't come in because he was in the land looking for an organization-he just miserably. didn't have one. It takes at least two There see years to build one," says University on just what Political Science Prof. George the top: str Grassmuck. ,Ihistory, and While the Carter story could con- What sudden ceivably be written off as an anamoly in of a darkhor politics, the Bush emergence convinced range of spec political scientists that more than con- Bush went up venience, beginning a campaign two more dust wi years ahead of the primaries seemed to hows and wh be a new requirement for success. Ac- One inder companying that conclusion was the One incider stark reality that qualified aspirants Bhh " segineih without a capable organization sink Bush was the quickly out of the picture. Weephim an John Connally and Howard Baker, Hampshire two Republicans with outstanding per- Though it w formance records, seemed in the Reagan and beginning of the year to be the two with Reagan the best chance of unseating frontrun-. publican co ner Reagan. But their campaigns never' Reagan's inv got off the ground. Connally spent more Bush refuse than $11 million but could not establish comics lost much of their meaning for me. The in- stitution now seems destined to remain a mere teenyboppers-only pop art form. Part of the purpose of comic books, therefore, is being sadly neglected these days; besides amusing children, comics should provide an escape route for adults, a vehicle by which they can return to carefree days of* childhood. But the distributors seem to believe they have more of an audience with children, and this has left the adult reader in a position of rationalizing an art form that in most cases is little more than idiocy by their standards. Sure, there have always been comics that were designed exclusively for kids (the Archie series, the Disney characters, etc.), but these have never attempted to draw an older audience. It is the books that have tried for an adult readership that are failing. Comic book creators today are trying to appeal to the widest possible audience. If both a child and an adult can find the same comic interesting, the book has at least one foot in the door of quality. There are comics created with this idea in mind, intended to appeal to different levels of intellect. Unfortunately, most comics are cranked out with total disregard for in- telligent readership. Or, worse yet, they pretend to be trying to reach ad' lts as well as kids. The comic creators who produce these ineffectual ditties are let- ting us evaluate their role as artists through them. We can do nothing but admit their artistic failure. It's important when discussing the past ten years' history of comic books to consider the reasons the in- dustry has failed to mature. One of the greatest problems in creating good, comics are the obstacles inherent in the art form itself. Comic books are limited as vehicles for expression anid artistry in several ways. First, there are physical restrictions: the size of the page, the limitations of the coloring system, the s°