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April 06, 1980 - Image 1

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See editorial page




See Today for details

Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom

ol. XC, No. 148

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, April 6, 1980

Ten Cents

Ten Pages plus Supplement

Carter, Reagan win
big in Louisiana
From the Associated Press

President Jimmy Carter and Ronald
Reagan registered overwhelming
victories in yesterday's presidential
primary elections in Louisiana.
With 61 per cent of the precincts
reported, Carter had collected 55 per
cent of the popular vote to Kennedy's 23
per cent. Meanwhile, Reagan flew by
former U.N. Ambassador George Bush
by garnering 73 per cent of the vote to
Bush's 20 per cent.
"I want to thank the people of
Louisiana tonight as they made history
voting in their first presidential
primary," said Carter after hearing of
his victory, "and I want to thank them
for their continuing confidence in my
THE PRIMARY stirred little
competition among the candidates and
little interest among the state's 2
million voters. Turnout was extremely
light despite ideal springtime weather.
Their Louisiana victories enabled
Carter and Reagan to widen their
advantages in the all-important
AP Photo competition for nominating delegates.
Carter led for 39 of Louisiana's 51
ork City nominating delegates to the
pdate on Democratic national convention.
Kennedy led for 12.
REAGAN WAS ahead for 29 of the

state's 31 GOP nominating delegates.
Two spots were going uncommitted.
Going into yesterday's primary,
Carter led Kennedy 852 to 427 in the
delegate competition. Reagan led Bush
by 343 to 72. Rep. John Anderson, who
was not on the Louisiana ballot, had 57.
In Louisiana, Carter found a third
straight primary triumph over
Kennedy in a week. The president won
a Tuesday night double-header with

victories in Kansas and Wisconsin.
KENNEDY DID not campaign in
Louisiana, but hoped for, a strong
showing that would indicate
disaffection among Democrats over the
president's handling of the economy.
He spent last week campaigning in
Reagan strived to extend his
Southern primary winning streak to
See CARTER, Page 2

Hostages were

Petal transit
A Manhattan florist conducts business in a subway stairway that is closed because of a strike by New Y
transist workers. Business has probably blossomed since he relocated from his previous selling place. For an u
the strike, see In Brief, Page 2.

Joint eart- ung transplants near

From AP and UPI
Iranian President Abolhassan Bani-
Sadr was quoted as saying yesterday
that the Islamic militants were ex-
ploiting the American hostages and
that President Carter must clarify his
stand on the crisis. He also urged Egyp-
tians yesterday to oust President Sadat
for giving refuge to the deposed Shah.
In an interview published in the Paris
newspaper Le Monde, Bani-Sadr was
quoted as calling the embassy militants
"opportunists" who were taking ad-
vantage of the hostage situation in an
attempt "to deliver them to the highest
He was quoted as saying he would
take his case to the Iranian people if the
militants refused to accept his plan to
transfer the Americans to government
"It (the public) will understand that
the hostage affair is not essential, that
it is even injurious to the blossoming of

our revolution," he said.
THE MILITANTS said in an inter-
view with the Tehran newspaper
Kayhan they are ready to transfer the
50 hostages to President Bani-Saar, "if
he so desires."
"This is against our desires, but we
are ready to do this in order to avoid
weakening the presidency," a
spokesperson said.
Bani-Sadr also called on President
Carter to clarify a statement made last
Wednesday that he thought the Iranian
president's plan to take control of the
hostages, seized Nov. 4, was a "positive
development," the Paris newspaper
THE PLAN did not win approval in a
meeting Thursday of the Revolutionary,
Council Bani-Sadr heads because its
clerical members who belong to the
Islamic Republican Party and are
See BANI-SADR, Page 2

PALO ALTO, Calif. (AP) - Stanford
University doctors say they may be
*only a short time" away from
following their unequaled success in
heart transplants with a new technique
for transplanting the heart and lungs in
a single package.
"We feel the present dismal state of
lung transplantation could be improved
by transplanting the entire car-
diopulmonary system, the heart and
lungs," said Dr. Norman Shumway:
Shumway, who heads the transplant
team at Stanford University Medical
enter, outlined the research last week
ataSanford science symposium.
HE SAID THE procedure may be
"only a short time now from clinical
reality. If sufficient clinical data can be
produced over the next year, transplan-
tation of the cardiopulmonary axis
could be taken to the clinical
threshhold" for humans.
Shumway said Dr. Bruce Reitz has
had promising results in heart-lung
transplants in monkeys, one of which is
*still alive six months after the

operation. It was not known how many
such transplants were performed.
Reitz will present his findings in San
Francisco this month at a meeting of
the Ameican Association for Thoracic
Surgery. Shumway and Reitz declined
to be interviewed before Reitz' presen-
Lung transplants have almost always
failed, and the patients have died,
because the body rejects the organs. It
was unclear whether transplanting the
heart with the lungs would resolve that
University of California-San Diego
(UCSD) Medical School said in a
telephone interview Friday that he
believed the Stanford research faces
major problems, but "If anybody can
pull it off, Shumway can."
Halasz, who's involved in transplant-
related research, said about 300 lung
transplants and a handful of heart-lung
transplants have been tried in the
United States in the past 10 or 15 years.
"Probably no more than two or three

of the patients have lived more than a
year," he said.
The surgical procedure is well-
established and Halasz said transplan-
ting both lungs and the heart is less

complicated than just the lungs, "since
you don't have as much to hook up. The
whole package is connected only by two
big veins, one big artery and the win-
See DOCTORS, Page 3

Anti-war protesters
stage peaceful sit-in
at ROTC rifle range


Miller calls ease in prices
hopefulsign for economy

WASHINGTON (AP) - Encouraged
by signs of easing price pressures in
gMarch, Treasury Secretary G. William
.Miller said in an interview that he sees
"the beginning hopes" that the nation is
winning the fight against inflation.
Miller predicted that Americans soon
will begin worrying more about'
recession than about inflation. He said
he thinks a recession has started, or is
about to, and that it could be "a little
more severe" than the administration
has predicted.
HE SAID HE based his optimism
about an easing of the inflationary
spiral on reports that showed prices for
unprocessed goods declining in March.
"If it is confirmed over the next mon-
th or two, then I think we can be sure
that inflation has turned downward,"
Miller said.
The Treasury secretary made these
other points during a half-hour inter-
view Friday:

" High interest rates are beginning to
slow the economy and there is some
danger they could slow it too fast.
* The government would take anti-
recession measures to counteract a
severe downturn.
* Mandatory credit controls will be
relaxed when it is demonstrated that
consumer spending is no longer a
driving force behind inflation.
" He is optimistic that recent in-
creases in oil prices are only tactical
moves by some oil-producing nations
and won't set off a new leap-frogging of
world oil prices.
Miller's guarded optimism on in-
flation stemmed from the March
wholesale price report, which showed
that although overall prices rose a
steep 1.4 per cent, prices eased at the
intermediate level of production and
actually declined 2.2 per cent for crude,
or unprocessed, goods.
See MILLER, Page 10

Thirty people staged a peaceful sit-in
yesterday at the ROTC rifle range near
the Dentistry Building to protest the
ROTC-sponsored Easter Ham Shoot, a
week-long target-shooting competition
designed to publicize and raise funds
for the ROTC rifle team.
The demonstrators, organized by the
Committee Against War (CAW), paid
the entrance fee and then sat down at
firing positions, facing away from the
SEVERAL PEOPLE who had been
shooting when the sit-in began con-
tinued to do so throughout the protest.
When these contestants finished, the
range was closed and the competition
The committee called for the sit-in
because, according to members, the
Ham Shoot "trivializes" the use of
weapons such as M-16 rifles, contrasts
with the spirit of peace during the
Christian Holy Week and Jewish
Passover, and coincides with the recent
rise of militarist feeling in the country.
In addition, committee members said
they object to the presence of the
Reserve Officer Training Corps
(ROTC) on campus.
"We feel that the University should
be working toward a peaceful future,"
said committee member Daniel
Frohling. "It is a mockery of this pur-
pose to be shooting M-16s on campus.'
CAPT. KENNETH Close of Army
ROTC disagreed with the protesters,
saying that the event was only a sport,
much like Olympic rifle competition or

When the protesters first sat down,
Sgt. Howard Cunningham of Army
ROTC announced that they would have
to leave within five minutes. He soon
changed his mind, however, saying that
enough firing positions remained to
complete the competition.
"If they don't want to leave, that's
okay with us," Cunningham said.
"They'll be interfering with other
people, but we're not going to let it
bother us."
AFTER THE competition was ended
- about 45 minutes after the sit-in
began - the protesters walked to near-
by North Hall. There they stood and
carried signs while trophies were
awarded to some of the Ham Shoot Win-
ners. Most of the trophies and hams had
already been given out, however, and
the group disbanded after a few
Members of CAW and ROTC
disagreed over the effect of the sit-in.
Frohling said that the protesters forced
the event to close early, and mentioned
Cunningham's first order to leave as
evidence that the protesters did affect
the event.
But Cunningham said that the Ham
Shoot had been scheduled to end when it
did, with the remaining time allotted to
breaking ties. Since it was decided to
award prizes to both of the participants
involved in the only tie, there was no
reason to continue shooting, he said.
PROTESTER JOEL Streicker said
that this distinction was irrelevant,
because the main purpose of the sit-in
was educational. "If we've made

AN UNIDENTIFIED protester sits with headphones on while participants
take part in the ROTC Easter Ham Shoot yesterday near North Hall.
Thirty members of the Committee Against War staged a peaceful sit-in
objecting to the week-long ROTC rifle team fund-raiser.

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Belching volcano means.
cooler weather?
If Mount St. Helens undergoes a major eruption as some
scientists predict, it could result in cooler summer weather
for parts of North America. Reid Bryson, a University of
Wisconsin researcher, said atmospheric dust and ash
particles from a major eruption could block enough of the
sun's rays to reduce temperatures on earth. Bryson said he
is basing his prediction on studies of temperature trends

~En, Fridoy
50 40

disregard the "above weather summary as it is not
current." National Weather Service officials blamed the
report on an employee who accidently sent his handiwork
on the wire while experimenting with a new computer
system. -ED
On the inside
The Daily endorses an MSA, ticket on the editorial
page . .. a review of The Coal Miner's Daughter is on the
arts na0p .. sprts has the second part of a series on





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