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April 05, 1980 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-04-05

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The Michigan Daily-Saturday, April 5, 1980--Poge 5

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Ffth ward
for party

Continued from Page1)t
ty Jury Commission as valuable ex-
periences in her bid for a council seat.
She currently teaches civics at Slauson
Intermediate School on West
Washington Street.
C.hesbrough describes herself as
fiscally conservative but liberal on
social issues. In the one area getting
citywide attention - property taxes -
she says the city can do very little, ad-
ding that the taxes "will be dealt with at
the state level."
Two common tactics used by can-
didates in local elections are mailings
and door-to-door canvassing in the
ward, both of which are part of the
Chesbrough campaign.

THE NEW ANGLE adopted by the
Democrats is based on the hypothesis
that their candidate has his best chance
to win by avoiding antagonism, said one
Bletcher supporter. It's not likely that
Republicans can be converted to
Democrats, he said.
"By being selective and not putting
literature on every doorstep," said
Bletcher treasurer Liina Wallin, "We
hope the Republicans won't get all
scared and pull out all their forces."
The Chesbrough campaign promises
to be a family affair. "I feel like we're
the Kennedys," she said. "The kids are
coming back from school and we're
going door-to-door."
IN FEBRUARY, Chesbrough won a

four-way primary with 38 per cent of
the vote to gain the Republican
nomination, defeating William
Gudenau, Lou Velker, and A. J. Lalon-
Supporters on both sides say Mon-
day's turnout will be low, due partly to
the absence of a mayoral race and from
the lack of pressing issues to capture
voter attention. Democrats working for
Bletcher say a low turnout may work to
their advantage.
"If we turn out your 2,000 Democrats.
we'll do well," said Mr. Wallin. "With
the public school vacation and Easter
the day before the election, we hope
some of the Republicans won't remem-
ber (to vote)."

He said a mailing to Bletcher suppor-
ters was sent Thursday and a telephone
campaign will be mounted over the
weekend as a second reminder to vote.
Neither campaign is spending a large
amount of money.
Chesbrough's campaign manager -
her husbandaRichard - estimated ex-
penditures at about $850. 'Most of the
money has gone to ward-wide mailings.
he said, with only a few newspaper ads
slated to appear this weekend.
Ms. Wallin expects the Bletcher
campaign will spend about $600, which
she said is a few hundred dollars less
than in previous Fifth Ward races.

It's like running a race
with no one. I don t hare
the sense my opponent is
actirelv clampaigning.
-Jovce Chesbrough.
Fifth-Tard Republican

City Council:

Candidates and issues







Chesbrough Perkins


IQTV rprytxsBudget Solid waste
Pepriorities Police management Energy Housing Planning
F ~Not sure that property Suggests a careful look at
fit axes can be reduced, every city department to Favors increased foot Supports the concept of a
and is taking a careful determine where cutbacks patrols. Says the depart shredder and thinks it FavorsDoesnt think projects like
look at the Smith-Bullard could be made. Considers ment can operate more should be built since the o ren un b says ready for rent control, and the proposed Stegemans
Susan Greenberg (D plan in the state legislature the salaries paid to some two officers per car are not voters approved it. Says the city should help finance thinks more housing develpment of prks and
(Incumbent)which would shift the tax upper-echelon staff necessary all the time and energy-saving measures inspectors are needed the downtown ar
emphasis from property members excessive, and that motor bikes might be dragging on council on ee sn easures.
taxesto income taxes to she is concerned about more efficient. this issue.
finance education. city layoffs.
Favors "belt tightening" Says rent control would
rather than budget slash- hurt the people it is meant Said the Stegeman project
ing, uggets tat eimi-Supports the city enery to help because more would cause traffic
Favors a millage rollback, ig Suges that em Thinks the University plan. Thinks the city sould government regu conmgoeo and aesthetic
especially in the school nating 12 parking patrol Thinks the shredder is a take the initiative in goveretre u in coges and aesth et
millage because the school persons would save o pay a arger sare good idea, "if you can implementing a solid woulderi nwnoun bems adewoul not
Don Hubbard (R), Cosdr a $2000,adowtenfte ot fpliigmaeinwr benefit students. Thinks
board budget has a $2 $270,000, and says the sthe cos of olici make work."wste and recycling development authory a new residential develop-
illion surplus. shortage of parking spaces program. good way to promote con- ment should be balanced
downtown is a bigge s t of student with park development.
prbg lem tns en forcingstcio
parki violations. g housing.
gFavors building voter- Proposes a downtown
eSays an enforced cut in Doesn't favor cutting . F. approved shredderand Backs an ordinance requir development authorityPrecits Stegeman project
Spoperty taxes is "irre- "bare bones" budget. f pevdropnanhoi t
sponsible." He suggests a cuts have to be made he phasing in alternative l windws on toghosinterest s will never be built at pro-
local income tax as an suggests cutting the avors use of foot patrols energy features. Predicts rental units to conserve mortgages, and to review posed height and density.
E (rncGreen (D) ralternative to the present tornado warning system, especially in campus area. the project can be under- , an an ordinance rent structure. Sas the Favors density, to a certain
property tax system. Says and some road funds, freez- way in six to eight months requiring insulation Untsty ays te extent, in the central area
anpalsthaeubian mnius Supports city University repniiyhas not met poiits of the city.
the tax decision will be ing city employment, and andresponsibility to provide
made at the state, rather delaying purchase of city delay an election season student housing. Favors
than the local, level. vehicles. "Smokescreen." rent control.
Said rent control would
Su p ts Re publican effort . . . Thinks the shredder increase the animosity Opposes the Stegeman
to rolack p ae Emphasizes efficiency o Wants Police dte project should be studied Would try to make people between landlords and and other high density
Toni Burton (R) and to prevent tax bill ps ohernmg more before it is built, and aware of recycling tenants and would dis- plans. Thinks more
Tncreehinks th police department, without amount of paperwork that people should be programs. courage new building. attractive and affordable
ie reaed she cutbacks. Her priorities police officers do reduced. aware of recycling Encourages competition in housing is needed in the
school board budget should are security and child care. program. the market to keep rents Second Ward.
Third Ward
Favors a new tax system Supports city energy plan, Opposes rent control Feels Stegeman project
i which residential Sees few places to cut the Expresses concern about ppo un and is considering the because it would only is too large. A member of
property would be taxed at already lean budget. safety in campus area, and shredder until council can feasibility of using worsen housing situation. city planning commission,
Cliff Sheldon R a different rate than Emphasizes basic needs says increased campus e a oser hydroelectric power from results he favors "sensible and
() commercial, so taxes on all of the city such as police security and patrols may ns, an inu a local dams as an energy s lower prices and better orderly growth" in the
property classifications protection. be necessary. source. Favors recycling services. city.
Unopposed would not have to be raised program. and curbside pickup.
at once.
Would like to increase Favors subsidized housing Opposes Stegeman project
Eourth W ard Has spoken with state police protection though downtown for elderly and because of its height and
legislators about property better departmental organ- . . Supports city energy building affordable housing appearance. Says benefits
tax reduction plans. Con- Lists fire and police protec ization, by reassigning Considers council's policy. Also supports a for the young, single, and of privacy and noise
tasworn officers from des handling of voter-approved public education campaign black. Would like a tenants control must be balanced
Barbara Perkins (D) siders a millge reduction tion, solid waste, road . k adigo oe-prv
atmoaysltorepair and recrea ton as her swr officer frmge
a temporary solution, con jobs and placing them in * shredder a "serious goof." to remind people to save group to formulate a usable with usage and cost of
and feels prsent depen- biggest budget concerns. wenergy. rent control plan that housing. Considers it
me n pertxes public, S rt ith would tie rent increases to important that neighbor-
must e alletes Supports idea of increases in the consumer hoods hve a mix high and
more foot patrols. Price Index. low density areas.
Favors cooperation Says efficiency in the Favor's the city energy
between city, county, and department can be plan, but opposes manda-
the school board to reduce increased, perhaps by shredder at this time tory insulation require- Opposes any form of rent Considers the Stegeman
Ste se ror c Will decide where budget red , pertime ments. Also favors helping control. Favors stimulat- project much too dense for
David Fisher (R) the residential property can be cut after seeing reducing overtime and because there is no tenants make housing ing growth and develop- the location. Favors
tax burden. Asked city recommendations made restructuring car and customer for the refuse more energy efficient. ment to increase the growth if it can be accom-
(Incumbent), adminstrator to prepare by city administration. foot patrol systems. derived fuel which could He is checking feasibility housing supply modated by city services.
an alternative budget Suggests an increase in be produced. of using hydroelectric
proposal which would police protection on power from the Huron
- incorporate a 15 per cent campus. River dam.
millage reduction.
Wants to increase city Opposes government inter-
Fifth W ard Favors adoption of uniform government efficiency by vention in housing market Fosg cnsrcin
municipal income tax, setting departmentalbe Favors city's energy plan. but would consider rent downtown area rather than
which would automatically Performance standards more specific in setting Favors construction of Sees possibility of city control if market doesn't ontoner t. than
Dreduce propertytaxes by ana eliminating duplica- department goals. Does shredder and recycling selling bonds to finance work. Says a higher on fringers of city. Does
Thomas Bletcher (D)7.5 mills. Not in favor of tion of effoits in Planng not favor personnel cuts. of materials. loans for energy conser- vacancy rate will lower not endorse the proposed
any of the proposals being and Community Develop- vation measures. rents. Favors development Stegeman projller building at that
ment departments. of moderate and low smalilg t
considered by thestate. . location.

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