Page 8-Sunday, March W 1980-The Michigan D 9 U U 7W S contraception U C' " (Continued from Page 7) What he fails to point out is that over $300 million of oral contraceptives are sold every year. Syntex alone has yearly sales in the $30 million range. Furthermore, about half of the sales are to the United States Agency for International Development, which then distributes the Pill in foreign countries. Still, Djerassi's support of the Pill and the phar- maceutical industry gives the reader an important in- sight. Ask a technologist how to tackle problems with technical, social, cultural and political dimensions-as the controversy over birth control and world population growth has-and you will get technological solutions. It's as if some invention can be discovered which will make all other ramifications of the issue disappear. Even more distressing is Djerassi's insensitivity to women. His chapters on future prospects for male and female contraception include frequent and flagrant examples of sexism. In one interesting passage, he quotes Drs. Marian Diamond and Carol Korenbrot from their book on contraception, in which they note that the development of male contraceptives has been hampered because of the threat to men's libido. Meanwhile, women report adverse affects on their. libido without hindering the use of the birth control pill. Djerassi's response: "One must agree with the im- peccable logic of Drs. Diamond and Korenbrot, but I must point out that a woman with reduced libido can still participate in sexual intercourse, while a man unable to get an erection is unquestionably in worse shape." He staunchly defends the male libido from chemi- cal attack, despite acknowledging the "enor- mous" psychological component associated with sexual potency in the male. Djerassi reasons that if "men were primarily responsible for developing the female contraceptive pill, perhaps it is only fair to wait for women scientists to develop the first male libido enhancer." Djerassi is clearly prejudiced against development of contraceptive methods for men. In introducing discussion of a valve that was suggested as a way to achieve reversible vasectomy, he observes that sim- ply reading about how the device works will "terrify" some men. In another example, research into a male pill is called "theoretically interesting," while in- vestigation of the analogous hormonal system in women is "exciting." Elsewhere, he criticizes of "the overriding concern regarding female hormonal contraceptives (as a) possible link to cancer." But when the discussion turns to men, the risk of cancer gives him pause in recom- mending this avenue of research. This is meant to illustrate that The Politics of Con- traception is a political document in its own right. Djerassi appears to be writing with policy makers and journalists in mind, rather than the average reader looking for unbiased guidance. But this does not make reading the book a waste of time. Just-don't expect a critical evaluation of birth control. What can be expected is an attempt to per- suade the reader that the complex issues of fertility control. can best be handled by giving the phar- maceutical industry a freer rein, compliments of the taxpayers. l ! w............ I The party'~s over. primaries (Continued from Page 4) passe. The case of Jimmy Carter's struggle with his own House of Representatives over decontrol and gas rationing was not an extreme one. Un- fortunately, that show of mutiny was more the rule than the exception in the Carter presidency. Washington Post political reporter Bill Peterson once referred to Jimmy Carter as "the Rod- ney Dangerfield of American politics." From the members of his own party, the president just don't get no respect. Britain's Margaret Thatcher or West Germany's Helmut Schmidt would never have been so embarrassed by such a blatant display of party disloyalty. li parliamentary systems, the chief of government could never have attained that position. unless she or her had at least a ma- jority coalition.. So in those parliamentary systems, the legislation gets passed. Mrs. Thatcher or Mr. Schmidt can always rely on their party to vote as a bloc. When the prime minister loses that majority, and the government can no longer function, the leader is thrown out on a vote of con- fidence and replaced by one who can muster a legislative base of support. That is precisely what happened when Mr. Clark of Canada was ousted last month. In this country, the government is not functioning. The President has over- whelming majorities in both legislative houses, but he gets virtually nothing done. And in terms of progressive or in- novative legislation, like comprehen- sive national health insurance, the president all but concedes it has no chance of passing Congress. This is a sad indictment of our system of non- government. The theory of party reform to end such problems is an old one, with its roots in the academic writings of Woodrow Wilson. In 1950, a group of eminent political scientists sat down to work out a coherent theory of how best to reform American government by reforming the political parties. The work of the committee is embodied in its report, Toward A More Responsible Two-Party Syystem, the bible of the Constitutional reformists. Simply put, the reformists suggest that to end government impasse the two political parties must be revitalized. Parties must be based on the premise that the electorate should be offered two radically distinct systems from which to choose., Parties would campaign on specific policy commitments, and the election would then be interposed as a mandate to move the country in a specific direc- tion. This implies that the leader's par- ty would automatically get a legislative majority. Critics of the party reform system will readily point out that American government was meant to be slow to change. And the current autonomy and cumbersome pace of the legislative branch makes it necessary for any president to build a national consensus of support across party lines for his programs, instead of using his electoral victory as a mandate to leap headfirst into sweeping social change. B UT GOVERNMENT BY consen- sus is government by com- promise, and as the Jimmy Car- ter experience has shown, trying to walk a tightrope between the country's various political factions usually means stalemate and ineffectiveness. Carter himself said the energy crisis is real, and to come to grips with our energy problems requires bold, imaginative leadership. Instead, the president seems most concerned that he not of- fend any one side with drastic proposals. His solutions so far to the "moral equivalent of war" have been tardy and timid. What the political parties need now is a dose of old-fashioned discipline to whip unruly members into line. And the key to whipping the party into line means first making sure that the presidential nominee-who may even- tually become the president-is first and foremost the leader of his party, and not a Jimmy-come-lately through, the ranks. The primary election system is valuable in testing potential nominees for personal popularity and vote-getting ability. But the system needs a stop-gap, some fail-safe mechanism that strikes some respon- sible balance between the old, closed system of the past and the current unruly system. (One need only remem- ber that in 1972, George Wallace was well on his way to becoming the Democratic party's nominee because of the primary system--and Wallace was wholely unqualified for the presiden- cy). Jimmy Carter based his appeal to the 1976 primary electorate on promises-promises which have been left largely unfulfilled. His appeal worked, if only because the electorate did not have the capacity to judge whether this Washington Outsider would actually have the resources to be able to keep those promises. Had there been some role for the party leaders in the selection process-a role that need not replace the primary system en- tirely-the nation may have been spared four years of inaction, impasse, and malaise. On November 23, 1976, just two weeks after he defeated Gerald Ford for the nation's highest office, President-elect Jimmy Carter went a-callin' to the Congressional Democratic leaders in Washington. Carter met with O'Neill, the newly-elected House speaker, and Robert Byrd, the Senate majority leader. In a whirlwind day of meetings he had been a campaigner. Indicative of the initial receptiveness to Carter, Senator Hubert H. Humphrey remarked after the Carter visit: "It's been a long time since I've heard talk like that." Since then, Carter's relations with his Congress have slid steadily downhill. After eight years of divided gover- nment, a government of veto, a Democratic president and a Democratic Congress had promised to get the nation moving again. The balloon of euphoria soon burst, however as the White House adopted the same bunker-style atmosphere that charac- GeOr eUh~~ FOR PRESIDENT and conferences with Democrats, the president-elect, whom most of his colleagues had never met, promised a new era of cooperation and harmony betweenthe White House and Congress. "I will be consulting in an almost un- precedented way with congressional leaders on major pieces of legislation in the embryonic stages," Carter said. The new Democratic president-elect dazzled the leaders of his party. Perhaps this outsider wasn't so bad af- ter all. Perhaps this unknown, who took over the -party through the primary process, would indeed make as good a president and as good a party leader as terized the Republican ad- ministrations. In terms of effective government, of moving the legislature in a specific direction, Jimmy Carter was no more effective than Gerald Ford. The only real hope for the country now lies in learning from the Carter ex- perience, and revitalizing the two-party system. Unless, and until, there is responsible party government, the malaise will continue. And Carter's "crisis of confidence" will be in our system of government and our political parties, not in the hearts and minds of Americans. Sundagj, Co-editors Elisa Isaacson RJ Smith Asociate editor Adrienne Lyons Cover photograph by Peter Serling The Citizens' Party tests the water Supplement to The Michigan Daily Masculine tech and the Pill Keep your e off the tabk Ann Arbor, Michigan, Sunday, March 30, 1980 .s i + .! 4 *.,4 .t p ._ r?, SX':- # i** '#cif1i .S *kt *. t g ~ I-