Page 4-Sunday, March 30, 1980-The Michigan Daily 'Liberal' One of the most fascinating developments of the current election year has been the sur- prisinig emergence of Rep. John Anderson as a strong presidential candidate. Now that many students have jumped on the Anderson bandwagon, perhaps it's time to examine the Anderson record and attempt to discover the true character of this supposedly "fresh," "liberal," "honest" candidate. Because An- derson's campaign has relied heavily on his supposed honesty and integrity, many here have lost track of his actual stance on many key issues, especially those that are traditionally of most concern to students and liberals. John Anderson is not a Republican by chance;' ideologically he is closer to Ronald Reagan than to Mo Udall. Although John Anderson has shed many of his old conservative, pro-Goldwater ways, there are still some areas in which he has remained true to form; specifically, nuclear power, labor related issues, and consumer af- fairs. ANDERSON HAS BEEN one of the strongest pro-nuke, anti-solar members of the House for years, and his actions with regard to the Price-Anderson Act are only one case in point. The Price-Anderson Act (sponsored by a different Anderson) limits the insurance liability of power companies in the event of a nuclear accident. Anderson has properly voted to raise the liability ceiling to $1.2 billion dollars (from $564 million), but ,he voted against the Bingham amendment of 1975 which would have eliminated the ceiling altogether and held nuclear corporations responsible for all damages in the case of an accident. The Price-Anderson Act also gives numerous insurance subsidies to the energy companies. Anderson voted not to cut off this bill in 1979, but rather to extend it an6ther eight years: PERHAPS ANDERSON'S greatest virtues are his support of SALT II and continued effor- ts toward detente. Yet his record shows that he Anderson is a bit less dovish than he might profess to be in this election year. On February 22, 1978, he voted against cut- ting $462 million from production of the B-1 Bomber (HR 9375), and he also supported the neutron bomb in 1977 (HR 6566). In 1976, when we were no longer involved in international conflict, Anderson voted to increase defense spending by $7.6 billion. Social programs have certainly not been part of Anderson's new-found liberalism. He consistently votes for major income tax cuts, which inevitably hurt the lower class and blue collar workers, not to mention students. He voted for the atrocious Kemp-Roth tax cut, which would have decreased taxes by 1/3 in only three years, but when a more reasonable tax cut was offered, Anderson voted against that. The revenue Act of 1978 (HR 13511) would have cut $18.1 billion in taxes, but Anderson disapproved. The reason? The benefits would favor those earning less than $50,000 a year. Those 'lower' income citizens were obviously not very important to Anderson, probably because they weren't the ones who contributed $6000 in campaign funds to the congressman. That donation came from the true Anderson beneficiaries, the oil and gas companies. (In- cidentally, the average oil and gas con- tribution in the House was $1916.) IT'S NO WONDER that Anderson votes the way he does, with such conflicts of interest. Anderson has, like a true Republican, voted for budget cuts in almost all important social programs, including welfare and food stamps. He even went so far as to sponsor a bill that would save money by weakening summer camp safety regulations in 1976. John Anderson has also been unsupportive when it comes to consumer protection. It seems as though not all of his transformation has been from right to left. Though at one time he endorsed the creation of the Consumer Protection Agency, he finally voted against it no fewer than five times on February 8, 1978 (HR 6805), including one vote not to even allow closer to Reagan than Udal By Martin Lederman it for consideration in the House. Anderson also voted against the Consumer Co-op Bank, which provides loans to small food, clothing, and other co-operatives. He also has voted to limit severely the power of the Federal Trade Commission and the block increases in minimum wage. IF THERE'S one area where John Ander- son is weaker than on nuclear energy, it's labor. Anderson has always been a strong supporter of big business. Consistently he has voted for corporate gas and oil deregulation, and he has opposedstrict windfall profits taxes. On June 28 of last year, Anderson voted against the Shannon amendment (HR 3919), whose defeat exempts any oil discovered before 1973 from being taxed in the windfall system. Logically, it follows that Anderson has not been very kind to labor. On the most important votes for labor in the past five years, those regarding labor-law reform and common-situs picketing (HR 4250, 1977), he has voted pro- business. Common situs pikketing would allow unions with grievances against a building con- tractor to picket all the contractors on a par- ticular site, giving the labor force much more power and leverage. Yet Anderson voted against this crucial reform, which lost by only 12 votes. That's not entirely surprising, however, because Anderson himself spon- sored an anti-common-situs bill in 1975 which was narrowly defeated. Anderson also recently voted against benefits for coal miners with black-lung disease, as well as voting for the 1977 Cornell bill (HR 3744), which would have lowered minimum wages for workers under 18 by 15 per cent. IT IS IMPORTANT to note that these votes are not exceptions to the rule; rather, they are merely some of the votes that stand out. John Anderson's overall group voting ratings con- firm the fact that he is not close to the liberal ideal which he has come to represent. COPE, which measures performance on labor related issues, has given Anderson an average annual percentage of 33 since the year 1970, which is after the great Anderson "reform." As recently as 1977, he was still receiving ratings under 30. Predictably, the National Associated Businessmen, Inc., gives him ratings averaging 78, including a 73 in 1978. This indicates that Anderson votes pro- business and anti-labor three out of four times. The consumer's Federation of America gives him a 31 rating over the same nine year span, including a zero rating in 1972. The League of Conservation Voters, which con- siders nuclear and other environmental mat- ters, indicates that Andeison has voted correctly only 39 per cent of the time on those questions. When it comes to supporting defense expen- ditures, Anderson takes on the sound and fury of a hawk. The National Security Index rates him at 76, which is certainly contrary to his recent image. Americans for Democratic tion and Ralph Nader's Public Citizen give him average ratings of 43 and 40 respectively; these progressive groups certainly do not in- dicate that John Anderson is a reactionary, but he is obviously far from the left end of the spectrum. JOHN ANDERSON is a decent man. He is bright, articulate, and refreshing. But he is a Republican, and he thinks (and votes) like one. He has sided with the Republican party the majority of votes every year in his 19-yea congressional careers, and he supported the war in Vietnam up to the bitter end. At a time when we are in serious danger of losing such progressive senators. as McGovern, Bayh, Culver, and Cranston, this is not a time to compromise on a candidate who is not even as "liberal" as Jimmy Carter. It is commendable that so many students are making an attempt to become politicalbv active. But John Anderson is not even spiritually acceptable candidate as was Gene McCarthy. He is simply an attractive moderate who seems liberal compared to the competition. But even Bob Dole seemed progressive compared to Reagan and Bush. One hopes that students will investigate the actual records a little more searchingly before they hop on the Anderson bandwagon. When our political system is so weak that we think of Anderson as an alternative, perhaps is time we started looking outside the pres structure to the Citizen's.Party, perhaps, for a genuine alternative. If we really want a change, maybe we should stop accepting meager alternatives, like John Anderson. Martin Lederman is a member of the Daily arts staff. Anderson _______________________________________________________A NitielY Years of Idito()ri(1 I Iredomi Higgins I pAN tEY ef i* Vol. XC, No. 142 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Some overdue interest is., " ,a / v ' A' I *1 ALTHOUGH INFATION is caused by a variety of factors so com- plex that even economists can't agree on them, there is one problem with the a economy that is rather easily understood: people cannot afford to save money, so they spend it, causing further devaluation of their dollars in a vicious cycle. With banks prevented by law from paying more than 5 per cent interest on regular savings accounts, and .-inflation running at an annual rate of :18 per cent, it is no wonder that Americans have only 4.5 per cent of their spendable incomes in regular savings accounts. On Friday, however, the Senate F followed the lead of the House and approved a bill that could correct this. unfortunate situation, which severely hurts small savers who don't have the money to buy higher-interest- bearing certificates. The bill will lift over the next six years restrictions on interest payments, so that by 1986, INI d r . w'1 a4 r" banks will only have to consider their -business costs-and not federal limits-when determining interest rates. There is only one rather important drawback to this otherwise long- overdue deregulation of the banking industry: costs for loans are likely to rise, as banks and other lending institutions pay more in interest to savers. Yet, the impact of this unavoidable consequence will be lessened by the gradual, six-year phasing of the deregulation. Had Congress decided to remove restrictions immediately, mortgage and loan rates would have skyrocketed to offset the suddenly increased costs of higher savings rates. President Carter has supported the deregulation plan and is expected to sign it into law. Now, instead of macrame plant holders, cookbooks, wallets, and other "premiums," banks can offer substantial interest rates to attract customers. w \A "Keep politics outta this!" ..r . 4 « } ; / ' ; . t t .,. -- I met God the other day. He. was in the same express line as me at Kroger's, only he had nine items and the lady made him put one back before she'd ring him up. I only noticed he was God because he put back the frozen onion rings, which is what I would've done. Also, he didn't bother to count his change. I followed him out to the parking lot. "Hey, are you God?" I shouted after him when I got my cart down the ramp and onto steady ground. I rolled it a bit closer to him. He was busy loading his car and didn't hear me. "EXCUSE ME," I said in as polite and humble a voice as I could, "you look like you could be God or someone a lot like him." He shut his door and turned to me. "Yes, I am. What's your name?" "Uh, Ernie. Ernie Johnson." "Nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too, Sir." "Call me God." "Oh, God." I didn't know what to say next, but at least he said he was happy to meet me. That was a relief. "Do you need a lift?" he asked Hey! Fancy meeting You here! By Marty Levine question?" "Sure, "he said cheerfully. "I mean I don't usually just ask people just like that, but I feel like I know you already." "I understand." "Well-what are you doing down here, I mean, at a super- market." "Oh, I was just getting low on apple cider and chips and stuff and so I thought I'd pick some up before I got busy on the weekend." "You live around here?" "Yeah, in the Kingsdale apar- tments." "HEY, THOSE are nice!" I it was the way he combed his hair. I don't know. I just stood there beaming at him, and he looked real humble. Suddenly it struck me-the question I'd been wanting to ask all along. "Hey, God, what do you want; anyway-out of us?" I felt a. small twinge of fear in my neck. God remained calm, peering momentarily at the sun glaring off the back window of his car, heating up his oranges so they'd be all mushy when he got home. "YOU KNOW," he said, tur- ning to smile at me, "a lot of people ask me that question." "You mean it's like they said in. the Star Trek movie? You b4 guys just need to feel a touch a you'll be ok again?" "Well, to tell you the truth, being worshipped is better than buying chips at Krogers, but this is nice' for a change. Tell you what-stop by my place sometime and I'll tell you more about what's been happening lately. Apartment 3-A." "THANKS, I'LL DO that. Mind if I bring my dog?" "No, I like dogs. Mine's a fox- terrier." "No shit!? Ooooh, sorry." "Don't worry, I've heard it all. Do stop by now, ok? I've got to go get this milk in the fridge. long." "Bye, I--my ice cream!" I shouted, remembering the grov- ceries in the cart. "Dammit!" Chocolate ice cream had soaked through the two-ply bag and was dripping through the metal bars of the cart and onto