The Michigan Daily-Saturday, March 29, 1980-Page 3
Student scholars honored at Hill
For many students who may have
perspired profusely in 1979 worrying
over their grade point averages,
yesterday was the day to sit back and
accept praise as students, faculty, and
administrators gathered in Hill
Auditorium for the 57th Honors
In the morning event, which
University President Harold Shapiro
termed "the highlight of the semester,"
all students who scored a 3.5 academic
average or better in 1979 were cited for
their achievement.
GATHERED ON stage along with
elaborate flower arrangements were
professors and students on the Honors
Convocation committee, Shapiro, and
Regent Thomas Roach (D-Saline). For
the first time in the event's history, an
interpreter for the deaf was also
present on stage and translated each
presentation into sign language.
Vice-President for State Relations
Richard Kennedy gave individual
recognition to the James B. Angell
scholars-those who have earned
straight A's for two or more
consecutive terms. Christy I4ou Bole
of their award.
Ragone gave the convocation address,
entitled "Escape from Entropy."
Ragone explained that entropy is a
tendency for randomness or disorder,
'Students must be part of the process (of education),
not just the recipients of it.'
-Engineering Dean David Ragone
understanding between faculty and
students. "Learning is a much more
active struggle than just the transfer of
information," he said. "Students must
be part of the process (of education),
not just the recipients of it."
One of the most outstanding features
of the University, according to Ragone,
is the learning that takes place outside
the classroom, in addition to traditional
classes. At the honors convocation, the
faculty is given a chance to thank the
students for the contribution they have
male to the University, Ragone added.
"Learning and creativity amount to
a reduction of entropy," Ragone
pointed out to the students. "Your
exceptional talents give you a real
chance to escape from entropy-go to
After an organ recessional, the honor
students and their families attended a
reception later in the afternoon at the
Michigan League.
VICE PRESIDENT for State Relations Richard Kennedy -addresses
students enrolled in honors programs at yesterday's Honors Convocation
held at Hill Auditorium as University President Harold Shapiro, who also
spoke at the event, looks on.
was present on stage to be commended
for eight consecutive straight A
The William J. Branstrom Prize was
awarded to freshpersons who placed in
the top five per cent of their class in the
fall term of 1979. These students also
received a book of their choice as part
and that it exists everywhere in the
Learning, according to Ragone, helps
to reduce entropy in people's minds.
"Real learning lowers entropy in the
brain in which it occurs," he said.
Ragone emphasized that real
learning requires a mutual
~56 arre
(Contirmed from Page 1)
future holds," said Middletown's
gobert Reid, mayor of the community
losest to the .nuclear plant.- "But I
hink we will bounce back."
Over 200 local people maintained a
chilly all-night vigil in the darkness of a
Field beside the nuclear plant's cooling
vwers, hearing Rev. Bill Vastine of the
nited Methodist Church vow to "not
ive in to this technology."
"NOW'S THE time to talk about that
monstrosity just behind me. I hate that
plant. I hate that plant," said Terry
Roth of the anti-nuclear March 28
sted at Three Mile Island protest
Coalition, which organized the two days
of commemorative observances.
"Shutting down that plant is one of
the most important things of my life,"
she added.
A woman who said she survived the
atomic bombing of Hiroshima 35 years
ago, called the crowd "hibakkusha," a
revered Japanese word that means
survivor of a nuclear catastrophe.
"ALTHOUGH MY health is now
weak, I have come all the way from
Hiroshima to here to appeal for a world
that is free of nukes," said 59-year-old.
Chisako Odoriba through an inter-
Some speakers carried babies, shed
tears or spoke in trembling voices.
"My life has been a total disaster sin-
ce the accident. I'm tired of being lied
to. I feel like a hostage in my own
home," said Barb Nace of Harrisburg.
CAILIN PATTERSON, an 11-year-old
Harrisburg girl, added, "So-called ac-
cidents like TMI affect children the
most. We don't want to grow up
thinking that someday we may get can-
cer .. . We don't know whether to
believe grownups anymore."
Earlier, in the pre-dawn chill, flames
. :
State-House GOP
#liuiken may be
EAST LANSING (UPI) - House "Stop Rea
,Republican Leader William Bryant would sup
,said Friday Gov. William Milliken is a Bush or fo
'possible. candidate to be Ronald would be s
Reagan's running mate, should the HE RE
Californian win the GOP presidential ting John.
nomination. third-part3
F Appearing on a Michigan State loses the G
*University public television program, "Im a I
e Grosse Pointe Farms lawmaker dent," he s
"said while Milliken and Reagan have Bryant
obeen at philosophical odds for many Reagan at
years, they may have smoothed things hurt the p
rover. races - tt
H RfHINK it's possible he (Milliken) runner's
might'piek up on Reagan," Bryant said. vative th
When asked if Milliken had a chance Republica
to become the vice-presidential On a
nominee, Bryant said, "I think so. I acknowled
think he'd take it." at odds u
The House GOP leader - who has reason is t
ndorsed George Bush for the a different
omination - said he would not join a "The go
.flicked from the white candles of
protesters as they sang: "Someone's
crying Lord, kumbaya; Stop the ven-
ting Lord, kumbaya."
The venting reference pertains to a
proposal by plant operators to purg
radioactive krypton gas from TMI's
severely contaminated reactor
Meanwhile, experts from California,
Washington and elsewhere began
arriving to stage a national nuclear
debate in Harrisburg, a city whose
name has become synonymous with
nuclear accidents.
The accident precipitated a broad'
review of nuclear power safety and a
debate over- nuclear power's
desirability almost the instant the ac-
cident happened. A presidential com-
mission recommended regulatory
changes, but no ban.
In an anniversary statement, plant
operator Met-Ed said it recognized
peoples' anxieties but asserted it would
move ahead with disputed plans to
decontaminate and eventually reopen
the crippled nuclear reactor.
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leader Bryant says
Meagan 's running mate
Best Foreign Film
?IFJ et
agan" movement. He said he
port'Reagan although he felt
rmer President Gerald Ford
tronger candidates.
JECTED the idea of suppor-
Anderson, who may run on a
y ticket in November if he
XOP nomination.
Republican, not an indepen-
said he did not think having
I the top of the ticket would
arty's chances in legislative
hough he admitted the front-
policies are more conser-
han the image- Michigan
ns are trying to project.
related subject, Bryant
dged his own caucus is often
with Milliken, but said the
he governor has to work with
vernor represents a different
area than we do - he represents the
whole state," the GOP leader said.
"When there is a reason to vote with the
governor, they (caucus members) do."
He gave the entire House "pretty
low" marks for its work so far this
session, saying too much time has been
spent on issues like the controversial
Detroit subway proposal.
Avenue aI
Coner And
" Beyond...
'"M S.. ..'t ::J;:w .};svr::i {i i{i : iii
Ann Arbor Film Co-op-18th Century Film Festival, Les Liaisons
Dangereuses, 7 p.m.; The Nun, 9 p.m., MLB 4.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op-Canadian Animation Festival, 7 p.m.; Clay
Animation, 8:40 p.m., Supershorts: Devo, Asparagus, Ramones, 10:20 p.m.,
Cinema Guild-The Godfather, -art I, 7,10:30 p.m., Old Arch Aud.
Cinema Two-Kings of the Road, 7, 10:15 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Mediatrics-13th Annual International Turnee of Animation, 7, 9 p.m.,
Nat.Sci. Aud.
Residential College/East Quad-"Women, Men, and Sexual Politics," a
week-long conference. Begins 8:30 a.m., East Quad.
PIRGIM-"Congressional Appropriations," a discussion with State
Representative Carl Pursell, 1 p.m., Michigan Union.
PIRGIM Energy Task Force-Discussion of energy independence and
conservation and the movie, "Less is More", 2 p.m., Ann Arbor Public
U-M Department of Classical Studies-"Alexandrianism in Greek and
Latin Poetry," 9:30 a.m., Rackham Assembly Hall.
Nicaragua Solidarity Committee-Comida Mexicana, with speakers on
Nicaragua and El Salvadore and the film, "Sandino Vive." 5 p.m., Trotter
B Department of Dance-"Murmurs: Images in Motion," 8 p.m., Dance
Ethnic Theater Festival-"East/West Players in Revue," 8 p.m.,
Residential College.
Department of Theater and Drama-"The Master Builder," 8 p.m.,
Trueblood Theater.
Canterbury Loft-"The Anita Bryant Follies," 8 p.m., 332 S. State.
Benefit Concert for Clonlara School-Steve Newhouse and the Nuke-a-
billies and Arborgrass, 8:30 p.m., Schwaben Hall, 215 S. Ashley.
Opera Theater-"The Coronation of Poppea," 8 p.m., Power Center.
Artk-Mike Seeger. old time and mountain music. 9 p.m.. 1421 Hill St.
aft er
of spleen
(Continued from Page 1)
the U.S. Embassy, now in its 146th day.
THE SOURCES, who asked not to be
named, said the administration would
not want to be alone in.cutting ties with
Iran over the American hostages taken
Nov. 4.
However, if the hostages are held
indefinitely, the sources said the nine
nations of theEuropean Common
Market may move jointly with the
United States to break with Iran.
Some European governments are
reluctant to end relations, believing
that might give the Soviet Union an
opportunity to tilt the Tehran regime
toward Moscow. So far, Iran has
adopted ananti-Soviet as well as an
anti-U.S. stance.
Recently, however, European
diplomats in Tehran said an informal
meeting to weigh a number of political
steps against Iran to assist the United
States in the crisis. Their countries' oil
needs would be a consideration in any
The current policy review within the
Carter adminsitration is based, in part,
on the collapse of U.N. negotiating
efforts and warnings from Iranian
authorities that a new parliament
might not deal with the hostages until
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