V t Oo1 J#tt l Volcano erupts for first time in 120 years From AP and UP COUGAR, Wash. - Stirring to life for the first time in more than 120 years, Mount St. Helens throbbed with ex- plosions and belched gas and volcanic ash four miles high yesterday as mud- slides and avalanches scarred its snow- covered slopes. Plumes of steam and gas were blown as high as 20,000 feet over the mountain. Brownish-gray ash spread from the northern snowfields of the 9,677-foot peak to an area on its southeast face and the rotten-egg odor of sulfur hung in the air around the peak. "THE MOUNTAIN continues to boil around," said Sam Frear, spokesman for the U.S. FOrest Service in Van- couver, Washington. "What's hap- pening is that explosions and eruptions that vary in intensity and duration - sometimes lasting a minute, sometimes 45 minutes - are issuing from the new crater near the summit." Dens clouds shrouded the volcano most of the day, bedeviling scientists who were trying to determine what was happening. Sporadic, moderate earthquakes continued and several large fissures cut across the summit around the new crater. "THE MOUNTAIN, with all these new cracks and holes, is getting awfully hot," said Joel Aggergaard of the state Department of Emergency Services. A crater originally described as 250 feet by 200 feet was formed Thursday when the mountain roared to life for the first time since 1857. The crate was enlarging as its sides continued to heave and crumble, but the bad weather prevented exact measurement, Frear said. Lawenforcement officials, fearful of more violent volcanic activity, ordered observers to move farther down the mountain and warned nearby residents to be prepared for possible evacuation. BUT HARRY TRUMAN, 83, operator of the St. Helens Lodge high on the mountain, refused to leave. "That mountain just doesn't dare blow up on me," Truman said. "Anyway, I've got a secret place up here on high ground where I hid a grub stake and two kegs of whiskey, and there's no way I'm going anywhere." Authorities said he was unlikely to be in danger because of the lodge's location, but the road could be cut off and he could be left isolated. Daily Official Bulletin SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1980 SUMMER JOBS CAREER PLANNING & PLACEMENT FEDERAL INTERNSHIP: Outdoor Recreation Technician, assist in the coordination of the policy updates for the management of the National Wildlife Refuge System. Requirements: Muht be returning to school in the fall. Must have completed sophomore year as a minimum. Grad student preferred. See vicki Lawrence, 3200 SAB, for details and ap- plication materials. Deadline: April 9. 014 CAMPUS INTERVIEWS: THE INN ON MACKINAC, Mackinac Island, MI. All types of positions in the hospitality industry. Sign up now for interviews on April 2. OHIO EASTER SEALS CAMP. Still has openings for males in camp for handicapped children. Sign up beginning April 1 for interviews on April 7. CAMP FIRE GIRLS OF DETROIT. All types of camp positions. Sign up beginning April 1 for inter- views on April 8. Work-study funds available. CAMP TAMARACK, Ortonville and Brighton, MI. All types of camp positions. Sign up beginning April 1 for interviews on April 9. CAMP NATCHEZ, West Copake, NY. All types of camp positions. Sign up beginning April 1 for inter- views on April 10. CAMP TANUGA, Kalkaska, MI. All types of camp positions. sign up beginning April 1 for interviews on April 11. SIGN UP PROCEDURES: On Tuesdays, you may come to Room 3529 SAB and sign up in person to in- terview with organizations scheduled to visit during the following week. Beginning on Wednesdays and continuing throughout the week you may sign up in person or by phone. Call 764-7456. For more details about these organizations and others offering summer employment, check the in- formation in the Summer Jobs section of Career Planning and Placement, 3200 SAB. Carter criticizes Mobil WASHINGTON - President Carter rebuked Mobil Oil Corp. yesterday for disregarding his voluntary wage-price guidelines and for what he called the company's refusal to refund.$45 million it overcharged customers in three months of last year. He said Mobil's refusal to cut back price increases is "difficult for me to understand. ..at a time when industry compliance with voluntary restraints is so important." Mobil, however, called the action "politically motivated. It was the president's representatives who rejected Mobil's efforts- to cooperate with the administration's anti-inflation program," Mobil said in a statement. Carter said the Council on Wage and Price Stability is looking into the company's compliance with the anti-inflation program, but Carter did not threaten any specific action against the firm. Sadat optimistic on autonomy CAIRO, Egypt - Egyptian President Anwar Sadat said yesterday he is prepared to shuttle 10 times to Washington if the trips are necessary to reach agreement with Israel on the stalled issue of autonomy for the Palestinians. "I have always been optimistic and I am still optimistic," about reaching an agreement, Sadat said. As outlined in the 1978 Camp David framework 'agreements, the autonomy scheme calls for creation of a Palestinian self-governing authority for the 1.2 million inhabitants of the Israeli-occupied Jordan West Bank and Gaza Strip. The Egyptian leader said there might be another Sadat-Begin-Carter summit, in the event that an agreement is reached and must be signed. Arafat calls for volunteers to help fight against Israel NEW DELHI, India-Palestinian guerrilla leader Yasser Arafat, visit- ing India as a newly recognized head of government, said yesterday that diplomacy is the best way to solve the three-month-old Afghan crisis, but called for volunteers to fight Israel. The Palestine Liberation Organization chairman later called his struggle against Israel a "jihad" or "holy war" and called for people to combat Zionism, imperialism, and colonialism. Arafat, given full diplomatic recognition.by India just two days ago, attacked the Camp David accords among the United States, Egypt and Israel as a "conspiracy for wasr in the name of peace and stability." NOW may promote boycott ST. LOUIS-The National Organization for Women (NOW) is not violating antitrust law by promoting an economic boycott of states which have not ratified the Equal Rights Amendment, a federal appeals court ruled yesterday. The court said it had weighed the right of NOW to make its views on ERA felt in a compelling manner against the aright of business to be free from organized boycott activity. "We hold that NOW's boycott activities are privileged on the basis of the First Amendment right to petition and the Supreme Court's recognition of that important right when it collides with commercial effects of trade restraints," the court said. DNR permits new oil well LANSING-The state Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has issued yet another permit allowing Shell Oil Co. to drill an oil well in the Pigeon River Country State Forest, a DNR official said yesterday. The new permit replaces one issued several weeks ago which brought a series of court challenges from environmentalists. Shell drilled that well but found it dry. The new well will be in the same location but drilled at a different angle. Jack Bails, chief of the DNR's environmental division, said DNR Director Howard Tanner' issued the new permit Thursday. Tanner first contacted the West Michigan Environmental Action Council to allow it to alter its case against the first well to include the new permit. Bails said he believed Shell had already begun new work on the site. Ferris student now responding GRAND RAPIDS - Thomas Kakonis, a Ferris State College student who went into a stupor after he shot and killed his accounting professor Wednesday began writing messages and eating yesterday, a psychiatrist said. "He basically has started to respond," said Dr. Jack Carr, who is treating Kakonis. Kakonis, 20, was transferred from a hospital in Big Rapids to Forest View Psychiatric Hospital in Grand Rapids following his arraignment Thursday on an open murder charge in the slaying of Robert Brauer. Compiled from Associated Press and United Press International reports * * * CHURCH OF CHRIST 530 W. Stadium (Across from Pioneer High) Schedule of Services: Sunday-Bible School 9:30 a.m. Worship-10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Wednesday-Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Bible classes for College Students. For information call 971-7925 Wilburn C. Hill, Evangelist Transportation-662-9928 NEWPORT FELLOWSHIP (Free Methodist Church) 1951 Newoort Road-665-6100 Sunday School-9:45 a.m. Worship-11:00 a.m. (Nursery and Children's Worship). Evening Worship-6:00 p.m. Robert Henning, Pastor. 663-9526. * * * CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY Huron Valley Mission 809 Henry St. 668-6113 Sunday Service 2:30 p.m. Rev. Marian K. Kuhns Do a Tree a Favor: RecycI e Your"Daily ST. MARY STUDENT CHAPEL (Catholic) 331 Thompson-663-0557 Weekly Masses: Mon.-Wed.-5:10 p.m. Thurs. and Fri.-12:10 p.m. Saturday-7:00 p:m. Sunday-7:45 a.m,, 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m., noon, and 5p.m. North Campus Mass-9:30 a.m. at Bursley Hall, West Cafeteria. Rite of Reconciliation - 4 p.m.-- 5 p.m. on Friday only; any other time by appointment. WESLEY FOUNDATION at the University of Michigan 60(13 668-6881 602 E. Huron at State Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 Rev. W. Thomas Schomaker, Chaplain Ann Laurance, Ann Wilkinson This Week: Sunday, 5:30 p.m.-Shared Meal. Sunday,6:15 p.m.-Worship Service. Monday 12:10 p.m.-Brown bag film today: "Yudie." A free film and a great. way to have your lunch. LORD OF LIGHT LUTHERAN CHURCH (The Campus Ministry of the ALC-LCA) Gordon Ward, Pastor 801 S. Forest at Hill St. 10:30 a.m.-Worship Service. Wednesday, 5:30 p.m.-Agape Meal. Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m.-Choir Prac- tice. * * * CANTERBURY LOFT Episcopal Campus Ministry 332 S. State St. Rev. Andrew Foster, Chaplain SUNDAY COMMUNITY EVENTS AT ST. ANDREWS CHURCH 306 N. Division 9:00 a.m.-University Study Group. 10:00 a.m.-Worship Service with the Parish. 12 noon-Luncheon and Student Fel- lowship. CAMPUS CHAPEL 1236 Washtenaw Ave. Fellowship Supported by the Christian Reformed Church Clav Libolt 10:00 a.m.-Morning Service-Palm Sunday Service. Rev. Andrew Kuyvenhoven will be the featured speaker. 6:00 p.m.-Evening Service-A film: "Parable." * * * UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL Serving the Campus for LC-MS Rovert Kavasch, Pastor 1511 Washtenaw Ave. 663-5560 Double Sunday Services-9:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Sunday Bible Study at 9:15 a.m. Midweek Worship-Wednesday at 10:00 p.m. (USPS 344-900) Volume XC, No. 141 Saturday, March 29, 1980 0 "WHY DO THE HEATHEN RAGE?" Psalms 2:1 and Acts-4:25 The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109. Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday mornings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndicate, and Field Newspaper Syndicate. News room: (313) 764-0552, 76-DAILY: Sports desk: 764-0562; Circulation: 764.0558: Classified advertising: 764-0557: Display advertising: 764-0554: Billing: 764.0550: Composing Room: 764.0556. Was it not Julius Caesar who wrote: "All Gaul is divided into three parts"? And was it not the late Will Rogers who said that American History was divided into three parts: 1, The passing of the Buffalo; 2, The passing of the Indians; and the modern period, The passing of the Buck? There is raging, rioting, rape, ruin, rebellion, crime, lawlessness, and anarchy just about all over the globe! When you think of it and the causes and ask why, why, do you ever think of your own responsibility in the matter, or do you almost involuntarily "pass the buck" to someone else: The Communists, The Rightists, The Leftists, The President, The Senate, The House, The Supreme Court, Governors, Legislators, or maybe the Klu Klux? But never was applied "behind" the brush, the strap, and the switch. If I had been deprived of that healthy medicine that I needed I fear I would be a lot sorrier than I have turned out to be, as is. But I am not so sorry as to even now not strive to obey God's fifth Command: "Honor thy father and thy mother," to thank God for such parents and "to rise up and call them blessed." Hear The Word of God, The King of kings, and Lord of lords: "Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die, Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell." Proverbs 23:13 and 14. That comes very near to just plain- ly saying: "'Beat the hell out of him!" Doubtless the rod Editor-in-Chief....................MARK PARRENT Managing Editor...-........:... MITCH CANTOR City Editor--------------------..PATRICIA HAGEN University Editor...................TOMAS MIRGA Editorial Page Editors.............JOSHUA PECK HOWARD WITT Magazine Editors..............,..ELISA ISAACSON R.J. SMITH Arts Editors...................,..MARK COLEMAN DENNIS HARVEY Sports Editor.....................ALAN FANGER Executive Sports Editors........... .. ELISA FRYE G~ARY LEVY Business Manager..........ROSEMARY WICKOWSKI Sales Manager----.........-DANIEL WOODS Operations Manager............KATHLEEN CULVER Display Manager......-........KRISTINA PETERSON Classified Manager.................SUSAN KLING Nationals Manager............ROBERT THOMPSON Finance Manager ........ GREGG HADDAD Circulation Manager.. JAMES PICKETT Ad Coordinator....................PETE PETERSEN BUSINESS STAFF: Patricia Barron, Maxwell enoliel Joseph Broda, Courtney Casteel, Randi Cigelink. I - 11R A, :st:~~ '~~ 1