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See editorial page
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See Today for details
Ninet y Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. XC, No. 141
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, March 29-1980 Ten Cents Ten Pages ;
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - Surgeons
removed the desposed shah of Iran's
cancerous spleen In an operation last
night at an Egyptian military hospital,
a medical bulletin issued by Dr. Sabry
[smail reported.
The brief bulletin said the surgery
was supervised by famed surgeon Dr.
Michael DeBakey of Houston, Texas,
and "was completed in a satisfactory
condition." It said the shah was
receiving intensive care.
S THE OPERATION was performed by
a U.S.-Egyptian team led y DeBake"
according to an announcement made by
the Baylor College of Medicine in
Frank Weaver, a spokesman for the
college, said he received a call at 5:40
p.m. EST from DeBakey in which the
doctor said.the surgery of the deposed
monarch's enlarged spleen had been
completed and he "was very satisfied
With the effectivenss of the team and
4th the shah's condition.'
Weaver said DeBakey told him the
team had performed a spleenectomy
and Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlai was
in "stable condition and doing very
THE OPERATION was performed
in Cairo's Maadi Military Hospital,
which was protected by a line of
Egyptian armoredcars and soldiers.
The shah has been in a second floor
uite at the hospital since he left
anama and was received here
Monday by President Anwar Sadat of
The shah's flight from Panama,
where he lived for 100 days after
receiving medical treatment in the
United States, raised a storm of protest
in Iran. In a sermon on the Moslem
sabbath, a Tehran clergyman called
Sadat an "agent of the United States"
for granting the shah permanent
W"AMERICA MUST know that the
question hs not ended by smuggling the
shah to Egypt," said the clergyman.
He also said the Americn hostages in
Tehran would be tried "to ensure the
extradition of the shah."
Meanwhile, sources in Washington
said yesterday the Carter
administration is considering a further
cutback in Iranian diplomats in the
United States as part of a series of get-
*ough measures to be announced next
But U.S. relations with the regime in
Tehran will be maintained despite
growing impatience with the siege at
see SHAH, Page 3.
Protesters march
against 'U' reactor
Commemorating the first anniversary
of the Three Mile Island nuclear
accident, more than 70 demonstrators
marched three miles, from Main Street
to the University's Ford/Phoenix
nuclear reactor on North Campus, to
urge an end to nuclear power use.
Carrying black balloons-symbols of
death and disease-demonstrators
began their march with a rally at the
Ann Arbor Edison office where they
protested the construction of Fermi II,
the company's nuclear power plant now
being built near Monroe. From there,.
the demonstrators moved on to North
"WE ARE OUT to demonstrate our
concern and determination for the end
to nuclear power," said Joe Tiboni, a
member of the Arbor Alliance, which
sponsored the rally. The demonstrators
at North Campus demanded that the
University shut down its training
reactor, he said.
According to Tiboni, the launching of
the balloons, at the reactor was a way
to bring community attention to the
problems of nuclear power. Attached to
each balloon was a card warning that
the wind that brought the balloon to its
final destination have just as easily
brought nuclear fallout.
Although the Phoenix reactor is too
small to actually melt down, Tiboni
says the message simply symbolizes
the pollution of the environment that's
man made.
JIM GARRISON, a national staff
worker for the Coalition for a Non-
Nuclear World, was in Ann Arbor to
support the Arbor Alliance's activities
and to raise support for a march on the
Pentagon in Washington, D.C. planned
for Saturday, April 26.
Garrison said he hopes the April rally
and civil disobedience at the Pentagon
will force politicians to pay attention to
the anti-nuclear movement. The civil
disobedience will consist of forming a
human chain around the Pentagon
complex and infiltrating the complex
itself through an interior subway
station, he said.
Garrison said he did not think the
demonstration would bring about any
immediate changes, but it might make
the politicians uncomfortable. "The
action (lobbying, marching, and civil
disobedience) brings people together. It
will do a lot to empower the anti-
nuclear movement itself. In an election
year it might make the politicians
"IT'S A LONG struggle, and we're
going to win it because we're
increasinglysophisticated,and we're
getting bigger," Garrison added.
Tiboni agreed with Garrison's
assessment of the political position of
energy programs, saying, "If it's
convenient for them, they (politicians)
will embrace that point of view (against
nuclear energy). I don't know if they
will do anything more than embrace
National TMIprotest
leads to 56 arrests
From AP and UPI
Daily Photo by JOHN HAGEN.
ANTI-NUCLEAR protesters marched three miles yesterday in com-
memoration of the Three Mile Island disaster. After arriving at the Uni-
versity's nuclear reactor on North Campus, the group launched hundreds
of black baloons with messages warning that nuclear fallout is carried by
the wind as easily as a balloon.
Fifty-six anti-nuclear protesters were
arrested yesterday at the New Jersey
headquarters of the utility that owns
the Three Mile Island nuclear power
plant in one of several demonstrations
marking the first anniversary of the
nation's worst commercial nuclear ac-
At Middletown, Pa., about 200 people,
including reporters, gathered in a yard
just a few hundred feet from the
damaged Three Mile Island plant.
Carer stos mpi
From APand UeI The network reportedly was to pay through Aug. 3, when the Olympics end.
SHINGTON - President Carter some $87 million for rights to televise OFFICIALS said it means that no
ed the secretary of commerce about 150 hours of the Moscow events. momentoes, flags, buttons or other
rday to deny all licenses for IN NEW YORK, the network said it small items can be exported, aside
ican goods and technology to be will "be guided by the policies and from anything like computers or other
for the Summer Olympics in regulations of the United States gover- technology items.
ow and to revoke export licenses nment ... and wll take appropriate ac- The president's actions were the
for items that have not yet been shipped.
He also prohibited other transactions
and payments associated with Olym-
pic-related exports.
THE ACTION restricts the export of
significantly more than $13 million in
items ranging from track and field
equipment to uniforms, and from
videotape equipment to low-technology
computers for keeping scores and
times, according to Homer Moyer, the
Commerce Department's general
It also means that NBC will be barr-
fed from making further payments or
exports under its contracts relating to
U.S. television rights for the Games.
'Since U.S. athletes will not be attending the games,
it is appropriate for the American business com-
munity to demonstrate its own support for this posi-
to export an estimated $20 million in
products relating to the Summer Olym-
pics to the Soviet Union.
THE ACTION was intended to slow
U.S. displeasure with continuing Soviet
military involvement in Afghanistan,
Commerce Secretary Philip M. Klut-
znick said at the time.
"Since U.S. athletes will not be atten-
ding the games, it is appropriate for the
American business community to
demonstrate its own support for this
position by limiting its own par-
ticipation in the.Moscow Games," the
department said.
Commerce said at the time that a
mandatory ban on Olympic-related ex-
ports was being considered.
White House press secretary Jody
Powell said any question of whether
Carter would permit individuals to par-
ticipate in the Olympics was "moot"
because individual Americans are
tbarred from the competition.
THE NUCLEAR foes lit 'white can-
dles and sang a protest song at 4 a.m.,
exactly the time when a series of
mechanical breakdowns and human
errors triggered the accident on March
28, 1979; and radioactive gas escaped
from the plant.
The plant now sits virtually silent on
a speck of land in the Susquehanna
River, ten miles from the state capitol
in Harrisburg. It has become a symbol
of anti-nuclear activism around the
world and was the focal point of
protests across America and Europe.
Peaceful' anti-nuclear observances
were conducted at power plants and
utilities in Connecticut, Virginia,
California and Texas and more were
planned throughout the weekend.
ABOUT 200 people demonstrated
peacefully at the corporate headquar-
ters of General Public Utilities in Parr
sipanny, N.J., and 56 of them were
arrested after entering company
Some of the protesters jumped a four-
foot snow fence and others tried to
shoulder through police lines. Police
carried away some of the demon-
strators and loaded them into buses.
Those arrested were being charged
with criminal trespass.
About" 40 people demonstrated outside
the' gates of Northeast Utilities in
Berlin, Conn., and two women handing
out pamphlets were arrested for inter-
fering with employees entering the
facility, authorities said.
AT THREE Mile Island, mothers, lit-
tle girls, preachers and protesters held
candles and sang, "No more nukes, My
"You really don't know what the
See 56, Page 3
-Commerce department statement
tion" relating to the president's order.
Under Carter's order, American
business firms, as well a individuals,
will be prohibited from sending
anything to Russia - except medicine
- if the items are connected to the
The order covers everything not
shipped within 48 hours and extends
latest the administration has taken to
retaliate against the Soviet Union for its
military intervention in Afghanistan
late last year. Carter has already an-
nounced that the United States' will not
send a team to take part in the Summer
Games if they are held in Moscow.
The Carter administration on March
i 2 asked U.S. companies voluntarily not
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Oil platform 6ollapses in North Atlantic;
gale winds, waves cause 38 deaths
.................................... .......... I ....................
STAVANGER, Norway (UPI)-Battling against time,
divers groped through a giant capsized oil platform in the icy
North Atlantic yesterday, searching for 99 crewmen missing
and feared dead in the world's worst offshore oil disaster.
At least 38 persons were confirmed killed when the 10,105-
ton Alexander Kielland, described as a football field-sized
"hotel" for oil workers, succumbed to 72 mph winds and 23-
foot-high waves Thursday and collapsed with "an almighty
crack," toppling 228 workers into the freezing sea.
A SPOKESMAN for Phillips Petroleum, operators of the
g, said 91 persons were rescued and 99 were still missing
when the search was suspended last night.
He said the hunt would resume today but admitted there
was next to no hope of finding more survivors.
The platform collapsed just 72 hours before it was
scheduled to be towed into Stavanger for refitting.
HIGH WINDS and waves that hampered the early hours of
the rescue effort subsided by mid-afternoon, but a new storm
was expected to churn up the waters this afternoon.
"We've never had great loss of life before in rig
disasters," a spokesman for Lloyd's of London insurers said.
"This must be the worst disaster as far as loss of life goes."
A flotilla of 20 ships, 23 helicopters and scuba diving teams
worked the wind-whipped 41-degree wAters of Norway's
Ekefisk offshore oilfields 175 miles southwest of Stavanger.
SUBMERGED BUT still attached to the five overturned
pontoons on which the workers' quarters rested were four
storis of rooms and recreation areas where many of the
missing were believed entombed.
Hoping that some might still be alive in air pockets, divers
groped through the upside down reems and banged on metal
walls, listening for replies. Hearing none, they finally
suspended the search until today.
Of the 91 persons rescued, only 50 remained in the hospital
TWENTY OTHERS were treated and released and the
remaining 21 did not require hospital care.
The Alexander Kielland, like the rig meant to replace it,
was a semi-submersible platform, a type of structure which
has a base floating on a raft. The raft, while under water,
does not touch the bottom of the sea.
All the other rigs in the Ekefisk fields are fixed-type plat-
forms, anchored to the bottom. These platforms undergo
See OIL, Page 3
AP Photo
THE FIRST GROUP of 16 survivors fromThursday's collapse of a North Sea oil drilling platform arrive yesterday
by helicopter at Stavanger, Norwary. A total of 225 persons were aboard the platform when gale force winds and
heavy seas toppled it.
welcome to help. As an added feature, the ."Rainbow
Clown" will present between 10 a.m. and noon. Hey
buddy-can you spare a dime? Ql
Can 't Ouit? Switch!
According to the American Cancer Society, if you can't
quit smoking cigarettes "cold turkey", you should switch to
a lower tar and nicotine cigarette. The Society's vice-
president for epidemiology, Lawrence Garfinkel, said in a
recently released report that a new study shows more
people stop smoking after switching to low tar and nicotine
Place your bets
It's neck and neck at the starting gate, but the winner in
the November presidential election, by a nose, will be ...?
Nobody knows, but Ladbrokes, Britain's bigest
bookmakers, are willing to take anyone's bet on who's
going to be our next president. "Carter and Reagan are the
ones people seem to be interested in," a Ladsbroke
spokeswomanssaid about the betting which began last
October. "When we first opened our books Carter was the
favorite. But now it looks like Reagan is taking over."
second one. I mean this man is so good; this man is so
honest and dignified he would never do harm to anybody.
This'man dedicated his life for his country." The princess
denied charges that she and her brother gained billions of
dollars in illegal bribes. She also told Walters that her own
wealth was "not more than any average
American-wealthy American." A former member of the
United Nations Commission on Human Rights, the princess
denied she got the money illegally. O
On the inside