I Page 6-Thursday. March 27, 1980-The Michigan Daily ............................. ~ S . . . . ,.~ . .~ .........*,....................*.*....s..............'.....,,....,....~ 4 .S16~. ..,,...,....... N Selective Service disavows anti-CO document From AP and UPI WASHINGTON - The Selective Service System yesterday disavowed an internal memo recommending abolition of the conscientious ob- jector status that allowed thousands of men to avoid military service in Vietnam and other wars. The memo was released by Rep. Robert Kastenmeier (D-Wis.), in the latest salvo by op- ponents of draft registration to scuttle President Carter's registration plan. KASTENMEIER TOLD a news conference he released the paper because Selective Service of- ficials had ducked his questions about its policy on conscientious objection. But Kastenmeier said that since his questions went unanswered, "I am obliged to rely on these documents as representing the views of some people in positions of responsibility within the Selective Service System." The document, drafted for the system by Maj. Don Guritz of the Air Force Reserve, said, "The general public stigma associated with conscien- tious objection prior to the Vietnam conflict no longer exists. "WE CAN reasonably expect that in any future emergency draft, more than half of the registrants will seek conscientious objector status, particularly if females are made subject to involuntary military service." The document offered two legislative alter- natives for dealing with the problem: " "Complete rescission" of the conscientious objector exemption; and, " Restriction of the status to "practicing member of religious sects that specifically prohibit participation in military services," such as Quakers, Mennonites, and the Church of the Brethren. Guritz, who said his recommendations may have been colored by his experience, wrote that his job had included referral of Selective Service cases to U.S. attorneys for prosecution. His ex- perience with conscientious objectors was limited to "recalcitrants and political radicals," he said. JOAN LAMB, a Selective Service spokeswoman, said that when Guritz turned in his report, Selective Service officials said "Thanks; but no thanks, and filed it." She said there is "no current review of criteria" for conscientious objector status. "The 'CO status would be the same." The Supreme Court has ruled that people can be eligible for CO status merely on the basis of moral or ethical feelings, without any "religious training or belief." Guritz rejected the idea of setting up public service work camps for conscientious objectors as was done in World War II. He also urged against conscription of women ''since many female ' registrants could reasonably be expected to claim conscientious objector status." Among his other proposals, Guritz suggested that conscientious objectors "could well be sub- jected to special tax assessments in lieu of military or alternate service. Under current law, conscientious objectors are required in lieu of military service to perform "such civilian work contributing to the main- tenance of the national health, safety or interest as the director of Selective Service may deem appropriate." Meanwhile, the House Appropriations Com- mittee scheduled a meeting for today to vote on registration of young men. Opponents said it ap- peared the administration had enough support to prevail in the committee. . . . --. .--- ~ -......'. . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MR,. ...15y PM5 ' ' AN ENDS TONIGHT: "ELECTRIC HORSEMAN" Thurs-5:40,7:45. 9:50 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINEE Best Foreign Film Franco Brusati's ]] J * et eniuce 1 Ill1nois N-plant indicted for violations L ~ :4: In i Concert And Beyond ... SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) - Com- monwealth Edison Co. and two of its of- ficials were indicted yesterday on fraud and conspiracy charges for alleged security violations at the utility's nuclear power plant near Cordova in northwest Illinois. The nine-count federal indictment charges that Edison, the state's largest utility, and two officials at the Quad-Cities Nuclear Station conspired to evade Nuclear Regulatory Com- mission security requirements. AN EDISON spokesperson said the company believes it is innocent, "has violated no laws, and intends to defend itself and its employees vigorously." The spokesperson said the charges were not related to the operation of the two nuclear reactors at the plant, located along the Mississippi River. The indictment alleges that security guards were ordered not to record the discovery of unlocked and unguarded doors to the plant's "protected and vital" areas, or the presence of unescorted visitors to such areas. IT CITED THREE instances of unescorted visitors and another six of unlocked and unguarded doors, all bet- ween January 1976 and March 1977. In violation of NRC security regulations, Edison and the two of- ficials failed "to record such infor- mation in security records," the indic- tment said. It said Edison and the of- ficials, "having possession of slips of paper recording vital area doors found, open by security guards ... would and operations" at the plant. did conceal ,those slips of paper from Gerald Fines, the U.S. attorney in the NRC.. ." Springfield said each count carries a The indictment said the inaccurate maximum penalty of five years it security records were presented to the prison and a $1,00 fine. He said that if NRC, although Edison and the officials convicted, the utility itself would be knew the records "did not accurately subject only to the fine portion of th and truthfully reflect security penalty. CINCINNATI (AP) - Former President Gerald R. Ford said yesterday he would accept a convention draft in Detroit this summer as the Republican presidential nominee, although he termed such an offer "a very, very remote possibility." Speaking at a breakfast fund-raiser for Rep. Bill Gradison (R-Ohio), he also accused President Carter of "flip-flop policies in the foreign field," and blamed him for the 18 per cent annual inflation rate because of "his inability to understand simple economics." FORD SAID his March 15 decision not to enter the GOP presidential race came after a pragmatic assessment of his chances of winning the nomination with a late entry in the campaign. "It wasn't an easy decision," Ford said. "I think it's proven by the polls that if I could get the nomination, I could beat Jimmy Carter - period," Ford said. "The realities were, the odds didn't look like it was very encouraging to get the nomination." Ford predicted that Ronald Reagan would be the. Republican nominee. But he held out the possibility of accepting a convention draft if Reagan fails to win the nomination on the first ballot. "I'VE NEVER ducked a responsibility," Ford said. "If a draft happens - and that's a very, very remote possibility - of course, twould assume my responsibility to head the Republican ticket." The former president did not endorse Reagan for the GOP nomination but pledged his unqualified support if the former California governor runs against Carter this fall. "If thei choice is Reagan and Carter, the choice is very simple for me - it's Reagan," Ford said. .At a news conference Tuesday in Chicago, Ford said he still believes Reagan cannot beat Carter in the November elections. Ford had said earlier, when he first suggested he might become a candidate, that Reagan was too conservative to be elected president. "I maintain that Reagan would be unelectable on the basis of polls," Ford said. "The polls are pretty imposing evidence, and they've been pretty consistent." Ford would accept convention draft Fitness lab fights unfitness in AZ (Continued from Page 1) neumoscan which determines whether lung capacity and volume fall into the "normal" range. The device also determines maximum breathing rates and some other quantities. In order to determine his ideal body weight the client took a body com- position test. Clad in"swim trunks, he was submerged in a water tank while sitting on a metal chair. A scale on the chair measured the amount of air remaining in his lungs after exhaling. This measurement, among others, is used to calculate percentage of fat in the body. Another client ran on a treadmill. He started at a leisurely walk, while the angle of the treadmill steepened and its speed increased. "IN THIS TEST the length of the test depends upon the physical fitness of the person running it. Some people go for 20 minutes or more on the treadmill," ex- plained Sam Breck, public relations coordinator at the Center. "The pur- pose of this test is to bring the person to his 'target zone,' where he exerts his maximum physical effort." The client was hooked up to an elec- trocardiogram machine which guaged his heart's activity while he ran on the treadmill. The electrodes on his body monitored the electric conductivity of his heart while under stress. A car- diologist measured his blood pressure periodically during the test. A mouth- piece recorded the volume of air used by his body. The more fit a person is, the more oxygen can be utilized during exercise, and the more quickly the heart rate will return to normal, Breck explained. ALL TESTING, Breck emphasized, "is conducted with adequate preventive measures for the benefit and health of the client." This also helps to avoid lawsuits, Breck added. Breck said a cardiologist is always present during testing to ensure that the client does not over-exert himself. Laurie Bednarz, an assistant at the Center, said spring is the Center's busiest time because people seem to be . more aware of the need for exercise as warm weather approaches. The Center conducts tests three days per week, usually testing three to five people per day, she said. THE PROGRAM IS open to the public, but University students, staff and faculty receive a 20 per cent discount on charges for the tests and programs. Costs for tests and exercise programs range from $30 to $370. "The Center is approaching businesses in the area, trying to get them interested in the program for their executives," she said. "Examples of businesses"that have utilized the program are the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Department, Monroe City government and some local com- panies." "People come from as far as Detroit and Kalamazoo to benefit from thg program," Bednarz said. The center was started four years ago through the efforts of four Physical Education Department professors, Bednarz said. Most of the employees at the center are graduate students in physical education working part time on a paid basis, or for academic credit. "We are a non-profit organization, and with the aid of grants from the University and our fees, we try to keeg up with our overhead," she said. While anyone can participate in the program, ex-athletes may find it especially advantageous, Breck said. "The trouble ex-football players and other athletes encounter," Breck said, is that "muscles convert to body fat. Very often the athlete doesn't alter his. diet and physical activity correctly af- ter retiring." The center also offers 12-week-long supervised physical training programs to help clients maintain a regular exere cise schedule. mmod 4 ". Computer Scienceand Engineering Graduates A Mutual Investment Plan for Your Career. What you can learn about us may well be the answer to your career needs. Our business is the development of sophisticated banking and brokerage systems for the world's financial institutions, complex intelligence systems for government and military application, deep ocean sonar surveillance systems, electrical and electronic components, deep pile fabrics and much more. At Bunker Ramo, we recognize that meeting the challenge for the future lies in our ability to continually attract and develop new talent. As a result, we're dedicated to this fundamental concept: by investing in your, future, we can achieve a significant return on our own, and that's one of the best investments we can make. We're a Fortune 500, multi-national corporation, with locations throughout the United States and abroad, and sales nearing $500 million ner near. We are not so large that we don't know our people te Holywood Knights are coming Are you going to be there? Do you know who they are? How they can be saved? If you know who they are-(or if you don't-guess) submit your copy of 25 words or less, to the Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, by Thursday, 12:00 noon. Responses will be judged on creativity and originality. Top 15 winners will have responses published on Sunday and will receive not only special invitations but also T-shirts and jackets to the movie Hollywood Knights Friday night at 7:00. Ann Arbor has been chosen as one of the three college campuses to receive this special screening. Don't miss it. Submit your entry by noon. TODAY is your last chance. m .. - .. - - m-m----- PE I- U