Page 10-Wednesday, March 26, 1980-The Michigan Daily
Three Bogota captives released
BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) -
Guerrillas who have held the Dominican
Republic Embassy for 28 days released
three Colombian captives yesterday.
Official sources said prospects were
improving in negotiations for the
freedom of the 29 remaining hostages -
including U.S. Ambassador Diego
The main problem still is the
guerrilla demand that 28 people they
define as political prisoners be released
from prison, which the government
THE THREE Colombians, accom-
panied by a medical doctor who had en-
tered the building an hour earlier,
walked out of the embassy at 3:35 p.m.
The men, identified by police as three
private citizens and not diplomats,
carried small bundles that appeared to
be clothing. They waved at the hostages
remaining behind as they walked away
'and then waved at reporters who had
witnessed their release.
Including the three Colombians, the
guerrillas have released 26 persons sin-
ce seizing the embassy during a
diplomatic reception Feb. 27. Twenty-
nine hostages remain in captivity, in-
cluding Asencio and 18 other diplomats
of ambassadorial rank.
GOVERNMENT sources had said
earlier this week they expected the
terrorists, who belong to the M-19
guerrilla organization, to release some
of the hostages.
- Shortly before the Colombians were
released, government sources reported
the atmosphere of ongoing talks with
the guerrillas was improving and a new
round of negotiations was expected
tomorrow or Friday.
"The possibilities for an agreement
are much better now," a Foreign
Ministry source said after analyzing
the results of a sixth negotiating session
held Monday.
Monday's session broke an 11-day
deadlock and ended with negotiators
smiling and shaking hands. An official
government communique said there
was less antagonism between the two
sides than in previous rounds.
During the session, the woman
guerrilla who has represented the
estimated 30 captors occupying the
embassy repeated earlier demands
that 28 alleged political prisoners be
released from Colombia jails the
Foreign Ministry source said. But she
let it be known the guerrillas no longer
were seeking $50 million in ransom.
ACLU says charter
may lead to abuses
Thursday, March 27, 1980
Dept. of Psychology, Indiana University
"Intelligibility and Comprehension of
Synthetic Speech Produced by Rule"
(with demonstrations)
MHRI Conference Room 1057
3:45 to 5:00 p.m.
TEA: 3:15 p.m. MHRI Lounge
American Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU) told Congress yesterday that a
proposed charter for U.S. intelligence
agencies would legalize many of the
abuses against innocent Americans un-
covered in recent years.
Testifying before the Senate In-
telligence Committee, ACLU
legislative counsel Jerry Berman said
the private civil liberties group was
"concerned that Congress, in its haste
to remove so-called 'unwarranted
restraints' on the intelligence agencies,
may ignore or give short shrift to the
rights of Americans."
THE CHARTER was worked out by
committee staff members and ad-
ministration officials from the in-
telligence agencies. Nevertheless, the
administration has objected to some
provisions, such as briefing Congress in
advance of covert spy operations.
Administration officials, however,
have not objected to the sections that
Berman attacks, and he complained
that "Congress is not forcing the agen-
cies to give an adequate explanation on
the public record of the bill's intent and
Berman said the charter would allow
the FBI'at home and the CIA abroad to
investigate Americans who may be in-
volved in clandestine intelligence ac-
tivities on behalf of a foreign power.
" ..Just to
..:";<.-, { ; ::.:r; ': :...;:::":.;{:', >'..{.......::.,... } .. Three-{:'ear-oldhreScottoldW ilttonlsoakeke
itin during a recent amateur outing at
An t....p:.gs L ng Doung athlete quickly untangled imse
$.............. .Stock mrar]
"..,. could indi(
recession i
NEW YORK (AP) - The stock
rp n d f rd / n dmarket has taken a $150 billion drop in
---- Cthe past six weeks, evoking painful
m d t . ty.memories on Wall Street of thebear
polyest",".".r".b .".nd.."SXL .The oldest and best-known indicator
of stock price trends, the Dow Jones in-
Terry Shirts with Arrow and VanHeusen Mountain Parka : dustrial average, this week has fallen to
its lowest level in nearly two years.
Accent Stripingws Long Sleeve Dress $29.9 FROM FEB. 13, when it stod at
b903.84, the average has dropped more
$1 .9Shit 89 - $19 Regularly $40. In navy or tan than 135 points, or about 15 per cent.
poph nylon lining-- Some of this slide has been blamed on
" Regularly $15. Soft, comfortable Regularly $17 - $21. Large assortment a great cover up for spring, disappointment with President Carter's
v: short sleeved knit shirt. Perfect of newest fashion collar shirts in Looks great on gals, too! anti-inflation plan announced 12 days
dfor spring. In shades of natural, dacron/cotton blends ago. New complications in the Iranian
cmladlahrCoonVery stylish, crisis also apparently took their toll.
cloBut most analysts in the financial
polyester lend.rize, t-s dhLsb nw world agree the main message in the
'" market's slump has been a growing
r , belief that the economy is headed for
n M t h te nsome tough times in the months ahead.
Is', t i etlgtens updfntl gigt7ea
IT LOOKS as though there's
Retl ogtovbe a aresnaysaith
Your wardrobe, that is. To shed the layers you've been wearing all winter and get brokerageafirm aofeDean SWtter
ready for spring? Copper Rivet thinks so. We also think that it should'nt cost a lot to Reynolds Inc.
lighten that load. That's why right now we're offering such tremendous savings on
the newest spring fashions for men. Just look at these prices: February pr
:.:" iin lation rats
",+ ~(Continued from Page )
any worse, and would begin declining
Haggar Brittania leans later this year. He based his forecast on
the assumption that surging increases
ExpandornatiC Now $17.50 ingasoline prices would level off and in-
andnd8c00 terest rates would decline from their
Slacks $14.99 : and $18.00 record levels.
.; February's report, based on price
":changes occurring before President
. ::Carter unveiled his new anti-inflation
program, was a virtual replay of the
The comfortable fit Regularly $22 and $23. January figures that set off the ad-
you've come to expect You can always use a
from Haggar--with new pair of jeans. Medievalg $d
complete stretch fabric At this price buy a Re$nassanc Collegium
and inner waist panel. couple of pairs and MARC Student Housing
save a lot! Fall and Winter 1980-81
In navy, medium blue,:saealt
Would you like to live in an elegant
and camel. neo-Tudor mansion (East Quad)? Dining hall,
library, cultural events, interestin asso-
- Sizes 33-40 ciates, old-world ambience. The Medieval
":--and Renaissance Collegium is now accept-
ing reservation for student accommodations
-':,in the MARC Residence House, effective
September 1980. If you are a MARC con-
' ~centrator or if you are interested in the.
Middle Ages and the Renaissance, you are
eligible to live in -the Marc House. For
information or to reserve a room for the
Fall, call BOTH the Housing Office (763-
3164, 1011 SAB) AND the MARC office
(763-2066; 206 Tyler, East Quad) with
your name and address.
Act now on your reservation. Only a
limited number of places are available.
be sure A ht
sure his ball gets to the net by following
a soccer field in Lithonia, Georgia. The
If and continued his training. Watch out,
ket slide
rate thatg
s near
Among the anti-inflation measures
prescribed by the government in mid-
March, restraints on consumer credit
have had the most noticeable im-
mediate impact on Americans' daily
economic affairs.
But in the near-unanimous view of
Wall Streeters, tightening of credit by
the Federal Reserve at higher levels of
the banking system is likely to prove
much more important in the long run.
The Fed's efforts to reduce the growth
of money in circulation have already
sent the housing industryinto a severe
slump and put interest rates at record
THIS TIGHTENING of credit by the
Fed actually dates back to last October,
when the monetary agency took steps
that allowed interest rates in,the money
markets to take a sharp jump.
But many observers believe the Fed's
,,moves are now beginning to take hold,
with results that will begin to show up
soon in rising unemployment, declining
corporate profits and other economic
bad news.
sices up 1.4%;os
gnow at 1O/yeo,
ministration's scramble for a new
economic game plan.
ENERGY AND home ownership
costs continued to account for two-
thirds of the February rise.
Gasoline prices increased 7.3 per cent
in February - a compound annual rate
of 133 per cent. Gasoline prices have
risen 68 pericent in the past 12 months
Home heating oil roseat a monthly rate
of 5.1 per cent in February, compared
to 5.3 in January.
Because wages have not kept up with
these steep price rises, the real spen-
dable earnings of an average urban
blue collar worker with a wife and two
children - after taxes and after ad-
justing for inflation - declined 1.4 per
cent in February and have fallen 7.3
over the past year, the Labor Depar-
tment said.
THAT WAS the biggest year-long
decline since the government began
collecting earnings figures in 1964.
Carter's spending cuts are intended
to produce a balanced budget for the
first time in 12 years. In Congress,
where support for a balanced budget
appears overwhelming, the House
Budget Committee has proposed $16.5
billion in spending cuts for 1981 to
achieve that goal.
.. ti