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March 26, 1980 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-03-26

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, March 26, 1980-Page 5
Palestinian Arabsg
strike in protest of
Israeli settlements


EGYPTIAN PRESIDENT ANWAR Sadat confers with the former Shah of Iran yesterday morning during thei
meeting at the Maadi military hospital in Cairo.
l rrnans mob Embassy
to rotest sh s move

From AP and UPI
TEHRAN, Iran - Tens of thousands of chanting, fist-
waving Iranians mobbed the occupied U.S. Embassy
yesterday, protesting the deposed shah's move to Egypt and
demanding the 50 American hostages be put on trial:
The angry crowd estimated at between 50,000 and 60,000
denounced Egyptian President Anwar Sadat'and "American
imperialism." Inside the barricaded diplomatic compound,
the American hostages spent their 143rd day in captivity..
THERE WERE no reports of violence but the
emonstrations, encouraged by Tehran Radio, were reported
have spread throughout the nation.
The focus of the crowd's anger, Shah Mohammed Reza
Pahlavi, was in a Cairo military hospital spending his first'
full day in Egypt after leaving Panama. Sadat visited with
the shah briefly and reported the ailing monarch was running
a high fever but was expected to soon undergo surgery for the
removal of his enlarged spleen.
The Egyptian president dismissed the attacks by Iranian
officials for granting the shah asylum and said, "They may
shout until the end of the world. I shall never heed this."
There were conflicting signals from the government and
She powerful Islamic clergy over what effect the shah's move
-Would have on the protracted U.S. crisis.
FOREIGN MINISTER Sadegh Ghotbzadeh, who was the
prime force behind the unsuccessful attempt to extradite the
shah from Panama, asserted the shah's flight to Egypt was
"a moral victory for Iran.
"Seeing that our casewas strong enough to put him in
jail -and to pave the way for his extradition, he fled,"

Ghotbzadeh said.
The foreign minister denied the release
Americans was linked with the extradition of the s
"Let us make it two separate cases," he
extradition of the shah is one case and the host
BUT TEHRAN'S clergy, in a 10-point resolu
the mass demonstration outside the embassy,
Egypt's acceptance of the shah as a "disgrac
treason against Islam" committed at the behest o
and Zionist ihterests.
The resolution, broadcast on Tehran rat
solution to the prolonged hostage crisis depen
extradition of the shah and a return of his
In Washington, the State Department ac
yesterday there is no end in sight to the crisisat
considering "available options" to obtain the
release. It did not describe the options.
The Soviet news agency Tass, meanwhile, iss
warning against what it called "the real danger
military invasion of Iran, a danger it said "is gr
each passing day."
In another development, a Cairo newspaper,
said the shah had left Panama because he recei
information that the CIA was plotting to p
thereby making moot the embassy militants' den
extradition and obtaining release of the hostal
spokeswoman in Washington, Kathy Pherson,,
report, calling it "absolutely absurd.'

HEBRON, Occupied West Bank (AP)
- Palestinian Arabs staged a general
strike yesterday throughout the oc-
cupied West Bank of the Jordan River
to protest Israel's plan to- settle Jews
here, and there were signs the already-
strained Israeli-Egyptian Palestinian
autonomy negotiations faced new
Special U.S. Ambassador Sol
Linowitz called the Israeli decision to
establish two live-in schools in Hebron
"distrubing" and added, "I found it, as
a negotiator in the autonomy talks, a
cause of some concern. I conveyed this
to the prime minister (Menachem
Begin). We are regietful the decision
was made."
AP Photo; THE DECISION prompted an almost
total shutdown of businesses and
r second schools in the Israeli-occupied Arab
cities of Hebron, Nablus, Ramallah,
Bethlehem, Jericho, and Halhoul on the
West Bank. Partial.strikes were repor-
ted in Jenin and smaller West Bank
Israeli spokesmen said the only
violent outbreak was in the town of Bir
Zeit, 15 miles north of Jerusalem,
where youngsters threw stones at
Israeli vehicles. The Army Radio
station reported that troops fired into
the air to disperse the group.
On Monday, Hebron Mayor Fahah
Qawasmeh had urged Arabs to resist
the Israeli move into Hebron "by all
of the 50 means at our disposal."
shah. DURING A meeting in Jerusalem,
said. "The their third in three days, Linowitz failed
tsais the to win a pledge from Begin to stop set-
ages sh tlement activity in occupied Arab
territories during the weeks leading up
condemned to the May 26 deadline for an Israeli-
emnedact o Egyptian agreement on the Palestinian
ef Aecan fissue.
A American 11 discussed... the possibility of a
freeze and received no favorable
ido said a response," he said, adding, "on the
ded on the other hand no rejection, so perhaps this
"plundered is still being considered."
knowledged Later, after flying to Cairo, Linowitz
nd said it is met with Egyptian President Anwar
e hostages' Sadat but apparently failed to reassure
him thatEgypt's conditions for pursuing
sued a stern Palestinian autonomy talks could be
" of a U.S. met.
rowing with After the meeting, Sadat said, "I
have agreed with Sol that we shall meet
Al Akhbar, after the Alexandria session to reassess
ved "secret the whole situation."
oison him, HE ADDED, more hopefully, "As
nand for his usual, we have agreed that we shall
gn r CIAs continue to give momentum to the
denied the peace process
Linowitz flewto Egypt for the next
round of Palestinian' autonomy
negotiations in Alexandria tomorrow
and Friday. Egyptian officials have
said it would be fruitless to extend the
May 26 deadline unless Israel came up
with concessions in Alexandria.
e can't offer The Palestinian autonomy
drews said, negotiations have made virtually no
ng is an progress since they began 10 months
Oxford's ago.
es could not Israel wants to give the 1.2 million

Palestinians living in the West Bank
and Gaza Strip limited powers. Egypt
sees the five-year autonomy phase as
leading to self-determination and
perhaps an independent Palestinian
Sadat said he would be going to
Washington on April 8 for three days of
talks with President Carter and would
return immediately to Cairo. Begin is to
go to Washington later in the month.



Thk Ann Aor From Coeev Presents at MLB $1.50
Wednesday, March 26
(Ingmar Bergman, 1968) 9:30-MLB 3
Swedish with English subtitles. MAX VON SYDOW, LIV ULLMAN. Bergman's
most personal film is considered to be his greatest by some, by others it is
thought to be a worthless enigma. An artist falls under the control of inner
demons and disappears, or do those demons really physically exist?
Friday: The grand-daddy of rock concert films, the T.A.M.I. SHOW. Starring
the (original) Rolling Stones, Chuck Berry, James Brown, Marvin Gaye, Jan and
Dean, Smokey Robinson, and many more. Also showing, JAM SESSION OF
JAZZ SHOARTS featuring Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington. At MLB.




Directed by Howard Hawks with PAUL MUNI, GEORGE RAFT, B(
(as a human being). An'exquisite blend of incest and sadism. I h
see this film for years and I can't wait to compare it to the
Films this weekend.

ave wanted to
0& 9:05

The friars
in concert with
March 29, 1980-8:00 p.m.
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Tickets $2.50, $3 at the door
Contact ticket central
for more information

Located at Old Arch. Aud.

GHT AT 7:00

47 ..a

Aids for handicapped planned

them. (continued from Page 1 )
Andrews said he hopes the new
facilities will attract more handicapped
students to the University. "I think a lot
of them haven't come to Michigan
because we haven't had adequate
access to buildings," he said. "This
year we had only 24 people registered.
as handicapped."
- With the new facilities, the dorms will
e able to accommodate not only the
mobility-impaired, but also visual- and
hearing-impaired student. Braille
,markings have already been installed
-in several units, and an alarm system
to warn the deaf is being considered.
ALSO, CLOSET and towel racks will
be lowered and lever doorknobs"
installed to replace the present round
knobs. Some rooms may be, provided
with air conditioners for students with
One of the most obvious and costly
renovations planned is the installation
,of chairlifts in Markley and East Quad.
Project coordinator Paul Boyer
explained that Markley would need
three chair lifts - two leading up and
down from the front entrance, and one
,leading to the cafeteria.
"The real problem in the dorms is to
keep it (the chair lift) from being
vandalized," said Andrews. He
Axplained that it would be vital that the
Wlifts, as well as all elevators, remain in
working order. One solution would be to
issue a key for the lift to handicapped
residents, he said.
"WE HOPE to start a good
awareness campaign in each hall,"
Andrews said, adding that people will

not vandalize the facilities as readily if
they know certain people rely on them
for access.
Boyer explained that any dormitory
which houses students in a particular
academic program must be converted
so that handicapped students may
participate. Mosher Jordan and
Couzens halls are not being converted
because handicapped students can get
the same kind of housing in the other
"We want to have all programs open
to the handicapped," Andrews said.
That includes the Pilot Program '(in
Alice Lloyd) the Residential College (in
East Quad), ,female housing in
Stockwell, and co-ed corridors and
honors housing in Markley.

"THE ONLY program w
is language housing," An(
because Oxford housi
"architectural nightmare
language cooperative hous

accommodate handicapped facilities
because the buildings conform to the
landscape of the area, as do Baits
housing units on North Campus.
Some renovation was done to comply
with federal government requirements
during the past three years, but the
majority of the work will be done this
-summer. The government's deadline
for the project was originally set for
June, 1980, but Andrews said
September is a more realistic date.
"There's no great need to have it
done until then," he said.


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