I Page 4-Saturday, March 22, 1980-The Michigan Daily Support Over the past two years, South Africa has in line s been a major campus issue. Many students racial cate have protested against University investments which seeke in a nation of legalized racial discrimination. whifsek While public protests have subsided, the issue ween diffe is very much alive. . Other la Ann Arbor Representative Perry Bullard has identificat introduced three bills in the State Legislature quality of regarding South African investments. The whichaxi bills, HB 4831, 4838, 5446, would prevent publicwhich tax funds controlled by the state of Michigan from they can g being invested in companies which operate in on.LEG ISL South Africa. This would include public em- laws whici ployee pension funds and public University tows cha portfolios to seek cha education; A HEADCOUNT of legislators shows that the which cor bills have nearly enough support to pass; one white econ letter or phone call would go a long way in thiss effort. Since.Ann Arbor's representative is the author of the bills, letters and phone calls would have much more impact if they are sent to your home (parents) representatives. There are several reasons why these bills should be supported. The structure of South African society is based on race-the infamous u system of apartheid. Although black Africans comprise roughly 70 per cent of the nation's population, their access to employment, housing, health care, and education is severely limited. South Africa's apartheid legislation is designed to control Africans and maintain that control. Influx Control: South Africa has a series of laws that determine where Africans may live, work and travel. Africans are allowed in or near the urban areas of South Africa only when their employment contracts are approved by the regime. Africans without employment are x relocated to distant rural areas known as ban- tustans (homelands). IDENTIFICATION: This series of laws exists because all people in South Africa are x identified by race, with Africans also identifiedh by 'ethnic group. This legislation is vital for the - rest of the apartheid laws. Each individual in STUDENT South Africa is stamped with an official brand ce the Reg of racial identity. South Afr state bill with the legislation to stamp racial on people, laws exist to preserve egories. The most graphic are those to prevent marriage and visits bet- rent racial groups. aws remind people of their racial ion. Rights are based upon race and life is determined by one's racial ion. A person's race determines I a person can ride, which hospital o to, which park bench/they can sit ATION is enforced through more b prevent Africans from organizing nge. This is especially manifested in children are taught only those skills respond with the labor needs of the nomy. Education for white children s controlling S. Afri ByBob Stechuk U.S. corporate earnings are taxed at a 40 per By cent rate. These funds allow the regime to in South Africa is free and compulsory; for finance separate development. South Africa's black children, it is neither. According to a past apartheid leaders have reserved 87 per cent of Minister of Bantu Education, "there is no need the land for whites only; the remainder (much to teach a black child mathematics, for as an of it barren) is left to the nation's blacks. adult he will never be able to use it." In the Because Africans make up the bulk of South realm of politics, anyone accused of terrorism Africa's population, the costs of this policy are may be held indefinitely, without charges filed, obviously enormous. and without any communication. The THE PRESENCE of American corporations Terrorism Act itself is broad enough to apply to is a source of confidence to the regime. U.S. in- any African, including those organizing for vestments are naturally, in South Africa's peaceful change. "white only" areas, a highly visible sign that Each of these major categories of apartheid South Africa's system has the financial vote of legislation is reinforced by South African in- confidence of the U.S. Should American com- stitutions. And while .U.S. companies do not panies withdraw from South Africa, the move detain Africans or put them into jail their would be a most powerful message to those in presence supports apartheid. South Africa who wish to maintain apartheid. an ties Would divestment harm the companies in- volved? Some firms, such as Chrysler and General Electric, have sold off majority holdings of their South African interests. Other companies have disinvested completely: Polaroid announced that its products wer used to maintain apartheid (African pictures i pass books) and ended its operations. Other firms, including some of the largest investors (IBM, Ford, General Motors) have announced a freeze on new investments. Why? Recently many U.S. corporations have not made a profit in South Africa. Because South Africa's con- sumer sector is almost exclusively white, the markets for products of U.S. firms is at or very near the point of saturation. But won't U.S. companies seek to change this? Unfortunately, -because the companies' investments ar4 focused in South African institutions which maintain apartheid, the arrangements are perpetuated. The latest report of the Sullivan Principles (the corporate code for change in South Africa) shows that there is less in- tegration in the work-place now than there was several years ago. Apartheid is the foundation of South Africa's legal system, and U.S. com- panies there must abide by South African law. Will divestment hurt South Africa's blacks? U.S. companies employ less than 2 per cent of the nation's blacks. As long as U.S. firm4 remain, their capital, technology, and products will be directed by the regime against 18 million South African blacks. For all the harm that U.S. disinvestment would impose upon South Africa's blacks, the continued support of apartheid is far more severe. Please take the time to write or phone a legislator from your area. Further information is available from either the Washtenaw County Coalition Against Apartheid (4316 Michigan Union) or the Michigan Student Assembly, Legislative Relations Committee (3909 Union).. In the time it has taken youto read this ar- ticle, six South African blacks have been arrested for pass book violations. T PROTESTS AT Regents meetings last year failed to convin- legislature would prevent state institutions from retaining such invest- gents to sell University investments in firms doing business in ments. rica. Several bills now under consideration in the state Bob Stechuk is a member of the Washtenaw County Coalition Against Apartheid. r Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom LETTERS TO THE DAILY: A warning about entering the military, Vol. XC, No. 135 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Loans are no t budget fat' OR A WHILE, it Jooked1ike resi-,r This severe cutback in Carter's den Carter's restrictverprogram already inadequate plan would be ac- regirdig federal, undindfr college. complished by eliminating the slight student loans might die the death it increase the President had suggested deserved. Last November the House of in maximum allowable Basic Representatives virtually ignored the Educational Opportunity Grants. The President's proposals and instead ap' new House proposal would also follow proved an expanded program of aid. Carter's recommendation to charge But now as a result of Carter's recen- higher interest rates for loans through tly renewed desire ,to balance the restructured versions of National federal budget, the Congressional ef- Student Loan programs. forts to broaden student aid may yet be Certainly some fat-and even more thwarted. New proposals currently meat-must be trimmed from federal before the House Budget Committee expenditures to achieve a badly- would not only prevent expansion of needed balanced budget. Financially- student assistance, but would actually strapped students, however, can har- reduce such assistance to a level $300 ' dly afford to give up any more of their million lower than that -originally already lean budget portions. suggested by the President. A budget-balancing idea T HERE SEEMS to be no way to vade the U.S.? It was reported recen- balance the federal budget-let tly that the Soviet Union will make alone create a surplus-without loans and grants to Afghanistan to causing much pain to many American balance the ailing budget of the Kar- interest groups. mal government. No way; that is, except one. If, they will do it for Afghanistan, Why don't we invite the Soviets to in- they might do it for us, too. r y L T . C 1 To the Daily: Let a former University student air, a few words of war- ning to any students considering shelving their degrees in favor of joining the military. In return for dropping my three-quarters completed degree, I got a rating I didn't ask for (the rating is the occupational skill one trains in). In a sense, I am now a prisoner of the U.S. government for the next three years and nine months, or until I earn entry to another rating. Here is how it works, kiddies. Those overly solicitous, kin- dhearted rocks known as recruiters will fuck you over unless you are careful. There was a year between the period I spent with the Navy recruiters in Ann Arbor and Detroit and the day of my enlist- ment. It took me that long to decide that was to be my move. A liberal arts degree-a B.A. in political science with so-so grades-I decided would be wor- th diddly squat. What I needed was a marketable skill. The Navy was a nice prospect. This was a major move at age 25. I was assured by the recruiter that of the five desired skill ratings I listed in the open con- tract, my first choice-aviation machinist's mate-would be given to me. These ratings are really useful in the civilian world, let me tell you. Experience with catapults and arresting gear equips me, after four years, for any privatecitizen's aircraft carrier deck. The basis of the problem as I see it, for myself and others at this base with a similar situation, is the quota system whereby ratings are allocated on the basis of the Navy's needs rather than the recruit's future plans or Stegeman and unknowns background. I am not saying that all recruits are screwed. I took a bigger risk than I should have, considering what I was giving up. I will get four years in the Navy on my record alright, but not on my terms. Of course, ask all the questions and then some but get the con- tract you are most satisfied with before you sign "enlistment papers. Not that my case is totally true for anybody but myself, but a University student shouldn't have problems with access to dif- ferent ratings. My scores on the enlistment test. opened any rating, I was told.. -Bruce H. Batchelder, AN Lakehurst, NJ March 18 Judge evaded P.R. issues To the Daily: Yesterday afternoon Judge Jose Cabranes, the first Puerto Rican named to the U.S. Federal Courts, spoke at Rackham Auditorium about the "Process of Decolonization in Puerto Rico." As a judge and lawyer, Mr. Cabranes focused on the legal aspects of the problem and, although he did not mention it, he was talking of course about legality as the U.S. government conceives it. It was clear judging from the question and answer period that the audience-at least those who were not afraid to speak up-did not agree at all with Mr. Cabranes' perspective and evasiveness. He simply could not answer the tough, or for that matter, simple questions. How can somebody expect to give a talk about the subject of decolonization and then not even be able to discuss what are the implications of being a colonized- country? That I think is very basic. Mr. Cabranes would not comment when I asked him that. Even when he did answer some of the questions, Mr. Cabranes did not say much; he was evasive and simply offered empty responses. But then, this is an election year and it seems that the colloquial andrhetorical abilities of politicians are con- tagious. Mr. Cabranes even had the audacity to tell the audience that "as far as I know nobody is for- ced to vote in Puerto Rico." Isn't he aware of what the current ,governor of Puerto Rico had been doing in the past few weeks to get people to vote in last Sunday's presidential primary on the island? He was telling voters that if Carter did not win this year's election, federal aid would be cut off for the island. And that on an island where over 60 per cent of the people are allowed to receive food stamps!! Even the New York Times ran a very short ar ticle criticizing this outrageous lie. In the future, I encourage Mr. Cabranes to be better prepared for his lectures on decolonization;, at least he should be responsible enough to look up in a dictionary the meaning of the word colony, which I think is pretty basic for the topic. But, I am almost sure that as a federal judge he knows what colonization is all about because Spanish-speaking Puerto Ricans who have to attend U.S. courts on. the island very often cannot defend themselves since the official language is English, and they do not speak it. In short, the only relevant comment I heard Mr. Cabranes say was that Puerto Rico needs change. But, by failing to address or recognize U.S. colonial policies towards the island, he missed the point. His legalistic approach to the problem left untouched the socio-economic realities of Puer- to Rico and all Puerto Ricans regardless of where they live. -Carlos J. Morales March 21 To the Daily: Here is a list of what is not known about the Stegeman high- rise project: 1. Scope a. Its size: height, width, depth. Size at ground level. b. Size of related buildings to be added in "Quadrium." c. Cost. 2. Uses a. Types of uses (hotel, apar- tments, or other living, office space, stores, ...) b. Proportions among these uses. 1. Number of residents. 2. Number of hotel rooms. 3. NumbeF of cars to be ac- commodated in parking. Rate of usage of access and leaving, by automo- biles, buses, airport limo- usines, etc. c. Potential for use by people and groups associated with this university. This depends on 1. sizes and designs of units; luxury or other. 2. rents to be charged. 3. Location a.Setbacks of this building from Washtenaw and Obser- vatory, and from adjacent struc- tures. b. Setbacks of other Quadrium buildings from Washtenaw and Observatory, and from adjacent structures. 4. Traffic effects a. On traffic flows and turning movements. Increment to flows and waiting times from traffic caused by this building and by the other Quadrium building. b. Effects on University pedestrian" acces§ through and near the area. Amounts 'of pedestrian flows and directions presently by students, faculty and staff of this University. Changes caused by this and othe Quadrium buildings. 5. Economic effects on land- prices and rents in the campus-K area, on students, faculty, and: staff members of this Univer-.. sity. 6. Design a. General appearance and> quality; this building and the. other Quadrium parts. b. Appropriateness to the site and adjoining campus' areas. Degree of blockage of sunlight to Physics-Astronomy, East Medical and Museum buildings. c. Color? mirror windows, materials, .,. d. Blank walls or 32-36 levels of balconies; e. Equipment (cable TV receiving gear, etc.) on top? f. Appropriateness as the dominant feature of the Univer-O sity campus, both at the eastern campus entrance and the skyline. g. Visual impact as seen from the Diagonal and other parts of campus. 7. Alternative uses of the Univer- sity piece of land, together with the other Quadrium land parcels (which are owned by the City of Ann Arbor). 8. Views of University groups on this project, including students, faculty and staff. (Views were not expressed because the nature of the project has never been presented.) -W. G. Shepherd March 20 plete census Nixon, domestic spying, and cover-ups galore should be believed that the Census will not be used for purposes of finding draft-age men and women? Libertarians alone, so far, urgO all draft age people to think twice about filling out a Census form; Forget about what monies may or may not be lost to the cities by r 2 Don't com 4 Harris Hall article lauded To the Daily:. There has been a serious lack of interest in the Census among the various anti-draft/anti-war groups. While all have been calling on people not to register, they have forgotten just how far the Government is prepared to go to discover who is of draft age. To the Daily: Everyone deserves a pat on the well spent, he has given us the definitive statement on Harris