- a Page 4-Friday, March 21, 1980-The Michigan Daily N tfi trian Fread IL Ninety ,Years of Editorial Freedom Vote for grassroots organizing Vol. XC, No. 134 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Travel s on the- 'Path I F COLLEGE is a road to knowledge, then thousands of students have been turning off onto dead-ends. After four years at a large University, they have a diploma, and perhaps know something about political science, or economics, or psychology. But they haven't learned how to learn-the most important skill a college education of- fers. These students have usually travelled to the Crisler Arena graduation ceremonies along the "Path of Least Resistance," a local avenue that many, including Univer- sity President Harold Shapiro, believe should be closed off. It looks as if the LSA Administrative Board may take a first step toward condemning this path; it is at least trying to put up a "detour" sign. The Board is considering a plan to require LSA freshpersons to meet with an assigned academic counselor before electing courses at CRISP. If approved, this plan would compel students new to the University to think about their educational objectives and to begin to map out their trips through college. istance' This is not to say that all freshper- sons should, or even can, know in what area they will earn a degree. But meeting with a counselor could ensure that many frivolous, "gut" courses are bypassed in favor of more serious, demanding classes. The counseling plan makes good common sense. Faced with thousands of courses from which to choose, it is no wonder that so many students fail to design for themselves fulfilling educations. It's just too easy to make mistakes. In fact,what is needed even beyond requiring freshpersons to see coun- selors is such a requirement for all LSA students. Currently, counselors are available for those students who have enough concern about their educations to go see them. This leaves a rather large contingent of "lost souls," who race through the Univer- sity on the Path of Least Resistance without ever seeing a counselor. Counseling appointments should be more than mere optional rest stops on the educational road. They should be mandatory weigh stations, where students can assay their educational plans. On March 25 and 26, seven students will be elected to a board that will help design and steer dozens of PIRGIM programs that employ tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of in- dividuals. Besides their educational and political impor- tance, these programs could revitalize the public's par- ticipation in public policy making. Professional organizations, along with volun- teers and those working for academic credit, will take part in the new coalition that could play an increasingly important role in all kinds of social matters. Increasing numbers of people are waking up to the fact that the government institutions we have created to manage our resour- ces, and the country, do not act solely in the public interest. The decision-making process that had evolved in our federal, state, and local governing bodies gives economic interests the most clout and influence. As more people join the public interest effort, in- dividually or through public in- terest organizations, their clout has begun to compete with these private economic interests for control of our law-making bodies. People who had never con- sidered "political altruism" are now vigorously participating in such programs. Today, politics includes much more than election campaigns, demonstrations, and legislative votes. Our government has worked its way back into vir- tually all aspects of our lives. Government and private in- stitutions feed, clothe, and shelter, but also educate, employ, and protect us. Political decisions affect the cost and availability of food and clothing. The enforcement of fair housing laws dictates where people are able to live and what the cost of their homes will be. Decisions at federal and state levels about student financial aid determine the extent of many in- dividuals' educations. Even the textbooks used in our public school systems are frequently chosen by boards with political aspirations. Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action laws (and the efficiency of their enfor- cement) determine the job futures of millions of individuals. The efficiency and consistency with which we enforce the laws are dependent on the funding and political priority they are given. This is where "politics" reveals itself as the backbone of virtually all aspects of our lives. As this wider, more com- prehensive understanding of "politics" becomes obvious to more people, it is no wonder that the numbers of people involved with public interest politics and "grass roots" organizing have grown accordingly. Grass roots organizations (from consumer groups to environmental groups) offer the only channel for in- dividuals to work -together toward increasing their role in the decision-making process that runs our lives. PIRGIM has taken a leading role in this effort. The programs PIRGIM offers attempt to rein- state public input into the large institutions of our society. Projects like our Doctors Direc- tory (soon to be released) and the grocery store survey (latest edition just released) have an ef- fect on price anld quality com- petition in the Ann Arbor area. Work with the housing in- stitutions in this - city by PIRGIM's Housing Task Force (HTF) have produced "Truth in - Renting" laws and the abolition. of illegal leases. PIRGIM's environmental:- program is helping expedite the: clean-up of toxic dumping in the state. The Energy Task Force. will be holding an Alternative-y Energy Conference to educate the public on energy use. This education. will promote activity that will battle the established utilities and'help find a per- manent energy solution. The Human Rights Task Force was instrumental in putting on last week's anti-draft Teach-In. It is currentlybattlingthe draft and education people on the surroun-E ding issues that could prompt war and have produced the preparation for it. The positions PIRGIM is filling next week are chairperson, office manager, recruitment coor- dinator, treasurer, media coor- dinator and two state board representatives. * The deadline to file for nomination to the PIRGIM of fices is today. Take the short time to examine the candidates and choose responsible, determined people who will keep PIRGIM a strong influence in our gover- nment. ThePublic Interest Research Group in Michigan (PIRGIM) addresses a number of con- sumer and student concerns in its weekly column on thsi page. This article was written by PIRGIM member John 'Leone. ...are the result of early educational wrong turns GRASSROOTS MEETINGS ARE a first step in public interest policy- making. LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Animal cruelty related to child abuse L EARNING HOW to learn-the most important skill a college education offers. But the University's freshpersons don't arrive in a truly fresh condition. The basics of a sfident's comn unicative skills are in- s lled much earlier, in a far-away, long-ago land called elementary school. A battle has been raging in recent years about what elementary. education ought to offer. In the sixties, with growing activism on the political front, teachers and education theorists began to raise questions about what schoolchilden were being taught. The idea that kids were being indoctrinated to accept without question the unwrit- ten rules of the military-industrial complex became popular. Some educators started to regard the "three r's as enemies. The results of the turn away from basics, combined perhaps with other, more elusive causes, have driven the level of students' reading and writing skills ever lower. , Scholastic Aptitude Tests scores, poor indicators though they may be, have been steadily declining. Recently, a better evaluative method was applied to the question of what's been happening to our students. A test first administered to University of Minnesota freshpersons in 1928 was given to contemporary freshpersons at the same institution. In just about every category, the students of fifty years ago bettered their 1970s counter- parts. Mitigating circumstances that might have weighted the comparison in favor of the 1928 students were taken into consideration, but the result,' depressingly enough, was the same. It's a bit of a shock to realize that in a half-century when our transportation, technology, and gross national product have made gigantic leaps forward, our educational system has been slowly eroding. After all, it is our schools that fuel all our other areas of progress. Programs designed to "broaden students' awareness" about sundry matters, or to heighten their sen- sitivity, have in some school systems replaced the former emphasis on the basics of communicative abilities. Reading with comprehension is a commodity that members of a highly developed culture can not afford to be without. Students who cannot write in- telligibly upon arrival at college are not merely barred from careers in academia or literature; they are hin- dered in any pursuit that calls for the kind of well-organized thinking that writing symbolizes. It is time we again regarded the fundamentals of education as a priority for all our youth. To the Daily: May I contribute a few thoughts to the objections of some readers that the recent atrocities committed upon a cat by five University students elicited more public comment than reports of child abuse or other crimes of violence? It was no accident that it was Henry Bergh, an early crusader, for animal rights and founder of ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), who defended an abused child under animal protection legislation he had been instrumental in getting passed by the New York State legislature. The SPCC (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) was founded as a result of this incident. And it was no accident that the RSPCC (Royal Society for' the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) in Great Britain was founded by members of the RSP- CA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). As Shakespeare had Portia say: "The quality of mer- cy is not strained./It droppeth as a gentle rain from heaven/Upon the place beneath ... " Com- passion and kindness are univer- sal qualities. An item in the Toronto Star of January 31, 1979 datelined San Diego reads: "A high school student'whe killed two men and wounded eight children and a policeman in a rifle attack on a school here was described by friends today as a "person who would pour gasoline on cats' tails and set them alight." Cruelty too, is a universal trait that can easily be transferred from animals to people. I sincerely hope that the young men who committed this atrocity are receiving psychiatric help. One cannot helpbut feel that the university's attitude toward this incident has seemed to be one of laxness. The offer of fraternity members to help the humane society as a token of atonement is commendable, but the do-nothing stance of the administration makes a taxpayer wonder how closely research involving animals is monitored at this in- stitution and reluctant to see it awarded any grants that might be derived from public money. Man downgrades his nature by causing suffering, whether in fellow humans or fellow animals, and ennobles it when he practices kindness and compassion for all living creatures. Percival Baxter, a former governor of Maine, stated it well: "Kindness is the noblest trait of human nature, cruelty the meanest and lowest ... someday the fight for justice and mercy to all God's creatures, even the humblest, will triumph, and the world will then be a better place in which to live." -BingobIk~e,. Ptesident L Allegany County .SPCA, Swain, NY March 17 Hunger still big problem Higgins unfair to Reagan To the Daily: Even while the events of the Peace and Politics Teach-in were awakening and uniting concerned students, unmistakable signs were reminding us of the steady and inexorable decayof global stability: President Carter suggesting that perhaps the. SALT II agreement will be( disowned by the administration and the Defense Department ex- pressing fears about the in- vulnerability of new Sovet tanks in East Europe. Realities like these suggest to me that not only, as was said last Friday, should we not wait "until our asses are in Kabul" to oppose militarization, but, that, indeed, our asses are already in Kabul. But as if Trident submarines and Backfire bombers aren't enough in and of themselves, to undermine one's daily sense of security there exists another equally global omen of future chaos: the world food situation. We all know the frustration and sickness that arises when we view through the media the vic- tims of a regional famine. But do we know that right now, all overa the Earth, in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the United States, one billion people are suffering very badly because of their hunger? And that these people will have to cope with what the U.N. calls "severe food shor- tages" of the very near future? Do we realize that this tragedy is not a matter of scarcity, but that it is rather a matter of economic exploitation, as the land of the poor yields bountiful harvests of export luxury crops and grain: feed for the beef that becomes a fast-food hamburger? And do we recognize that the enormous suf- fering is only two per cent of an- nual military expenditures? If you are concerned about these matters, prepare yourself .for another teach-in.Entitled "World Hunger Week," it will take place April t-4. Schedules of events will be widely available 4 soon. It is not for the benefit of the Committee Concerned with World Hunger that I connect the issues of global militarization and economic exploitation, Rather it is because we must all eventually unite in order to slow the madness of the arms race and the hunger race, both of which, under the guidance of our present leadership, are steadily ac- celerating, -Patrick Gallagher, Committee Concerned with World Hunger To the Daily: So far this year, you've printed a couple of cartoons by Higgins of the Daily Northwestern which have attacked the fact that Ronald Reagan is 69 years old; in other words, "too old to be president." These cartoons are insulting and promote the discriminatory tactics employed against millions of elderly people in this country. My guess is that Higgins has never had a conver- sation with Ronald Reagan - and therefore is in no position to determine whether or not Reagan's age detracts from his thought process. Furthermore, I'm sure Higgins never considered attacking the late William 0. Douglas for being too old to serve on the Supreme Court. Chances are that Higgins sympathizes with Douglas' liberal views and hates Reagan's reactionary views. There is nothing wrong with this, but as a political cartoonist, Higgins should ae directing his efforts toward the issuesand not toward Reagan's age, for reasons already stated. Higgins and the Daily also risk alienating many elderly voters who have yet to decide their presidential choice: The elderly people, moreover, are a powerful constituency. Personally, I'm a 20-year-old liberal Democrat - completely at odds with Reagan's policies. However, Higgins is hitting below the belt by making the age factor a big issue. Many great world leaders rule and have ruled well into their 60s and 70s: Mao, Brezhnev, Ghandi, DeGaulle, Churchill, Ho Chi Minh, Tito; the list is endless. Unfortunately,. America, unlike many other countries, has a society in which the old are too frequently put out to pasture and are under-utilized for their wisdom and experience. -Mike Smith March 18 4 r Tucker review blasted trademark of all bands or all It would be appreciated if the styles of music) doesn't mean Ioter had some background that they're playing with "mock reporter intensity" or "labored e knowledge of the performances thusiasm." Also, how do you e when writing a concert review, plain the band's fame and ac- Steve Hook apparently knew very complrishments when all Mr. little about The Marshall Tucker Hook heard was a "bellow from Band (Daily, March 16). First, he Eubank's flute" or Doug Gray's makes the, ridiculous statement "hog-calling vocals?" Evidently that the members of the band Mr. Hook must have felt quite can't agree on what type of music foolish when we asked the boys they're playing. Hell, "country- from Spartanburg, S.C. (not jazz," "progressive country," or Sfrma r.=Horg, b.c for "bluesy rock and roll" are all Spartanville, Mr Hook) back for Hornback's urinal plans To the Daily: Prof. Hornback's cost-cutting nranncaie maily Mrrh 1) a... mation that his proposals would effectively curtail. What a ~. i ic ! a..J' :~i._ IN , U R' / \ Y