I FRUSTRATION See editorial page .: ' Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom tt1 CONFUSING See Today for details 9ML Vol. XC, No. 133 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 20, 1980 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Course By MITCH STUART and BETH ROSENBERG First in a two-part series Instructions for "The Ratings Game" *a contest for one to 35,000 players ages 17 to adult): (1) Roll the dice and choose your concentration; (2) pick up a time schedule, (3) use words of mouth, the college bulletin, and blind, faith to choose your courses; (4) seek out a resource that in- cludes much of the information needed to help you make a rational decision: a cour- se/instructor evaluation; (5) STOP. Course evaluations are not available to all students won a campus-wide basis. evaluation The administration and use of course in- structor evaluations at the University has caused conflict for years among students, faculty, and administrators. Currently, the Academic Affairs Committee of MSA is making an effort to establish a University-wide, student-based course evaluation program. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Coordinator Marc Breakstone said the lack of a comprehensive, consistent evaluation program is "an em- barrassment to the University. It says to me that since the faculty might feel threatened by course evaluations, they might be doing something wrong." The Academic Affairs Committee has plan- ned to ask students to evaluate their courses in 0 use stirs controversy a non-scientific survey at CRISP next month. LSA was chosen beeause of its large enrollment wa They intend to publish the results this fall, prior and the inconsitency of evaluation policies oft to registration. within the college. sa THIS INITIAL survey will include only LSA The Academic Affairs Survey will be ad- E courses, but Breakstone said the long-range ministered, interpreted, and published by us goal is a University-wide program. He said students, Breakstone said. He added, "the University has nothing to do with this." co Many universities across the country publish course University-wide evaluations for student use which are administered and published by the " students themselves.< eValUati ons: oBREAKSTONE SAID the entire University u of California system has such a program, as do us the University of Massachusetts and Cornell stI the ratings game University. The key problem in getting any type of St student-oriented evaluation program under- at 'U' ay here has been a conflict in interpretation the various uses for evaluations, Breakstone id. EVALUATIONS HAVE three recognized es: " Instructors can use them to get personal )nstructive criticism; s Administrators can use them to make per- nnel decisions, e.g. tenure, salaries, and; " Students.can use them to make, in effect, market decisions" on instructors and courses. The central conflict seems to arise between ing evaluations for administrators and for ,dents. UNIVERSITY VICE-PRESIDENT for udent Services Henry Johnson said, "I really See EVALUATION, Page 9 Hostaes may stay or 2 more months Doily Photo by DAVID HARRIS Pus hme-Pullu These twin girls, catching the early spring rays yesterday on State St., can't seem to agree on which way to go. But if they're not on speaking terms, it's only because they haven't yet learned to talk. m FEDERAL SPENDING SLASHED BY $2.6 BILLION: House committee favors cuts From AP and UPI The 50 U.S. Embassy hostages in Tehran must spend at least two more months in captivity, since their fate is only a secondary issue facing the new Iranian Parliament, according to an Iranian diplomat who recently met with Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. The attention of Iranians appears focused on parliamentary election returns - ngt on the hostages. BUT IN THE Netherlands, the United States called the attention of the world court to the plight of the imprisoned Americans, saying they have been treated inhumanely and calling for condemnation of Iran as a flagrant violator of international law. . In the Hague, State Department legal advisor Roberts Owen told the 15 judges the American hostages were often threatened at gunpoint, tied to upright chairs for up to 16 hours, made to sleep on bare concrete floors and kept blin- dfolded in the first weeks of the crisis that began Nov. 4. Owen explained that much of his in- formation was based on :eports from "the 13 black and women hostages released after the first two weeks of the siege. At the time of their release, they were debriefed by American officials but refused to discuss publicly details of their captivity, fearing those left behind mightisuffer. THE STATE Department decided to reveal some of this information in its presentation before the highest judicial body of the United Nations. Iran is boycotting the public hearings in which - testimony is to conclude today. Owen told the court that U.S. officials knew that the admission of the shah to the United States for medical treatment in October "might result in some sort of violence against the embassy," but he said "clear and firm assurances were provided on three occasions" that the Iranian government would adequately protect the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. "There will be no solution to the hostage question before May 15,"Iran's ambassador to Kuwait, Ali Shams Ar- dakani, told the Kuwait newspaper Al- Siyasseh yesterday. ARDAKANI HAD just returned from Tehran, where he said he met with both Khomeini and Iranian President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr. "I understood during my meetings with. Imam Khomeini and President Bani-Sadr that all issues relating to political questions, including the problem of American hostages, will not be dealt with until the completion of the ... election and formation of a new government. "But the hostage question is not the only one on the council's agenda, so we are not going to give it priority over See TWO, Page 5. Carter, Sadat Begin. will meet' WASHINGTON (AP) - The House Budget Committee tentatively ap- proved $2.6 billion in spending cuts yesterday as the panel began work on a 1981 budget proposal that seeks to achieve the first federal surplus in 12 years and provide tax cuts. The committee approved the spen- ding cuts on voice votes with little op- position surfacing to the proposed budget announced earlier in the day by Rep. Robert Giaimo (D-Conn.), com- mittee chairman. GIAIMO, WHO declared that rising inflation "makes a balanced budget imperative," recommended a total of $15.9 billion in new spending cuts to produce a budget surplus of $1.4 billion for the fiscal year starting Oct. 1. The committee, however, has yet to vote on many of the most controversial cuts, which include an end to Saturday mail deliveries and elimination of the state share of federal revenue sharing. In an inflation-fighting move last Friday, President Carter announced a revised version of his spending plan for fiscal year 1981. He called for $13 billion in spending cuts to balance the budget, including elimination of general revenue sharing for states. However, administration officials said the president has yet to make final decisions on most of the cuts in his budget. IN THE ABSENCE of Carter's revised budget proposal, Giaimo's recommendations have emerged as the See HOUSE, Page 12 WASHINGTON (AP) - Prime Minister Menachem Begin of Israel and President Anwar Sadat of Egypt will meet here separately with President Carter next month, in an effort to spur the talks over Palestinian autonomy Carter's spokesman said yesterday. White House press secretary Jody Powell, announcing the Washington meetings, refused to close the door on a new three-way summit, but he said it was not envisioned. No dates have been set for the meetings. THE ANNOUNCEMENT comes at a crucial time both in the Middle East peace talks and in the domestic political calendar. Israel nd Egypt are facing a goal of settling 'the question of Palestinian autonomy by May 26. In addition, the question of the future of the peace talks is a major political issue in New York which has a l.arge Jewish population and a presidential primary next Tuesday. The autonomy talks have been going on for almost a year, trying tohdecide how a governing Palestinian authority will 'be selected in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and what power and responsibility it will have. The two regions have been occupied by Israel since the 1967 Middle East War. See CARTER, Page 9 Kennedy, Anderson lost Ill. but will not concede nominations From UPI and AP CHICAGO - President Carter and ronald Reagan won big in the Illinois primary, but their rivals refused yesterday to concede the nominations are locked up. The delegate landslide from Illinois, added to an almost unbroken string of primary victories this year, gave Car- ter one-third the votes he needs for the Democratic nomination. Reagan now has 20 per cent of the GOP delegates needed to nominate. AND CARTER and Reagan are favored next week in delegate-rich New York and Connecticut. Reagan is an especially heavy delegate favorite in New York since his rivals were unable to field slates in all congressional districts. Carter demolished Kennedy in the Illinois primary Tuesday with 65 per cent of the popular vote to the senator's 30 per cent. But the final tabulation yesterday of the separate competition for delegate votes at the Democratic National Con- vention was even more startling: Car- ter 165, Kennedy 14. THOSE WERE the contests in which Kennedy said he hoped to do best and in which the support of Chicago Mayor Jane Byrne and the old line Democratic organization was supposed to boost the challenger. It didn't work. Indeed, in the end, some of Kennedy's people said the alliance with the embattled mayor hurt their candidate. Reagan won handily, with 48 per cent of the Republican vote, defeating Illinois Rep. John Anderson and leaving former U.N. Ambassador George Bush a poor third. The former California governor said he wouldn't claim the nomination until See ILLINOIS, Page 2 AP Photo RONALD REAGAN, CANDIDATE for the Republican presidential nomina- tion, yawns as he reads a newspaper aboard a commuter train from New Haven, Connecticut to New York's Grand Central Station. Reagan received 48 per cent of the Republican vote in Tuesday's Illinois primary and is favored in the upcoming New York election. AP Photo JOHN ANDERSON VISITS with his 94-year-old father, Albin, at his home- town headquarters in Rockford, Illinois. The GOP contender's father, who immigrated to the U.S. from Sweden at the age of 15, says he "never dared think" he would live to see his son run for president. Anderson came in second in Tuesday's Illinois Republican primary. C, campus, as well as in the Orientation Office, the Natural Resources Counseling Office, the Institute of Public Policy Studies, and the Developmental Psychology Department, and other University departments. Students may obtain more housing information through the Off Campus Housing Office, which has an availability' list from about 500 management companies and individual owners. C Top award for prof Halvor Niels Christensen, a University 'professor of biological chemistry, delivered the annual Henry Russel 1,r,_t,, .r - rn - n t n -hi- tofn 1r --.. nenn- - i: h speech last Friday because "two pages were stuck together," says his chief anti-inflation advisor, Alfred Kahn. Kahn disclosed the omission after members of the Senate Banking Committee expressed disappointment Monday that Carter had failed to speak forcefully in favor of reforming government regulations. Kahn said the information was in the speech, but it was "unfortunately missed.... The president overlooked it because two pages were stuck together." One of the overlooked paragraphs said, "As much as possible, we need to let the private enterprise system be free to compete. We have succeeded in deregulating airlines . Iurg the Congresnsto need T Trust was removed yesterday for repairs, according to bank spokesman Dick Dorner. The sign has been out of commission for a couple of weeks. The 20-year-old sign will be updated with the installation of new equipment, reported Dorner. In the meantime, wear your watch and carry a thermometer. On the inside Corporate greed is not the only problem with nuclear power, on the editorial page . . . a preview of the men's t cnni, c~acnn nn the Qnnrte nap -and arts feature twn -1 - ',-,." -', - - '~1 II IC I