New aid to crime victims
Census takers t(
administering q
In an effort to make services to victims and witnesses of
crimes equal to services for defendants, the Washtenaw
County Prosecutor's Office yesterday announced the
formation of the Victim Witness Program.
"This program is aimed at victims and witnesses only,"
said program coodinator Kaye Ross. "We want to help them
get financial compensation and make them better prepared
for court:"
The program provides counseling and information
intended to make going through the legal process easier. "We
even answer questions about court such as where do I sit,
what does the courtroom look like, can I see it in advance and
what should I wear," explained Ross. "We just want to
reduce their anxiety and make it less of a mystery to them."
The new program will also aid crime victims in securing
financial compensation. Victims could receive aid by filling
out forms required by the Michigan Compensation Act.
The Victim Witness Program is funded by a $53,000 grant
from the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration.
The program employes Ross, two soon-to-be-hired field
workers, and a secretary.
Some services performed by the program had been a duty
of the prosecutor' But, Ross said, the introduction of
the new program is "long overdue in providing information
and support services."
Officials in the prosecutor's office said the new program
would not interfere with other programs which now work to
help crime victims. "This will augment the crisis center and
domestic violence programs," said Prosecutor William
Delhey. "There are programs which already exist so you
don't need duplication."
The Victim Witness Program represents an attempt to
recognize the needs of others affected by crimes besides the
accused, according to Delhey. "For years, all the attention
has been given to the defendant," he said.
Ross, however, emphasized that services to the victim did
not reflect a lower priority for the defendant's rights.
"Defendant services are long-standing," she said. "This is
going to provide some balance to that."
There are similar programs across the country, Ross
said, noting that she has studied those in Michigan's Ingham,
Kalamazoo and Wayne Counties.
(Continued from Page 1).
to Berla.
BERLA SAID he believes the main
reason people do not return the forms is
because they simply forget. Other
people, he said, refuse to complete the
questionnaire for several reasons, one
of which is that they "fear that the
informtion will be shared with other
(government) agencies."
Berla stressed that the censuses are
kept purely contilential. Census
Bureau workers take an~oath in which
they promise not to reveal any
information. The penalty for breaking
this oath is a fine of up to $5,000 and/or
five years in jail, the census manager
According to Berla, it would be a
"disaster for the city of Ann Arbor" if
students failed to complete the census
forms. The distribution of federal
revenue is based on the number and
types of people who live in a city. An
"undercount" could affect such things
as the funding for public services,
namely trash collection and snow
removal, he said.
THE RESULTS of the census
tabulations are reported to the
president on January 1, 1981, Berla
said. The president submits the figures
to Congress which uses them to
determine, among other things, how the
435 seats in the House of
Representatives are to be
reapportioned among the states.
Michigan, which now holds 19 House
seats is expected to drop to 18 seats,
along with ten other "Northern Belt"
states, Berla said. Ten states in the Sun
Belt are expected to gain one seat.
Berla attributes
of seats to the inc
which cause ma
warmer climates
Berla said one
associated wit
making sure "yo
individual." I
problem," prim
among minoriti
The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, March 19, 1980-Page 7
c beginmaiigJ~
uestionnaires t
this reapportionment year an effort will be made to " e
crease in energy costs, the population aware of the censuw!JdPo
ny people to move to its importance to them."
. Berla explained that because *iw
e of the big problems people change their mind or find , e
h census taking is employment, a large pool of qu ted
u actually count every applicants is selected, from whideW'th
He said there is census department will retai4.. 20
an undercount employees. Presently, only 1100 rZ jle
arily in big cities and have passed the test which qua tfg
es. He added that this them to be census takers.
I r-
_ ,.
.Ad agency completes renovation
to update venerable Harris Hall
109 N. Main St.-769-0109
Regge Dance Party
"Ann Arbor's original Honky Tank Dance Bar"
(Continued from Page 1)
instrumental in raising funds for the
construction of the building.
THE HALL'S facilities were unique
at the time of its construction. A
library, several parlors, a dining room
and a kitchen were located on the main
floor. The upper story was occupied by
an auditorium that held about 400
people. Funds were provided for a
series of lectures that were intended to
give students a Christian outlook. In
addition, a gympasium, a two-lane
bowling alley, and a billiard room were
located in the basement.
The building continued to serve
Episcopalian students until 1943, when
the Hobart Guild relocated and leased
the b "il rent free to the U.S.O., an
,''ctvitescenter for servicemen, in
return for some $5,000 in repairs.
In 1946 the University leased the
building, initiating its days as "the
band building." "It was our home,"
William Revelli, former director of the
Michigan bands reminisced.
"Everything was there: the teachers,
the library, the practice rooms."
THE MAIN floor room that had ser-
ved as a library for the Hobart Guild
was turned into a room in honor of the
world renowned conductor Dr. Edwin
Goldman. "It was beautiful," Revelli
exclaimed. "We had photos and letters
from the most eminent people in the
world on the walls. Whenever we had a
conference of visiting musicians or
conductors, we always had a day where
we visited the Goldman Room."
Revelli explained that space became
scarce in the building as the band grew,
necessitating a new band facility.
"We had people practicing in the
boiler room and the toilet," Revelli ex-
claimed. "It helped us to get the School
of Music built."
SOME OF THE band and the entire
wind ensemble remained inHarris Hall
even after the School of Music was
built. "The acoustics of the upstairs of.
Harris Hall are just about the best in
Ann Arbor," Revelli said.
When the last of the band departed in
1973, the building was sold to Servant
Publications, a group that is closely con-
nected with the Word of God Com-
munity. "We moved in in the spring of
'74," George Martin, President of Ser-
vant Publications said. "We had to
move out when we got involved in ship-
ping and receiving. It's not a very good
warehouse," Martin added.
The building was then sold to the ad-
vertising firm, Buckheim and Rowland.
It has been designated an extremely
important historic building by the Ann
Arbor Historic District Commission,
and an application has been submitted
to have Harris Hall placed on The
National Register of Historic Places.
Students organize for
presidential choices
(Continued from Page 1)
The Michigan Daily Business Staff is looking for a
student with marketing background to fill a part-
time paid position to do research & planning in ti
the Circulation Department.
For more information or to apply: contact Rose Wickowski of the Doily
Business Office or call 764-0560.
The NEXT DEADLINE for student
organizations to 'submit their
budgets to MSA is March 21st.
If your organization is preparing a budget for this date, give
the Student Organizations Activities and Programs Office
(S.O.A.P.) a call at 763-5911.
Consultants in this office are able and willing to assist you -
with your funding proposal.
The office is located in room 1310 of The Michigan
Please call 763-5911 to schedule a personal appointment to "
discuss your budget.
Reagan edges Anderson,
Carter', scores landslide
(Continued from Page 1)
As the campaigning here went down
to the last minute, public opinion was
still fluctuating, not only on which
candidate to vote for, but which party to
vote' in. With important local races in
the Democrataic primary, many
Democrats and Independents have
been reluctant to take a Republican
STILL, BOTH Reagan and Anderson
were likely to gain from "crossover"
votes in yesterday's primary from
people who would normally vote
Democratic. The bulk of Anderson's
support comes from Democrats and
independents dissatisfied with the
choices in the Democratic primary.
Bush, who acknowledged he would
finish third in yesterday's voting, said
he will remain in the race regardless of
the outcome. Bush's race has suffered
from concentrating too much on
campaign organization and
"momentum" and not enough on the
issues. Bush, in the past week, has
continually pointed out that he has
moved away from his strategy and is
now conducting an issue-oriented
Kennedy in Illinois had been trying
to put some distance between himself
and Chicago mayor Jane Byrne, while
relying on the mayor and her city
Democratic machine to turn out the
votes. But Byrne's endorsement may
have actually hurt Kennedy, since the
mayor-who is referred to here as
S "Calamity Jane,"-has become a
political albatross in Chicago, after a
series of confrontations with city
Byrne's tactics in pushing Kennedy's
campaign, like her tactics dealing with
unions, have been considered heavy-
handed by observers of local politics.
She moved the Cook County
Democratic organization to endorse
Kennedy in November, just a week af-
ter President Carter's wife Rosalyn
helped raise money for the party. And
ward committeepersons and party
regulars who failed to endorse Kennedy
have been fired, demoted, or tran-
is a good chance you'll get on the floor
of the convention," Dean said. "There
are ample jobs, and we're in a good
position (in Ann Arbor)," Dean added.
PLANS FOR Students for Carter and
Mondale include making sure voters
get to the polls, according to campus
coordinator Kurt Blessing. "We need to
find out who they are and make the
logistic plans to get them there,"
Blessing said.
The other organizations said they
have no definite plans yet.
Students from all of the groups ex-
pressed confidence in their candidates'
chances for victory.
ON THE GOP side, Rivkin said, "I
see people from Baker and Ford going
to Anderson," while Dean observed
that "Now it's chic to be for Ander-
son ... I'm waiting for us (the Reagan
supporters) to be chic."
John Carusso, the representative for
the Bush campaign, saw the situation
somewhat differently. "Anderson is too
liberal, and Reagan is way too conser-
vative and has no foreign experience,
but George Bush does," he said.
Among the Democrats, Kennedy-
supporter Steve Foley commented that
"Carter is starting to unravel. . . he's
already hit his peak." Foley predicted
"It will be a Kennedy-Carter
race ... tight all the way. . . I don't
see Brown as being anything."
Blessing noted that "10 months ago, I
decided no other candidate I know
could do a better job than Carter."
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R.S.V.P. needed by Friday, March 21
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Student Newspaper of The University of Michigan
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Words 1 2 3 4 5 add.
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