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January 15, 1980 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-01-15

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MSU student claims

The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, January 15, 1980-Page 5
Iran expels reporters

pIolitical j
Michigan State University (MSU)
work study student has filed a
grievance over his firing by a state
representative, charging the
lawmaker ordered him to do "totally
political" work.
Brett !Dreyfus, an 18-year-old
junior who is also a Republican can-
didate fqr the Ingham County Board
of Commissioners, said yesterday he
was hired in November by Rep.
Dana Wilson (D-Hazel Park) for a
comnittee position.
-his duties .included addressing
Wilson's Christmas cards and
writing letters to constituents. The
student was let go by Wilson in

b illegal,
"It's totally political to mail out
Christmas cards to constituents,"
Dreyfus said. "It's also illegal and in
violation of work study guidelines."
Wilson could not be reached for
UNDER THE federally-funded
work study program, students are
found jobs in order to earn money
for room and board. Program
guidelines require student work to
be "free of political involvement."
Michigan State University
Placement Director Jack Shingleton
said he needed to study the grievan-
ce further before taking action.
"If the charges are true, this could
jeopardize the other 18 work study
students in the House," Shingleton

(Continued from Page1)
ministry, who said he would issue a
statement after studying details of the
explusion decision.
"ALL AMERICAN reporters must
leave Iran immediately," Moinfar said
in a telephone interview from his home
after announcing the council decision.
He said all non-Iranian employees of
U.S. news agencies, newspapers, and
broadcast operations must leave Iran
and that their Iranian employees must
stop working for them.
There are about 300 foreign
correspondents in Iran of whom about
100 are from the United States. The
council decision came after a.series of
public warnings that Iranian officials
were considering asking American,
West German and British reporters to
leave the country.
In other developments:
"Foreign Minister Ghotbzadeh said
the United States was in part to blame
for the Soviet intervention in
Afghanistan. "The Soviet Union is in
Afghanistan because the United States
doesn't understand it should get out of
Iran, even in politics," he said at a news
conference, adding that the U.S.-

Iranian crisis was a "golden oppor-
tunity" for Soviet intervention.
* Iran warned that it "will not accept
any unilateral measures" concerning
the security of the strategic Strait of
Hormuz. About 40 per cent of the West's
oil passes through the strait. Such ac-
tion would be considered "as detrimen-
tal to Iran's vital interests," said a
statement carried by the official Pars
news agency. President Carter has left
open the possibility of taking unilateral
military action in the area, such as a
naval blockade, if the Americans are
not released.
" The Rev. Gene Moore, three other
black ministers and their attorney, all
from Houston, Texas, met with the
students holding the hostages and the
U.S. Embassy to work out plans to hold
a religious service for the hostages
today, the birthday of the Rev. Martin
Luther King, Jr. It was not clear
whether the service would be held.
" Iran signed a contract to provide oil
to Yugoslavia and Iranian officials said
they were negotiating a similar con-
tract with North Korean authorities.
Ghotbzadeh said the Khomeini
government was willing to wait in-

definitely for the return of deposed
Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, who
arrived in the United States Oct. 23 and
then left Dec. 15 for Panama, where he
is currently residing.
Ina reference to the Soviet veto Sun-
day of a U.N. Security Council
resolution asking economic sanctions
against Iran, Ghotbzadeh said:
"Now that the United States' stub-
,born and baseless attempts have failed,
we are calling on other governments
not to get involved in the U.S. political
games and avoid any measure which
may blur our relations with the respec-
tive governments." Iran has warned
that it will cut off oil sales to any nation
supporting sanctions.

100,000 Soviet

(Continued from Page 1)
fantry division of between 12,000 and
13,000 men and possibly units of a
second division have been deployed in
wester$ Afghanistan about 60 miles,
from the border with Iran, but show no
sign of moving against Iran, gover-
nment sources in Washington said
yesterday. Thermain Iranian oil fields,
are oni the other side of Iran, near the
Persian Gulf.
The reports from Kabul could not be
confirmed independently, but hundreds
of Soviet army trucks that restocked
occupation forces met no resistance
Monday as they rolled northward to the
Soviet Union under a light guard.
Associated Press correspondent Mar-
cus Eliason accompanied the Soviet
troops for the first 50 miles of their
journey before he and other reporters
were turned back.
"They cannot win for they have no
planes, but they can go on harassing the
Russians forever," one diplomatic
source in Kabul said of the Moslem
rebels, who have been staging a holy

war against a succession of three pro-
Soviet Afghan regimes for the past 20
"They have been doing this sort of
thing for centuries," he said, referring
to Afghanistan's history of resisting
foreign troops.
U.S. Defense Department analysts
said yesterday that Soviet troops may
have to go on the }offensive soon to
relieve rebel pressure on Afghan
government army units in Badakhshan.
Contradicting reports published in
Pakistan and accountsbprovided by
diplomatic sources in Kabul, intelligen-
ce reports indicate Soviet forces have
not yet mounted a major offensive in
Also yesterday, Iranian. Foreign
Minister Sadegh Ghotzbadeh indirectly
blamed the United States for the Soviet
military move.
Soviet airborne and infantry units
moved into Afghanistan Christmas Day
and two days later Afghanistan's
Marxist leader, Hafizullah Amin, was
deposed and executed with pro-Soviet
Babrak Karmal replacing him.

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"Les MFather Told Me"
An award winning film by Jan Kadar, the brilliant Czech
director, in which he brings his remarkable talent to this
charming memoir of the love and devotion a six year old feels
for his grandfather. Set in Jewish Montreal of the Twenties,
the film has been hailed as a marvelous portrait of the
extended Jewish family and the small, closely knit community
we tend to idealize.
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(Continued froiu.age 1
"They (TIAA-CREF) are sticking
their neck t:, Y6f0fft't see the others'
(other faculty pension organization)
doing it,' Thiel said. "And there are a
bunch of them out there who would love
our business."
EDWARDS SAID the program is
unique because faculty members at all
3,000 institutions that utilize the in-
surance association have identical con-
tracts, and they can continue to pay
their premiums at any university. "The
beauty of the idea is its portability,"
Thiel said.
If they have paid all their premiums,
the pension benefits will be paid to them
in full, even if they leave the teaching
profession before retirement, Edwards
pointed out.
w Representatives from the association
will be talking to a University task for-
ce Jan. 23, and Thiel expects to know
more at that time. But Edwards said he
is confident that once faculty members
understand the change, they will not be
alarmed. He insists it will have only a
minimal effect on -pensions for most

joint-life options that-wotid4eontinue to
pay benefits to surviving spouses will
not be affected by the new policy
because benefits are already based on
the combined life expectancies of men
and women.
Those who choose a "straight life an-
nuity" will be most affected because all
payments end with the death of the per-
son who owned the annuity contract,
Edwards said.
The change would not affect any
retiree already receiving benefits or
anyone who has paid all his premiums
before the adoption of the new system.
Those who are currently paying
premiums will choose their options at
the time of their retirement, Edwards
explained, and can take the changed
policy into consideration when making
that decision.
"People are going to have to ask
themselves which option is best for
their families, and this change really
isn't going to make much of a differen-
ce," Edwards said.

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