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March 12, 1980 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-03-12

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, March 12,1980-Page 3

MSA won't

endorse Hubbard

The Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) last night rejected a request for
endorsement from Republican City
Council candidate and LSA junior
Donald Hubbard.
Hubbard is challenging First Ward
incumbent Democrat Susan Greenberg
in the April City Council elections.
Assembly members attacked Hub-
bard's proposal for cutting parking en-
forcement personnel from City Hall -
they said the money made from

parking tickets more than offsets the
money spent on enforcement.
And Assembly member Mervat
Hatem said Hubbard had not sufficien-
tly promised to back student concerns
as a member of City Council.
not running as a student candidate, I'm
running as a candidate."
The assembly seemed to be decided
against endorsing Hubbard from the
start. There was no motion introduced
to back the candidate - but there was a

motion to withhold endorsement. After
fifteen minutes of discussion, however,
the motion was withdrawn, and Hub-
bard left without MSA's endorsement.
In other discussion last night, studen-
ts nationwide will see a major shift in
the way universities garner their
operation funds, Acting Vice-President
for Academic Affairs Alfred Sussman
told MSA.
"IN THE FUTURE," Sussman said,
"I think I would like to suggest that the
funding of public and private in-
stitutions will converge." Public
schools, he said, will get more private
money while private institutions will
receive a higher percentage of state
and federal money than they have in
the past.
Sussman said such a "convergence"
of funding is the only way both types of
schools can retain their standards for
quality education.
d Currently, public universities get
private money mainly for professional

programs and capital investments,
Sussman noted. He cited the University
of Pennsylvania and others as private
schools that now receive large amounts
of state and federal money.
The interim vice-president discussed
this topic as well as the University's
overall budget process at the MSA
meeting last night. When asked to first
give an overview of the process by
which the University gets state funds,
Sussman quipped, "What can I say
about the budget except that it's
SUSSMAN AND several members of
the Assembly were concerned about
next year's tuition hike. But Sussman
warned it is not a good idea to look at a
tuition hike and an increase in faculty
salaries as being directly opposed.
One common reason for a tuition hike
has been that the higher faculty
salaries go, the higher the quality of
faculty attracted to the University.

Regents to meet on
V.P. applications

The Regents will meet privately with
University President Harold Shapiro
tomorrow evening to review
applications for the post of vice-
president for academic affairs.
An announcement to name Shapiro's
replacement to one of the most
powerful University administrative
posts is expected in the next two weeks,
and probably sooner, according to
THE SIX-MONTH search for a new

Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTR(
CHILD PSYCHIATRIST John Bolby expains his theory of attachment
between a child and parent in a speech before over 1,000 spectators at the
Mendelssohn Theatre last night.


'Attachment theory' explained

Neurotic and psychiatric disorders
can be best understood through study of
"attachment behavior" in a child's first
years of life, said world-reknowned
child psychiatrist John Bolby last night.
Speaking on "Disorders of Attach-
ment and Their Treatment," before an
overflow crowd of 1,000 people at Men-
delssohn Theater, Bolby outlined his
famous theory of the making and
breaking of infants' affectional bonds.
The British psychiatrist defined at-
tachment as "any form of behavior that
leads one to maintain proximity with
other." As the result of observation
uring the past 20 years of young
children in the presence and absence of
their mothers, Bolby and his colleagues
theorized that attachment serves an in-
irinsic biological function of increasing
survival by decreasing danger. That

most species feel safer in the company'
of a companion is true not only in infan-
cy, but in adolescence and adult life as
well, according to the researchers.
BOLBY SAID Freud's explanation
that the child attaches itself to its
mother to satisfy primary drives, such
as feeding and sexual behavior, is im-
plausible. Ethological, or animal
behavior studies of the strong bonds
between mother and infant indicate
that attachment develops without any
interchange of traditional rewards like
feeding. Bolby said attachment occurs
independent of an infant's fear of
strange people and places.
Bolby stressed the importance of
parental attitudes and treatment in a
child's early experiences. "With con-
fidence I can say that a child cared for
by a sensitive mother develops a secure
attachment, and grows up with con-
fidence." He said a stable family

background creates a stable, capable,
self-reliant child.
Conversely, "anxious attachment,"
according to Bolby, occurs when a child
is apprehensive that his attachment
figure is inaccessible, or when he has
been separated from it. Inattentive
mothers who provide an insecure at-
tachment will produce an anxious,
lonely, and insecure child.
THE MORE secure a child's base, the
more a child will explore, Bolby said. A
healthy individual loosens, extends,
and makes new bonds, Bolby said, ad-
ding that the desire to explore is ac-
companied by the desire to return to
some stable base.
The child's internal fantasy world,
and the effects of his real experiences
in early life, become incorporated into
his personality, and affect his reactions
to social situations as he develops,
Bolby explained.
Bolby advocates family therapy as
the best approach to the treatment of
children with attahment problems.
Psychoanalysis allows a child to
develop hypothesis about the behavior
of his parents toward him, and to
reflect on experiences which may be
too frightening or painful to do himself.
Bolby says that in these cases, it is the
job of the analyst to provide the child
with a secure base from which he can
Bolby visited the University thirty
years ago this month, as part of his
study for WHO (World Health
Organization) on the mental health
problems of homeless children. His
report Maternal Care and Mental
Health, became a worldwide best
The lecture was sponsored by the
University Committee on International
Year of the Child, Department of
Psychiatry, School of Social Work, and
Center for Human Growth and

academic affairs vice-president began
shortly after Shapiro vacated the post
to assume the presidency.
Graduate School Dean Alfred
Sussman has been serving as acting
vice-president for academic affairs
since Nov. 1, when Shapiro began a two-
month leave to prepare for the
The majority of academic affairs
vice-presidents have come from within
the University. Shapiro, Cornell
University President Frank Rhodes,
and Law School Prof. Allan Smith were
the last three academic affairs vice-
presidents. Smith served as interim
University president during 1979.
A SEARCH committee headed by
faculty Senate Assembly Chairman
Richard Corpron gave Shapiro a list of
less than six candidates early last
month. Shapiro has been evaluating the
nominees since that time.
The committee, comprised of faculty
members of the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs
(SACUA) and two students selected by
the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA),
considered about 150 candidates for the
The secrecy surrounding the vice-
presidential search parallels that of
last year's presidential search.
THE REGENTS are allowed to meet
privately under a provision in the state
Open Meetings Act. If candidates
request that their applications remain
confidential, the University's
governing board can discuss them in
The vice-president for academic
affairs oversees the activities of all
University schools and colleges and is
responsible to the Regents in reporting
those activities. The vice-president is
also the University's chief budget
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AAFC-La Dolce Vita, 7 p.m.; Ten Day's Wonder, 10 p.m., Aud. A, Angell.
Cinema Guild-18th Annual Ann Arbor 16mm Film Festival, 7, 9, 11 p.m.,
Michigan Theater.
PIRGIM-The Walls Come Tumbling Down, Writing On the Wall and City
Farmstead, 7 p.m., North Pit, Markley, Residence Hall.
Max Kade German House-Berli-Alexanderplatz, 8 p.m., 603 Oxford Rd..
Ctr. for Afro-American Studies-Niara Sudarkasa, "A Decade of Black
Studies at the University of Michigan," noon, Whitney Aud., School of
Computing Center-"PL/I and PL/C Debugging For Beginners," 12:10
p.m., 1011 NUBS.
Nuclear Eng.- Forrest Brown, "Nutronic Analysis of Low Enrichment
Fuels for Research Reactors," 4 p.m., Baer Rm., Cooley Bldg.
Mechanical Eng. and Applied Mechanics-Kenneth Coeling, "Research
Challenges in Paint Application Equipment," 4 p.m., 2042 G. G. Brown Lab.
Physics-Roy Clark, "Graphite Intercalation Compounds," 4 p.m., 296
Chemistry-Tom Blackburn, "Laser Detection of Pollution," 4 p.m., 1200
Chemistry-James Romine, "The Chemical Construction of Coal
Liquification Residues," 4 p.m., 1300 Chem.
Ind. and Op. Eng.-Michael Taaffe, "Use of Surrogate Distribution in
Approximating Quequeing Delays," 4 p.m., 229 W. Engineering.
Kelsey Museum-William Coulson, "Pharoah and the Greens: Ar-
chaeology in the Western Delta of Egypt," 4 p.m., 203 Tappan.
PIRGIM-Dan Sharpe, "Coalition Building," 7 p.m., Welker Rm, Union.
Hillel-Lina Ben-Dor, "Students and Political Activitism in Israel," 8
p.m., 1429 Hill St.
Dharma Study Group-Chogynam Trungpa, "The Myth of Freedom," a
taped series, 8 p.m., Rm. B, League.
Michigan Assoc. of Gerontology-7:30 p.m., Institute of Gerontology, 520
E. Liberty.
LSA-SG-6 p.m., MSA Chambers, 3rd floor, Michigan Union.
University Residence Hall Council-9 p.m., MSA Chambers, Union.
Commission for Women-noon, 2549 LSA.
N. Campus Women's Civic Grp.-noon, Viking Room, Commons.
SIMS-Noon and 8 p.m., 4314 Michigan Union.
Gay Afvocates Office-7:30 p.m., Guild House, 802 Monroe St.
CRLT-3 p.m., 109 E. Madison.
Pendelton Arts Ctr.-"Music at Midweek," trumpet recital by James
Sawyer. noon. Pendleton Rm., Michigan Union.

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