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March 12, 1980 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-03-12

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Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom

l latig

Vol. XC, No. 126

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 12, 1980

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Carter and Reagan
win big in South

From AP and UPI
President Carter and Republican
Ronald Reagan marched through
Georgia, Florida, and Alabama last
night, burying their White House rivals
in a three-state set of Southern
presidentidal primary elections.
Carter won his home Georgia
Democratic primary by a towering
margin, polling a dozen votes and more
for every ballot cast for Sen. Edward
His Alabama margin was almsot' as
lopsided, and in Florida he was reaping
two-thirds of the vote while Kennedy
captued only 16 per cent.
runaway victor over former United
Nations Ambassador George Bush in
all three states. Florida was the closest
thing to a contest; there it was Reagan
56 per cent, Bush 31.
Kennedy didn't even campaign and
the outcomes were no surprise. But the
margins were. Carter's Georgia victory
eclipsed Kennedy's home-state triumph
in Massachusetts one week ago. The
Democratic challenger gained 65 per
cent of the vote there.
The Southern victories put Carter
back in command in the race for
Democratic nominating delegates. He
was gaining 184, to run his national total
to 271. Kennedy led for 22 in yesterday's

primaries which would put his overall
delegate strength at 137.
IT WILL TAKE 1,666 to select a
Democratic presidential nominee.
In Republican competition, Reagan
was gaining 105 delegates yesterday,
Bush only nine. That would give the
former California governor 167 of the
998 he needs to win the nomination. The
Bush total stood at 45.
The Southern GOP ballots were
dotted with the names of campaign
dropouts: Connally, Baker, Dole.
Rep. John Anderson, the liberal from

Illinois, skipped the South, saying he
would try for support there after
proving his credentials in more friendly
territory. He was gaining only seven
per cent of the vote in Florida and
Georgia, and wasn't on the ballot in
KENNEDY ALL but bypassed the
South, too, conceding the three contests
to Carter in advance, and staging only a
low-key effort to win black and Jewish
votes in Florida.
California Gov. Edmund Brown Jr.
See CARTER, Page 2

'U' football players
reportedly suspended
for drug involvement

The 18th annual Ann Arbor Film Festival opened last night and will run through this Sunday. Pictured here is the
display case at the festival's new location-the venerable Michigan Theater on Liberty. If this display catches your
aesthetic fancy it's a sure bet you will like the films, and at two bucks a show it's a bargain.

Fraternity cat kiers sentenced

J ~ . _-

Five former members of the
Alpha Delta Phi fraternity, who
pleaded no contest to charges of
mutilating, burning, and killing a
cat, were each ordered yesterday to
perfornm 200 hours of community
The five students were also given
one-year deferred sentences and or-
dered to pay $360 court costs in the
case that received nation-wide at-
In a courtroom crowded with
members of the Humane Society and
the Fund for Animals, Fifteenth
District Court Judge S. J. Elden
publicly reprimanded the five men
for about 15 minutes before leveling
sentencing them.
"THIS WAS a totally unacceptable
act by young, well-educated men,'~'
Elden said. He calledutheir actions
"cold and calculated," "unex-
cusable and unexplainable," and
said their act was "unconscionable
and heinous."
The defendants, Douglas Hamlin,
David Froikin, Brian Dunstan,
Michael Anderson., and Jeffrey
Abrahamson, sat motionless when

the sentence was announced. The
five were expelled from the frater-
nity house, and Abrahamson recen-
tly transferred to a Wisconsin
They pleaded no contest to the
charge of cruelty to animals on Jan.

UNDER T HE city's animal
cruelty ordinance, the penalty for
first-time offenders is usually a $100
fine and 72 hours of community ser-
The convictions will be erased
from the mens' records if they con-

'This wals (1total I unacceptalble actby x"011119
wfel-edu1catedI men' . . . l' ichnoneC t(IhfptrS ith
('ornltlhunitY calijes, one '? iiist be prepa"redl ft r

tence) recommendations from
every corner of the United States."
Elden added that the recommended
penalties "have gone from capital
punishment to public whipping."
Elden added that he was bothered
because "once the act was
discovered, it was covered up."
HE SCOLDED each of the defen-
dants for their behavior, but singled
out Hamlin, the fraternity president
at the time of the killing.
"You had the ability to prevent
this from ever happening," he said.
Elden 'also commented that An-
derson was called by someone who
threatened to "shoot his legs."

Five Michigan football players have
been suspended from the team by head
coach Bo Schembechler for in-
volvement with narcotics, players and
officials close to the team said yester-
According to several players, who
asked that their names be withheld,
Schembechler took'the disciplinary ac-
tion either before or, during a meeting
yesterdayof team members who have
one remaining year of playing
eligibility. Several of those same sour-
ces added the suspensions were likely
to be permanent. The players who
commented were not at the meeting,
THE DAILY is withholding the
names of the suspended players pen-
ding confirmation by members of the
coaching staff. As of late last night, no
coach was either willing or available to
comment on the suspensions. Included
among the athletes reported suspended
are several prominent players.
Schembecler and several assistant
coaches were unavailable for

comment, but Assistant Coach Jerry
Hanlon refused to comment on the
matter when contacted at his home
early last night.
Athletic Director Don Canham said
he knew nothing about the suspensions,
and added, "It's up to the coach to
determine the penalty when a rule is
BOTH THE ANN Arbor Police and
the Washtenaw County Sheriff's
Department said they had no official
record of a drug-related incident, but
sourcesindicated law enforcement
officials were aware of the players'
involvement with narcotics.
Several junior team members, when
contacted about the meeting with
Schembechler, said the Wolverine
coach annually meets with his junior
players prior to the start of spring
practice. They refused to say whether
the suspensions were discussed at the
One of the prominent players named
in the incident said without elaborating
that he would not be returning to the
team next year. A close friend of
another player said he had been

ommunlity ctioft like this."

-jlti(g() S...Eldenf

Winners in dorm lottery
breathe easily for '80-'81

":: :: ::,*:::: X

17. According to police, the incident
occurred Dec. 6, when the five cap-
tured their fraternity house cat
because it failed to use its litter box.
They cut off its paws, hung it from a
tree, and then set the animal on fire.
The screams from the tortured
animal were heard by a passerby,
who notified police.

tact their probation officer every
month, pay the fines, and complete
their commurity service - which
Elden said "must concern the areas
of working with animal and animal
"Never before in this court has
there been such a public response,"
said Elden. "We've received (sen-

"WHEN ONE tampers
munity values, one
prepared for community
this," said Elden.

with com-
must be
action like

Before the sentencing, Hamlin
said, "We did everything we thought
we could do to resolve this thing."
"We think that now it's gone a lit-
tle too far," he added.
See 5, Page 2

4 u 9

economists revise prediction

A team of University economists
revised a forecast of a "mild recession"
for 1980 with a prediction of slow
economic growth through the middle of
next year.
University President and Economics
Prof. Harold Shapiro, Economics
department Chairman Saul Hymans,
conomics Prof. E. Phillip Howrey,
and researcher Joan Crary predicted a
"protracted period of very slow - but
on balance positive - growth through
about mid-1981," in a periodic update of
the forecast released yesterday.
IN NOVEMBER 1979, economists
predicted the U.S. economy would
register two or three quarters of

Slow economic growth
forecasted for 80-'81

declining real GNP (gross national
According to Howrey, three obser-
vations prompted the research team to
alter the initial prediction:
" A somewhat stronger pattern of
" Increases in purchasing power due
to substantial income tax refunds that

resulted from excess withholding con-
nected to the 1979 tax rate revisions;
" Several government efforts to of-
fset the decline in home building ac-
THESE POSITIVE effects should not
be overemphasized, Howrey was quick
to point out, because the economy is
still expected to be close to a recession

"We essentially are talking about a
flat economy for the next two years,"
Howrey said. Unemployment is expec-
ted to rise to about seven per cent by the
beginning of 1981 and seven and one
half per cent by the middle of that year,
he added.
The expected slump in the economy is
due to several factors, Howrey said.
These factors include:
* Low homebuilding activity -
although not as low as originally
predicted - due to "tight money
policies;" i
" The weakening of business fixed
investments; and
" A decline in consumer purchases of
durable goods.

Students who want to live in Univer-
sity residence halls next year held their
breaths yesterday as names were
drawn in the annual lottery for the
limited number of spaces in each dor-
After the lottery yesterday afternoon,
rooms were still available for a limited
number of returning students in
Markley, Alice Lloyd and Mosher-
Jordan halls. Not enough spaces were
available for current residents who ap-
plied in South Quad, West Quad,
Couzens, and Bursley.
ABOUT HALF of the spaces in the
University's 13 residence halls are
reserved for the 4,300 incoming fresh-
Students who applied but did not win
the lottery in their current dorm may
apply for a lease in one of the dorms
with extra spaces.
"In the last few years, we've been
able to move everyone back to the hall
of their choice, if they follow the proper
procedure," Associate Director of
Housing John Finn said.
Last night, residents whose names
were drawn in the afternoon lottery
could automatically sign a lease for the
room they presently occupy. Tonight
students can sign leases for a different
room in their particular dormitory. On

Thursday, students may sign leases in
another residence hall, if spaces are
On Friday, lottery Isoers may sign a
room lease in any dorm that still has
spaces available. If no leases are
currently available in the dorm of their
choice, applicants may sign a waiting
list March 19. When a lease is can-
celled, students on the waiting list are
transferred into that hall.
In the non-traditional halls, including
Fletcher, Oxford, Baits, and Cam-
bridge House of West Quad, no lotteries
are held. Any student who wishes to
return to one of these halls is guaran-
teed a place, but must follow the same
procedure for changing rooms as
residents of other halls. Places are not
pre-designated to incoming freshper-
sons in the non-traditional halls.
Markley Building Director Kevin
Doria said everyone who reapplied to
live in Markley next year will have a
space there. "We even have a few
spaces left over," he said, estimating
that five male and 20 female spaces are
still available.
TWO MALE and fifteen female
spaces are open in Alice Lloyd for
returning students.
While eight spaces remain for
females in Mosher-Jordan, there
presently is no room for 30 of the men
See DORM, Page 2

I I,

campaign has gathered over 125,000 signatures on petitions.
At this stage, Dixon said the group's primary goal is to
educate the public because "The people have to want it, not
just a couple of legislators." The literature distributed by
the Fund for Animals group states that mistreatment of this
mammal is a dramatic example of human prejudice. "Too
many untruths have been said and written about blacks,
Indians, women and others." Michigan's Isle Royale
National Park is one of the few places in the continental 48
states still inhabited by wolves. Most wolves live in Alaska,
where they are being hunted and driven out, according to

only after he cut the monster with his knife. A Chinese
newspaper has reported other eyewitness accounts of the
creature, believed to be China's version of northern
California's bigfoot monster and the abominable snowman
of the Himalayas. The legendary beast has been seen in
China's Hubei Province, and has been described by
eyewitnesses as looking like a chimpanzee with human-like
eyes.'Two scientific teams have been sent from Peking to
Hubei to investigage centuries-old reports that that the
creatures dwell in the hill country. The newspaper has also
revealed that the provincial government is offering a
..,t>,.ri nr t o nncnr, -nhr m ThP ropnt

plans April 12 to devous 51 raw eggs in 60 minutes,'which
would set a new mark in the Guinness Book of World
Records. Marsh is no stranger to the world of egg-eating,
having taken his first crack at the contest last year. But he
fell six eggs short of beating San Diego egg-eater Ron
Wood's 50-egg record. This year, however, Marsh expects
to set a new record by eating smaller eggs. "That'll
definitely make a tremendous difference," he said.
"Smaller eggs have got to take up less room." Because of
his new strategy Marsh expects to pass the 50 egg mark by
a wide margin. "I might hit 70," he said. "I'm psyched."
Rocky may finally have met his match. 1-

000" 0k y


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