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March 11, 1980 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-03-11

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, March 11, 1980--Page 5
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Regents n&'
Conny Nelson, vice president for academic affair the
University of North Dakota, has been named clellor
of the U-M Flint campus. He will assume the post Ju'
University President Harold Shapiro ne the
announcement last week after meeting privateirith the
Regents. At that time,r they also considered canates for
the Dearborn chancellorship and the Universitpademic
- affai s vice presidency.
Te other two posts will be filled soon, probatiwthin the
next two weeks, according to administrators.
In addition to his experience at the UniveY of North
Dakota in Grand Forks, Nelson has served in Ainistrative
capacities at the University of Wisconsin anti University,
of North Dakota. He is also a professor of Eno_-s
Nelson will be formally nominated to p at next

Flint chancellor

I4age m#
Offers You
utraer ofu 'Pthea
Every night of the week.

"week's Regents meeting.
Nelson will serve as the chief adminsitrative officer of the
Flint campus and as an executive officer of the University.
His responsibilities will include the campus budget,
coordinating Flint's academic policy, dealing with the state
legislature, and working with the Flint community.
English Prof. William Vasse has served as acting Flint
chancellor since last Aug. 1, when former chancellor William
Moran left to become chancellor of the University of North
Carolina at Greensboro.
A committee including faculty, students, staff, and
community members reviewed 125 candidates for the Flint
post. The field ,was narrowed to six candidates who were
interviewed by Shapiro and the committee.
Names of three finalists'were given to Shapiro who then
consulted with the Regents before making a final decision.

Half Price Drinks
Enjoy V2price drinks
from our bar stock
between 8:30 and 11:30pm

Remember the Summer
of '79? Half Price Gin,
Vodka, and Rum tonics
from 8:00 till 10:00pm

... named Flint chancellor

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Colo-m"-''-bta o.,,nbasr's'ysejoe ente,,, ' a

U.S. Ambassador Diego Asencio and 19
From UPband AP other diplomats.
BOGOTA, Colom ia -- Lefti The progress at resolving the seizure
guerrillas and government negotiato came after a hooded woman guerrilla
discussed a ransom yesterday for the met for a fourth round of talks with two
diplomatic hostages - including government representatives in an open-
U.S. ambassador - at the Domini akdcem-ooe a pre u-
Embassy. It was the first sign a sbacked e ream-coored van parked out-
breakthrough in the 13-day siege. s The Colombian .government,
A source close to the governme strengthened enough by an electoral
possible ransom discussed wob victory of President Julio Cesar Tur-
provided by the ,government se vitr, fPeietJloCsrTr
dpomadt ayre amonens sA bay's party, delved into more substan-
diplomats are among the host A ive discussions on the guerrillas
specific sum was not mention Th demands for a ransom and freeing of
,guerrillas had asked for $5o mi%' ae Political prisoners.
"BETWEEN 32 .and 35 host s are tHE Goers.
being held at the embassy, luding THE GOVERNMENT source 'said
some flexibility was 'shown on both

sides on the ransom, but stressed
Colombia refused to discuss the other
key guerrilla demand for the release of
311 jailed leftists. Constitutional con-
siderations prevented the freeing of the
jailed leftists, the source said.
"The conversations advanced in a
climate of serenity and the participants
expressed their willingness to continue
them," said a government statement
after the talks, which lasted one hour 43
It was the most upbeat government
communique since the talks began
March 2. No'date was set for the next
SHORTLY AFTER the talks ended a

nurse entered the Embassy carrying
what looked like an electrocardiograph
and stayed for 90 minutes. A Red Cross
truck also entered the compound and
remained for five minutes, presumably
to deliver food.
The guerrillas have expressed anger
at the slow pace of the talks, and
although the government has promised
not to use force unless the hostages are
endangered, security forces appeared
to be laying the groundwork for an
assault if one should be ordered.
There were unconfirmed reports that
anti-terrorist squads or advisers had
arrived in Bogota from the United
States, Israel, West Germany and the
Netherlands. Asencio and Israeli Am-
bassador Eliahu Barak are among the
ranking diplomats held by 20-30
guerrillas of the M719 movement. No
Dutch or German personnel have been
listed among the captives, but Holland
and West Germany have developed
crack assault units to deal with
terrorists in their countries.

GOP Stite Committee wants
Ford pit on primary baot
From UPI and A
LANSING - State (' Chairman couraging or discouraging o an ex- on the May 20 primary ba
Melvin Larsen polled I Republican- treme." Larsen noted the Re
State Committee yeste Y on adding ADAMS NOTED the state GOP was mittee already has V
Gerald Ford to the list otential can- asked to make the move by the Draft California millionaireE
didates for the May }nary, but the Ford Committee - an organization he nandez and perennia
'results were consid; a foregone assumes is acting with at least tacit ap- Harold Stassen added to
conclusion. proval from the former president. Larsen said as man
Richard Adams, exltive director of Larsen, in a prepared statement, possible of the state co
the state party, sainitial contacts sharply criticized Secretary of State polled by this afternoon
with the 93-member.nmittee showed Richard Austin's decision to leave Ford will be delivered to Aust:
no opposition to inning in the field off the primary ballot list. "I don't expect thatI
the homestate faite who is con- Under state law, Austin was required serious opposition to the
sidered by many tdve all but entered to draw up a list of persons perceived to said, adding a telegram
the race. be presidential candidates by March 7. committee "certainly
In Washington ord aide Robert Each party's state committee has until ficient motivation tot
Barrett- said tj ex-president is today to add names to that list, and we're taking."
receiving an avarhe of mail urging would-be candidates can petition to get "The only thing I can
him to seek the (' nomination, "but on. has not disavowed its
it has not quantit/ely or qqalitatively , THOSE ON the-list who file affidavits .point," Adamssaid wb
led us to a decis point; it is not en- of candidacy by March 2,1 will appear close the committee is to
Coigressional Budget Offic

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epublican com-.
voted to have
Benjamin Fer-
l campaigner
the Austin list.
y members as
mmittee will be
n and their list
there will be"
e move, Adams
from the draft
would be suf-
take the steps
njudge by is he
efforts at this
hen asked how
o Ford himself.

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estrnates higher budget deficit

Congressionaudget Office yesterday
said Presid Carter's 1981 budget
could create$25 billion deficit - $5
billion morein it estimated only last
week and $0ilion more than Carter
estimated innuary.
Budget oe director Alice Rivlin
gave the Hte Budget Committee the
same estiete she gave the Senate
budget par last week, projecting a
deficit of alt $20 billion. But this time
she said tlfigure was optimistic and
the deficituld easily be greater than
$25 billion.
MEANVILE, Senate Budget Coin-
mittee chman Edmund Muskie (D-
Maine), si congressional leaders held
the latest a series of secret meetings
with Cair's economic advisers to
discuss jys to resolve the nation's
economitroubles, including where
cuts cot be made to balance the
Cartesoon will send Congress a
revised t1 budget reflecting concerns
about thigher than expected inflation
. K
ohn Kolisch, instructor: 25 years in the'f
stnnntism as a lectrr. rhvunnntechniin

rate. He estimated in January that his
budget programs would cost $616 billion
and result in a $16 billion deficit.

But Rivlin said her office's latest
estimates indicate the budget deficit
will be closer to $20 billion.

Wednesday, March 12th
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Thursday, March 13th
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ALL INTERESTED STUDENTS INVITED! Sponsored by Pre-Professional Office

The College of Literature, Science, and the Art's is
currently interviewing students interested in par-
ticipating in an alumni fund-raising telethon. LSA
alumni across the country will be called from
campus. The telethon runs five nights per week,
Sunday through Thursday; March 30 through April
24. You have the option of working a minimum of
two or three nights per week to a maximum of five
nights. HOURS: 6:30 to 9:30
PAY: $3.50 per hour
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