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February 29, 1980 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-02-29

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Page 10-Friday, February 29, 1980-The Michigan Daily
Icers shoot for second place in WCHA


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North Dakota now stands in the winners' circle, but
the WCHA playoff race isn't over yet.
This weekend's home and home series with
Michigan State should settle things for the Michigan
Wolverines though. They currently hold a scant .009
percentage point lead over the Minnegota Gophers in
the battle for second. A bad series with the ninth-
place Spartans could alter the standings for
THE WOLVERINES are coming off a pair of losses
to North Dakota (5-2 and 4-3). Coach Dan Farrell said
of that ill-fated series: "We definitely should have
won Saturday night. We won everything but the
score. But our attitude is great (for this weekend)."
Michigan's attitude has to be great. This is the last

weekend of the regular season. It is also the last
chance for MSU to try to make it into the playoffs,
with a seventh-or eighth-place finish. The Spartans
need a pair of wins over Michigan, with North Dakota
knocking off Wisconsin, and Michigan Tech being
swept by Minnesota-Duluth to come up with a playoff
"I'm sure they will be working hard to make the
playoffs," said Farrell. "We always have tough
FARRELL IS looking to this series, and this series
only, not over his shoulder to see how Minnesota fares
against Notre Dame this weekend. "They, (the
Gophers) have to win twice, and we have to lose
twice. If we win, no matter what they do, we're in,"

he said. "Their chances of winning at Notre Dame
are slim."
Earlier in the year, Michigan split its series with
MSU. The Wolverines are going to have to contend
once again with the Spartans' two high scorers, Leo
Lynett, who currently has 58 points, and Russ Welch,
with 56 points. In addition, Michigan State has a
dependable goaltender in the person of Mark
On the other hand, Michigan's Murray Eaves, still
questionable for this weekend, has amassed 76 points
on the season. Teammates Bruno Baseotto and Dan
Lerg are right behind him with 72 and 69 points,
BLUE LINES: Freshman goalie Paul Fricker has
made exactly 1,000 saves this season.

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Iowa favored in


A Daily Sports Analysis
Even though the Wolverine wrestling
team is very good, chances are that it
won't finish any higher than fourth
place in the upcoming Big Ten
wrestling tournament this weekend at
Michigan State.
The reason lies in the fact that this
conference is loaded with exceptional
grapplers. "Everyone says that the Big
Ten is a great basketball conference,
which it is," said head coach Dale
Bahr, "but in wrestling circles, it's also
regarded as the toughest conference in
the nation." Because of that, even a
good team like Michigan, with an 11-6-1
dual meet record, cannot realistically
entertain hopes of winning the con-
ference championship.
The only team that can expect to win
the title this weekend is, as always,
Iowa. The Hawkeyes, currently ranked
first in the nation, have held on to the
league crown for the past six years, and
in all probability they will stretch that
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streak to seven this weekend.
"If we wrestle like we're capable,
we'll win the league title," predicted
Hawkeye head coach Dan Gable.
After Iowa, the Badgers of Wisconsin
look to be the team to beat. The
Badgers handed Minnesota its first
dual meet defeat of the year earlier this
month, and with nationally top-ranked
Andy Rein leading the way at 150 poun-
ds, Wisconsin looks to be extremely
If Wisconsin is to be beaten out for the
runner-up spot, it will most likely be by
Minnesota. The Gophers have three
matmen ranked in the top ten
nationally, and good performances by
the rest of the squad could provide the
Although Michigan State beat the
Wolverines quite handily at their last
meeting, Michigan should take fourth
place in the tourney. The Spartans are a
much more experienced team, but
aside from Fred Worthem at 158 poun-
ds, no individual stands out. If
Michigan gets superior efforts from
everyone, it should finish ahead of
After these five teams, however, the
quality drops off considerably. Indiana,
Northwestern, Purdue, Ohio State, and
Illinois are all a cut below the rest of the

conference and don't i
in the tournament.
One of the most imp
this weekend's compe
to qualify for the NCAA
The top four place-w
weight division qualify
"Hopefully, we'll q
from three to six, or m
kids for the nationa
"Everybody on the t
good shot at it, excep
Milani (142 pounds, w
of the injured Bob Sia
(118 pounds) and Tim
be wrestling at 167 pou
Konovsky is injured. T
men, and this confe
freshman conference.'
The Wolverines with
making the final four
class are Steve Frase
who is currently ran
nation and could win
crown this weekend, h
Klasson, who, accordi
been "wrestling really,
Nemir Nadhir in the 15
one of the toughest wei
conf ence.
One of the most e
could be a showdown in

Ten meet
ook to be a factor Fraser might wrestle Ed Banach of
Iowa, currently ranked fourth in t
ortant aspects of nation. Banach beat Fraser when the'
tition is a chance two wrestled in a dual meet, but Fraser
A championships. came back and tied the Hawkeye when
winners in each they met a week later at the East-West
y for the national All-Star meet.
Overall, however, it looks as though
ualify anywhere Iowa will be bringing back another con-
aybe even seven, ference crown to Iowa City, and the rest
ls;" said Bahr. of the conference will have to be content
eam has a real to pick up the leftovers.
t for maybe Lou Here are the probable results of thi
restling in place weekend's action:
Fagan, who will' Weight Name School
ands because Bill 118-Dan Glenn Iowa
rhey're all fresh- 126-Gary Lefbvre Minnesota
'rence is not a 134-Randy Lewis Iowa
142-Jim Martinez Minnesota
the best shot at 150-Andy Rein Wisconsin
in their weight 158-Dan Zilverberg Minnesota
r at 177 pounds, 167-Dave Evans Wisconsin
ked fifth in the 177-STEVE FRASER MICHIGAN
n the individual 190-Mitch Hall , Wisconsin
eavyweight Eric Hwt.-Dean Phinney low
ng to Bahr, has Team Finish
well lately," and 1. Iowa 6. Indiana
8 pound division, 2. Wisconsin 7. Illinois
ght classes in the 3. Minnesota 8. Northwestern
4. MICHIGAN 9. Purdue
xciting matcpes 5. Michigan State 10. Ohio State


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Tracksters travel to AlA Ws


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Michigan's youthful women's track,
team will bring eight members to the
AIAW National Indoor Track and Field
Championships on March 7 and 8,xat
Columbia, Missouri.
The Wolverines will be one of the
youngest teams at the meet, as six of
their eight qualifiers are freshmen and
the other two are sophomores. Fresh-
man Melaine Weaver leads the
Michigan squad, qualifying for the 3,000
and 5,000 meter runs, as well as running
the anchor leg of the distance medley
FRESHMEN Lori Thornton and
Joanna Bullard also have qualified for

individual events, Thornton for the long
jump, and Bullard the high jump.
Thornton also runs a leg on the 4x220
relay. Speedster Brenda Kazinec, also
a freshman, runs a leg on the 4x220
relay as well as running on the distance
medley relay.
Sue Frederick and Dana Loesche
(both freshmen) are members of the
distance medley relay team.
The "senior citizens" of the team,
sophomores Renee Turner and Cathy
Sharpe, are members of the 4x220 relay,
team. Turner also qualified for the
National Championships in the 60-yard
dash at the Big Ten Championships last
weekend at Purdue.
Coach Red Simmons isn't sure of how

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tough the competition will be, but he
said, "Our main objective is to go there
(to the Nationals) to. show that we are
developing a track program. Having
eight qualifiers will mn'ake recruiting
much easier next year.
"We're in the track business, and we
want to let people know that we are,"
Simmons concluded.
Tartkers at Big Ten's
The Michigan women swimmers are
going for their fifth consecutive Big Ten
title at the Big Ten Championships,
which started last night in East Lan-
THE WOLVERINES are particular
strong in diving, with Barb Weinstein
and Julie Bachman leading the way.
Strong performances are also expected
from co-captain Ann McDivitt and
freshman Vicki Kimball.
Two Michigan swimmers will defend
their Big Ten titles, Barb DonCarlos
(200 yard backstroke) and Marie Palko
(200. individual medley). Two outstan-
ding newcomers, freshman Caroly
Clymer, who holds the best times in t
50, 100, and 200 freestyles and the 50-
yard butterfly this year, and teammate
Kathy Kooser, Michigan's fastest in the
50, 100, and 200 breaststroke and the 100
individual medley, should do well.
First-place finishes ae'
necessarily the key to winning for
Michigan. Their depth nets them a loto
lower finishes, which add needed bonW
points. Their strongest threat is expec-
ted to come from Indiana, who beat
them, 70-61, earlier this season here at
Matt Mann Pool.


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