Tight race (Continued from Page. "Those who know me know that I care about Ann Arbor," said Fisher, E ho works in the Ann Arbor Bank and rust operations department. "I don't have any .long-range political goals. I belong to this town." Perkins, a native of Pennsylvania and editor of a literary journal at Eastern Michigan University; said she is dissatisfied with the council's per- formance on several issues. "I DON'T think the current council is. doing, a very good job in dealing with the concerns of the neighborhood in *elation to land-use planning and traffic planning," she said, adding that the energy shortage and taxation are the "hard questions" with which the can- didates must deal. "I think tixation, is hurting everybody. Inflation in Ann Arbor has raised the price of housing a great deal," Perkins said. - "But a millage reduction," she con- tinued, "which is what the Republicans are talking about, is not going to give nybody a materialreduction in their, Experience (Continued from Page 1) Trpnsportation Authority and the Washtenaw County Jury Board in addition tok all "the relationships she built from involvement in the school functions of her four children. She currently teaches civics at Slauson Intermediate School. BLETCHER IS a senior partner with Harmon Culhane, Peterson and Bletcher, a consulting firm for public sector activities such as water quality planning. Beginning in 1972, he served as Washtenaw County' Deputy Drain Commissioner for four years. He has also done graduate work' at the University Institute for Public Policy Studies and is working on a master'ssin economics and public administration from Eastern Michigan University. . The Michigan Daily-Friday, February 29, 1980-Page 5 ex ected in tax bill." ALTHOUGH Perkins said she does. not have a specific answer for reducing property taxes, she said she feels there should be a careful study of city tax assessment methods. ' PERKINS SAID taxes will be an issue in the campaign because her op- ponent "is going to make it an issue." She is right in that assumption. Fisher recently sponsored a council resolution to roll beck property taxes. "They (citizens) should be able to see 'that inflation is caused by taxation," he said. "Many people's taxes will be going up between 15 and 30 per cent. We must maintain the income balance in the city, it must not become just a wealthy community." THE CANDIDATES also hold op- posing views on the issue of city-wide energy plan. Fisher supports a city in- vestigation into the feasibility of har- nessing the Huron River to produce hydro-electric power, but disagrees with a proposal to mandate housing in- sulation. "Don't force anything at their 4th Ward election (citizens') residence," he said. "When you buy a house, you know if it's in- sulated and you're the one who is going to lose if it is not. The problem with the Democrats is they are too strong in telling people what to do." Perkins, on the other hand, supports the energy plan proposed by the city administration and said she believes in "a really strong energy policy." She also said she supports a campaign to educate the public on alternative methods of saving energy. FISHER SUPPORTS increasing the supply of city housing, which he believes is the best way to attract com- petition in the tight market. He cited the construction of a senior citizen housing project built near the campus area as one method of making housing available for student use. Perkins said she is worried the price of housing in the city will force young, elderly, single and black residents out of the city. "WE'RE IN danger of becoming a city that is affluent and middle class," she said. Perkins said she would like to see "some kind of subsidized housing which could enable us to keep a diverse population in Ann Arbor." Perkins also said she "is open to be convinced on rent control," although she does'not have any specific plans in mind. But the candidates do agree on at least one issue: They are opposed to developer John Stegeman's proposed 32-story high rise at the corner of Chur- ch Street and Washtenaw Avenue. "It doesn't fit in with the rest of the landscape," said Perkins, "and on just aesthetics grounds I would say I think it's a poor idea." Fisher takes his disapproval one step further, citing extreme distaste for developer Stegeman stemming froman experience when Fisher rented a Stegeman apartment while a Univer-, sity student in the mid 60's. "I hope I never have to vote on it,' he said. STEVE'S LUNCH * We Serve Breakfast All Day * -* Try Our Famous 3 Egg Omelet * . * *X. with your choice of fresh bean sprouts,. mushrooms, - * green peppers, onion, ham, bacon, and cheese. -X. See Us A lso For Our Lunch & Dinner Menus . * 1313 S. University Open Tues.-Sun. 8-7 ** ********************************* -* A Masters Degree in RADIATION PROTECTION at the University of MichiganY Opportunities Available for -Financial support for qualified graduate student -Research in radiation dosimetry and radiation biology -High-paying, interesting jobs in a growing profession in which the demand for graduates for exceeds the supply. APPLICATION SHOULD BE FILED BY: 15 MAY 1980 Interested students in engineering, physics, biology, chem- istry, pre-med, or any of the other physical or biological sciences should write: Dr. G. Whipple, Department of Environmental and Industrial Health, School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, Mi 48109. key to cam Fifth Ward voters have sent a Democrat to City Council only once in recent years and Bletcher said he thinks he has a "better than a slim chance to win" in this GOP stronghold. "I don't think being a Democrat is a liability," he said. As the Republican candidate, Chesbrough said that is would be "foolish to assume" anything for the upcoming race, but admitted there was a "little less anxiety'" for her because of the ward's history.. Chesbrough said party labels were not as important as dealing with "issues as cooperatively and constructively as possible" once on council. ON TAXES, Chesbrough said she has no specific stand yet and added that this issue will mainly "be dealt with at the " .0)W patgn in t state level." Bletcher agreed that property taxes are going to get attention in Lansing, saying there is a "high risk" of a major tax reduction in 1981. He expressed concern "that any tax cut could not be passed through to renters." ON HOUSING in Ann-Arbor, Bletcher said, "There would be nothing that would shape up the rental housing market better than a five per cent vacancy rate." He said he'd prefer to let the market work to improe the situation, but also said he'd "have no problem having government do it." Since the majority of the Fifth Ward voters are homeowners, Chesbrough said rent control is not a big issue, although she opposes it and notes that h Ward voters have turned it down twice. Chesbrough joins other Republicans now on City Council in supporting the delay of the shredder construction, but strongly supports greater energy conservation and developmept of efficient public transportation. BLETCHER DOES not favor delaying the shredder any longer. J - 7 , , Local firm pleads no contest (Continued from Page 1) products firm, has redisposed of the waste "at their own expense, properly and legally." Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Dave Lady said during the pre-trial hearing that efforts were being made to insure that the dumping has not posed any threats to the environment-. mHe said idh0 gomppny is removing some of the soil'around the dumping site as a safetlreca tin. E T THE COUNTY HEALTH Department will continue to sample well water in the areas for signs of contamination while the state #,Department of Natural Resources TIM'S and CHRISTINE'S TAILOR SHOP REASONABLE PRICES New and Special Zippers 22 years at the same location 663-6218 213 S. MAIN ST. Be an angel.. a Read C7 6405 764-0558 (DNR) also runs checks. District Court Judge Carl Fink will sentence the firm March 28. The punishment is expected to be a fine of not less than $500 plus as yet undetermined prosecuting expenses. The investigation leading to the charges was conducted by Warren Hutchinson of the DNR Criminal Investigation Union. The DNR was first notified of the dumping last November altough the dumping occurred around August 3f, according to Hutchinson. AFTER BEING notified of the illegal disposal of the waste, the department underwent an investigation to determine the contents of the barrels, which it then determined to be toxic waste, Hutchinso added. The DNR formally leveled the charges against the company on Jan. 30. The Minnesota-based company bought out Sycor, Inc. in November, 1978. The company recently announced its intention to convert from a manufacturing plant to a center for research, field service, and data center functions. The change will require the layoff of a number of workers. , r . tbjg GourdJ -% t*kt D Q SATURDAY 9pm- lam NO COVER! the 4 ourt t nf-pasto i1140 South University AD 0 STATISTICS INVERSES, TRIG., AND LOGS HYPERBOLICS AND INVERSES - LONG BATTERY LIFE: AUTOMATIC POWER-OFF ' WALLET CASE LIST PRICE $ 24.95 rN r. eN How About Engineering Career in Los Angeles Openings available-with the Department of Water and Power for engineering graduates in civil, electrical, mechanical and sanitary engineering with strong technical training and good communications skills.. Entry Level Positions Start at $1701 Per Month EL-506 OUR PRICE $22.80 ,~ .° _ - IIIIIJWIII __ 1_t 3 PLANNING DESIGN WATER QUALITY , CONSTRUCTION " Career Oriented Employment " Professional Development Opportunity * Job Stability " Advancement Based on Merit " Equal Employment Opportunity I 1 wl 7X'tr~. I I