4 Page 4-Wednesday, February 27, 1980-The Michigan Daily L Ui t'c~tqan Ninety Years of Editorial Fr Vol. XC, No. 122 h h- Edited and managed by students at the Uni A midterm anyone could pass News Phone: 764-0552 versity of Michigan Who's tipping the scales in favor 'of (1 ERTAINLY President Carter and the legislators on Capitol Hill must be carefully weighing the costs and benefits of draft registration, especially now that thousands of students and other clear-thinkers across the country have made known their strong opposition to such plans., Someone, however, is tampering with the scale on which this weighing is being done. It is clear that the heavy costs of peacetime registration far outweight the frail benefits, yet it appears that the Selective Service System will be reactivated nevertheless. Consider first the economic cost of peacetime draft registration, as outlined in a report by the Director of Selective Service submitted to Carter one week before the president made -his announcement about the issue. To gear up the Selective Service machine in peacetime, the report says, would cost $11.5 million initially and about ,"$23.8 million each year to maintain the .system afterwards. To register after mobilization for a war, however, would cost only $9.7 million per year. Consider the precious time that ' many allege would be, saved if registration is begun prior to an actual Brickley thre. ABORTION is such a volatile issue that all kinds of obstacles must be anticipated py the- procedure's proponents if abortions are to be kept safe and legal. Among the tactics of which pro-choice believers have to be wary is opponents' manipulation of the law to achieve their means. Since the 1973 Supreme Court ruling that legalized first-trimester abortions, abortion opponents have pushed through all manner of laws on the municipal and state levels that in various ways hinder women's attempts to have the operation performed. In some places, -doctors have been required to fully explain the r alternatives to abortion (although most women are quite familiar with them); in others laws were created egistration? draft. Administration officials have told reporters that 90 to 100 days could be shaved from the time necessary to produce the first draftee in the event of war. The Selective Service experts, who should be able to judge such time savings more capably, say that a mere seven days would be saved. According to the report, entitled "A Draft Working Document,'' registration after mobilization would produce the first draftee in 17 days and 65,000 in. 124 days. Registration before mobilization would produce the first draftee in 10 days, and another 650,000 in 117 days. Consider the costs to the morale of the country if registration is started. A bitter division, which America can hardly afford, would certainly split the nation in two if youth is forced to register for a draft. Consider finally the costs to the whole world if America's muscle- flexing provokes the Soviet Union and a brawl ensues. The benefits that balance all these costs? A half-hearted, impotent "message" to the hostile world that the U.S. is still strong. Oh yes, and millions of votes for Carter from Americans sweating with Cold War Fever. We hope somebody tries to fix the scale. Atto pro-choice abortions, has a lieutenant governor whose feelings on the issue are considerably less liberal. James Brickley, who has never had much influenca on Milliken's actions since November, 1978 (the date of the last gubernatorial election), might well accede to the top state post before Milliken's term is out. Milliken is being considered as a vice-presidential candidate by top Republicans, presumably in order to balance either Ronald Reagan or George Bush, one of whom will probably emerge on top after the August convention. If Brickley, an opponent of state funding for abortions, does become governor, he will probably sign a bill into law outlawing the use of state funds for abortions. 14 There's no point in pleading with t Milliken not to leave his duties to his underling. Should Reagan or Bush find himself in the White House come January, it will be comforting to have the Michigander waiting in the wings. Those who support freedom of choice t for all women can only hope that the Supreme Court decides in a currently- pending case that the federal government must fund abortions for any woman who desires one but cannot afford to pay for it. Midterm Examination Vacations 201 Prof. Oyso Boorin February 27, 1980 This is your one-hour midterm exam. The topic is "Spring Break," and it is 75 per cent of your class grade. It is multiple-choice and there is only one correct answer for each question, unless there are more. Remove all studying materials from your desk,keep your feet on the ground, your eyes on your own paper, and remember that whistling is not allowed. If you have any questions, I cannot answer them; all questions should have been raised at the review session Monday night, attended by only Judy and Jody Starwinkle. The exam will cover both our readings and lectures. The excuse that the books were not PLOy available is monkey-doodle: they are on microfiche at MSU. All questions are worth five points, except number 11, which is worth 50. Good luck, and for Chrissakes, circle legibly., 1. You tell your friend your destination for break. "Oh," exclaims your friend Beth, "you'll have to call on my good friend Larry when you get in." You get in. "Larry? Hi, my name is .......................... and my friend Beth Jacobs told me to call you when I got into town." Larry's response is: a) "Yeah? So?" b) "Who is Beth Jacobs?" c) "Great! First we'll go on a tour of the bowling ball factory ... " 2. You go home for spring break. The most frequent parental comment is: a) "I don't care. I'm still your mother." b) "Do you eat like that in the dorm?" By Nick Katsarelas c) "You stay in Whool. I don't care if it's more than an adventure." d) "Mrs. Rosenthal's son Nathan got into U- M's medical school so why can't you?" 3. Which relationship between the average time spent studying (in hours) and vacation, spot is most accurate? a) 0 (Ft. Lauderdale, Daytona Beach; b) 2 (The Keys) c) 4-6 (at home) d) 80-100 (Ann Arbor) 4. The most common souvenirs brought back for fathers from Florida are: a) "Dads Do It Better In Florida" tee-shirts b) a pencil holder made from sea shells c) need more information 5. The most common souvenirs for mothei\N a) Betty Crocker's Cooking with Coconuts b) a neat candle in the shape of an orange c) a varnished tree-slice with some Indian prayer written on it made by orphans in Jacksonville 6. If you're going on a vacation with your parents, how do you justify it? a) "My parents are pretty cool. They smoke pot and stuff." b) "Once we get there, I'll be on my own." c) "Hey, I'm going to have my own room and everything." 7.'Snow is to Michigan as.............. is to Florida., L Ice II. Sun III. Perry Bullard a) I only b) III only c) I, II, and III only d) 11and IV only 8. Our January 23 lecture (attended only by Jody and Judy Starwinkle), was entitled "Sleeping during Break: Is it the Answer or the Question?" Our Guest lecturer was Dr. Wilma Slovotsky (author of "Famous Sleepers of the Victorian Period.") She stated' that sleeping is a consequence of our vindic- tive nature. What does she use as proof? a) Mark Twain was a Realist. b) Sleeping is neither environmental n hereditary, but genetic as well.W c) Millions of people have been known to sleep at one given time. d) Jody and Judy Starwinkle 9. According to Wrigley's Fun Facts (Free Press, Nov. 27, 1979), most college students don't go to Florida for vacation. Rather, they take a little trip to: a), Mystery Ridge (any one of 50 different locations around the state) b) gas stations which sell velvet paintin of matadors and wide-eyed children. c) Zug Island 10. The most common greeting on a post- card from Florida is: a) "It's sunny and 85 degrees every day. Wish you were here." b) "The women! The bars! The sun! Wish you were here." c) "Florida is like, really gross. Wish you were here." 2301-)'1/ed (50 pts) a) yes b) no c) all of the above Remember, there may have been more than one correct answer for each question. (Do you still think this is a cake course?) Scores will be posted, last names first, on my door. The topic of ourMonday, March 10 lec- ture will be "After the Tan: How to Pee Graciously." Nick Katsarelas says he does not believe that strength in American families lies in watching "Love Boat" together. His column appears on this page every Wed- nesday. Fe''ffer U £ As p;Ptit 'WR ~FATg17 s 6RIU Y g ar, 6'v A00&J9 CIjT)A-Pe Zr7 AFHA IOTAN 6A VC W I~fs: fiJ WIIt Z ~oT v- U r 50~ AF&HANISTAHfrIF 1~T5 Y OW'rO1IA( qc1 K wtA H61) -TI5i17 I SLIMPTOM-5 VF'6ST IA)TO X) R L" JUL- _, A peace treaty r' t x' e «V. e' 4- :, 3' a a' * aAA%-Ial/ , aaa v aava , r mandating waiting peri( or more between a womc to a clinic and the actual 'But it isn't enough tl advocates have to keep impingement of the Cot restrictive legislation. TI to watch changes in p threaten to hurt the caus Governor William Mil state, for instance, w insisted on women's rig] well as funding for indil ds of a week an 's first visit operation. hat choice their eyes on urt ruling by hey also have ersonnel that e. Republican liken of this ho has long ht to abort as gent women's Today the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty is a living reality. With this week's exchange of ambassadors, Egypt and Israel have com- pleted another stage of the peace process: the establishment of formal diplomatic relations. In view of this historic event, it is worth- while to review the conditions of the treaty and evaluate the conduct of the two countries in fulfilling these terms. 1) Withdrawal from Sinai: THIS PROVISION includes the phased withdrawal of Israeli civilian and military forces over a three-year period.In accordan- ce with this provision, Israel has already given up more than two-thirds of the Sinai, which includes oil fields and strategic military positions. The mere fact that Israel willingly withdrew from this territory on schedule and without guarantees shows a commitment to peace. Moreover, joint patrol of the new borders shows a willingness on both sides to work cooperatively toward peace. 2) Normalization of Relations: Officially a state of war has ended and both sides have agreed to maintain a state of peace. This week's exchange of ambassadors marks the continuation of a process of nor- malization of relations which also includes the establishment of trade and cultural ex- change. Egypt's parliament recently voted overwhelmingly to end its country's com- pliance with the Arab boycott against Israel. Beginning in March, Israel's airline and an Egyptian airline will start operating two flights a week between the two countries. Telephone, postal and other links will also be established. The free movement of people and vehicles between the two countries although limited, has begun already. 3) Free Passage of Ships: ALL ISRAELI SHIPS going or coming from Israel have the right of free passage in the Suez Canal. There have been no problems concerning this provision. By David Zel ted even if it conflicts with obligations. But the treaty d Egypt from carrying out its assist countries in self -def Sadat has shown a desire to provision even at the risk of; self from other Arab countri however, that Egypt can still tries in the name of self-del plains Israel's concern ov United States arms packagef includes F-16 aircraft, one oft ced fighter planes in the world 6) Linkage to Palestinian Se EGYPT AND ISRAEL agr for Palestinian autonomy in and the Gaza Strip. The two define the powers and respon self -governing authority to be West Bank and Gaza." Recently Israel presented comes. to if e detailed the organizational structure of the .R administrative council and its powers and his functions concerning everyday life in the territories.. Egypt completely rejected this other Egyptian proposal, but has yet to come up with a coun- loes not prevent ter-proposal. Nevertheless, the two countries Sobligations to have come to an agreement on less con- ense. President troversial issues. As the May target date ap- o abide by this proaches and the negotiations intensify, both alienating him- Israel and Egypt will have to confront the es. Israel fears weighter questions such as how to include aid other coun- moderate Palestinians in the autonomy tallb Afense. This ex- Major problems may still, remain to be er the propsed solved, but the exchange of ambassadors this for Egypt which weekillustrated the willingness of both coun- the most advan- tries to carry out the terms of last year's 1. peace treaty. In a region so plagued by tur- elf-rule: moil it is indeed heartening to see that Egypt eed to negotiate and Israel are committed to peace. As Prime the West Bank Minister Menachem Begin said, "We lift countries "will there arrangements from the written text of nsibilities of the the peace treaty and its annexes and we ins exercised in the life into them." After three decades of and bloodshed, the peace treaty represents a model which more than a mere document for Egypt and Israel: It is a living reality. ff. LAUD.t' III:I/It/l/I .'f1 Ai" hOIL - 111 LU i