Page 6-Sunday, February 24, 1980-The Michigan Doily *Books The rambling sagao one 9 9 The Michigan Daily-Sunday; F grad review A - By Laurence Peters There has always been a score of problems with student publica- tions, a great many dealing with how one who reads them should classify them. Are they good enough, and strong enough, to stand up to their counterpar- ts in the professional world? Are they merely vehicles for careerists whose integrity is compromised by their vaun- ting ambition to see their name in print? Are they "serious" training grounds or merely playthings for young people who want all the excitemept of being "writers" or to achieve those kinds of positions beyond the walls of college? Rackham Literary Studies is nestled uncomfortably within such confines. Designed as a means for graduate students in the humanities to get published more easily than they might in a professional journal, it has come under fire by some for being "third rate." Others say it unimaginatively apes other scholarly publications without reflecting graduate students' real needs. The truth is that while some criticisms are certainly warranted, some are a bit unjustified. The journal is going through a stage of change currently, one which leaves it open to many harsh critiques. Many of the most strident appraisals have surfaced fairly recently in a University survey report. In it a student wrote to the survey committee that "the essays are awful . . formally stilted, appealing to no in- terest but the writer's pretensions (sic)." This criticism smacks of wild over- generalization. The quality of the ar- ticles lead the prestigious Modern Language Association to index the journal in their bibliography. To fur- ther question this challenge, there is the fact that 155 American and overseas university libraries are presently sub- scribing to the magazine. 11of which is not to say that a good many of the survey's other charges were not accurate. One weakness pointed out was that the jour- nal was hardly known at all outside the English and Modern Language depar- tments, and how even within the literature departments few grads ac- tually submitted artifles. A change of name, it is hoped, will symbolize the publication's efforts to reach out to a larger readership. The new journal, called the Rackhant Journal of the Arts and Humanities, is asking students of anthropology, art history, drama, and philosophy to submit papers. Along with literature students who used to Laurence Peters is a Ph.D. stu- dent in the English and Education Progragn. , write the bulk of the magazine, other students are being asked to write for an "educated" readership rather than the formerly "narrowly. specialized audience." The editors, Nina Evarkiou, Martha Goff, and Richard Prystowsky, admit that to write for a broader audience is in many ways more difficult than it is to write for experts. At the same time, they say, scholarly standards need not be sacrificed in the process of requiring writers to be less arcane in their references and more patient with their readers. A glimpse at some back issues under- scores their point, as does citing such foreboding articles as "Mayakovsky and Cubism," or "The Symbolism of the Human Hand in the Nebelunglied." The introduction to the latter commen- ces with the assertion that the reader- or, those informed in such Germarr literature-are to immediately bow their heads to the 'fact that "The possible genesis of the Nebelunglied has been the subject of great controver- sy!" And in the subsequent paragraph the author continues, proclaiming a desire "to explore the stylistic and symbolic significance of one of the more prominent formulae in the Nebelunglied by tracing the incidence of repetitions containing the word 'hand.'" And even to the most informed, that probably reads much easier than an article that appeared entitled "L'Apotheose de L'Erreur: Etude du Jeu dans Le Paysan de Paris D'Aragon" that begins "Des que P'en dit 'surrealisme,' on evoque la notion d'une activite ludique. Pour cette raison, bien des critiques n'ont jamais pris les surrealistes au serieux." But arguments that the publication is not diverse hold little water at all. One of the more such innovative features of the journal has been its section entitled "Feuilleton," a specialty which strives for a briefer, more personal and less scholarly approach to a specific topic. But this really doesn't seem enough. The magazine remains a very unrelaxed, insecure affair, with only "Feuilleton" or a well chosen graphic from the University art museums to break up the persistence of all those eclectic articles that remind us of reading not done and authors not ex- plored. It is the issue that offers a respite from obscurity that is the most sterling. Such an issue is the Fall 1972 one, which offered an estimable book review of Louis Kampf and Paul Lauter's The Politics of English. The review tried to make the book seem relevant to graduate students at the University, and it achieved its goal remarkably well. The reviewer begins challengingly by stating "Consider how 'delightful it would be if such a book as y: The editors of Rackham Literary Studies, pictured from left to right: Nina Evarkiou, Martha Goff, Richard Prystowsky. The Politics 'of Literature were to be placed in the English department's Community Reading Room-if such a place existed." He goes on to take up as a major theme the idea that the sort of lack of contact with fellow academicians that is set up by the teacher of literature fosters "in- dividualism, mutual distrust and isolation." It is at the end of the review, when the author returns to his initial comment on whether the book could be found in the English department's common room, that a note of brilliance is sounded. He says : Some attempt to set up a com- munity of mutual regard be- tween student and teacher, based on a realization of those ideas and ideologies that have up to now prevented any true understanding of what teach- ing is, is a necessary first step. T hat sort of lack of "mutual regard" found not only in the English de- ment but all over may well be what the Rackham Journal of the Arts and Humanities will help to eradicate. Over the last few years it has become more and more true that scholars cannot af- ford to be myopic in regards to areas of study beyond their immediate territory.-Structuralism, for instance, as a conceptual system cannot be narrowly isolated as the possession of either anthropology, linguistics, psychology, or literary criticism alone. Rather, the individual interested in this subject must be aware of advances happening within each of these separate disciplines. A promising new direction for the periodical is the formation of thematic issues, through which unity and more interest might be generated. This was attempted in the Winter 1976 issue with a fair amount of success when the jour- nal was given over to the topic of "Per- spectives on Narration." A single idea' being considered for an upcoming issue is the topic of "Revolution." With numerous ideas for innovations contemplated, the.journal is now in a particularly exciting stage of tran- sition. A lot will depend on how suc- cessful the magazine is in its latest call for submissions (the deadline is until March 15). The editors stress that they cannot sit back and be content with students turning in unreworked term papers. If recent essays can respond to the new demands for a more general readership, if authors can be corraled from many external disciplines, then prospects seem bright for the journal to become a more useful resource for graduate students. The fruftful dialogue that the new journal might then represent may ironically enough. be closer to the original conception laid out by the first editors: . . . we think an important con- tribution of RLS is helping to remove those barriers which isolate each student within his (sic) resear- ch, his specialty, his discipline . . . Broadness of appeal, the requirements of a balanced format, as well as scholarly interest will con- tinue to be the criteria which guide us... draft (Continued from Pane 3) mitment. According to a Carl Levin spokesman, "the burden is on the army to prove it needs registration." Both favor the inclusion of women in the event registration goes through, but not in combat roles. M ANY LONGTIME observers say that it's the registration plan that cost Carter votes in the Maine caucus. (This having occured while Jerry Brown workers, for instance, were answering calls on a radio-station anti-draft hotline with "Hello, Brown for President"). There are, though, a large number of dove pressure groups that also oppose the present volunteer army system-because they see it as discriminatory and perpetuating our society's class and racial imbalance. The difference between these people and, say, Senator Nunn, is the reason for their protests. The first group faults the volunteer system because it has been shown through government-conducted studies to be attracting mainly minorities and lower income citizens who have neither the money to go to college nor the, education to find skilled work. George Reedy, who served on President John- son's National Advisory Commission on Selective Service, wrote ten years ago, when the draft was still firmly in place, that volunteer army advocates "Assume that the burdens need not be equitably distributed but can be made a matter of choice. And in actuality; this would mean that the fighting would be left to the poor and the blacks who, for economic reasons, really have no choice." Reedy emphasizes the need to prepare a "true citizens' army" in case of military necessity. "To hire people to perform our obligations is the first step in the surrender of freedom," he says. Senator Nunn also wants a man- datory service system, one which could possibly include other forms of national See DRAFT, Page 8, Again. The nation lui for draft registratio By Eis Isaacson EYER SINCE PRESIDENT Nixon responded to the intense Vietnam era anti-war sentiment. and ended conscription in 1973, people in power have been working to reinstitute the draft. Congressional studies on the volunteer army began coming out in 1977, and the results by and large serve as fuel for the conscription cause. Then last month, in. response to Soviet aggression overseas President Car- ter called for mandatory registration of 19- and 20- year-olds. The issue is now up for debate in Congress. But this time around, politicians, military officials, and civilian war hawks are obscuring the basic question of whether to reimpose mandatory registration. Inseparable from the draft debate are now the questions of whether women should register along with men, whether there should be deferments and who should get them, and whether the current political situation justifies preparation for mobilization. Carter's proposal that Congress approve $20.5 million to reinstitute the Selective Service System is accompanied by a proposal to register women. The fir- st plan is expected to go through, but Congress has shown vehement objection to registering women. Meanwhile, many observers accuse the president of using the brass ring of equality to encourage women to support registration and increased defense spending. Nevertheless, the package js neatly split for Congressional consumption: One proposal asks only for $20.5 million to crank up the Selective Service Elisa Isaacson is co-editor of the Sunday Mag- azine. again, while the other asks for authority to register women. By dividing the question, Carter is practically assuring the passage of the initial funding plan. He knows it has support so far in Congress, and he is keeping that support by freeing it from the more uncer- tain women's issue. Also, the fact that there are two proposals might in- crease the chances of the already more feasible one; Congressmembers who oppose registration of women but who don't want to give a blanket nay to both defen- se plans might feel compelled to compromise and ap- prove Selective Service funding. And there Carter has secured a hefty increase in the defense budget, with the blessings of our regional representatives. Incidently, the president who cam- paigned four years ago as the man who would cut defense spending if elected to the White.House is now touting his consistant record of annual military budget increases. After all, since the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan last month the cold war mentality has surfaced with a vengeance. More people than the traditionally anti- SALT, mucho-defense-minded Congressmen like Senator Sam Nunn of Georgia are ready to pour the bucks into tanks, bombers, and humanpower-both as a show of strength and to share with our allies (i.e. any country that happens now to be against the Soviet Union). And since this is an election year, it's very im- portant that the president feel out the mood of the coun- try and gear his moves to the greatest number of voters possible. "I think the president wanted to do something with minimal political impact that would look kind of tough," says Barry Lynn, a Washington attorney and chairman of a national anti-draft coalition. By asking only 19- and 20-year-olds to register-18-year-olds would be included in 1981- group of adults with the l students don't vote. In s allowed to cast ballots unl Though some register to vi are usually away at school Another way Carter is i by registering people in th the very months students at various jobs or resort organize against the ri remember, it was on collet the anti-Vietnam-war prot is also nice and early-per tion some of the indignatio Lynn, however, wht Registration and the Druf across the country during may be up against more "Young people realize they maneuver," Lynn said las for a Guild House lunche "believes they (18-20- Generation"' and therefor4 In Congress too, Lynn pc be stiffer than it looked r State of the Union addr registration. At that time t publicly committed again Now there is a list of a Republican Senator Mark : Both Michigan senato registration. An aide to Do at this point "inclined no wants to see more eviden See DRA