Page 14-Friday, February 22, 1980-The Michigan Daily Bill may ban sale of pot 'aids' to minors By JAY McCORMICK Little Johnny and little Jane won't be able to pop into Ye Olde Head Shoppe and buy a Star Wars super-bong anymore if a bill to ban the sale of marijuana smoking materials to minors is passed by the Michigan House of Representatives. The bill, backed by Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) and Rep. Richard Fitzpatrick (D-Battle Creek), would replace local ordinances that have been created to ban the sale of smoking devices to consumers. In a telephone interview yesterday, Bullard said part of the reason he is backing the bill is "to be sure we don't end up with the prohibition of such materials in general." IF THE BILL passes, persons under age 19 will be prohibited from pur- chasing smoking paraphernalia. However, since the legislation was in- troduced to the House-late in the term, Bullard said its chance of passing before Congress recesses is slim. "It's hard to assess its chances," Bullard said. "The hotter the issue is, the less likely the legislature will deal with it quickly, though that depends on the particular issue." However, Bullard said he thinks the bill even- tually will pass. Since the minds and bodies of young people are changing and developing, he said, they should be more cauti about drug use. But, Bullard said, t bill cannot guarantee a decrease in substance abuse in high schools and middle schools. "It's difficult to legislate that," he said. BULLARD, A proponent of legislation to legalize marijuana in Michigan, said the proposed bill is "a step in the right direction." The passage of the bill might eventually help Bullard's marijuana legalizati efforts, but he said he could not be s of such a result. A recently passed bill legalizing marijuana usage for medical purposes also might help the chances for full legalization of the drug. But, like Fit- zgerald's bill, the effects will not im- mediately be apparent. The roles of state and local jurisdic- tion concerning materials for marijuana and tobacco use would be clarified upon passage of the smoking items bill. "If this bill passes, the s (of ,smoking materials) cannot be prohibited by local ordinance," Bullard said. Fitzpatrick decided to introduce and sponsor the bill after he learned of statistics that show widespread use of marijuana among minors. Ar roto HOLDING A BONG, Rep. Richard Fitzpatrick (D-Battle Creek) said he- wants to ban such instruments for persons under age 19 because such devices encourage: young people to use marijuana. FOOD FOR featuring . T4IOUGIT 9 THE CONERAJOR'I Light jazz, the . music floating from among cheese, bacon, throughout the Conservatory, captures mushrooms, onions and other the essence of the restaurant. For The ingrediants to "compose your own" Conservatory, with its warm wooden tables ground beef delight. and bar and hanging greenery, offers For dinner a selection of steaks, fish, a comfortable, light and airy dining chicken and specials are available. And alternative. Although it is located next for those who visit Second Chance, to Second Chanee,,it does not share the there is The Conservatory's Music & rock-n-roll club's rowdy atmosphere. In Meal Deal which allows free entry into fact, after 51/2 years of existence, The' the night club Sunday-Thursday Conservatory is still fighting for its own provided that you order $3 worth of food identity, trying to establish itself as a after 4 p.m. (excluding concert nights). restaurant nearby.the Second Chance, Cook McGee creates new and dif- but not of or for the Second Chance. ferent deserts every day, often using The Conservatory combines a his imagination with available fruit. A relaxing mix of light jazz and good food, frequent house specialty, however, is offering a musically oriented menu. the Indian Pudding, whose recipe was For starters or an entree, a fresh salad gleaned from a New England Inn. is arranged in a baby grand piano with Nonetheless, whatever day of the week, homemade dressings and special there is always something uniquely salads made fresh each day. In addition delicious available. to the ever-changing salad bar, chief The Conservatory is open Monday- cook Peter McGee creates two different Saturday from 11 a.m.-9 p.m. and Sun- soups daily as well as The Conser- day from 4 p.m.-9 p.m. Also, Monday- vatory's house special, clam chowder. Saturday from 4 p.m.-6 p.m. a special Those who prefer both soup and salad Happy Hour menu offers cheese & may take advantage of The Conser- breadplates and nachos with melted vatory's offer of clam chowder and one cheddar cheese, accompanied by free trip to the piano bar for only $3.05. popcorn and discounted drinks. For other tastes, The Conservatory Prices for entrees are in the $5 range provides a wide selection of hamburger and include potato and bread with The combinations, including Variations on a Conservatory's special'applebutter. Theme, which invites you to choose Major credit cards are welcomed. ii p M' I THE CON3EVATORT ATTUNED TO YOUR GOOD TASTE * Salad Bar * Steakburger & Variations * Homemade soups (famous Clam Chowder) HAPPY HOURS Mon-Sat 4-6 I ILL"" Tkaxsw 5Co.Qou~j a&L£nikeJ Tuesday: Beer Night Wednesday: Spaghetti Night Thursday: Pizza Night riir Tull 11_1 514 E. Washington COME AS YOU ARE 996-0555 LO WEST MENU PRICES IN TOWN TU E-T HU 11-1 FRI & SAT 11-2 SUN 11:30-1 Restaurant Mon-Sat 11-9, Sun 4-9 516 E. Liberty (next to Second Chance) 994-5360 N -U. mu I. Mon-Sat 11:30-2 am Sun 4-1 am 208 W. HURON 995-0505 FOR LUNCH & DINNER * STEAKS " COCKTAILS * SALAD BAR * WINE & BEER * SEAFOOD ANN ARBOR NEWS-"For the fish lover however, we have found the Whiffletree the best place in the area." - - S - ~ - I~I kzil -l7I[ i/ / a Gathern lc . Fresh ground sirloin daily * Your choice of a variety of cheeses and toppings " Thick and creamy New England Chowder 1321 S. University 769-1744 MON.-SAT. 11:30-close SUN. 12-close The Lord Fox Lunch M-F 11:30-2 662-1647 Dinner 4-10 Sunday 3-8:30 668-9290 Reservations Recomm Continental cuisine and Michigan's most extensive wine list within a warm friendly ambience 2 miles east of US23 on Plymouth Road in Dixboro I I '1 "M" PRETZEL BELL 9 Buffet luncheon featuring roast Now- Every Sunday SPECIAL ITALIAN BUFFET .a..... .......n Discover the variety II). !m 1A.i~ I I ,1 . 1