6 The Michigan Daily-Thursday, February 21, 1980-The Michigan Daily Nir 3itdian ailg Niieuy lYears (4 Ediujrial Frecedom Racial balance is dr Vol. XC, No. 1N7 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan SWomen, babies, math, and the registration debate HE MAJORITY of American women do not want to participate in a draft registration program -because "they want to stay home and have babies." " Sound like the antiquated logic ,of :some male chauvinist pig? The back- ward reasoning of a Phyllis Schlafjy? :Try again. This latest contribution to the pool of popular wisdom about equal 'rights comes from none other than Marjorie Holt, ranking minority mem- ber of the House Subcommittee on Military Personnel. And believe it or not, the entire Congress may take her seriously. Holt and other members of the sub- -committee were responding - Tuesday to President Carter's proposal to register women as well as men for a possible draft. Indeed, Congress' op- position to Carter's plan comes as'no :urprise - various legislators have :been vowing to fight it for weeks. What is surprising, and very discon- certing, is that the collective voice of the people of this country - Congress - appears to be screaming against equal rights for women. Of course, no legislator will admit that he or she frowns on equal rights. The argument against registering women which seems to be in vogue on Capitol Hill right now is conveniently, non-sexist. The large numbers of men available for a possible draft make registration of women unnecessary, the contention goes. These mathematics, however, ignore basic properties of equality. The application of some new math, which the Congress obviously finds dif- ficult to comprehend, changes the issue quite completely. Women equal men. Men must register. It follows from the transitivity property that women, too, should register. To deny women equal responsibility for national-defense is to deny women equality. And, to employ the transitivity property once again, to deny women equality because "they want to stay home and have babies" is sheer folly. Men would probably prefer to stay home afnd father the babies the women want to have. Uncle Sam does want you-if you're white, bright, and ready to fight. And that may be why he's thinking about putting the draft back to work: the U.S. army is short on white men with managerial or technical know how. With the modern army's need for specialized skills increasing annually, defen- se officials are worried about plummeting enlistment standards, a rash of applications for early discharge, and a serious decline in the number of well-educated white soldiers. The recent enthusiasm for renewing the draft may have less to do with events in Iran and Afghanistan than it does with a desire to ex- pand the pool of white enlisted men who arrive with professional or technical skills. THE PERSONNEL STRUCTURE of the military today bears a close resemblance to the civilian sector in its reliance on a class of professional managers. As a1979 study by the Brookings Institute clearly demonstrated, the army now relies less on the combat-ready soldier and more on technicians and specialists skilled in handling new management systems and technology. "We -can not get enough of the right kind of people, with the necessary skills and abilities to fit the needs," Senator John Stennis (D-Miss.) has said of the present volunteer army. Given the educational and economic realities of American. society, solving that problem through the draft can only mean pumping more white inductees, especially those with some college training, into what is already a two-tiered structure. While officers, mid-level managers and technicians are overwhelmingly white, infantrymen and dit- ch diggers - plain soldiers-tend to be black. The new Selective Service could be just that: a way to select soldiers that guarantees a supply of men for the managerial class that runs today's army-and insures a more com- fortable racial balance. Since the old draft ended in 1972, the total number of blacks in the army has increased by 103,000, while the number of whites has dropped by a - proximately 400,000. As a result, black enlistees now account for 30 per cent of the army, lumped at the bottom of the military hierarchy. Only 6.1 per cent of the officer cor- ps is comprised of black men. THE IMBALANCE SHOWS nb signs of reversing; in fact, it is almost certain to grow in the coming years. The low birth rate of the mid-Sixties will leave recruiters with only 1.8 million eligible young men by 1985, down from 2.1 million today. From that number, 400,000 new soldiers must be drawn in order to main- tain the troop level at its Current two million men. But recruiters must compete with equally aggressive college admissions of- ficers, the civilian job market, and other By Joseph Kelley government programs for the best-educated candidates. As a result, the armed services five years from now are likely to be even less represen- tative of the general population in race and economic status. Congressman Robin Beard (R-Tenn.) recently priedicted. that almost half of the junior enlisted ranks in the army would soon be black, as well as 65 per cent of the non-commissioned officers. "I think you're going to have problems," he .warned. The problems anticipated by Beard and other critics of the present volunteer system range from racial tension to the possibility of large-scale disobedience of orders in the event of an African war. There is no real precedent for such resistance on racial or .political grounds, but the possibility has received greater public attention lately as turmoil in the Middle East and Africa arouses conflicting feelings among U.S. blacks. JOSEPH MASHARIKI, head of the Black Veterans for Social Justice, a community organization in Brooklyn's Bedford Stuyvesant district, asserts that black an- tiwar protest has always been distinct from the white movement, and that the division will become more apparent if troops are ever sent to Africa. "There was resistance in Viet- nam to white people telling black people to kill yellow people," he says. "There will be resistance now, too." In public, the Depar- tment of Defense does not acknowledge that a growing black presence in the military is an issue at all. "We look for people to perform specific functions," said an army spokesman. "We don't feel race enters in." At a 1974 race relations-equal opportunity conference at the Department of the Army, the matter was discussed and then dropped after participants concluded it was "desirable" to have a '"cross section," but 'that "there should be little concern as to whether the army is mostly one race or another." Nevertheless, observers who deal with the military on a regular basis say that high ranking officers privately express deep con- cern over race and education levels in the armed forces-and that reinstitution of the draft is their way of responding to the problem. if a draft lottery were implemented without loopholes, the number of blacks en- tering the service would fall to one in nine, while the steady decline in white enlistments would be reversed. "AFGHANISTAN IS JUST a smokescreen for bringing back the draft," says military sociologist Charles Moskos of Northwestern 4 ift motive University. "They don't want tto admit the problems they have been having with the volunteer army." Moskos is also concerned about the racia proportions in the military, if for differeU reasons. In the past, he points out, the service offered poor enlistees an opportunity to com- pete on equal terms against the privileged. But in an army composed mainly of the poor and the black,.this chance is lost. Along with sociologist Morris Janowitz of the University of Chicago, Moskos has proposedI a series of changes in the volunteer system which would lure whites into the ser- vice and keep it from becoming a "racial en- clave." These include aprogram of pos service educational benefits modeled on the GI Bill, and a requirement that all inductees have high school diplomas. BUT NEITHER A reinstated draft nor an altered volunteer system sits well with those who feel such efforts pose hazards for non- white Americans. "Any attempt to define the bases and limits of black participation in the military, even under the guise of altruism, should be suspect on the reasonable expec- tation that blacks would emerge as losers," argues John Butler, a sociologist at tl- University of Texas.'1 If the experience of Vietnam is any in- dication, a reinstated draft would not make the distribution of men within the armed for- ces more equitable in any case. Casualties in Southeast Asia were greatest among mem- bers of lower income groups, both black and white. And there is simply no assuring that the new system would be freer of loopholes for the privileged than its predecessor in the Vietnam era when most upper-income whit men avoided military service altogether, found safe posts away from the combat zone. It's fair to say that there are still big problems in the volunteer army. The shortage of manpower in such mid-level jobs as aviation repair specialist, electrician, and tank mechanic is acute. But it's also fair to ask just what the army is doing about it. For many of the young blacks who now fill the ranks, the service was presented as a mat- chless opportunity to acquire specialized training. The continuing stratification of the army-blacks at the bottom, whites at t4 top, blacks on the firing line, whites manning technical posts-suggests that the real prgblem has to do with unkept promises rather than with the dangers of racial im- balance. Joseph Kelley, a former staff reporter for the Patterson News, is a New York freelance writer. He wrote this piece for the Pacific News Service. A shotgun wedding-but two won't take the vows OU CAN hardly tell the presifen- tial candidates apart, even with a. scorecard, it seems. They can sound quite similar when doing so suits their purposes. And indeed,a why shouldn't they? You wouldn't expect them to voice diverse points of view on abor- tion, at least not at a gathering of Catholic clergymen. - It should come as no surprise, then, that the candidates came off sounding only slightly less unified than the Mormon Tabernacle Choir when they spoke at a convention of gun-lovers in New Hampshire Tuesday., In the rush to the podium at the Concord powwow, a few of the hopefuls tried to sound so enthusiastic about hunting and weaponry that their conments had a strangely irrational cast. John Con- nally indicated that gun control would bar Americans from holding off the Russkies: "We better learn to bear arms in this country," said the Texan, "or we won't have the right to bear arms." Jerry Brown said he thought gover- nment should be kept "out of where it doesn't belong." One wonders if the governor can mean that protecting A merican lives is outside the gover- nment's jurisdiction.- The president's son Jack boasted that his father "really knows how to shoot," and Howard Baker commen- ded the gun owners for their "rugged individualism," cleverly comparing it to his own. George Bush, not to be left out, called the assembled riflemen "my fellow hunters" and lovingly discussed his prides and joys - a .22 caliber rifle and. a .20 gauge shotgun. ' 'The aging Republican frontrunner, Ronald Reagan, was able to greet the crowd as "fellow members of the NRA (National Rifle Association). This was the biggest crowd-pleaser of all. Of all the declared candidates in either major party, only two declined to follow the flock. Edward Kennedy, who has lost two brothers to gunfire, chose not to appear at the shotgun par- ty. And John Anderson of Illinois, behaving in a fashion that can be ex- plained either as lunacy or deep prin- ciple (it gets increasingly difficult to tell the two qualities apart in primary season), opposed unrestricted gunplay outright. "I cannot understand why a gun owner should not have to prove that he can use the weapon competently," said the congressman as the audiencen jeered. Why Anderson had to go and spoil a perfect display of unanimity is beyond us. Solidarity is so appealing. So what if the flag around which the other, can- didates choose to rally \is stained scarlet with the blood of humans and other living things? At least the other candidates stood together. LETTERS TO THF DAILY: SYL hit for support of Soviet invasion To the Daily: Let's talk facts regarding the Soviet Army's invasion of Afghanistan. Several weeks ago, members of the United Nations voted overwhelmingly (104 for, 18 against,18 abstentions) to rebuke the Soviet Union for its "armed intervention . . ." violating "the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence" of Afghanistan. In a surprising demonstration of solidarity, a majority of Third World nations, and others, called for "the im- mediate, unconditional and total withdrawal of the foreign troops from Afghanistan." Nigeria, Iraq, Zaire, Cambodia, Yugoslavia, Albania-a total of 57 members of the Nonaligned Movement-failed to view this Soviet incursion into a neigh- boring country as an act -of "Libeiration" as the Spartacus Youth League would have us believe. It was not the Trotskyist Army that entered Afghanistan for the purpose of providing "economic plenty and international equality" through a "proletarian political revolution." Rather, it was the Soviet Army, considered to be the most powerful land ar- my in the world, "Capable of projecting its power beyond the Soviet borders . . . anywhere from Western Europe to the Per- sian Gulf to the Chinese fron- tier." Clearly, recent history has shown that the Soviet hierarchy has used its military force to strengthen strategic bases of support throughout the world. In- stead of "Liberation," the main purpose of Soviet military inter- vention has been to extend Russia's sphere of influence whenever and wherever possible. What makes the Spartacus Youth League believe that Russian bureaucracy will not usurp the political power of the working class in Afghanistan, as they claim has happened in Russia itself? The League denounces the Russian invasion of Hungary in 1956, the invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, but believes this time the Russians are motivated to spread "the social and economic gains that were won ... in Russia in 1917" to the Afghan masses today. This logic is certainly inconsistent, if not faulty. Would the relatives of the Afghan masses, slaughtered by Soviet troops (in Kerala, Afghanistan on April 20, 1979) be as likely to chant "Hail Red Ar- my" as the Spartacus Youth' League? There is documented evidence that Soviet advisors directed the massacre of more than 1000 unarmemien for their failure to support Afghanistan's Marxist regime. Reporters have described this event as similar to the brutal "mass murders at Lidice, Malmedy, and My Lai. I* this the sort of "liberation" that the Spartacus Youth League believes the Afghan people have asked for? I think not. Not only the mullahs and "Muslim rebels" but also the common Afghan masses are fighting the Soviets, to protect their own way of life from the op- pression of impending Soviet domination. -Seth D. Moldoff Feb.16 Youth not apathetic toward draft plan _Higgins F L~ ji , sorHE acr o ruw sr < r9 t . To the Daily: Professor Bay's article "Car- ter wants Youth to Register for WW III" (Daily, Feb. 12) wrongly accuses students of being apathetic towards draft registration. Hesapparently feels anyone not out in the street chan- ting (like an Iranian or a Hare Krishna) is apathetic. He also stated that we were not debating the draft. It is difficult to debate something that does not exist, like the draft or the tooth fairy. If an actual draft were proposed we would have to examine its pur- pose, efficiency, and equitability prior to conducting an actual debate. Draft registration, however, can and is being debated. Last Sunday, Feb. 10, draft registration was debated at Bursley Hall, from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. The pro side was given by Ken Close, a Captain in the U.S. Army and an Army ROTC in- structor here at the University. The con side was given by John Leone, a member of PIRGIM, Cpt. Close's main points cen- Canham is To the Daily: In a recent appearance before the Regents, Don Canham defen- ded his department's policy of awarding disproportionate tered on the prevention of war. He stated that nations do not start wars if they feel they'll lose. He pointed out the difference bet- ween offensive and defensive military power, and how an aggressive nation can be deterred without - being- threatened. He then challenged the PIRGIM representative to prove that draft registration will cause a draft, and that a draft will cause a war. Overall, Cpt. Close gave very strong argumen- ts in an exceptionally good speaking manner. . John Leone spoke next. He" - MSA president slammed seemed unprepared to discuss the topic at hand and instead read to us his own philosophy of Afghanistan. I was disappointed that he could not debate the issue. There will be more debates an discussion concerning draf registration. But don't expect us, Prof. Bay, to fit your biased stereotype of concerned students. I am very concerned about world peace, and am now in agreement with Cpt. Close that draft registration will help deter world aggression without threatening anyone. - -Dave Smith Feb.15 .. \ '. : \C { -'N - ..t.. _ _. "'N," a .. N"' I.- *J ''- * tfLJLJ... To the Daily:' - Can the world survive another U.S. presidential election? Carter tops the polls with the image of a fearless leader, while most of the other presidential candidates compete to see who can rattle the biggest nuclear sabre. Talk flows freely of the necessity of nuclear war if the Soviet Union makes the wrong move. The issue becomes not whether we prevent a war, but whether we should draft women. As a sideshow to the larger circus, our MSA president Jim Alland goes to Washington and finds Carter to be sincere-really interested in what students are saying about the draft (Daily, Feb. 19). What a student leader! This all reminds me of the old cartoon of the "Perfe Soldier"-all'tnuscle, but missin a head. -Ronald Berg Feb. 20 wrong; women are serious *v, . men's team. In fact, it requires abnormal intensity to continue competing in an athletic program which is inadequate to meet the only "attrition" "on our team was the few outstanding players who transferred to other colleges where women athletes were \\