FINANCIAL AID See editorial page :J'1 N\inety Yea(~(rs of Editorial F'reedIoml !E tui1 IDENTICAL See Today for details. Vol. XC, No.116 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 20, 1980 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Supreme Court clears abortion funds WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court yesterday ordered the federal government to pay for most abortions wanted by women on welfare - at least until the court decides the emotion- laden issue later this year. In a one-sentence order, the justices refused to sidetrack a federal judge's order forcing the government to pay for medically necessary abortions for poor women. U.S. District Judge John Dooling in New York City last month struck down as unconstitutional the so-called Hyde ,'amendment, a congressional restric- tion on Medicaid spending for abor- tions. The restriction is named after its original sponsor, Rep. Henry Hyde (R- Ill.). THE SUPREME Court, on a 6-3 vote, refused to overturn Dooling's order. At the same time, the justices voted 6- 3 to expedite their consideration of the New York City case by consolidating it with a Hyde amendment case from Chicago accepted for review last Nov. 26. The court ordered that all briefs in the New York City case be submitted by April 10, an indication that the justices will schedule oral arguments in the Chicago and New York cases for sometime in late April. See SUPREME, Page 9 Soviets must get out today, Carter insists Skiscape Daily Photo by PETER SERIUNG These folks appear to have found the perfect way to escape from the hectic daily class schedule by finding solitude in the vast Arboretum. CONGRESS BALKSA T INCL USION OF WOMEN: From AP and UPI Some of America's staunchest allies put forth a compromise yesterday designed to speed withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, but President Carter said he will go ahead with a boycott of the Moscow Summer Olympic Games on the deadline he set. U.S. intelligence reports said yester- day the Soviets have given no sign of even a token withdrawal from Afghanistan. Carter said Jan. 20 he would recom- mend a boycott of the games if Soviet troops were not removed from Afghanistan by today, and he said yesterday during a speech in Washington: "The deadline is tomorrow (Feb. 20) and it will not be changed." THE FOREIGN ministers of the nine European Common Market nations - France, Britain, West Germany, Italy, Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Denmark - post- poned any joint decision about the Olympics to give the Soviets a chance to respond to their proposal. The plan, which they said would be presented today to Secretary of State Cyrus Vance in Rome, is for an inter- national guarantee of Afghanistan's neutrality in exchange for the Soviet troop pullout. A one-page statement issued after the Common Market meeting in Rome said the Afghan crisis "could be overcome constructively through an arrangement which allows a neutral Afghanistan to' be outside the competition among the powers." OFFICIALS IN the United States and Registrati1on questioned From AP and UPI WASHINGTON - President Carter's proposal to register women for the draft had its first hearing in Congress yesterday and was immediately denounced as a pointless and expensive gesture. "It doesn't make sense to register these vast numbers of.people when we don't need them," argued Rep. Mar- jorie Holt (R-Md.), as the opening debate on the Carter plan began in the House Armed Services personnel sub- committee. "If we're not using them in combat arms, I don't see any point in it at all." Administration officials defended plans to register women for a possible draft, but conceded registration of only men would meet the needs of the military services in time of emergency. UNDER CARTER'S plan to rein- stitute draft registration, women as well as men would be required to register, but in the event the draft is renewed, women would be inducted only for non-combat jobs. Before yesterday's hearing, congressional leaders had made it clear to the White House that getting ap- See FEMALE, Page 9 Carter ... deadline today Soviet Union had no immediate com- ment on the plan, which did not detail how Afghanistan's neutrality would be guaranteed. Italian Foreign Minister Attilio Ruffini was to outline the plan to Vance. Vance arrived in Bonn, West Ger- many, late yesterday on the first leg of\ a four-nation European trip to coor- dinate Western response to the Soviet action in Afghanistan. In Moscow, a senior member of the ruling Politburo said the Soviet Union remained committed to detente with the West but was prepared to "administer a crushing rebuff to any aggressor from whatever geographical point he dares raise the sword against us." U'panel proposes changes 'in distribution By BONNIE JURAN A growing number of university administrators and' faculty across the nation insist certain plans that require students to take a specific number and type of courses tend to confuse rather than guide students in developing cohesive liberal arts programs. Many institutions, including the University, have re- sponded by modifying undergraduate course distribution requirements. Harv University history Prof. Mills Thornton chairs a sub-committee composed of four faculty members and one student - formed last fall to study , present distribution requirements. 'UNIVERSITY students currentlye have a choice of three distribution plans but most elect a distribution plan that requires three courses in CO " i each of three areas - natural science, social science, and Curriculum gu humanities. established at Har "The subcommittee feels that as have served as exa distribution stands," Thornton said, committee discus "It does not create a coherent requirements herea intellectual experience for Harvard's muc undergraduates. . . Undergradu- Curriculum, which ates don't get a sense of the fall, was a reaction interconnection among branches of Harvard's progr knowledge." education "didn't s The subcommittee has proposed mandate about wha that three of the distribution courses ts to do," accordir - one in each of the three areas - Wilcox, director ofC be chosen by the student from a list Core Curriculum of courses "oriented toward having coherence," in a students attempt to integrate a Wilcox said. variety of disciplines," according to Under the guid Thornton. program, each stud COURSES considered courses in the area "integrative" would fall into three the arts, natural categories, Thornton explained. culture, history, a Courses may attempt to explain the Wilcox said. structure or content of a discipline The choice of co and depict it as an intellectual upon the student's whole, set the discipline in the broad concentration. Th context of other related disciplines, majors in history is or deal explicitly with the process of fulfilling the history reasoning characterized by a The Harvard C certain discipline. represent one q Thornton said the opinion of the dergraduate's curri subcommittee "is very widely See HARVA! requirements. shared among the student body." He claimed the "feeling (among students) is almost desperate." Some students, however, appear satisfied with the present system of distribution requirements. "It (the distribution plan) forces you to be well-rounded," LSA sophomore Sue Hutner said. OTHERS SAID the present requirements are too Mandatory recruitment? ard lines ared idelines recently vard and Stanford amples for the sub- ssing distribution at the University. h-publicized Core was initiated this to the attitude that ram of general eem to have any real at we wanted studen- ng to Dean Edward Core. "gives more direct student's program, elines of the new dent must take eight as of literature and I science, foreign nd social analysis, ourses is contingent s proposed area of us, a student who s not responsible for y requirement. Core requirements ujarter of an un- iculum, Wilcox said. RD, Page 2 restrictive. According to LSA sophomore Diane Bremen, "By college, you should be able to decide what you want to take." But even the students who are not satisfied with the present system are not convinced the proposed list of courses will give their course plans additional coherency.. "Most of the courses now don't relate to anything in the world. I doubt if that (the list) would work any better," Rick Wilson, an LSA freshman, said. ACCORDING TO LSA Associate Dean John Knott, chairman of the College Curriculum Committee, "Most of the courses on the list will be existing courses" considered appropriate by the subcommittee. He added that there is a good chance some new courses will be created if the change in requirements occurs. Late last month, Knott issued letters to the chairpersons and directors of LSA departments outlining the subcommittee's proposals. If responses to the proposed changes are favorable, an advisory committee with a representative from each department will be formed to discuss future plans of action. The modification of distribution requirements is not new to the University. In 1974, upon recommendation of the Graduation Requirements Commission (GRC), the University adopted a program to encourage students to fulfill their distribution requirements through "a contract of their own design," according to a report issued by the commission. See 'U', Page 6 BY JAY McCORMACK The American Bar Association (ABA) proposal requiring accredited law schools to show a "commitment to expand opportunities for the study of law" by minority students is a necessity, Dennis Archer, president of the Wolverine Bar Association said yesterday. Many law schools have done nothing in the past eight years to improve the role of minorities in the legal profession, Archer said. In response, Law School Dean Teren- ce Sandalow defended his previously stated opposition to proposal 212 - which has been tabled by the ABA. SANDALOW SAID individuals should not be forced to do "everything that is good for them." He said although- the country needs more minority lawyers than it has, a compulsory standard is not appropriate. Archer and Sandalow both spoke at a forum on affirmative action yesterday sponsored by the University Law School minority student coalition. Archer said law schools have had to be forced to change minority enrollment policies in the past. He cited the Black Action Movement (BAM) strike in 1970 as an example of minority action that has forced schools to recognize blacks' needs. SANDALOW said the BAM strike was not aimed at the law school, and the strike had no effect on law school enrollment policies, which he says have used affirmative action considerations since 1965. "No proponent that I have heard believes that proposal 212 would have more than an infinitesimal effect on minority enrollment in law schools," Sandalow said. Sandalow also suggested other Lhaw dean, Bar official de bate minority rule. programs - including the establish- ment of a fund to finance minority law students education and more extensive communication with high school students - would be more effective in increasing the numbers of minority lawyers. "That involves reality, not symbolism," Sandalow said. "Perhaps that is why it was not proposed." Archer said "The arguments for such mundane things as law school autonomy do not apply to the real world of blacks and women." Archer also said proposal 212 calls for "concrete ac- tion," and would force schools with no affirmative action to consider it. SANDALOW DEFENDED the University Law School's affirmative action program, maintaining that stan- dards for the admission of minority students into law school here are sub- stantially different from standards for other students. He said the school tries to recruit minority students from many schools, and that minority law student organizations help in this process. Daily Photo by PETER SERLING DENNIS ARCHER (left) president of the Wolverine Bar Association, and University Law School Dean Terrance Sandalow (right) debate yesterday on whether affirmative action should be required for law schools. Brown ....................... ,.3 Baker ....................... 3 Connally ...................... . 1 Ford ............................ 1 Undecided ..................13 The same students will be confronted with this question throughout the semester, and their evolving preferences will be recorded in this space. D More monkey business Terrorism aimed at the Curious George population seems for March 1 at the Union. Alice Lloyd Building Director David Scheom said that he is now devoting all his time to the crisis and won't do anything else until George is released. Rocking with MarvinĀ° Apparently not happy with his present exposure as a writer of Broadway music, Marvin Hamlisch may soon be hopping and bopping as a rocker. In a recent interview in Esquire, the award-winning composer explained why he would like to beenmea roek star ."Barrv Manilow nuts oit Journal Magazine. One 16-year-old girl quoted in the magazine said, "I'm a virgin, isn't it pathetic? I don't think any of my friends are. It makes me feel left out. I'm definitely going to do it before my seventeenth birthday. I'm looking forward to being able to tell all my friends that I did it:" The magazine also quoted several experts who said that age 16 was the youngest a boy or girl could experience sexual intercourse without suffering psychological problems: It looks like psychologists could be very busy in coming years. "n th efl n idJI t{ you sĀ® . 0 Ufialm . i