0 Page 4-Tuesday, February 19, 1980-The Michigan Daily Major-phobia limits choices Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. XC, No. 115 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Grateful for sanctuary, he- offers none to hostages T WAS fascinating to hear of a cer- tain Persian dignitary giving a sermon Sunday in a Parisian church. The official evidently went on at some length about strides that have been made in recent months in his homeland-strides for which he thanks and gives credit to God. Ihe church was Catholic. The dignitary was a Moslem from the "Republic" of Iran. His name is Sadegh Ghotbzadeh, and he is the foreign minister of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's maddeningly irrational government. Ghotbzadeh dropped into the church because it had welcomed him and other Iranian exiles during the years Shah Riza Pahlavi was in power in Tran. Those were days when the militantly religious in Iran were in serious danger. Ghotbzadeh expressed his gratitude to the congregation for ;having taken him and the others in in that time of need. How extraordinarily different a man can become given new circumstan- ces and opportunities. Ghotbzadeh, on- ce chased from his country, once an exile forced to live in what must have seemed a lonely city, turned around and became a cog in the wheel of an incredibly oppressive theocratic .regime. Functionaries from the previous government were summarily tried and quickly executed; members of sects other than the Shi'ite clan began to fear for their freedom to wor- ship; decisions were autocratically handed down by an angry, isolated leader approaching senility; even music became scarce on the radio, in response to an order from the ayatollah. And then the regime decided to humor zealots among its youth who did not merely chase foreign diplomats from their land, but cruelly imprisoned them inside it. How quickly the foreign minister forgot. As Ghotbzadeh left his one-time san- ctuary on Sunday, a parishioner thought to ask him why his evident belief in the rights of man was not ap- plied equally to the hostages. No rejoinder was reported in the press, but perhaps the Iranian thought, for a moment at least, of the irony of Iran's treatment of the American Embassy employees. Maybe, if Ghotbzadeh imagined himself in captivity, or sim- ply remembered what it was like to be in exile, we will see our unwilling exiles soon. Of the wide variety of learning experiences to which students are exposed, the most direct form of education-and that which is common to us all-takes place in the classroom. Because course curriculum is central to our education, LSA Student Gover- nment feels it is time students began actively participating in the decisions that determine what and how we will be taught. Only by uniting for common student interests can we effec- tively pursue and hope to achieve the ultimate goal of responsible, quality education. LSA-SG has formed the Curriculum Action Group-a committee open to all LSA students-which is working to re- evaluate the purpose and direc- tion of LSA's curricula, monitor course material and teaching, and effect positive student- desired change. AT PRESENT, THE stated purpose of the College is to provide students a market for diverse knowledge in a wide variety of academic fields. If the College is to offer such a spec- trum, it must first offer a large selection of courses that teach the many areas of the Social Scien- ces, Natural Sciences, and Humanities. In this the College has done well by-.offering more than 2500 courses in some 60 departments. A second requisite of the College's success in at- taining its goal is the removal of any obstacles which would prevent students from foraging among the vast selection offered. This the College has not done, the result being narrow and undiver- sified course selection. The "obstacle" referred to is the students' fear of grade com- petition in fields in which they are untrained. Because of the growing emphasis on the impor- tance of grades-caused by an increase of pre-professional students-students are less willing to explore fields in which they are not already proficient. An otherwise appealing course may lose its appeal as a result of the presence of the preponderan- ce of students majoring in that department. Having little or no knowledge of the thought and analysis processes necessary for the new subject, many students feel at a disadvantage to the major who is equipped with such tools, and, so as not to jeopardize their GPA's, they choose to avoid the course. Consequently, the in- upon graduation. THE CONCLUSION TO be drawn is that if the College is to reaffirm its position on the value of and desire for a liberal arts education, it will have to provide incentives to students to pursue such an education. One incentive which would effectively do this and at the same time would remove the fear of grade com- petition would be formation of more courses for non-majors. The College presently offers several courses which are inten- ded for the non-major. Biology 100 and Math 112 are popular in- troductory courses which are specifically designed to expose the curious student to the LSA-SG Forum courses for non-majors, and thus: offer incentive to students to pur-.:- sue a true liberal arts education. The Action Group is also- working on the area of course and: teacher evaluation. No. mechanism exists to widel4 distribute student evaluations of: - instructors, and the only:; generally available course in- formation is found in the LSA Course Guide, a pamphlet writ- ten by instructors. Many studen- ts, frustrated by the lack of prior knowledge of specific courses or professors, groan dejectedly wishing they had had prior ac- cess to evaluations given by for4 mer students of the course. The Action Group, in conjunction with other interested organizations, plans to design and implement a program whereby a comprehen- sive publication of course evaluationswould providenper- tinent information to students and thereby aid in course selec- tion. Through the combined work of students properly channelling their efforts by asking questions, finding answers, and presenting positions to the administration, the Curriculum Action Group in- tends to effect changes in the in-. terest of students and better education. The Curriculum Action Group meets Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in Conference Room 4 of the Michigan Union. All are invited. LSA-SG Forum is a bi- weekly column covering significant issues addressed by the Literary College Student Government. This piece was written by Mitchell Mondry, coordinator of LSA-SG's Curriculum Action Group. crease in grade competition has brought a decrease in educational risks students are willing to take, the net result being graduates who are un- derexposed and more narrow in their interests. Moreover, another obstacle to truly liberal education is developing as the trend toward greater specialization continues. Though LSA wishes to provide diversity, many of today's em- ployers and professional schools may not be content with an ap- plicant equipped with a general smattering of knowl'edge, desiring instead one more well- endowed in a specific discipline. The result is a student body that is increasingly concerned with specialization of curriculum in order to be more "marketable" methods and processes of their respective fields. Many of the 300 level courses in Political Science have no prerequisites and are not generally attended by majors. But there are other departments (particularly the "hard scien- ces") which do not offer such courses, and many students are often discouraged from exploring courses of interest to them for fear of keen competition and for lack of desire to take the full "sequence" of courses (in those departments with course of- ferings in a sequence format> they would need to acquire a well- rounded knowledge of the sub- ject. The Curriculum Action Group is working with the Curriculum Committee of the College to im- plement the formation of more Fe*ffer I ', Hoover, KKK, and power HE MOST recently discovered in- i.cident in a long line of abuses of power and position committed by J. Edgar Hoover while he was the direc- tor of the FBI is a startling reminder of the danger of unchecked ad- ;ministrative strength, and should be ;heeded as such. A Justice Department report has revealed that Hoover twice blocked the prosecution of four Ku Klux Klansmen identified to him by his own agents as the killers of four black children in 1963. The children died in the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama. Hoover's suspicious reason for overruling a proposal by the Birmingham FBI field office to go ahead with the case was that "the chances of successful prosecution (were) very remote." As a result, it was not until 1977, five years after Hoover's death, that one of the Klansmen was tried and convicted of murder -with less direct evidence heard by the jury than was available to the director in 1964. No others have even been indicted. - In any governing structure that has a single ultimately responsible figure, abuse of power becomes a danger. A way simply must be found to remove from office men like Hoover, who do 'their jobs vengefully and haphazardly, and who prevent others from perfor- ming their legal duties. Since the end of the Hoover years some significant strides have been taken toward the goal of making those officials who hold great power accoun- table to the people. Candidates for such positions have been more closely scrutinized before being allowed to assume their posts, and much infor- mation which formerly could have been kept secret unnecessarily-and possibly misused-is now available to the public. But lest we be too strong in our self- congratulations for how far we have come, this latest revelation should remind us that we still have a long way to go. Cartoons frequently appear on both the left and right sides of the page; they do not lCA) V VW OfS O (Ie t VOUl MAKE M 1H A14)A --~Al~tk 4% ~AP Pc6Q / " LaR 6XFrcrAnc*4S. OF Htr ^1 STOP A a, 4 t I U.S. must know its friends necessarily opinions. represent Daily _ I / : r 4,i !i " ...f .4 f f For many decades, we in the United States have tried to prove ourselves by giving away our taxpayers' dollars to many countries which do little more than scorn and spit on us-all in the name of good will, Russia is a prime example. We accepted a settlement of $16 billion in lieu of the $150 billion its gover- nment owed us. We watche the Russians take the balance of that money, along with their own, and build an offensive threat to all mankind. Where were our vital interests then, when we were excusing all of these foreign debts? The rest of the world must now prove to us that it is worthy of our help and that its nations want freedom. We must not give anything else away unless it profits our coun- try! The only exception to this should be giving food and essentials to those who have no other way of obtaining them. Even our technology must be well-guarded and preser- ved for our use. BY ITS OWN free will, let every nation choose between freedom and slavery. Let us unite with those who want to follow us and form a "United Nations of Free Countries." Let us then build the strongest offensive and defensive system ever known, to truly establish a policy of "Peace Through Strength." Let any country that does not wish to join us fall prey to any aggressive force that desires to ravage it. Communism is a self-destructive force in its current form, as it does not allow for basic human selfishness. In addition, aggressors must be able to feed, clothe, shelter,, and provide more than the bare essentials to the nations they encompass, and this no com- munist nation can do. One revolution after another is destined for communism. Let the Russians drown in their own greed! Where have our values gone? We were not willing to say "war" to Iran when the lives of American citizens were involved; yet we say "war" to Russia over OPEC oil! That oil belongs to Iran and the other OPEC nations, By Raymond Hamden ned by five to one. A defeat in that area is cer- tain unless we choose the wiser course of ac- tion. Let us join our allies and surround Russia with enough nuclear weapons to an- nihilate it. Alaska is quite close to Russia, and President Sadat has asked us to use Egypt as a base. This will let the Russians know that we intend to live together or die together for our cause! Let this be of equal risk to us all. You can be quite sure that Russia will not, make another aggressive step if it means their death as well as ours. They will only do so if they think they can survive. Our leaders have had ample time to do something more than make us more depen- dent on OPEC oil, especially since the oil em- bargo of 1975 clearly defined this danger to us all. This must tell you the role that private in- terest groups play in our government. It would be great to know that this isn't true. The news media has furnished us with all we need to make our own decisions: that graft and corruption exist in our government from the highest levels to the lowest. The truth is, that we do not need any foreign oil. The most abundant source of energy covers over 70 per cent of the earth's surface in the form of water. From the electrolysis of water can be obtained its basic components, being one third oxygen gas and two thirds hydrogen gas. Hydrogen is our most ideal fuel, as its combustion produces energy along with water and hydrogen peroxide, which further breaks down into water. Because of "the water cycle" we can never deplete this source of energy. Ask any chemist to verify this. HOW MANY of our legislators are aware of this and yet still allow countless billions of American dollars to leave the country to buy foreign oil? You will hear the argument that hydrogen is too explosive to control, but that can be handled with nitrogen. You will also' hear that is costs- too much to produce, but a gasoline will produce almost equal amount of energy, and that the hydrate can Ix produced -for 58 cents a gallon. Even if hydrogen fuel costs three times as much to produce (which it doesn't) as what foreign oil costs, is it not better to pay for it in this counp try than to buy foreign oil? If we spend it here, it stimulates our economy and doesn't 'give OPEC nations the money to buy up more of our land or large interests in American cor- porations. But speaking of corporations, are you aware that the Eaton Corporation has device which the Ford Motor Company was t use on its 1980 model automobiles? This device entails cylinder selection according to an engine's needs and would save a tremen- dous amount of gasoline. If Chrysler had this device, the Government wouldn't be having to guarantee its loans. THE GOVERNMENT is now promoting the use of nuclear and solar energy along with coal as OPEC oil substitutes. How are we t safely dispose of nuclear waste and deal wit the threat of a nuclear accident? Solar energy can provide only five per cent of our needs in the next 20 years. Coal can provide a large portion of our needs bvit will contaminate our already questionable air. Coal and oil are part of our limited natural resources and should be used to our best advantage, such as in the manufacture of plastics and lubricants. Do ,we really want to burn these "black golds" away? Hydrogen fuel is the answer. If energy is reduced to its rightful position that would leave lots of oil for the OPE nations to try to eat, house, and clothe them- selves with. This concept will bring the nations with the most technology, ingenuity, and natural resources into the foreground. Food will be the most vital interest to a majority of nations. The U.S. will assume a position second to none in such a case. Then we can charge OPEC prices for food to those who have abused us and yet give some to the starving. This will give us a powerful hand in - .W i lZe m a ' "! ya''A ,--' 'r-,w"''" - U" , ,4LN' " 4I