EX-EXILE See editorial page 0: Nineiy YearS of Editorial Freedom tti TEASING See Today for Details Vol. XC, No. 114 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 19, 1980 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Greene edges student challenger Canadians return Trudeau to ower FromAPandUPI TORONTO - Liberal Party leader Pierre Trudeau scored the greatest election comeback in Canadian political history last night, ousting Prime Minister Joe Clark's nine-month-old Conservative gover- nment. With 159 of 281 election districts tabulated, the Liberals had won 119 seats and were leading in 24. They needed 142 for a majority. The Con- servatives had 36 seats and were leading in 22. The socialistic New Democratic Party had won 'four seats and were leading in nine. The Liberals were winning 47 per cent of the popular vote, the Conser- vatives 31 per cent and' the New Democrats 18 per cent, according to the Canadian Broadcasting Cor- poration. CLARK'S CONSERVATIVES, who had ended Trudeau's 11-year tenure in Canada's last election May 22, was elected or leading in 48, and Ed Broadbent's socialist New Democratic Party had five. Canada is divided by population into 282 electoral districts, each represented by a "seat" in the House of Commons. The candidate receiving the most votes in each district is elected to Parliament and the party with the most members forms the government. For Trudeau, 60 and prime minister from April 1968 to May 1979, this would be his fourth term as government chief. He had said this was his last election and that he would step down in two or three years. He handily won re-election to his Parliament seat in his Mount Royal district in Montreal. THE LIBERAL tide against Clark's Progressive. Conservatives began in the eastern Maritime provinces, where Trudeau's team took four House of Commons seats that had been held by Conservatives in Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia, and swept across staunchly Liberal Quebechintoall-important Ontario, which has 95 seats in the 282-seat House. "Obviously we're very en- couraged and very pleased," the national Liberal Party president, Alasdair Graham, said of the early See TRUDEAU, Page 9 Chesbrough wins 5th Ward primary; Greene in 2nd Ward I Incumbent Earl Greene edged student challenger Stacy Stephanopoulos for the Democratic nomination in the Second Ward City Council Sprimary last night. Greene won by just 3.7 per cent of the vote, garnering 399 votes to the LSA junior's 370. Greene will face Republican Toni Burton, an LSA junior, in the April 7 general city election for his third term on council. AFTER THE unofficial results were announced at the city clerk's office, at his victory party at Bacchus Gardens Greene said, "I'm very happy. We worked a strategy which worked with students but didn't appeal only to students. I want to relate to all people. Part of our strategy was to work hard in 2-9 (theBursley Hall precinct). A lot of students voted for us." Greene won in precinct 9 by more than two to one. With 37.6 per cent of the Fifth Ward vote, Joyce Chesbrough a civics teacher at Slauson Junior High, defeated three other candidates forthe Republican nomination. She will face Democrat Thomas Bletcher for James Cmejrek's seat in the traditionally Republican ward in the western part of the city. Lou Velker, assistant general manager of Radio Station WYFC, placed second with 524 votes to Chesbrough's 597. ACCORDING TO unofficial counts, Velker won in seven of the twelve Fifth Ward precincts but Chesbrough won by large majorities in precincts 11 and 12. William Gudenau came in third in the Fifth Ward race despite a $4,400 cam- paign and the support of many established local Republicans. A. J. This story was written by Patricia Hagen with reports from Lorenzo Benet, Mary Fara,.Iski, John Goyer, Nick Katsarelas, Lee Katterman, Lisa Lava-Kellar, Elaine Rideout, Bill Thompson, and Mark Wilson. Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM SECOND WARD incumbent Earl Greene celebrates his victory'over challenger Stacy Stephanopoulous last night at Bacchus Gardens. Greene beat the LSA junior by a narrow margin. Turn out lightin Daily Photo by JIM KRUZ FIFTH WARD REPUBLICAN primary winner Joyce Chesbrough relaxes with her husband Richard last night at their home. Chesbrough will face Democrat Thomas Bletcher in the April City Council election. primary As is typical for Ann Arbor City Council primaries, voter turnout was light yesterday for the Second and Fifth Ward contests. A total of 2,355 votes were cast in the two wards. In last year's mayoral primary, when primaries were held in two wards, the vote tally reached 2,766. City Clerk Al Vollbrecht called the turnout "reasonably, good" in the Democratic contest in the Second Ward and the Republican runoff in the Fifth. IN THE SIX Second Ward precincts, with polling places in University dor- ms, each candidate won three. While University junior Stacy Stenhanopoulos won a large majority in Markley and Mosher Jordan, Greene won by more than two to one in Bursley. Both Democratic candidates for the Second Ward nomination made strong bids to register students and campaign in the University dormitories in the 80 See PRIMARY, Page 5 Lalonde received only 12 votes after a low key campaign. Following her victory last night, Chesbrough said she won "because of 20 years in the ward and I guess the Chesbrough name meant something to the voters." Chesbrough served on the Ann Arbor Transportation Authority (AATA)arid the Washtenaw County Jury Commission. Following news of her loss to Greene last night, Stephanopoulos and her campaign workers consoled them- selves with the thought that they had. won a "moral victory" by turning students out to vote in the Second Ward. "I don't know that anything went wrong," Stephanopoulos said. "We tried to get students to turn out," she added. "WE LOST. but we won. Unfor- tunately, we didn't win enough," said Scott North, a close friend and suppor- ter of Stephanopoulos. Asked if she would support Greene now in his race against Burton in the April general elections, Stephanopoulos replied, "I'll probably stay out of the Second Ward race." Stephanopoulos' senior campaign advisor.Marc Abrams cited Greene's name recognition as an incumbent with See PRIMARIES, Page 5 / .*.*.*.*.~. ~ *.*.*.** ~............................. *.,. .. .~...... ~ . ~ ~ . . . . . . . . ..................................... .........:..-.;.:.:c.;.:.:.:.:.:;..............-..............-.......~........................ '!..................................~....... ........................................................................................................... Carter, students discuss draft a U.S., Iran agree to U.N. panel members From AP and UPI The United States and Iran have separately agreed to the members of a commission to investigate the deposed shah and the panel will go to Tehran in a few days, the United Nations announ- ced yesterday. There vas no word on how or when this might bring release of the hostages held in the U.S. Embassy there. The five men reportedly named to the\ U.N. inquiry commission on Iran are virtually unknown to Americans, but have won prestige in the circles of in- ternational law and diplomacy during their careers. THE FIVE - named by UPI as definite members and by AP as poten- tial members of the panel - are: " Mohamed Bedjaoiu, Algeria's U.N. ambassador; * Andres Aguilar, Venezuela's for- mer ambassador to Washington; + Adib Daoudy, foreign policy ad- viser to the president of Syria; * Hector Jayewardene, brother of the president of Syria; and " Edmond-Louis Pettiti, former president of the Paris Bar Association. The commission is tilted toward the Third World. Two nations represented - Algeria and Syria - form part of the radical Arab bloc and Sri Lanka is a longstanding member of the non- aligned movements. Venezuela is, generally pro-Western. France, while a member of the NATO alliance, gave refuge to Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and other Iranian exiles before they returned to Iran in revolutionary triumph last year. TWO MEMBERS, the Syrian and the Algerian, are Moslem, like Iran's leaders. Two others, the Frenchman and the Venezuelan, are Roman See U.N., Page 6 By MITCH STUART President Carter and National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski met with 300 student leaders from across the country - in- cluding Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) President Jim Alland - in Washington Friday to discuss the rein- statement of draft registration. Both Carter and Brzezinski reaffirmed that the proposal now before Congress is a necessary step to protect American interests abroad, Alland said in an interview yesterday. "The overriding concern at the conference was the registration," Alland said. "It's hard to know what a imeeting like this will do, however, it's always to ex apress views." He described his own feelings on registration as "very mixed." Campaign workers for Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) invited the visiting students to a reception at Kennedy's Washington headquarters, but Alland said he did not attend it. He added that students ex- pressed concern that they were being used as political pawns. "To say that it was not a political move (on Carter's part) would be nothing, less than naive," he said. ALland, however, said he felt the president was "very sincere" in his desire to hear student response to foreign policy. "I really got the feeling that they wanted to hear what the mood was across the nation." Although Carter and Br- zezinski explained why they feel registration is needed, "There was never a direct ap- peal to say 'Will you support us in this policy'," Alland said. "There was great effort made in differentiating bet- ween registration and the draft," Alland said, apparen- tly in order to .assure the students that registration would not necessarily lead to the draft. But Alland said registration has led to draft in the past, and some students at the con- MSA's Alland goes to D.C. ference felt the same would happen again. Alland said.. Carter ad- dressed the students "as future policy makers," while Brzezinski and domestic policy chief Stuart Eizenstadt spoke in an informational tone. Alland called Brzezinski's. argument for registration un- convincing because it did not address the questions of registration's military necessity, its psychological ef- fects, or its future purposes. Carter, he said, did not duck any punches on his reasons for registration. "He came right out and said that it (calling for registration) was a policy message to the Soviet Union that we will defend our national interests and our allies," Alland explained. Alland said the conference between the president and students was "a very significant step for students in the nation . . . It's recognition of their power to influence the outcome of policies and elec- tions." "(Carter's) whole talk was inspirational. He said that it's hard to stand up and take a stand, but this country was founded on idealism and dif- ference of opinion. Leaders of tomorrow should strive to maintain those ideals," Alland said. "Young people today are concerned and are interested and are willing to put in the ef- fort to make the change even though they're not as vocal" as the sixties and seventies protesters were, Alland said. I Carter 'came right out and said that it was a policy message to the Soviet Union and that we will defend our national interests and our allies.' -MSA President Jim Alland iiyii:ti<"iJ}:%?: ii.. .....$'riiii r:i:_? >{}:iiii j'r,'ij+:": j:;:":;:"i: i"?:iii:;:}:;:?;i:iY: :::.:.:::::................................ v:v :: :.{'vijiii}i:"?.i}}i:"+T'?x'"iY:?":v:?v.:"}'4'";.'""?Ji}:<4 ..::..v::: ?4r.? ?":: i::'?:-: is : i':.: }::'": ::: xv:..........:. . ...... . ... ....... ...............................^. ... - ::"" ::- .. _.. .. :... . .... _... .. .. .. .. .. .. . be better spent organizing the blood drive. Get going . . . this is your last chance to save the monkey." Gorman said that Alice Lloyd building director David Schoem has given the blood drive his seal of approval and that arrangements with the American Red Cross are underway. Curious George became a focus of attention last week when the militants kidnapped him from LSA freshwoman Jill Hittleman's and demanded the return of the deposed shah to Iran, the removal of all Soviet troops from Afghanistan, and a cure for cancer. Gorman said the monkey's condition is still uncertain at this time. We'll keep in one local district to begin a campaign to stop the dancers in their tracks. Officials sought out dancers, the newspaper said, and informed them that dances attracted thieves, led to fights, and corrupted public morals. The dance fans were requested to hang up their shoes, turn over a new leaf, and improve their morals. The newspaper said many of the dancers bowed to the pressure and decided to give it up, but added that a few obstinate others are holding out, presumably still dancing the night away. Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers would be so proud ... E r ' L- rI.. n c. su . O - t - f INA t1!1 shot at something live witlva BB gun. I've never done anything like this before." Denver had better not do anything like that again, according to Aspen animal control officer Lisa Russell. "If he does, we'll be right there writing him a ticket," she promised. ! On the inside Arts reviews the winners of the 10th annual Ann Arbor Eight Millimeter Film Festival, and offers an analysis of ..C nr^ .T , - - n ra ® z ' i I