See editorial page
:4I i1Q1
See Today for details
Nint Y(Pars of Editorial Freedom
Vol. XC, No. 114 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 17, 1980 Ten Cents Twelve Pages plus Supplement
'U' doctor
to establish
center or
The University may soon become a
# special place for women who aren't
able to have children.
Dr. Alan Beer, chairman of the
Obstetrics/Gynecology department at
Women's Hospital, plans to establish a
center on campus where women could
have, their infertility problems
diagnosed and treated.
BEER, WHO IS pioneering in several
lines of fertility research, said there is a
tremendous demand for fertility
* counseling and assistance."I personally
can't keep up with all the patients that
are referred to me," he said.
Since federal restrictions on certain
types of fertility research were lifted
recently, medical researchers across
the country have begun the much-
publicized work of creating "test-tube
babies." Such research involves the
fertilization of an egg and sperm
outside the mother's body in a petri dish
or "test tube" and later implanting the
fertilized egg in the mother's uterus.
Fallopian tube blockage is one cause
of sterility in women Beer hopes to be
able to treat. In a normal, fertile
woman an egg leaves the ovary, and
travels down the fallopian tube where,
if it is met by a sperm, fertilization
occurs. If the fallopian tubes are
obstructed for some reason, a woman,
although she produces a normal egg cell
each month, cannot conceive.
BEER HOPES to try a different
treatment for women with fallopian
tube blockage which he hopes may be
more successful than fertilizing an egg
and sperm in a test tube.
A fallopian tube can now be kept alive
outside a woman's body, Beer said. He
hopes to use healthy fallopian tubes from
a donor as a more natural fertilization
site for an egg and sperm. The fertilized
egg would be "incubated" in the donor
fallopian tube for several days and then
"washed out" and placed in the
mother's uterus where it would grow to
be a normal baby.
Beer has recruited Dr. Brian Cohen
from the University of Tennessee to
join his research venture. Cohen, who
See 'U', Page 9
returns to
Shah demand
Daily Photo by PETER SERLING
GAYS AND GAY supporters march in front of the Briarwood Theatre to protest the showing of the new movie, "Cruis-
ing." The marchers claim the movie, produced by United Artists, misrepresents gay lifestyles.
Gays protest Cruising'
By The Associated Press
The president of Iran, apparently
taking a hard new line on the release of
the American hostages, said yesterday
that they might be released only after
the United States "undertakes its
obligations" to Iran.
Among the obligations, President
Abolhassan Bani-Sadr said, was the
"return" of exiled Shah Mohammad
Reza Pahlavi from Panama. He had
said in the past that the United States
would have to agree not to block Iran's
efforts to return the shah and his
wealth. In recent days he had not said
the return of the shah was a condition
for the hostages' release.
MEANWHILE, at the United
Nations, U.N. Secretary-General Kurt
Waldheim worked on details of a five-
member commission to investigate
Iran's grievances against the deposed
shah. Waldheim's spokesman said the
panel could be named today or
Spokesman Francois Giuliani told
reporters "'some details remain to be
worked out" in the plan that could be a
step leading to the release of up to 50
American hostages held in the U.S.
Embassy in Tehran since Nov. 4. He
said not all members of the panel have
been selected.
In an interview broadcast over Greek
television, Bani-Sadr said the hostages
would not be freed until the commission
delivered its findings and the United
States then acted.
"THEN WE shall see," he said.
In Washington, President Carter said
a review of U.S. relations with pre-
revolutionary Iran would not be ap-
propriate at this time, but also said he's
Approximately 35 area gays and gay
rights supporters shouting "No more
lies" and "One, two, three, four - we
won't take it anymore" picketed the
showing of the movie "Cruising" at the
Movies at Briarwood last night.
"Cruising," a film released by United
Artists which debuted at the theater
Friday, is the story of a New York
police officer who goes undercover to
investigate a series of sado-masochistic
homosexual-related murders. The
movie has been the subject of much
criticism from gay organizations
throughout the country which label it as
an inaccurate depiction of gay life.
ACCORDING TO protest organizer
Judy Levy, "Cruising" is a film in
which "gay men are portrayed in one
very extremist lifestyle - a lifestyle
held by a small minority of gay
people." The demonstrators asked
that moviegoers abstain from seeing
both "Cruising" and "Windows,"
another film released by United Artists.
"United Artists is making sensational
and inaccurate films," she continued,
"to make enormous profits at the ex-
pense of a minority population."
"Windows," which opened recently in
New York, portrays "lesbianism in an
extremely negative and violent man-
ner," according to Levy. "United Ar-
tists is censoring the positive image of
gays from their films," she said.
THE PURPOSE of the protest, Levy,
said, is "to educatetthem (moviegoers)
about what they're going to see if they
see it ("Cruising")."
Levy said that she called Briarwood
about a week and a half ago and asked
if "Cruising" were going to be shown
and was told it was not. She claimed she
was not aware that the film was being
shown until Friday morning, leaving
her less than 48 hours to plan for the
"If there was more time I would like
to have seen a good movie about gays,"
she said, "such as 'The Word is Out'
showing at an alternative theater."
ACCORDING TO manager Jim
Haydn, the audience at the 7:30 p.m.
showing of "Cruising" was a "good
one," despite the demonstrators. He
added that he did not decide what
movies Briarwood shows; those
decisions are made by a booking agen-
cy in Southfield, he said.
Many moviegoers said that the
protesters did not deter them from
seeing the movie.
"I don't know what it's about," one
man commented. "I just saw it adver-
tised on TV. As long as they (the
characters in the movie) get rid of the
gay community, I'm for it," he added.
Another man said that the protesters
had no effect on him. "I wouldn't even
listen to them," he said. "It don't mat-
ter to me what they do - they can stand
out there and freeze their ass off for all
I care."
One movie patron said that all of the
controversy made the film "more en-
Despite the fact that assistant
security director for Briarwood Mall
Charles Judson said the protesters
were trespassing, Levy said they would
return next weekend.
looking forward to establishing "nor-
mal relationships" with the Persian
Gulf nation.
In remarks made public by the White
House yesterday, however, Carter told
interviewers that the United States
regrets "any misunderstan-
dings.. . between ourselves and Iran
or any other country."
Carter said he seeks a united, secure,
peaceful Iran. But he ducked an oppor-
tunity to issue an on-the-record apology
for actions the United.States took while
Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was in
power in Iran. The shah's regime was
toppled more than a year ago.
AN APOLOGY by the United States
See BANI-SADR, Page 2
Release of
hostag es is
not oimminent
PARIS (UPI)-Iranian Foreign
Minister Sadegh Ghotbzadeh
yesterday spoke of a "step-by-step"
negotiating process to free the
American hostages in Tehran but said
that two weeks would be "too soon" to
expect their release.
Ghotbzadeh, in an interview with
UPI, declined to say when he thought the
50 hostages, now ending their 15th week
of captivity in the U.S. Embassy, would
be freed.
BUT LATER, appearing on French
television, the foreign minister said
that even two weeks would be "too
soon" to expect their release.
"A combination of various things
should be done and are being done
which will i'esult in the resolution of the
problem," Ghotbzadeh said in the
interview. "Therefore, let's not
speculate on hypotheses."
The interview and other remarks by
Ghotbzadeh during the last stop of a
European tour appeared to unsettle the
hopes raised earlier this week by
Iranian President Abolhassan Bani-
Sadr, who said the hostages could be
freed "within 48 hours" if Iran's
demands were met.
for the formation of a U.N. commission
to investigate the shah's alleged crimes
was only one condition for freeing the
hostages. He did not elaborate on the
other demands.
"I am trying to go step-by-step without
any speculation whatsoever," he said.
"So it's not 24 hours from now or 48
hours from now. There are a certain
number of things that should be done
... and after that we'll see what's going
to happen."
Ghotbzadeh said he has received no
"official" word from U.N. Secretary
General Kurt Waldheim on the U.N.
commission being formed to
investigate the shah's deeds. But he
said Iran was insisting that it meet the
Islamic regime's "criteria" and be in
Iran's view "independent, with dignity
and integrity and not one-sided."
THE IRANIAN foreign minister wore
a well-tailored three-piece business suit
at the interview at. the Iranian
embassy. He eased off his shoes and
flexed his feet in plaid argyle socks as
he spoke.
He said Iran was still demanding
the shah's extradition from Panama;
EPA standards guaranteed by
Ann Arbor vehicle emission lab
The lobby could be in any corporate headquarters, with
its inviting plush chairs of beige, orange, and white arranged
in a spacious interior. Snow falls outside the smoked glass
windows as figures clutching briefcases exchange cor-
dialities with security guards, collect their passes, and
But looks are deceiving.
ONE STEP through an inconspicuous doorway reveals
an endless maze of sparkling yellow hallways, leading to
rooms holding automobiles, computers, or laboratory
equipment. The discerning eavesdropper will hear phrases
such as "fuel economy," "emissions standards," and "air
pollution control" emanating from conversations, as white-
smocked technicians mingle with personnel in jeans and
"Mr. Bill"-shirts.
But a central focus, the control of motor vehicle
pollution, lies amidst the diversity of the Motor Vehicle
'Emission Laboratory.
Tucked away on Plymouth Road on the city's north side,
the facility operates under the jurisdiction of the Environ-
mental Protection Agency (EPA) and is the nation's only
federal laboratory which ensures that automobiles are
designed, engineered, and constructed to meet emission
standards established by Congress in 1970.
"IF YOU WANT to sell cars in this country, you have to
obtain a certificate from us," said Paul Reece, supervisor of
certification testing.
A short walk down the hall brings you to the site of cer-
tification testing - a huge garage, several stories high, with
cement floors. Testing stalls, resembling those at a do-it-
yourself car wash, hold automobiles undergoing the hour-
long Federal Test Procedure (FTP). At one end of the vast.
enclosure, six cars await their turns.
In the middle of the room sits what appears to be a blue
Cadillac. Although it has black wool seats, its plain interior
contrasts markedly with the luxurious upholstery and osten-
tatious features of similar models. Upon closer inspection,
the automobile's exterior compares to the simple inside. Not
only is chrome absent, but all identifying labels are missing.
Nowhere is there as much as an allusion to this auto being a
WHAT IS WRONG? Absolutely nothing, according to
Reece, comfortably clad in corduroy pants and a shirt unbut-
toned at the neck.
This "Cadillac" is one of the 1000 prototypes - exact
forerunners of cars manufacturers hope to sell on the market
- which will be tested at the facility this year to be certain it
complies with emission standards and other claims made by
the manufacturer.
"Every nut and bolt which will be put into the car once
it's on the market must be contained in these prototypes,"
said Reece. "If a particular auto does not meet the EPA
standards by passing the FTP, a dealer or citizen cannot sell
APPROXIMATELY 40 foreign and domestic manufac-
See LAB, Page 9
Doubletime Dribblers
Lambda Chi Alpha's Dan Komendera, Jim Lefkowitz and Bob Swiller hold
first place trophies awarded to winners of their fraternity's 24-hour basket-
ball marathon to benefit Easter Seals yesterday. Zeta Psi fraternity won the
Greek division and the Michigan football team took the celebrity division.
Crisis in Alice Lloyd, Day 5
If Alice Lloyd resi-
dent Jill Hittleman
doesn't discover a cure
for cancer soon the
kidnappers may not
release her monkey.
Hittleman's two-and-
one-half foot Curious
George stuffed monkey
w as m vs ter i ously
primate hostage: demand a phone conversation with
George to determine that he is still alive; a petition drive to
request the release of the monkey; demand that the Alice
Lloyd building director to personally search every room;
and request the dorm government to denounce the
kidnappers. The stalemated negotiations are rapidly
becoming a diplomatic crisis. Yesterday's ransom note
concluded, "Please hurry and comply-we are running low
on bananas." Signed, "The Kidnappers." D
session ends at 11 p.m. tonight with a "Benefit Bash" at the
Michigan Union. The volunteers are confident they will
raise the necessary funds. "We'll do it," Kopka said,
"We're determined."
On the inside...
The editorial page features endorsements for Monday's
Ann Arbor City Council primary . . . and the sports page
renorts the results of the Michigan State basketball name
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