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February 16, 1980 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-02-16

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See editorial page

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See Today for details

Nnety Years of EdAiorwiIFr(eedom '

Vol. XC, No. 113

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 16, 1980

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


roar 1.6
per cent
From AP and UPI
,WASHINGTON-Wholesale prices
surged a shocking 1.6 per cent in
January, the most in five years, leading
the Federal Reserve Board to take new
actions yesterday to drive up interest
q ates to head off another burst of
Acting less than an hour after the
Labor Department's price report, the
board voted unanimously to increase its
discount rate by a full percentage point
to :13 per cent, up from 12 per cent.
THE BOARD acts independently of
the Carter adminsitration, which in the
past has expressed mild regret at the
steady upward pressure on interest
The increase in the discount rate,
which is the interest the Federal
Reserve charges on loans to
commercial banks, is certain to push up
interest rates throughout the economy.
Officials of the already reeling housing
industry predicted it would be
especially hard-hit.
In another economic development,
the Federal Reserve reported that
industrial production rose a slim 0.3 per
cent last month.
THE NEW PRODUCER price report
offered vivid evidence consumers can
expect no relief from the relentless
pressures of inflation during coming
months, particularly when additional
OPEC oil price increases are passed
along to consumers.
President Carter has consistently
ruled out mandatory wage-price
controls as an antidote to inflation. But
some private economists have said
recently controls may be the only
The January increase in wholesale
prices was the largest monthly rise
since November 1974, when prices
increased 2 per cent. It singled a big
increase in consumer prices as
wholesale price rises oftein show up
within weeks at the retail level.
THE INCREASE was especially
distressing to administration
See WHOLESALE, Page 10

Regents OK 11.2%
dorm rate increase

BARRY LYNN, National Chairperson of the Committee Against Registra-
tion and the Draft (CAD), spoke yesterday at the Guild House. Lynn said
that Congressional opposition to Carter's registration plan is growing and
poses a potential threat to its passage.
ynn: regstra-ion

The University' Regents yesterday
voted to raise student housing rates 11.2
per cent in accordance with the housing
director's recommendation.
The price for a single room in a
traditional residence hall next year will
increase about $247 from this year's
$2,215.52 rate. The cost for a double
room will increase $209 from $1,868.21
to $2,077.05 and the cost of a triple will
rise $183 from $1,648.02 to $1,831.21.
ALSO AT yesterday's meeting, the
Regents approved by a narrow 3-2
margin a proposal by Regent Thomas
Roach (D-Saline) to grant local
developer John Stegman a year-option
to buy a 16,659 sq. ft. strip of University
land behind the Church Street parking
THE UNIVERSITY property would
be part of the site of a parking structure
behind a proposed 32-story high-rise
hotel, apartment, and condominium
complex. Sixteen floor of the proposed
structure would be hotel rooms, eight
floors condominiums, and eight floors
In December, Stegeman offered the
University $5000 for a year-long option
to buy the land for $200,000 plus an
inflation index adjustment. The
proposal approved by the Regents
yesterday means that if
Stegeman-working through Quadrium
Corp.-decides not to purchase the
land, he will pay the University a total
of $10,000 for the option privilege.
THE UNIVERSITY land desired by
Quadrium is currently used as a
driveway-with some parking
spaces-for the University parking
structure on Church Street.
The developer has agreed to provide
another driveway exit for the
University parking structure if he buys
the property.
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor)
said he is vehemently opposed to the
project. "It is not that simple an issue,"
he said before the vote. "If it is
approved . . we've destroyed the
ambience of the total Ann Arbor
Roach said Thursday that
Stegeman's proposal was "pretty good

business." Yesterday he noted that
considerations of how the high-rise
would effect the city are "properly the
control of Ann Arbor City Planning
Commission." If Stegeman's proposal
is rejected by the city, Roach said, the
University has, at least, "achieved the
benefit of the option price."
Morris (D-Second Ward) urged the
Regents Thursday not to grant
Quadrium the option. She said the area
was already severely congested and
was essentially a residential area.
In a telephone interview yesterday,

Can ham: Men athletes
m ore 'intense' than women

In a rare appearance before the
Regents, University Athletic Direc-
tor Don Canham yesterday defended
his department's policy of awarding
more athletic scholarships to men
than to women.
"One of the problems that we have
is we are getting attrition (with
women athletes)," Canham said in
response to a question by Regent
Sarah Power (D-Ann Arbor). He
said women have tended to give up
their scholarships more often than
men do.
"Men are far more intense about
athletics," Canham said, adding

that men are more interested in
becoming professional athletes and
coaches than women are.
CANHAM ALSO said regulations
for women's sports prohibit coaches
from recruiting on the same level
men's coaches can.
The University intercollegiate
athletic program is generally. con-
sidered to be one of the nation's most
successful financially, but it has
come under fire recently for its
policies towards women's sports.
Canham attended the meeting to
discuss uses of the new athletic field

Stegeman said the next step for
Quadrium is to prepare a proposal to
submit to City Council. He estimated
this process will take six to eight weeks.
To get approval to build in Ann Arbor
a developer first has to submit a
proposal to a City Council. Council
refers the proposal to the City Planning
Commission, which reviews the plan
and sends the matter back to Council
for a final vote.
According to Morris, a high intensity
project such as this proposal "would
See REGENTS, Page 2

may fail ii
President Carter's proposal to
revitalize the nation's Selective Service
System and re-institute the draft for
millions of 19 and 20-year-old men and
women might not be approved by
Congress, according to the head of a
national anti-registration organization.
Barry Lynn, national chairperson of
the Committee Against Registration
and the Draft (CARD), said yesterday
at the Guild House that there is a
"growing chance" that the funding bill
will be defeated when it comes to a vote
in Congress.
Although Lynn said only two senators
were committed against the plan im-

mediately after Carter's State of the
Union address, he estimated some 25
are now planning to vote against the
"There is a good chance that both
Michigan senators will vote against the
bill," Lynn said, although he did not in-
clude the two - Democratic Senators
Donald Riegle and Carl Levin - in his
list of 25 committed against the bill.
"It will be an uphill battle to say the
least," he added.
Lynn said that draft registration
"does not make sense." He quoted Sen.
Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.)- as saying
registration would save only 13 days in
See LYNN, Page 3

Release of hostages
remains uncertain

From UPI and AP
Iranian Foreign Minister Sadegh
Ghotbzadeh said yesterday the
Americans held hostage in Tehran
would be freed only if both Iran and the
United States accept the findings of an
international inquiry into the alleged
crimes of the deposed shah.
At the United Nations, a spokesman
for Secretary General Kurt Waldheim
said the commission conducting the
inquiry was nearly formed and that its
members could be announced "possibly
today, maybe tomorrow."
BUT HOPES that the commission's

inquiry would lead to the release of the
50 Americans being held hostage in the
U.S. Embassy for the 104th day were
tisettled when Ghotbzadeh said in
Paris that Iran must approve the com-
mission's findings and the United
States must accept them.
Ghotbzadeh added, "There will be no
automatic release. Everybody must
first agree to the findings."
Ghotbzadeh's statement contradicted
comments by former Irish Foreign
Minister Sean MacBride that the ap-
See RELEASE, Page 2

They all want to represent you:


city election '80

Lalonde i
tries again
The Harold Stassen of city politics
is a 55-year-old taxicab driver
named A.J. Lalonde.
"This is my sixth time," LaLonde
said last night, referring to his bid
for the Fifth Ward Republican
nomination. He acknowledged that
he had in the past run on both
Republican and Democratic tickets.
"I'VE BEEN rated the underdog
and I don't like to be in that position.
I'd like to win," he said.
LaLonde, a tall man with brush-
cut salt and pepper hair and blue
eyes, claimed that he won one-third
of the vote in his last campaign for
LaLonde is running on a platform
of "improving communication bet-
ween the politicians and the public,"
and he promises to meet with his
constituents once a week.
TO EACH question on an issue
LaLonde replied that he would meet
See CABBIE, Page 10

Joyce Chesbrough, council can-
didate in the Fifth Ward Republican
primary on Monday, believes the
campaign will be won not by the
candidate with the most popular
platform, but by the candidate with
the best credentials.
She served as a member of the
Ann Arbor Transportation Authority
Board from 1974 to 1979, appointed
by former Mayor James Stephen-
son, and was a member of the first
Washtenaw County Jury Com-
mission, appointed by Governor
"I ENJOY being in the public do-

The youngest Republican can-
didate running for the Fifth Ward
council seat is Lou Velker, 31,
associate director of WYFC, a
Christian-oriented radio station.
Velker said he is running because
"I want to see Ann Arbor continue to
be a nice town." He added, "I think
Christians should be more involved
in the community." Velker ex-
plained that he would like to pattern
his life after some Christians in a
book called In His Steps. "In the
book," he said, "before they do
anything they say, 'How would Jesus
Christ have done it?' I would like to
be a councilman with that thought in
See VELKER, Page 10

If there is one word to describe
William Gudenau, a City Council
candidate in Monday's Fifth Ward
Republican primary, the word is
"If you were to put all those
running in a room. to decide which
candidate would be the most
outstanding Republican, I think
there would be little to decide,"
Gudenau said recently.
THAT. SAME week Gudenau
reported that his campaign had
raised about $4,400 before the
primary-nearly four- times the
amount received by anyone else in
the campaign.
Gudenau, 37, manages both
Holiday Inns in Ann Arbor. He has
strong ties with the city's
Republican party, having served as
chair of the city party for three
years in the mid-seventies. He.
See INNKEEPER, Page 10

AP Photo
AN IRANIAN BOY taking part in a demonstration supporting the takeover
of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, where 50 Americans are still being held
hostage, shows a photographer what he thinks about having his picture

___________________________ U U


returned, so yesterday morning, notices that the
kidnappers would give Hittleman another chance popped
up all over Alice Lloyd. The second demand was that she
see to it that all Soviet troops were out of Afghanistan by
midnight last night. Coming to the aid of their fellow
resident, a group of students formed the Save the Monkey
At All Costs (SMAAC) coalition, and offered one of its own
members, the Rev. Ralph Smith as a hostage in exchange
for the monkey. (Smith is a reverend in the Universal
Church-the one that ordains ministers for $1). Members of
SMAAC also telephone the "powers that be" to see what
they could do about the monkey's situation. Members of the
group tried unsuccessfully to speak with Soviet President

the mail and, at other times, to change its rules so that new
words may be invented. He and his roommates have
formed the Association for Radical Recreational
Orthography on the West Side (ARROWS) and are
sponsoring the New Scrabble Fest at 8 p.m. tonight. There
will be no winners or losers in this event, and the entry fee,
based on a sliding scale is a six pack. C
Vintage Valentine
It might be called somewhat of a latent consummation,
but yesterday Margaret White and Virgil Chapman got
married, some 60 years after they had met. The couple met
in high school in Troy, Ky. in the 1920's. They dated and
talre dAnut marrina hut Chanman went to work on a

Dead giveaway
According to the January 1980issue of Student Lawyer,
a monthly publication for law students, Mark Maybry of
Albuquerque, New Mexico, doesn't exactly cover his tracks
after he has wronged. After Maybry's mother was found
murdered, police detectives only had to go to his room to
find -the big clue. There they found a list which read:
"Things to do: (1) buy shells, (2) shoot father, (3) shoot
mother." '
On the inside
For an analysis of President Carter's failure to live up
to his promises to decriminalize marijuana, see the
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Local hostage





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