*1 Page 4-Friday, February 15, 1980-The Michigan Daily This charge un San Juan Hill may be the last L The ritual wasn't nearly as dramatic as pain- -ted in the history books. There was no scrun- ching under one's, desk, tucking one's head \between one's knees or other panicked liturgies. When the siren sounded we would all file out of the classroom in orderly fashion and proceed either to the school basement or out- side into the playground-the later route seeming a bit illogical on its surface unless the idea was to avoid potential collapsed roofs. As the alarm roared over the city, we milled around joking and fidgeting, yet our general disorderliness and noise level remained tangibly muted by the vague awareness that we were somehow engaged in a very serious, ominous business. This subliminal sense of foreboding, of looking over one's shoulder, was a congenital element in the life of anyone who grew up during the 50s and early 60s. I still remember my own day of bitter maturation: I was about seven years old, and happened to glance at a Time magazine cover of a huge, grinning Russian bear leering hungrily out toward a trembling world while the accompanying cap- tion decried the Red Menace and the dwindling chances for world peace. It was my first in- troduction to the sobering notion that there were forces at work in the world far beyond the safe circumstance of our house, our neigh- borhood, our town; that there were people out there, cold and unsympathetic, who might do terrible things to me if they got a chance. MY PARENTS quickly reassured me that nothing was going to happen, that good was surely stronger than evil, that I would grow up strongly and healthy and safe. Yet even then I could see in their eyes the doubt which coun- terbalanced their verbal confidence, the day- to-day fear which hung like a sword of Damocles over their existence every bit as much as it suddenly did over mine. So went the poetics of instability for the children of the Cold War. Khrushchev ranted at us while John Foster Dulles ranted back, the H- Q i bomb was a national obsession, behind every' minor dispute between nations lurked the spec- ter of Communist conspiracy. All the while Americans went about their daily business en- cased in a kind of grilm fatalism that some kind of eventual apocalypse was inevitable. Yet the funny thing about the Cold War was that its terrible sword was decidedly double edged: While we feared and indeed expected the worst, we also developed a comparable obsession for combating it. While we dutifully hated the Russians, built our fallout shelters and awaited doomsday, our very palpable terror of the un- thinkable war served to make it unthinkable. Our harrowing, ever-present proximity to the abyss itself took the form of a breaker switch, a coolant system to douse the flames of Ar- mageddon. In retrospect, our preoccupation with the end of the world had an inverse result: We would resolutely meet the challenge of the enemy, yet we would do our honorable damnedest not to destroy the earth in the process. The "balan- ce of terror" meant just that-if mutual fear was the x-ingredient necessary to keep us from going up in a ball of fire, then by all means let there be fear. AND FEAR IS the precise ingredient which seems chillingly missing from all the saber- rattling of the current world crisis. Jimmy Car- ter declares with stentorian exuberance that Afghanistan is "the greatest threat to peace since World War II," and we nod vigorous ap- proval; Clark Clifford warns that "any move" by the Soviets toward the Persian Gulf will result in war, and we don't even blink. Is such rhetoric the harbinger of a new national psyche? Through its language runs not so much a sober determination as an almost boisterous eagerness, a zest to do battle, to take the gloves off, to "settle this thing once and for all." Such a stance is surely good politics for the moment, yet I 'detect in much of it an ideological fervor that runs far beyond the ex- planation of simple election-year pragmatism. By Christopher Potter Is the Day of the Hawk at hand? The Henry Jacksons and George Wills now crow in non- stop vindication, emboldened by sudden "proof" that the Ruskies are the bastards they always knew they were; conversely, the congressional and journalistic doves continue to tuck feathers between their legs in chagrin, their life-long beliefs in international relations apparently as devastatingly undermined as were their domestic beliefs abruptly undone by Proposition 13. DO CURRENT GLOBAL events merit such militant revisionism? Where were the com- parable howls of righteous wrath a decade ago when the Soviets marched into Czechoslovakia-a nation passionately, if briefly, committed to ideals of freedom which never even entered the autocratic minds of the feudal lords of Afghanistan? No matter-we now seem to have embarked on an age of bully vs. bully, and the voice of mediation has become precipitously, self-hatingly silent. War is "in," peace is a dirty word; the San Juan Hill Complex is loose in the land, and is every bit as self-aggrandizingly, xenophobically macho as it was eighty years ago-and immeasurably more perilous. So what shorted out that psychological breaker switch, which seemed to operate with slick, if stern, efficiency for better than three decades? The truth, of course, is that it didn't suddenly malfunction-it slowly rusted and wore down through lack of use over the years as the world evolved from its superpower deadlock into a far more complex political orientation. And though this new fragmen- tation came to comprise a far more creatively diverse threat to peace, it simply couldn't compare in dramatic, blood-curdling wallop to the monolith-vs.-monolith standoff which preceeded it. So we began to forget-to deliberately and passionately put our terror behind us. October 1962 brought the Cuban Missile Crisis and hur- tled civilization to the brink (our proclamations of that time carried none of the eager pugnacity of today's pronouncement); somehow we emerged unscathed from those darkest of hours, and you could almost hear the whole world sigh with relief, audibly mur- muring "'Never again." So began the age of retraction, of co-existence, of detente. The blustering Khrushchez was replaced by the temperate Brezhnev, while our own long- entrenched rigidity was gradually supplanted by an irresistible yearning to slip into a lower key, to explore similarities rather than exacer- bate ancient grudges. No longer did we see a Communist under every stone; "peaceful competition" became more than an abstract political concept. AS WE MOVED into a kind of wary neutrality, the dark sword of apocalypse seemed accordingly to retract farther and far- ther from over our heads. The autocracy of terror had finally lost its punch-at least we were free from that gnawing, ever-present fear of tomorrow. Yet this new world of benign mini-crises was a poignant delusion from the start. Our misad- venture in Vietnam sickened the American Left into a full-scale retreat from our democratic policeman's role, while it em- boldened the Right with tangible proof that conventional warfare was wageable even un- der the omniscient nuclear shadow. It wasn't an all-or-nothing situation after all: Under the guise of world stewardship abandoned by the liberals, our new militarists could wage mischief in innumerable locations throughout a now-staggeringly entangled planet-a realization just as swiftly grasped and ex- ploited by the Soviets' own adventures. The nefarious dream of world conquest was alive and ghoulishly pulsating as ever. And now it all seems recklessly, manically geared- warp-speed 'toward a buckeroo showdown at high noon-Good vs. Evil and may the best system win. Only it isn't the Wi@ West anymore and it isn't World War I either. Though we may be beleaguered with the simultaneous bellowings of a dozen "emerging nations," our problems haven't really been transformed-they've simply multiplied. Our planet remains as mortally vulnerable as it did in 1962. Both major powers possess just as many bombs as they ever did-manlkind can still be obliterated a huh- dred times over. BUT WHERE, oh where, is that break# switch-that dread nullifier so vilified by politicians, churchmen, and psychologists, yet so vital a cooling, regulating, and yes, moral guardian to hold together a world seething apart at the seams and somehow grooving on its own dissolution? Can words suffice when terror no longer holds sway? To all the trendy, belligerent drum-beaters on all sides of our current predicament, I offer some not-so-humblea vice that debunks neither courage no masculinity,dbut merely promotes logic: This is 1980, not 1898, and there just isn't room on earth anymore for a San Juan Hill complex..We can no longer afford to indulge such orgasmic luxury; I suggest instead that all potential disputants and adversaries go watch that witheringly wise film Duck Soup, take a cold shower, then reflect on all the small, enduring joys of this planet. May we always have the guts to defend them, yet possess the qui maturity not to sacrifice it all to the cold win of self-serving vengence. Our descendants will surely'appreciate it. Christopher Potter is a Daily film critic and occasional contributor to this page. i R L. ]\1, (I Ya .~(f EditorialI Fr(eedom Vol. XC, No. 112 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan The time is right for a smallconcession to Iran autonomous action and left Khomeini RESIDENT CARTER'S softened and the government ministers to find position on Iran, announced at a out about it only after the fact. news conference Wednesday, comes at To an observer whose last look at the an excellent time. hostage situation was a month ago, the Until recently, it seemed to many current breakdown of the two "sides" people that any substantive concession would look very strange. "Them" is no to the Iranians would appear to the longer everyone within a 100-mile world as a lesson in how to win in radius of Tehran, but has been reduced disagreements with the U.S. The to the outlaws inside the embassy and president's refusal to offer any support a handful of the supporters outside. for an international tribunal to 'Us" would seem to consist of examine the Shah's misdeeds seemed American citizens, the hostages, and the only reasonable course of action. Bani-Sadr. Former firebrands But events in recent days indicate Khomeini and Ghotbzadeh seem to that newly-elected President KoenadG z emo AthassnBan-Sadrcido i at have retreated to neutral corners, the Abolhassan Barni-Sadr is doing what he former because of illness. can to bring the militants in the All around, the situation in Iran is embassy under government control. much less explosive now than it was For the first time an Iranian even two weeks ago. The president's government official, in the person of cautious approval of a move toward Bani-Sadr, has expressed disapproval forming a tribunal will not necessarily. with the militants for taking the incite other acts of international nation's foreign policy into their own lawbreaking. He has waited for a hands. Bani-Sadr has publicly positive change in the Iranian stance expressed his irritation with the and has not submitted to the demands militants when they have taken for extradition of the Shah. -'' The only contact many Univer- sity students have with the Public Interest Research Group in Michigan (PIRGIM) is when they are asked to support it during CRISP. registration. This column is part of an increased effort by the students in PIRGIM to improve communications with the rest of the student body as well as the faculty, ad- ministration, and the surroun- ding community. Students mostly fund and totally control the actions of PIRGIM,' which are virtually limitless in scope. In addition to the educational, skill building, and practical experiences and academic credit opportunities, individualsr .gropsare en- couraged to draw on PIRGIM'S resources to initiate their own projects. THROUGH collected research, well developed channels of com- munication, and an, ever- increasing body of skilled professional staff and students, one can easily plug into an ongoing project, or collect infor- mation for an individual or new project. Credit is available for participation in projects that may not be personally interesting but offer practical applications as well as education. Public Interest Research Groups (PIRGs) exist nation- wide. The PIRG concept was in- itiated in 1970 by Ralph Nader, a leader in the already popular consumer movement. The University responded in 1972 when more than 20,000 students petitioned the Regents to create PIRGIM. Today, there are PIRGs in more than 25 states. PIRGIM has grown to five ad- ditional campuses, including Michigan State University, Oakland University, Grand Valley State College, Central Michigan University, and most recently, Western Michigan University. PIRGIM's state of- fice in Lansing consists of professional staff researchers, administrators, lawyers, and educators. It functions as a clearinghouse/focal point for the channels of communication bet- ween campuses. PIRGIM'S U.M chapter is the largest in the state. As PIRGIM works with increasing numbers of students, faculty, and com- munity members, it grows in educational quality, effec- tiveness, and political respec- tability. PIRGIM Task Forces are the basic organizational bodies. There are six at the University: They are the Consumer, Energy, Environment, Human Rights, Tenants, and Media Task Forces. Each Task Force is student organized and coordinated. Representatives from each Task Force give updates on their ac- tivities at the weekly local board m ann i'c~ Students working in public interest for political change tatives of all the state PIRGIM chapters, some legal staff, and the state staff. PIRGIM has a completely "open door" policy: all meetings are open to the general public. The PIRGIM board reviews all issues before any policy decisions are made. Individuals or groups with' all viewpoints are invited to present- themgat PIRGIM board meetings. 'The success of PIRGIM is evident in its ability to influence public policy decisions and in its, education of the public. The skills and experiences gained by the participating students are PIRGIM's most valuable achievements. The students of PIRGIM's Con- sumer Task Force (CTF) inform the public about competing ser- vice businesses in the area. A new, more comprehensive Grocery Store Survey will be published soon. New publications, including a Bottle Bill price-effect study, Pharmacy Survey, and a guide to restaurant cleanliness are soon to be com- pleted. By June, the CTF will release a Doctor's Directory. This group also started research on the Educational Testing Ser- vice, the corporation that for- mulates such tests as the LSAT's and SAT's. These efforts aim to inform the public and breed com- petition to benefit the consumer. ,THE ENERGY Task Force (NRGTF) is lobbying for the public interest on public policy decisions on three levels. Studen- ts are giving testimony at Lan- sing and are using direct lob- bying techniques to help gain support for the Michigan Nuclear Moratorium Bill (HB 4528). The Detroit Edison Shareholder's Initiative is underway in its an- nual effort to gain Edison' shareholder support for the moratorium on nuclear plant construction. Third, students are working on a "weatherization" project. It's aimed at exposing the lack of incentives for landlor- ds to weatherize, insulate, and repair their property. The Environmental Task Force (ETF) has two major operations well underway. One is an attack data from municipalities and parks across the state is near completion. This information will be.made available to the general public as well as to legislators across the country who will be voting on similar beverage legislation in the near future. THE TENANTS Task Force (TTF) recognizes that students and poor tenants often find them- selves the victims of sub- standard housing, dispropor- tionate rents, and retaliatory evictions ; they are bilked out of damage deposits due, to them when they move out, unable to receive needed repairs from lan- dlords, and generally unaware of their rights. The TTF has 'set goals to establish a structure for a solidified community as a base for community chosen alter- natives (e.g., rent control and land trusts) and educate tenants of their rights both as tenants and as individuals. This community' organizing effort will be launched with a discussion on February 28, at 7:30 p.m. in conference rooms 5 and 6 of the Michigan Union. Three noted community organizing experts will facilitate this initial effort. The Human Rights Task Force (HRTF), since the president's draft registration proposal, has multiplied rapidly. The HRTF is working with the Committee Against War (CAW); the two groups combined have more than 80 students. These students organize public debates, con- ferences, rallies, demon- strations, and letter writing campaigns. The HRTF has had a conscien- tious objection campaign going for several months.:Some studen- ts are also working on the criminal code revision propo which threatens to severely limy the civil liberties guaranteed by the Constitution. LAST AND very important is the Media Task Force (MTF). This group is responsible for ad- vertising the events that the other task forces are conducting: The MTF puts out press releases, public service announcement keeps contacts with newspape* and pioneers any means necessary to adequately inform the surrounding community of upcoming, events. A new social awareness campaign has started which includes a dorm com- munications program, a classroom speaker program, and this column. In short, PIRGIM offers students not only an education but practical experience inat working of any field, be it statistics or public relations, graphics or administration. Along with the experience is an opportunity to get involved in im- portant contemporary issues. PIRGIM sponsors dozens of in- ternships which grant students academic credit for their work. In this capacity PIRGIM hopes to tap resources of student abiliti There is an urgent need for student/citizen involvement in our government; PIRGIM hopes to expedite an improvement in this overall aspect of our democraticsystem. Come up to the PIRGIM office, 4107 Michigan Union, or call 662- 6597. We offer you services, education, and experience. Help us help you to help everyone. The Public Interest Resear- ch Group in Michigan (PIRGIM) addresses a number Sof consumer and student con- cerns in its weekly columns on this page. This piece was.writ- ten by PIRGIM member John Leone. LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Kat 's Play is refresh ing: To the Daily: Mr. Nick Katsarelas' column about studying at the Grad (Daily, Feb. 6) was one of the most refreshing, entertaining, witty, and overall best articles that has appeared in the Daily in a long, long time. It was noted, with great joy, that Mr. Kat- sarelas would appear in the paper every Wednesday. It will finally, once again, be a pleasure to read the Daily. It's about time that you took the humor out of your regular articles (they are supposed to be funny, aren't they?) and donated an entire column to humor, written by an energetic wit, namely Mr. Kat- sarelas. I have known and admired Mr. Katsarelas' humor for - a long time. He follows in a long line of great American humorists-con- tinuing the tradition of Will Rodgers Jr., Groucho Marx, a Mel Brooks. With his articles the Grad, Nick Katsarelas has reached a new level in the art of the subtle wit; in my opinion, he has never been better. I wish Mr. Katsarelas the best of luck in the future as he inaugurates a new, "Golden Age" in newspaper humor. -Philip Kwik Feb. 6