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February 15, 1980 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-02-15

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See Today for details

Aif CIYeai(1rs o f ditol 0ruFIIreedfOUm

Vol.,XC, No. 112

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 15, 1980

Ten Cents

Sixteen Pages

Student vote may decide Second

A Daily news analysis
0 rimary elections in Ann Arbor are
ricious events.
Voter turnout is low in city primaries,
traditionally under a thousand votes
per ward, so a few votes can make or
break a candidate.
-WHICH WAY the vote goes in the
Second Ward Democratic primary
Monday depends on how many students
decide to go to the polls.
LSA junior Stacey Stephanopoulos is
challenging incumbent Democratic
uncilman Earl Greene in next week's
off. The victor earns that party's
blessing in the April 7 race agaisnt
Republican Toni Burton, an LSA junior.
IN SPITE of their approval of
Stephanopoulos' candidacy, students
firefighte rs
walk out
in dispute
From AP and UPI
CHICAGO - Most of Chicago's 4,350
efighters walked out of station
uses in defiance of a court order
yesterday and refused to answer fire
calls, hitting the city with its third
major public employees strike in two
Mayor Jane Byrne called it "a sad
and sick day" for the nation's second-
largest city as the first strike ever by
Chicago firefighters left fire protection
for 3.5 million people up to a few non-
strikers, supervisory personnel; Fire
cademy cadets and other city workers
with help from suburban departments.
By late evening no major fires had
been reported.
THE MAIN issue in the dispute was
the city's refusal to grant firefighters a
written contract instead of the
traditional handshake agreement
unless the union agreed to a no-strike
clause and binding arbitration.
The strike came three days after
public school teachers ended a two-
tSeek walkout to protest layoffs and
elayed paychecks. Last December,
employees of the Chicago Transit
Authority walked out for several days
in a contract dispute.
The strikers violated a temporary
restraining order issued by a Circuit
Court judge when the walkout began.
Later, city attorneys went back to court
and asked for a preliminary injunction
ordering the firefighters back.
BUT THE strikers apparently were
ot moved. "It doesn't mean
anything," said one striker. '"Whether
we obey a court order or not depends
only on what our union president says."
Officials of the Chicago Fire Fighters
Union said early in the day that the
strike was being observed by 97 per
See CHICAGO, Page 5

interviewed this week seemed unawaVe
of city issues and few said they would
"I don't know if Stacey
Stephanopoulos is running for
something. I don't know if it's with the
city. I've seen a lot of pamphlets," said
LSA freshman Tom Mooney, a resident
of Mosher-Jordan Hall.
Mooney, originally from Illinois, is
not registered to vote in Ann Arbor.
freshperson who is "not registered at
all," said she was not interested in the
primary because "living in a dorm we
don't have to deal with city issues.
People don't have to deal with the
housing situation."
And Bob Weinstock, an LSA junior
living in a rented house, said he

registered to vote last November,
before the election which decided the
fate of a ballot proposal that raised the
drinking age in Michigan to 21.
Weinstock said he knew little of city
affairs. He supported rent control in

large number of students in the hill
dorms, Bursley, East Quad, and Oxford
Housing. It also includes several
apartment complexes, including Island
Drive Apartments, Traver Glen and

city election '80

Ward primary
student turnout will help her defeat run for council, said, "I guessI
Greene. be afraid that she'd be involved
Students interviewed this week in the be in politics, so to speak, a
hill dorms, in apartments and houses in because she was concerned ab
the Second Ward almost unanimously community."
approved of the idea of a student OF THE nearly 40 students
serving on City Council.
"I DON'T see why not. Just because
he or she is a student doesn't make he For profiles= of Green
or she less qualified," said Greg Stephanopoulos,See Page 3.
Canton, an LSA sophomore and
resident of Alice Lloyd Hall. viewed, only four said they pla
Canton knew of the election-like vote - three for Stephanopoul
many other students, he remembered one for Republican candidate Bu
both candidates' names once they were Engineering sophomore Mike
mentioned-but he said, "I'm not pness said he would vol
concerned about anything in the city," Stephanopoulos. Champness
and he is not registered to vote here. registered last year before the d
Kevin Klok, one of the few who said age vote, said I think I'd rathe
he questioned whether a student should See COUNCILMEMBERS, Pa

I would
d just to
nd not
out the
s inter
nned to
Jos, and
te for
s, who
r have a
age 5

some form in the city, and he approved
of the idea of a student serving on
council, but said last week he had no
plans to vote.
The Second Ward is the by-product of
re-districting done in 1972. It is pie-
shaped and extends northeast from the
central campus. The ward includes a

Traver Knoll.
BUT THE ward boundaries skirt
around the residential areas east on
Geddes Rd. Ninety-two per cent of the
housing in the ward is rental housing.
So the student vote on Monday means
a lot to both candidates.
Stephanopoulos is hoping that a high

Carter silent
on Iranian
From AP and UPI

Daily Photo by CYRtNA CHANG'
MSA MEMBER Marc Breakstone tells the Regents he is disappointedl with the University's record for minority
recruitment at the public comments session of yesterday's meeting.
Husing V ote xeted

President Carter imposed a news
blackout on the diplomatic efforts to
free American hostages in Tehran
yesterday and his chief spokesman
discouraged people from "jumping to
conclusions" about a quick
White House press secretary Jody
Powell avoided answering most of the
steady flurry of questions he faced on
the issue throughout the day, but
cautioned against expecting an im-
mediate end to the crisis.
"IT WILL all come out" eventually,
he told reporters, but added, "I'm
afraid not tomorrow."
Earlier yesterday, a key negotiator
said an agreement had been reached to
end the 103-day hostage standoff in
Tehran. Ireland's former Foreign
Minister Sean MacBride, who has been
involved in efforts to free the ap-
proximately 50 American hostages held
since the U.S. Embassy was seized
Nov. 4, said the hostages could be
released within 48 hours with the
opening of a U.N. inquiry into the

shah's alleged crimes.
MacBride said the U.N. inquiry
would "investigate the extent to which
the regime of the shah may have com-
mitted offenses under international
IRANIAN President Abolhassan
Bani-Sadr said the hostages could be
released only if the United States
acknowledges and condemns crimes
allegedly committed by the shah,,
pledges not to interfere in Iranian af-
fairs, and agrees not to block efforts to
extradite the shah or have his money
returned to Iran.
Asked why a blackout was being im-
posed, Powell said it was because
"You're dealing with a rather tense and
delicate situation."
Within the past few days, both the
United States and Iran have indicated a
willingness to make concessions that
appear likely to end the drama which
began 15 weeks ago and altered the
course of international diplomacy.
BUT WHILE Carter appeared to be
See WHITE, Page 6

The University Regents will decide this morning whether
to approve the housing director's recommended rate in-
creases of 11.2 per cent for single student housing in
traditional residence halls.
University Housing Director Robert Hughes presented his
recommendations to the board at the first part of their mon-
thly meeting yesterday. If his proposals are approved, the
price of a single dormitory room will rise from the present
rate of $2,215.52 per year to $2,462.95 per year, a double room
from $1,868.21 to $2,077.05 and a triple from $1,648.02 to
THE SINGLE Student Rate Study Committee, composed of
five students and two staff members, originally recommen-
ded a 13.2 per cent rate increase to Hughes last month.
Hughes told the Regents yesterday he was concerned about
raising residence hall rates 13.2 per cent and had found that
the rate committee recommendation could be trimmed.
In accordance with the rate committee proposals, Hughes
asked the Regents to approve discontinuation of weekend

meal consolidation, installation of cable television in
residence hall lounges and installation of energy saving
Discontinuing weekend meal consolidation will cost $18.00
per student. Hughes said that while he favored weekend con-
solidation because of the money saved, "negative student
feelings" prompted him to follow the rate committee's
proposal to suggest discontinuing the program.
"I HATE to see the consolidation go out the window," said
Regent Thomas Roach (D-Saline). Referring to a survey
conducted by the rate committee, he noted that most studen-
ts opposed to consolidation lived in the "guest" halls, while
more students in "host" halls approved of consolidation.
Roach suggested alternating guest and host dorms each
weekend. He also suggested that each hall could serve meals
in its* own cafeteria on holidays or football Saturdays when
more students are in the dorms.
In a telephone survey conducted by the rate committee, 56
per cent of the students favored discontinuation of weekend
See REGENTS, Page 9

SovIets still fighting
rebels outside Kabul

heerleaders boycott Illinois game

For the first time since the inception
of the Michigan basketball
cheerleading team in the mid '70's the
male-female squad was absent from
their courtside seats at Crisler Arena
t ring the Wolverines' 78-76 victory
ver Illinois last night.
The cheerleaders boycotted the game
in protest of a ruling handed down
yesterday by Michigan Athletic Direc-
tor Don Canham which prohibits them
from performing at any of the
remaining three away basketball
disciplined for violation of a Big Ten

rule that limits visiting teams to six
members. The squad broke the ,rule
when they took all 12 members to the
regionally-televised game at North-
western on Jan. 26.
Canham took the action after
receiving a formal letter of complaint
from Northwestern University. "They
violated a Big Ten rule, and we can't
stand for that," Canham explained last
night during the game.
The cheerleaders voted to boycott the
game minutes before the 8:05 tipoff.
The length of the boycott has not been
decided, according to one of the
THE GROUP was informed of
Canham's action yesterday in a

memorandum from the Athletic Direc-
tor. The letter stated, in part:
"It is incomprehensible to me that
you young people would take advantage
of (cheerleader team advisor) Pam
Slade being ill to do this. You were fully
aware of the rule as to numbers who
can travel to an away contest, and I am
extremely disappointed in your ac-
tions." Slade was ill when the
cheerleaders made the request to bring
all 12 members of the squad to the Nor-
thwestern game.
According to two of the cheerleaders,
however, the money had been
requisitioned by the athletic depar-
tment to send all twelve cheerleaders to
Northwestern. t

"IT WAS A misunderstanding," one
cheerleader said. "I've been. on this
squad for two years, and people who
have been here longer told me that
there has always been a lack of com-
"I think we're treated unfairly," a
male member of the squad complained.
"We're doing this (cheerleading) out of
"It's a real bummer not to go on road
trips when that's what we work for,"
the cheerleader continued. "Canham
oversees the whole process, and he
doesn't have enough time. He throws us
away like waste paper."

By The Associated Press
Soviet troops backed by tanks and at
least one fighter bomber fought an in-
tense, hour-long battle 12 miles outside
Kabul, Afghanistan, earlier this week,
against soldiers believed to be a
rebellious unit of the Soviet-trained
Afghan army, a dispatch from Kabul
said yesterday.
In London, diplomatic sources said
Moscow had told key Asian, European,
and African nations it would start
pulling out some of the 90,000 troops it
has in Afghanistan and begin talks with
Pakistan as soon as the situation on the
Pakistan-Afghanistan border
PAKISTAN SAID talks would be
welcome only after the Soviet troops
had been removed from Afghanistan.
In New Delhi, Indian officials said
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
Gromyko, however, had given them
very little hope of an early troop
Gromyko was in India for talks with
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and to
attend a banquet in honor of his Indian
counterpart. There he warned Pakistan
it must end "all intrusions into the
territory of Afghanistan" if it wanted

peace along the border.
INDIAN spokesman J.N. Dixit said
the two nations had different inter-
pretations of the intervention but that
Gromyko had "taken note" of the In-
dian position "that there should be non-
intervention in the internal affairs of
sovereign countries and that frontiers
should be inviolable."
Shortly after Gromyko left f or
'Moscow, Dixit said the Soviet presence
in Afghanistan should be viewed in per-
spective of the U.S. Naval presence in
the Indian Ocean. He said President
Carter's decision to increase the Navy
there with .1,800 Marines next month
went against India's contention that the
Indian Ocean should be a zone of peace.
The delayed report from Kabul, said
Western diplomats saw Soviets going
into action against an army barracks in
the village of Cargha, north of Kabul,
and that witnesses saw a MiG-23 fighter'
bomber drop a bomb they believed to be
napalm. There were no official com-
ments, and no word on the number of
IT WAS widely assumed that the
Soviet action was directed against a
rebellious army unit. There have been
See FIGHTING, Page 6

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Have a heart
On the eve of St. Valentine's Day an Oakland County
judge ruled that love and marriage don't necessarily go
together. Circuit Judge William Beer denied Joan Lavin's
request for an annulment of her 14month marriage to
Francis Lavin. Mrs. Lavin claimed her husband did not tell
her he did not love her when they recited their vows in
December 1978. When Lavin filed for divorce last April, she
filed countersuit for annulment. Apparently, some months
afa tha-. udinct Mcs T .tvnfmind nu~*t hat hii husnd_

Besides the usual cards, chocolates and flowers Huntites
reported receiving joints, half-finished coloring books,
kahlua and ice cream concoctions, giant balloons and even
a huge pair of chocolate lips. One resident of Kelsey house
gave a kiss - a giant Hershey's kiss - that was shared by
all of the girls on the corridor. The suspense ended last
night when the "curious cupids" got together to exchange
final gifts and reveal their true identities.
Let me count the ways

manufacturing plant for obeying the laws of nature rather
than strict new company rules governing visits to the toilet.
"We are humans and refuse to go to the loo (toilet) on
command," said Marie Peterson, a fired worker.
Spokespersons for the company were not available -for
On the inside .. .

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