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February 14, 1980 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-02-14

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Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom




glol. XC, No. 1 i 1

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, February 14, 1980

'U' seeks answers

for declining b

By SARA ANSPACH enrollment and increased supportive
and KEVIN TOTTIS services for minorities. With the
In 1979, almost all regular campus widespread support of faculty and
activities screeched to a halt for eight students - both black and white - the
ays. Classes sidn't meet, the dorms group closed the University until its
idn't serve food, and almost all demands were met.
faculty, students and staff went on At the end of those eight days in Mar-
strike. ch, the BAM leaders emerged jubilan-
The people behind the massive strike tly from a 16-hour negotiation sessin
called themselves the Black Action with University administrators. The
Movement, later shortened to BAM. University had promised to provide
Dissatisfied with the University's enough funds to ensure 10 per cent
commitment to minorities, they sub- black enrollment by 1973 and it looked
mitted a list of "demands" to then as if the '70s were going to be a decade
University President Robben Fleming, rich in opportunities for blacks on cam-
including calls for higher black pus.

College recruiting similar

Ten Cents Fourteen Pages
lack enrollment
continued its three-year decline to 6.1 shrinking pool of qualified black highe
per cent - the lowest figure since the school students.
report was first compiled in 1972. "WE TRY everything we can that we
Frustrated and somewhat baffled, think appropriate to recruiting," said'
University administrators say they will Lance Erickson, associate director of
have to try harder to recruit and retain undergraduate admissions. These ef- L
minority students. "We have to put forts include: the Minority Prospective
more effort into the broad spectrum," Scholars Program which focuses upon
said University President Harold recruiting out-of-state students; "Each
Shapiro. "We have to work harder." One/Reach One," a program that
"Trying harder" is a familiar con- enlists the aid of University minority
cept to the Undergraduate Admission students, and the Detroit Adjunct Ad-
Office. For the past three years the of- missions Office, a full-time office in'
fice has been increasing the number of Detroit that works with the high schools
minority recruitment programs in
hopes of attracting applicants from a . See'U', Page 6

Although the percentage of black
students varies greatly among the
nation's colleges and universities,
recruitment procedures at a sampling

of institutions were found to be fairly
similar, with a few exceptions.
Most of the universities participate in
the College Board Student Search,

TEN YEARS and scores of support
services, recruitment programs, and
minority task forces later, black
enrollment is declining. instead of in-

creasing. The annual minority
enrollment report that the Regents will
receive at their meeting today says
black enrollment from the fall of 1979'

. fi

Carter endorses
review Shah's a



Doily Photo byDAVID HARRIS
Wavy Gravy, who spoke at the Michigan Union Ballroom last night, came
to Ann Arbor to kick off his "Nobody for President Campaign."
Wavy Gravy pushes

From AP and UPI"
President Carter endorsed last night
creation of an international.
commission "with a carefully defined
purpose" as a step toward winning the
release of American hostages in Iran.
Meanwhile, Iran's president said
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini has
approved a secret plan to free the
Carter did not define the purpose of
such a panel, but its role clearly would
be to look into Iranian grievances
against the United States 'for past
support of the deposed Shah
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. r
AT HIS FIRST White House news
conference in 11 weeks, Carter also said
Sen. Edward Kennedy, his challenger
for the Democratic presidential
nomination, has made statements
"damaging to our country" in
criticizing policy on Iran and the Soviet
intervention into Afghanistan.
Carter discussed - the hostage
situation in an opening statement, and
said he would answer no questions on
the status of what he called
increasingly delicate efforts to gain
freedtn for the captives, held now for
102 days.
His endorsement of the commission
idea was an apparent effort to signal
U.S. willingness to compromise with
Iran's new president Abolhassan Bani-
insisted since militants seized the U.S.
Embassy in Tehran on Nov. 4 that the
hostages must be freed before any
inquiry is begun into Iranian
Carter did not reiterate this U.S.
demand in his statement.
However, he cautioned that despite
recent "positive signs," past
experience in the negotiations calls for
guarding "against excessive
THE MILITANTS who occupy the
U.S. Embassy reiterated yesterday
their demand for return of the deposed
shah to face trial. However, Iranian
authorities have already indicated their
support for creation of a commission to
consider grievances as an alternative.

. "An appropriate commission with a
carefully defined purpose would be a
step toward resolution of this crisis,"
Carter said.
His statement appeared to back up an
ABC report that U.S. and Iranian

'An appropriate commission with a carefully defined.
purpose would be a step toward resolution of this
-President Carter speaking
about a commission to investigate
the deposed Shah of Iran

work on investigating the alleged
crimes of the ousted shah.
It also said that the hostages would be
released into American hands and not
handed over to a third party or an
international organization.

authorities' had agreed in principle on
the plan that could free the hostages
within a week to 10 days.
ABC SAID THE hostages would be
freed after the commission is named
and formed but before it would begin its

Carter would not go into such details,
saying, "Our efforts have been
CARTER SAID throughout the crisis,
which began Nov. 4 with the seizure of
the embassy by Iranian militants, the

United States has followed a course that,
would guarantee the safety and release
of the hostages and the protection of
national interests.
Iran's President Bani-Sadr, in an
interview broadcast on Paris' France-
Inter Radio, declined to provide details
of the plan but said, "I hope this plan
will be implemented."
On another subject, the president.
agreed with a questioner that there had.
been a "gross overreaction" by
American youth to his call for rein-
stituting registration for the draft.
"I do.not anticipate calling for an ac-
tual draft," he said. Carter added that;
registration could save 90 days in the
event of a mobilization, and thereby
deter possible Soviet aggression.
. the president also made these points;
" The administration remains con--
fident that Yugoslavia "is a strong,,
fiercely independent, well equipped
nation that can defend itself."
" He would strongly oppose any ef
See YOUTH, Page 3

Nobody for
Nobody solved the problems of the
poor. Nobody got the Soviets out of
Afghanistan. Nobody keeps campaign
promises, but most importantly,
nobody cares. That's why Wavy Gravy,
an eccentric clown, is once again
spearheading the "Nobody for
President Campaign."
Gravy, who made an Ann Arbor stop
yesterday in his national tour, said he
Wxpects Nobody to do even better this
year than in the first Nobody campaign
in 1976.
Gravy, who was born Hugh Romney,
said he was a familiar sight in the
major rock festivals and political
demonstrations of the 1960's. But today,
in addition to campaigning for Nobody,
Gravy said he works in hospitals with
terminal cancer patients and sponsors

a children's summer camp.
DRESSED AS a clown with two-foot
shoes and a rubber nose, Gravy said he
campaigns in a costume because he
was tired of getting beaten up at
.demonstrations. "Clowns are safe," he.
said.. "You never see a bunch of rowdies
get together and say, 'Hey, let's go out.
and kill us a couple of clowns'."
Gravy maintained that people need
humor to act as a release valve for our
"pressure cooker society."
"We are attempting to vibrate a
chord of humor and imagination in
people that will set them thinking about
the world in which they live," he said.
Asked what would happen if Nobody
were actually elected president, Gravy
replied, "If Nobody wins, Nobody

Daily Photo by DAVID HARRIS
KNOWN FOR THEIR tendency to put things off until the last minute, many University students waited until yesterday
to shop at the Community Newscenter for Valentine's Day cards for their sweethearts.
Romance:. 5 bucks a dozen



Cam protest draft
By JAY McCORMICK such as the Michigan State Students Against the Registration and the D


Student groups on campuses around
the Big Ten are gearing up to protest
President Carter's plans for draft
Some 300 Michigan State University
students participated in a demon-
stration yesterday against the draft and
registration. At the PIRGIM-sponsored
rally, students linked arms and swayed
as a group in expression of their anti-
war feelings.
Besides PIRGIM - the Public In-
terest Research Group in Michigan -
which is organizing anti-registration
movements all over Michigan, groups

Against the Draft and the Ingham
County Coalition Against Registration
and the Draft (I-CARD) are preparing
their anti-registration programs.
STUDENTS AT the University of
Wisconsin are again marching in a
manner reminiscent of the active anti-
war movement that centered in
Madison--during the late 1960s. This
time the forces are divided. The
Revolutionary Communist Youth
Brigade and the International Coalition
Against Racism have formed the
Coalition Against the Draft (CAD),
while the local chapter of the Coalition

(CARD) and People for Peace are
beginning to combine under the CARD
At a recent rally at the University of
Wisconsin, 300 students marched to the
ROTC building, where they burned an
effigy. The activist groups have collec-
ted 4,000 signatures on anti-registration
petitions on campus and 1,000 more
from area high school students. A
reporter at the Wisconsin Daily Car-
dinal said the students there are
"generally opposed to bringing back
See BIG, Page 2

Roses are selling for a steep $50 a dozen in Ann Arbor,
but the flowers have .been moving like wildfire "as
Valentine's Day has once again pushed pocketbook
considerations aside in favor of the traditional need to
display affection.
At 3 p.m. yesterday, Louise Flowers and Gift shop on
State Street was sold out for the day and closed its doors to
everybody but those customers who were scheduled to
pick up orders.
The University Flower Shop in the Nickels Arcade,
meanwhile, swarmed with droves of last-minute
purchasers hoping frantically to get their orders in before
supplies became totally depleted. Disappointment was
clearly evident as the gaze of people waiting in line fell
upon the transparent doors of the store's refrigerating
unit. On these doors was a sheet of paper reading, "No
roses, red, white or pink. No carnations."
According to the University Flower Shop management
"a stack of orders" had been placed by customers as
early as a month ago, in anticipation of the present crisis.
As a result, roses, which are by far the most popular

Valentine's Day flower, were sold out a week ago.
Drakes Candy Shoppe also swelled with activity
yesterday. At Drakes, there was hardly room to fall over
let alone move around. Rubbing bodies radiated heat as
customers pushed and shoved as best they could to see
what was available and place their orders. All sorts of
holiday goodies fell into the hands of customers, from
little valentine-shaped chocolates to large embellished
valentine boxes filled with a panoply of scrumptuous
At a local card shop, customers crowded near the card
displays and patiently looked for the appropriate card.
"Most of the cards that students buy are the colorful and
contemporary variety. They don't buy the mushy ones,"
said the store manager.
Valentine's Day always seems to attrack a fair number
of fund raising efforts on campus, and tis year has been no
exception. Zigma Alpha Iota, a music fraternity, for
example, has offered a singing Valentine service to
students. For 50 cents ($1.50 for long distance) a student
can have a Valentine message sung over the phone.
According to Larry Penprace, a Zigma Alpha Iota pledge,
one student had such a Valentine call placed to England.

______________________ I I


press release, Albritten turned down their invitation saying
he was flattered that many of his Democratic constituents
and colleagues have discussed the possibility of his
changing political parties. "Nevertheless," he continued,
"I plan to fulfill the responsibilities given to me by the
voters of the 93rd district by continuing in the -same
capacity in which I was elected." Q
Shave and a haircut


shops, in which stylists from across the state come to
"show new styles and spread around new ideas," Hickey
explained. Volunteers for the session don't lose out either -
their shampoos and haircuts are free. Both men and women
are eligible, and can volunteer by speaking to the owners in
either shop. The next styling session is scheduled for this
Sunday at the G&H Barber Shop from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. D
The buck.. .
Every merchant knows the age-old rule of
merchandising - "If it's a slow mover, put it on sale." But
the rule isn't working with the unpopular Susan B. Anthony


Administration (GSA) information director Rich Vawter
says since his agency announced the sale of one million of
the 19th-century coins, called cartwheels, switchboard and
mailbox alike have been jammed. He said the GSA has
gotten 500,000 calls and 100,000 letters from eager dollar
buyers. The cartwheels - minted in Carson City, Nev., and
sold through the San Francisco GSA office - are expected
to go for $45 to $65 each, depending upon year and condi-
tion. Q
On the inside
Dan Lerg, center for the hockey team, is featured on

pr,"- 0

If you've been looking to
get your tresses trimmed but
Ann't havethe monev to Dav

.cuLA aAND




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