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February 13, 1980 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1980-02-13

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, Feruary 13, 980-Page 3
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5 members
to MSA

The Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) last
night approved by consent the appointment of
the five members of this year's election board.
The electionboard was selected by MSA's
Permanent Interviewing Committee Monday
night. According to Dave Chabut, MSA
Personnel Coordinator, special care was taken
during the interviewing to get the most qualified
people available.
"WE'RE BEING VERY careful this year to
make sure that the people on the election board
are impartial, because we don't want to run into
the same thing we did last year, with people
thinking the election board was rigged," Chabut
The election board members are:
" Clarke Anderson, Engineering freshman,
member of Engineering Concil and mechanical
engineering major;
* Julene Green, LSA sophomore, involved
with MSA's Academic Affairs Committee,
economics major;
" Linda Burnett, LSA senior, sorority
secretary and English major:

* Anita Flynn, LSA sophomore, sorority
officer and political science major;
" Elise Elconin, LSA sophomore, sorority
officer, and political science major.
Chabut said the election board's
responsibilities are mostly supervisory. Board
members' duties will include: choosing an
election director, overseeing the director and
approving his/her recommendations, deciding
rule infractions, and ruling on complaints.
CHABUT ADDED that any complainant who is
dissatisfied with the elections board's ruling
may appeal to Central Student Judiciary (CSJ).
According to MSA President Jim Alland, there
is a possibility that the election board would take
over the responsibility of certifying the election,
which is now CSJ's job. He said, however, that it
would take a change in the All-Campus
Laurie Tyler, MSA executive vice-president,
said increasing student involvement in voting
participation may be this year's number one
priority. "More than anything we're looking for
a big student turnout for this election," she said.
Alland said a tentative timetable for the
election board is choosing the election director

by Feb. 26. Tentative dates for the MSA general
election are April 2 and 3.
IT WAS GENERALLY recognized last night
that a special effort is being made this year to
make sure the election runs smoothly, mostly as
as result of last year's foul-ups.
Last year, Vice-President for Student Services
Henry Johnson stepped in and certified the
election after CSJ refused to do so.
Amng the problems last year were lack of
ballot security after the election, un-named
polling sites, early closing of some polls, mis-
printed ballots, and use of a preferential voting
system which many thought was inadequately
In other action last night, the assembly
unanimously approved the Corporate Bylaws for
Student Legal Services (SLS). A major portion of
the $2.92 paid by each student goes to SLS.
Jonathon Rose, director of SLS, spoke to MSA
and said SLS has "become an important and
vital assist to students at the University in many
Rose added, "We want to have more contact
with you (MSA), and with these bylaws, that will


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Wed 12:40, 3:00, 5:30, 7:50, 10:10
Wed $1.50 til 1:00 (or capacity)

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Draft protest AP

Students at the University of California at San Diego rally to protest the
proposed draft registraion. The Mondy afternoon demonstration included

speakers and a march across the campus.



Dorms focus activities
on Black History Month


SAVE $$$


PIRGIM-Lovejoy's Nuclear War, The Last Resort, 7 p.m., Kuenzel
Room, MichiganUnion.
Cinema Guild-Gold Diggers of 1933,7,9:05 p.m., Old Arch Aud.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op-Casablanca, 7, 9:30 p.m. Michigan Theatre; Get
Out Your Handkerchiefs, 7,8:40, 10:20 p.m., Angell Hall, Aud. A.
Housing-Black History, Lost, Stolen, Strayed, 8:00 p.m., Stockwell
Resouce Policy and Management-Samual Hays, "From Conservation to
Environment," 11 a.m., 1202 School of Education.
Viewpoint Lectures-Wavy-Gravy, Washtenaw Community College, 12:00
noon, Lecture Hall 3, LSAD Building; also at 8 p.m., at the Michigan Union
Department of Communications-Dick Nisbett, "Normative Questions
about Human Inference," 12:00 noon, 2040F LSA Building.
Center for AfroAmerican and African Studies-George Goodman, "Black
Students and the University of Michigan in the 1970's," 12:00 noon, 246 Old
Computing Center-" ALGOL Debugging for Beginners," 12:10 p.m., 1011
Department of Chemistry-Yvonne Fracticelli, "Fluorescence Detection
in HPLC," 4 p.m., 1200 Chemistry.
Computing Center-Edward Fronczak, "Introduction to MTS-3," 7-9 p.m.,
Seminar Room, Computing Center.
Department of Near Eastern Studies-Robert Alter, "Playfulness and
Vision ih the Poetry of Yehuda Amichai," 7:30 p.m., W. Conf. Room,
Washtenaw Reading Council-Alfred H. Slote, 7:30 p.m., Ypsilanti High
School, 2095 Packard.
St. Mary's Student Chapel Corner-Buzz Alexander, "Personal Obser-
vations from Southern Peru," 8:00 p.m., St. Mary's, lower chapel.
Pendleton Arts Center-Music at Midweek, Uzee Brown, baritone, noon,
2nd Floor, Union.
Studio Theatre-The Bedtime Story, 4:10 p.m., Arena Theatre, Frieze
School of Music-Saxophone Recital, Perry Childs, 8 p.m., Recital Hall;
Horn Quartet Recital, 8 p.m., Stearns.
Ark-Hoot night, open mike, 9 p.m., 1421 Hill.
LSA Student Government-Open meeting, 6 p.m., MSA Chambers, 3909
Michigan Union.
Stilyagi Air Corps-U. of M. Science Fiction Club, 8 p.m., Conference
Room 4, Michigan Union.
UM Folk Dance-Intermediate and Advanced Dance, 8 p.m., Michigan
University Residence Hall Council-MSA Chambers, 9 p.m., 3rd floor,
Michigan Union.
Pi Beta Phi-Valentine's Day Flower Sale, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Fishbowl.
Social Work Women's Caucus-Panel, "Domestic Violence", noon, 3063
Frieze Ruilding.

February is traditionally designated
Black History month and this year the
University Housing Division is
recognizing the annual event with ac-
tivities and presentations on the theme
"Blackness in the 80's. . . A Dream
The campus coordinator of Project
Awareness, Andre Strong, said the
housing office has tried each year to
make students aware of the con-
tributions of blacks in America by of-
fering cultural presentations and panel
discussions in the residence halls,
such as the discussion "The Role of the
Black Woman in the 80's," Monday
night in West Quad.
In Stockwell, many residents - not
only minority students - are involved
in the activities, according to Minority
Peer Advisor Shari Maxwell. Maxwell
said the "Jane Door News", the dor-
mitory newsletter, has featuredbar-
ticles each week on famous black
women. The Stockwell front lobby con-
tains displays about well-known blacks
organized by "Sister" the minority,
organization in the hall.
STOCKWELL IS planning a dorm-
wide contest Feb. 27 featuring
questions about blacks, and a
scavenger hunt among the five halls to
find the answers to hidden questions
about famous blacks, the winning hall
getting a party at the end, according to
Maxwell also said the library has
been featuring gospel music several
nights a week and that the cafeteria is
planning a soul fond dinner for Feb. 21.
Each table in' the .dining room now
displays a folding announcement
featuring a black couple, which reads,
"Did you know this is Black History.
The month-long series of activities.

started with "mixers" at three residen-
ce halls to discuss black strategies for
the coming decade. Jazz and gospel:
concerts, poetry readings, and films
followed during the last two weeks. "
Some of the films being shown this
month are ones students don't typically
have the opportunity to see on campus,
such as "The Wiz." Strong said. "I
believe that part of education is to see
what kind of artistic contribution
people have made in your particular
culture," she added.
STRONG SAID she would like to see
this kind of effort made all during the
year to plan events to help blacks ap-
preciate their culture and. to educate
people about the contributions of black
In Bursley residents are planning the
"Bursley Show," an annual presen-
tation of minority talent, for Feb. 16.
The show is a fund raiser for Freshman
Weekend, a summer orientation
weekend to introduce minority students
to the campus and the minority ser-
vices available to them.
Strong said the residence hall staffs
have been very supportive and have
posted signs and calendars around the
buildings so that students will know
what events are offered.

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