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February 13, 1980 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-02-13

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Nijnegy " Years of EditorialI FreedomIf

Vol. XC, No. 110

Ann Arbor, Michigan, Wednesday, February 13, 1980

Ten Pages

on; U.S. won't go
From UPI and AP difficulties the USOC faced but urged it are taken by the government
to "continue its efforts to make possible he meant cancellation of
WASHINGTON-White House press the participation of its athletes in the Robey nodded.
secretary Jody Powell last night said Games." THE IOC HAD been delib
the United States will boycott the THE U.S. committee had presented three days, although there
summer Olympics despite the decision the IOC with Carter's demands. doubt that the members wou
of the International Olympic After the meeting, Douglas Robey, their agreement with th
Committee (IOC) to go ahead with the one of two American members of the Organizing Committee.
Moscow games. IOC, said he thought American, athletes "The IOC, is fully awal
"We regret the decision by the would go to Moscow. sensitive to, the world condi
International Olympic Committee to "I think our athletes will compete at
conduct the 1980 games in Moscow and Moscow unless some drastic measures See IOC, Page 7
to reject the proposal of the United
States Olympic Committee to transfer,
postpone or cancel the games," Powell P i "
said. Ifee nations offei
'UNDER THESE circumstances,
neither the president, the Congress, nor
the American people can support the "T
sending of United States teams toU S m itar acces
Moscow this summer," he said.
"The president urges the United
States Olympic Committee to reach a WASHINGTON (AP)-An American SINCE THE ouster of
prompt decision against sending a team military mission returned yesterday Western monarchy in Iran a
to the games." from a week-long trip to East Africa the United States has bees
Powell, reading a statement to and the Middle East with commitments ways to expand its military,
reporters less than an hour after the from three countries to allow increased in the Persian Gulf and Ind
IOC's decision was announced, said: U.S. access to military facilities, U.S. regions to cope with spreadin
"The United States is working with a officials say. turmoil.
number of like-minded governments The reported agreements reached Part of this effort has i
to take similar action and to consider with Kenya, Somalia, and Oman also search for "host country su
the practicability of conducting other would grant the United States rights to U.S. air and naval forces.
international games for the teams store military equipment and fuel. In year, the administration de
which do not go to Moscow n oreturn for their cooperation, the three role might be filled by Om
LORD KILLANIN, president of the countries would receive increased U.S. and Somalia.
IOC, said that all 73 members attending military aid although the amounts have
the IOC general session before the militrysaidialthough theonts.v
not.f e bee *sfl= eciids aid he ffia

t." Asked if
erating for
was little
Id abide by
e Moscow
re of, and
ions which
the pro-
year ago,
en seeking,
[ian Ocean
ng political
ncluded a
pport" for
Late last
ecided this
an, Kenya

Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM
A BOMB THREAT last night at the Michigan Theater forced the evacuation of some 100 persons who listened to former
Ambassador to Iran William Sullivan (above), speak on the history of that country through modern times. After the
scare, Sullivan finished his talk at Mosher-Jordan.,
Bomb threat interrupts speech
A0ofrformer Ambassador to Iran
A bomb threat forced the evacuation of approximately Demonstrators from the SYL and other leftist groups
100 persons from the Michigan Theater last night during a claimed Sullivan should not be allowed to speak because they
speech by former U.S. Ambassador to Iran William Sullivan. said the former ambassador aided the Shah of Iran and was
No bomb was discovered by Ann Arbor police at the responsibile for bombing of Vietnam.
theater on Liberty Street. . Before the bomb threat was announced, members of the
At approximately 8:20 p.m. the Ann Arbor Police received audience interrupted Sullivan's speech several times.
a telephone call from a person who said a bomb planted in the
theater would go off at 8:46, according to'Viewpoint Lectures SULLIVAN WAS speaking about the historical
spokesman Mike Adams. The audience was asked to leave factors-that led up to the overthrow of Shah Reza Pahevi by
the building. The lecture was continued at Mosher-Jordan the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomein i February 1979. He
residence hall. included a description of the social and economic changes
An explosion did not occur at the designated time and that took place in Iran in the years just before the revolution.
police searched the theater until they were satisfied there "By the late 70s, there was enormous social reform.
was no bomb, according to Police Capt. Calvin Hicks. Young people earned more, but they couldn't spend it in a
Prior to the lecture some 25 demonstrators formed a satisfactory way," said Sullivan. He explained that young
picket line in front of the theater. The. pigketers--many of Iranians who migrated to the cities from the countryside
whom were members of the Spartacus Youth League (SYL) , were discontented with living conditions.
a radical socialist. organization-chanted slogans such as Sullivan noted that large luxury hotels built by
"No platform for War Criminal Sullivan." speculators stood empty while the young people lived in
The demonstrators did not enter the theater and the group crowded slum quarters nearby.
dispersed before police arrived to search for the alleged The discontented young people went to mosques in the
bomb. cities, where they heard the words of Khomeini, who "called
This story was compiled from reports by Cathy Brown, for the overthrow of the Shah," related Sullivan.
Bonnie Juran, Mary Valenti, and Joshua Peck. See BOMB, Page 2

The U.S. hockey team tied Sweden
2-2 in the opening competition of the
Winter Games last night. See
Page 8.
Winter Olympics had voted to keep the
Summer Games in Moscow. According
to the U.S State Department, more
than 30 governments-as opposed to the
national Olympic committees-have
called for movement, postponement or.
cancellation of the Games.
Killanin noted that all 142 recognized
national Olympic committees are
bound by Olympic rules and they alone,
and not their governments, can accept
or refuse invitations to the Olympic
Killanin said the IOC recognized the

yIV YU UII 1C:1U, al G A" a,
who asked not to be named.
MEANWILE, administration
officials said yesterday that a Marine
amphibious force will be sent into the
Indian Ocean-Arabian Sea area next
month in a new Carter administration
move aimed at deterring any Soviet
designs on the Persian Gulf area.
The mission of the battalion-sized
force marks the first time that Marine-
combat troops will have been
introduced by the United States into the
Indian Ocean region. Previously, the
only Marines assigned there were a
handful serving as security guards
aboard Navy ships.
Administration officials said a four-
ship Navy amphibious force with 1,800
Marines, helicopters, tanks, and
artillery arrived yesterday at the UsS.
Naval base at Subic Bay in the

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A2 density amendment
.might limit future
multi-housing units.

Research: Big business at 'U'

The Ann Arbor City Planning Com-
mission held a public hearing last night
to discuss a density amendment that
would reduce the number of future
dwelling units that could be built in
some areas of the city.
The density reductions, if approved
by the Planning Commission, and even-
tually by City Council, would limit
future multi-housing projects that some
say are needed to ease Ann Arbor's ren-
tal housing crisis.
"It will certainly effect any future
housing built near the University. We
are running out of land around the
University, but we need housing," said
Claudia Dalton, a member of the
Michigan Union-based Center for
National Housing Reform.
But Planning Commission Chairman
Richard Black said current parking
and open space requirements make the
current density limits unrealistically
"This was initiated in an attempt to
bring the density requirements in line
with- other (requirements)," Black

The proposed density amendment
would decrease by 20 to 60 per cent the
number of dwelling units allowed on
any future building site (The only ex-
ception would be in the downtown area
where the number of units could be in-
creased from 78.6 units per acre to 100
Under the proposed amended code, a
future multi-housing project similar to
University Towers (240 units on 0.52
acres, or a density of 461 units per acre)
could be significantly altered.
If the proposed amendment is
adopted, the number of units allowed in
the R2 zone would be reduced from 14.5
units per acre to 10.2 units. The limit in
the "townhouse" zone, R3 would be
reduced from 15.1 units to 10 uinits.
Buildings in
the R4A classification would be limited
to 12 units, down from the current limit
of 15.1 units per acre. R4B would be
reduced from 21 units to 15 and the R4C
limit would be reduced from 48.6 units.
tok 20. The R4D limit would be cut from
63.5 units to 25 units per acre.

Obtaining funds for research is
big business at the University. In
1978-79, University faculty and staff
spent almost $100 million on
research sponsored by the federal
government and other sources.
The federal government provides'
71.3 per cent of the $98,571,956 spent
on research projects, according to
the November 1979 report to the
Regents on the volume of research.
According to the director of the
University's Division of Research
Development and Administration
(DRDA), James Lesch, "Congress
sets up a federal agency with a
certain mandate, and gives them the
money to do that. They have on their
backs congressional people
monitoring how they spend their
money. They obviously have
concerns about the progress and
ACCORDING TO the November
1979 report, other sources of
research funds include:

Faculty ecruitment based
part ally on research

+ Industry, professional societies
and associations-$9,310,865, or 9.4
per cent of the 1978-79 total.
+ University funds-$9,074,681, or
9.2 per cent.
* Foundations and health
agencies-$5,670,780, or 5.8 per cent.
* Endowment income-$1,476,876,
or 1.5 per cent.
+ State and local government-
$1,453,975, or 1.5 per cent.
+ Other schools and universities-
$1,271,320, or 1.3 per cent.
According to Alvin Zander,
associate vice-president for
research, approximately 65 per cent
of research proposals submitted by
the University are accepted by
the sponsor it generally undergoes.
some kind of review process, Vice-
President for Research Charles
Overberger said recently.

"The agencies differ, but they
always look for originality,"
Overberger said. "They want to
know how it fits into the established
structure of that discipline, and is it
good research. It's always a
judgmental problem, but it is an
attempt to rate originality,
methodology, and impact on the
"We expect every faculty member
here to do research," Overberger
said. "We expect as part of the
responsibilities of every staff
member some. form of creative
faculty is partially based on quality
of research. "It is a tradition of the
University, and of others, that,
faculty and research staff have
original ideas about how to extend
the frontiers of their fields," Lesch

Publication in scholarly journals
is one indicator of research
potential, according to Lesch.
"The corollary to that is
publication in what," he said.
"Generally speaking, heavy weight
is given to the major journals in the
"ANYBODY DOING significant
work can get published in the major
journals," Lesch said. "Their peers
then see their work, and are critical
of it. I also have the prerogative of
writing to the journal and criticizing
the work. Through that kind of
process, not too many charlatans
and low-quality people get through.
They're shot down pretty quickly."
"Industry also funds much
research through their own
foundations," Overberger added.
"There are corporate structures
that want to interact with specific
units of our University. They may
wish to support a research effort


-Y I

the individual honors earned by the students, the
University's team also took the number one and two overall
honors, beating over 30 other schools. "With all due
humility, we (the University team) absolutely annihilated
those provincial Eastern schools, including such
supposedly prestigious institutions as Harvard, Penn,
Columbia, and Bryn Mawr," said the University's Kuwait
Head Delegate Lee Levine. Despite the success, however,
none of the University's delegates has yet heard from
Mr. McHenry. E

A muddy campaigi


The latest candidate to jump
into the presidential ring is
Pogo, the possum from,
Okefenokee Swamp. Pogo
announced his candidacay at a
news conference yesterday
saying he recognized the
national cry for him to run for

campaign opened national campaign headquarters in
Washington, D.C. and in Fort Mudge, Okefenokee Swamp
in Georgia yesterday. Albert, the alligator and campaign
manager, said this is the first election year when voter
apathy really gives -Pogo "a possum's chance in a pork
barrel." When informed yesterday of Pogo's candidacy,
one University student sighed, "Finally, a candidate I can
On the inside

IMPP' V& '



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