0 Page 4-Sunday, February 10, 1980-The Michigan Daily Economics spark Nigt3trod an F areed Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. XC, No. 108 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Affirmative action should not become ABA rule SOME UNIVERSITY law students are upset that Law School Dean Terrence Sandalow is opposed to an American Bar Association proposal that would require law schools to have an affirmative action admissions program before the school could be granted the all-important ABA ac- creditation. Law schools should have active recruitment programs for potential minority students, but it would be a mistake to require such programs as a condition of accreditation. ABA accreditation has traditionally been a signal that the institution in question offers a high caliber legal education. As desirable as affirmative action programs may be, it would be unfair and improper to deny ac- creditation to an otherwise superb in- stitution because it failed to meet a goal not necessarily related to the quality of the education at the school. It could be argued that affirmative action programs do contribute to the quality of the educational experience at law schools, and this is probably true to an extent. But it is not at all ob- vious that an affirmative action program is a critical enough deter- minant in the soundness of a legal education to merit denying ac- creditation solely on those grounds. It is understandable and even ad- mirable that the concerned law studen- ts at this University want to promote affirmative action programs at other schools-but using the ABA ac- creditation guidelines as the method is simply not the way to do it. It would have been easy for Dean Sandalow to remain quiet on the politically hot issue-after all, the University law school has had an af- firmative action recruitment program for years and would not be in any danger of losing accreditation if the proposal passed. But Sandalow sees that the in- credible power of the accreditation guidelines are in danger of being abused to promote social and political gains-however worthy-that they were never designed to promote. The 1980 version of anti-draft demonstra- tions on-college campuses may be motivated, partially by a much more powerful stimulus than the political anti-war sentiments of the Vietnam era. For today's college student, a delay of two or more years in completing a college education could appear to mean the difference between a satisfying professional career and the lack of one. The issue is economic self-interest. The difference separating the student of today from the student of ten years ago lies in the virtual revolution which has taken place in the American labor market. During most of the years of te Vietnam War draft, college students had the comfort of knowing that unemployment was at histoiic lows and that the market value of their college degree appeared secure. But in today's economic environment, good jobs-those that offer upward mobility, good pay, and long-term security-are growing fewer and fewer by the year, and the economic leverage represented by the college degree is growing weaker and weaker. IN SHORT, THE student of the 198os-uncertain of where he fits in an insecure economy-is rushing toward a door to economic opportunity that is closing. The longer it takes him to get there, the less chance he will have of getting through. And a two-year stint in the Army must seem to represent a very significant hurdle. The reality of -this closing door is highlighted by data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It reveals that while employment of college graduates grew by 76 per cent between 1968 and 1978, the quality of the employment declined. The proportion of college graduates employed in desirable professional and technical occupations actually dropped during the decade because the number of qualified candidates grew faster than the number of jobs in those occupations. As a result of the declining opportunities for good jobs, a quarter fo one-third of all employed college graduates today hold jobs traditionally filled by someone with less schooling. And naturally, as the number of college-educated candidates move down the job ladder, a proportion of high-school (or less) educated job-seekers are bumped, completely off the ladder. OBVIOUSLY, THIS predicament is of the greatest imrtance to those who aspire to e ete racket of the job market-the professional and managerial jobs. And just as obviously, it is from the "elite" universities that the loudest outcry against the draft is coming. These students know the harsh economic dictum of 1980: Get into the right line as fast as you can and stay there, or else you might lose your place for good. An involuntary two- year delay in today's environment may mean a lifetime of regret. Whether such a perception corresponds to reality is another matter: in an anxious world facts are easily exaggerated beyond reality, and it is comm'only acknowledged that today's campuses are caught in a whirlpool of economic anxiety. ON THE OTHER hand, there is also evidence that the draft historically has been beneficial to the less advantaged sectors of the labor market, particularly to minorities who have been confined to the lower rungs of the job ladder by various factors. A recent study.by sociologist Dudley Poston, Jr., of the By Martin Brown University of Texas at Austin, n black armed forces veteranst significantly better in the job m black non-veterans. This is p because of the training in technica skills they received in the ser qualified them for skilled jobs in or public economy..,Tt is difficult however, that this pattern will today's rapidly changing economy "de-skilling" of jobs is acc increased 'automation and a manufacturing sector. The other significant findingi draft protest whaf appears to be an economic roulette game that could leave them in the non- ownership class. rv While today's rampant inflation is a key heveals that factor in the narrowing opportunities fo arket than home ownership, other economic forces are presumably responsbile for the downturn in job e and social opportunities for both college and noncollege vice, whichl job seekers, and these factors are thce, priae exacerbated by any delay into the job market the privat,e such as that posed by the draft. ho pdin, Among them: pod up the decline of traditional American y, in which a industries. Mechanization, general economic ompanying slowdown, and internationalization of the shrinking economy have all contributed to a loss of goo in Poston's jobs available- to non-college educate workers in such blue-collar industries as- steel, coal, auto manufacturing, and truck driving; Ththe financial crisis of the welfare state. The public sector, which provided roughly two-thirds of all the new "good" jobs during the 1960s and 1970s, has been hit by the. economic slowdown, inflation, and the tax revolt. A recent Bureau of Labor Statistics study on government employment concluded: that "State and local governmen employment is not likely to sustain the larg , rapid increases of recent years into the future ... " the rise in part-time employment. Both public and private employers are resorting to more part-time workers to trim costs. Part- timers generally receive less pay, little or no fringe benefits, and less job security than full- time employees; and " the "de-skilling" of jobs. Even in the most dynamic sectors of the economy, such as-, computer programm'ig, the phenomenon 4 "job engineering" is transforming high-skill monstrator jobs into a series of specialized and separate d a Califor- occupations, many of which are tedious and as speaking low paid. ersonally is TAKEN TOGETHER, THESE factors have ture, many already produced a gloomy job outlook for the ountry may coming generation of job-seekers. To impose the draft the draft and the possibility of an unwanted t of the eve- two-year delay in entering theralready narrow job market is to create an. understandable panic among the most not benefit ambitious sector of the youth populatior* t. The data, those seeking college degrees. v service is What distnguishes the draft from other Anglo men factors of economic lifethowever, is the sense real cost in that something can be done about it through n said in an political action. While protest demonstratons, holds for all and even political elections, are unlikely to ucations. have much effect on the rate of inflation or the ures of that internationalization of the economy, they udents are might be effective in turning the tide against g access to re-imposition of the draft. And if the president ream of the seeks to defuse the issue by allowing draf g more and deferments for students, he would only ignit ng year of an even more explosive controversy around ar delay in race discrimination. y well mean Already the draft issue has infused a new any young student political movement mnore visible to rise at a than any since the. Vietnam war. The , only about possibility that it may be at least partially ord to own a motivated by economic self-interest makes it hirds in the no less potent than the anti-war morality of a luarter may different generation. iarticularly, Martin Brown, is an economist who udents: Get teaches at San Francisco State University.0 w it may be He is also an associate editor of the nally expect pacific News Service, and wrote this piece society, the P Ns them with for PNS. The state of the human race THIS ANTI-REGISTRATION de was one of nearly 3,000 who ringe nia hotel where Rosalyn Carter wa Friday night. Whether or not he p concerned about his economic fu other college students across the c be protesting registration and because they fear being closed ou narrowing job market. study is that an Army stint does Anglo veterans in the job market he writes, "suggests that military not economically beneficial for Indeed, our data suggest a being a veteran for Anglos." Poste interview that the same pattern h Anglos, with or without college edu One of the most obvious measu cost-one which draft-age stu actuely aware of-is the declinin home ownership. The American d privately-owned home is becomin more remote with each passin double-digit inflation. A two-yea getting onto the property rolls may permanent renter status for m, people, as housing prices continue rate of 20 per cent a year. Already one-quarter of all families can aff home, compared to some two-th 1950s. Two years from now, that q shrink to a fifth. IN THE HOUSING situation, p the message is clear to today's st it while you can, because tomorro gone. To students who might norm to enter the home-owner class of prospect of the draft confronts T HE HEADLINE in yesterday's New York Times read, "Trans- plant of Kidney From Jew to Arab Girl Causes Furor in Israel." It wasn't really necessary to read the story. The headline said just about everything. All across the country, probably, readers were absent-mindedly tsk, tsk- ing and Oh, God-ing over coffee, ad- dressing unanswerable questions to disinterested breakfast companions: "How can border disputes interfere with efforts to save a little girl's life?" or "How can nationalism get mixed up with medicine?" or "What has the human race come to?" Such questions are commonly con- sidered naive in today's sophisticated society, which is daily exposed to human frailities, evils, and atrocities. Questions like "What has the human race come to?" are sighed so frequen- tly that they have become meaningless. By tomorrow, no one will remember the kidney story, or any of dozens of otper similar incidents. Consider us naive. What has the human race come to? AATA transportation plan is a real moving idea LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Closed courses may mean no graduation T HE ANN ARBOR Transportation Authority has taken some big steps recently, both in the direction of encouraging fuel conservation on the part of city residents and in solving the perennial parking problems downtown (Daily, February 2). AATA is working hard to develop three transportation programs that are sorely needed by the city. Plans for van pools, park-and-ride lots, and sub- scription bus service are among those Authority officials have unveiled. AATA has wisely joined with local businesspersons in its conservation ef- forts, and in fact the business com- munity has been surprisingly cooperative. Ann Arborites may yet be weaned of their "need" for their own automobiles. To the Daily: I am writing to protest the un- sympathetic and unsatisfactory treatment I am receiving from the University of Michigan, where I am currently enrolled in a program of Journalism/P- sychology as a junior. When one speaks of "Top 10" schools of first-rate education, of diversity in programming and in the very student body itself, the University of Michigan comes to mind almost immediately. I would like to know how the "top 10" schools define education. I think that these schools would benefit from taking a look at Webster's definition: to educate is "to develop and cultivate mentally and morally." Higgins d9Sa ThF DAILY r,,I o1Nrs I. I'M AE~ihE ai r'IL (4A ,Alf ~7 No doubt, this term I am men- tally cultivating many ideas on the policies and procedures adhered to here at Michigan. Morally, i am developing a strong sense of anger towards the administration as I try to get into classes I need to fulfill my requirements for a Jour- nalism/Psychology concen- tration. For the last three weeks, since the winter term began, I have been on the phone, in the offices of top university administrators, and I've spent more time sitting in classes I have no interest in (yet they are attractive because they remain "open") and in the registration terminals than I have in any type of productive education. I nearly had to beg my way into some classes. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!!! Excuses were given over and over again. "Your turn to register first will come up," one director of counseling consoled me. "It's your fault you chose two Persian gi To the Daily: While H. Scott Prosterman offers a comprehensive historial and -political- analysis of the current turmoil in the Persian Gulf area, I take exception to his concluding statements (Feb. 1). Mr. Prosterman suggests American foreign policy should be directed to "pressure Israel into Changing its position on Palestinian autonomy." Although he is ambiguous about ivnt o nnno : in . ho :y.cho majors. We have to take care of our own first," one department chairperson declared. How could I have known three years ago that I would never get to become a journalist because my last name begins with an I declared my majors in the fall of my sophomore year. I find that I must be incredibly naive to think that deciding on major fields of study would help move me towards my goal of graduating with a degree in those areas. Each term the excuses were the same. This term, I received the same excuses but now, if I don't get my required classes, I won't be ready to graduate next April. I was extra-ambitious this term and went as high as the President of the University and I did finally get two classes, out of the five that I needed. The final breaker came today when I found out that I can't even apply for an internship in my area of study because I never took one of the prerequisite courses. It didn't seem to matter that I had been closed out of the class due to the registration procedure. How long can this type of treatment continue? Students and their families, place a great deal of time, money and hope into the university only to be pushed around for the duration of their stay. In my protest, I was told that "I still might be able to graduate with my choser degree." No promises were made. I feel that I am not alone in ex- pressing the need for some revisions to be made within the University registration guidelines and more specifically within individual departments. What has happened to"planning for the future?. Are students going to graduate, after bein4 pushed around in college, to find out that they've been closed out of life itself?!!! -Marlene Malinas Feb. 2 ulf political analysis faulty controlled by the extremist PLO, an organization whose covenant cites the destruction of Israel as national intent, and which nur- tures a cozy relationship with Moscow. While some apologists claim the Soviets are working on behalf of Palestinian .human rights, such altruism seems in- consistent with traditional Soviet policy. Instead, Moscow's in- volvement should be interpreted- not only as a manifestation of its nhesiv eanti-Semitic nosture. but arousing anti-American and an- ti-Israeli sentiment in Arab leaders. The Palestinians, like al people, must be assured of their basic human rights. Every fac-} tion involved needs and wants an' equitable solution. However, Mr. Prosterman fails to look at the ramifications of his proposition. As a result, his conclusion is a paradoxical and desperate resolution. -ioel Young 1I i. I A , FJIVALIWIIIIVO illd 'j l ' III - t