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February 10, 1980 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-02-10

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See editorial page


LIEt riguar
inety IYears of bdiloriail Fr(edomi

1 Iai1

See Today for details

Vol. XC, No. 108

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 10, 1980

Twelve Pages plus Supplement

Department stores of sex r

A man in his thirties, wearing a grey pin-striped three-
piece suit, walked slowly down the aisle. His eyes moved
oss the merchandise hung on the wall, stopping now and
n to closely examine a particular good. After 40 minutes of
shopping, he walked to the glass-topped counter and laid
down his purchases, his eyes careful not to meet those of the
clerk. The clerk rang up the order, placed two vibrators and
a large vial of lubricant in a brown paper bag, and handed it
to the man, who walked swiftly out the door.
The scene is the Fourth Avenue Adult Book Store, which,
with its neighbor, The Velvet Touch, offers its patrons their
sexual, psychological, erotic, and sometimes deviant sup-
LOCATED IN the heart of Ann Arbor's business district,
two stores generate many raised eyebrows and
ghtened curiosities with the much-wondered about sexual
treasures that lie within.
The book store contains more than 300 different titles of
soft and hard-core pornography, while the Velvet Touch has
about 350 different periodicals. But, aside from the
magazines, the stores sell a wide variety of sexual articles:
adult greeting cards, eight-millimeter and video cassette
pornographic films, lingerie, electronic sexual devices, an
assortment of rubber and leather goods, including leather
paddles with metal studs embedded in them, condoms, and

"We're definitely a department store of sex, not a
boutique," said Paul Campbell, an employee of Fourth
Avenue Book Store.
BOTH ESTABLISHMENTS have colorful, brightly-lit store
fronts, splashed with lots of triple-Xs, and display soft-core
pornographic magazines or lingerie. Many of the store
patrons shuffle nervously back and forth in front of the Book
Store before getting up enough courage to enter. Finally, the
inevitable is consummated, and they push the doors open to
the forbidden place.
Once inside, the person finds a certain safety behind the
windows and door beyond which no curious pedestrian can
see. The interior is well-lit, spacious, and clean. The car-
peting and walls are a bright red, contrasting sharply with
the black ceiling.
Both Campbell, and an employee of Velvet Touch who
would only give his name as Steve, agreed that they try to
make the atmosphere as comfortable for the customers as
"WE'RE NOT interested in pushing things on people," ex-
plained Campbell.
"Like any other business," Steve said, "you try to make
people comfortable."
Magazine racks surround the inside of the store, categor-
ized according to the desires of the buyers: "Tie Up Your
See A PEEK, Page 5

Daily Photo by DAVID HARRIS

of city
tax cut
The Ann Aribor School Board's
decision against meeting with city and
county officials to discuss city property
x reductions will not discourage the
an's backers, according to Coun-
cilman Edward Hood (R-Fourth
The school board decided Wednesday
not to participate in a tax cut brain-
storming session with City Council
members and Couinty Commissioners.
SCHOOL BOARD president Kathleen
Dannemiller said the boad decided not
to attend the meeting because "We felt
we might be browbeaten to commit"
'he school district to a tax cut before an
curate estimate of tax receipts is
"We think it (a tax cut) is possible,"
Dannemiller said, "what we told the
mayor (Louis Belcher) was, we don't
know enough right now to talk about
Of the school board's $43 million
budget, 97 per cent comes from proper-
ty tax revenues, while the city's
revenue comes from a variety of sour-
See TAX, Page 6

FOURTH AVENUE Adult Book Store offers instruments and articles of attire used primarily by sadomasochists.
Employees of the store say that sales of these goods are not high.
Iranian president
hints at oviet ties

From United Press International
Iranian President Abolhassan Bani-
Sadr said yesterday he is ready to im-
-prove relations with the Soviet Union
provided Moscow refrains "from ac-
tions which could annoy its neighbors"
- apparently a reference to the Soviet
troops along Iran's border with
Bani-Sadr, who has taken a tough line
against the militants holding 50
Americans hostage in the U.S. Em-
bassy since Nov. 4, used a telegram
from Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev
which congratulated him for his elec-
tion victory, as an opportunity to
engage in some carrot-and-stick
diplomacy about the Soviet invasion of
Afghanistan, which Iran has denoun-
"We also hope that relations between
Iran and the Soviet Union will flourish
on the basis of non-intervention and the
mutual respect for the territorial in-
tegrity and independence of our two
countries," he said in his reply, broad-
cast by Tehran Radio and monitored in
Bani-Sadr's remarks came a day af-
ter Foreign Minister Sadegh Ghot-
bzadeh warned the militants holding
the U.S. Embassy that the ruling
Revolutionary Council would use force

if necessary to make them obey orders.
Bani-Sadr, who has said he favors a
negotiated settlement of the embassy
crisis, has already denied the miltants
air time on Tehran Radio.
IN OTHER developments, Tehran
Radio reported that four people were
killed and 25 injured in "incidents"
Friday in the northeastern Iranian
town of Gongad-e-Kavuz, close to the
Soviet border.,
The radio said "women, children and

the elderly" had been evacuated from
the area and that "the
situation . . . was on the whole critical"
because of demonstrations and clashes
that it accused left-wing "elements" of
Ghtobzadeh's statement Friday was
the strongest ever against the embassy
militants, who have refused to free
their hostages unless the deposed shah
is returned from exile in Panama to
face trial and certain death.

Soviets may withdraw
troops in Afghanistan-

Clowning around

The loss of a little spare change at the roulette table seemsi
to these two celebrants at the annual Michigras party last
Michigan Union.

night at the

From UPI and AP
A Soviet official-hinted yesterday that
Soviet troops soon might be withdrawn
from Afghanistan but Afghan President
Babrak Karmal said they would stay
until they defeated the "ugly" designs
of "reactionary Pakistan, chauvinist
China, imperialist America and Britain
and Zionist Egypt."
Karmal, installed during last
December's Soviet-managed coup, told
an Indian newspaper that "as long as
there are dangers from outside, the
Russians will stay."
BUT IN TOKYO, Soviet Ambassador'
Dmitri Polyanski told Japan's Kyodo
News Service that those "dangers"
might soon be over and that the
estimated 80,000 Soviet troops in
Afghanistan could be withdrawn "in the
near future.
"Much depends on the United States
and China," Polyanski said. "The

present situation in Afghanistan can
end in the near future unless the two
countries try to escalate it.
In Washington, administration of-
ficials said they expect the Kremlin to
make only a "cosmetic" withdrawal of
its troops in an effort to defuse Western
opposition. They also said the gover-
nment was monitoring unusual, unex-
plained.Soviet military activity north of
the Iranian border near the troubled
Azerbaijan region of Iran.
THEIR REPORT offered the first
solid word from top Carter ad-
ministration figures of a Soviet with-
drawal of any magnitude in
Afghanistan, while it also raised unan-
swered questions about new Soviet
military activity near the troubled
Azerbaijan region of Iran.
The well-placed sources discussed
the trip last week to Pakistan and Saudi
See SOVIETS, Page 2

. .

Congress may cut

FBI funds

/From UPI and AP
WASHINGTON - Justice Depar-
ment officials are worried the FBI's
sweeping "sting" operations - already
implicating dozens of public officials in
eight states - will trigger
congressional moves to curtail the
bureau's undercover operations.
The FBI has received private letters
of support from a number of
congressmen, expected to publicly
come to the aid of the bureau in any
funding fight, officials say.
BOTH THE political and organized
crime worlds were shocked by
disclosures last week that FBI under-
cover agents, masquerading as crooked
businessmen, have uncovered
widespread bribery schemes, law en-
forcement officials said.
"That's why they're screaming like
hell on Capitol Hill," one highranking
Justice Department official told UPI.
Just days after it was disclosed that
.the bureau's "Arab scam" operation

had snared several members of
Congress, the FBI found itself not
congratulated, but the target of a hail of
public criticism from Capitol Hill and
some news editorials.

to set up a net and catch any fish who
swims by."
The tactics used by the FBI in the in-
vestigation are producing mounting
criticism in Congress, although the

'It looks like they're (the FBI) trying to set up a net
and catch any fish who swims by.'
-an unnamed House ethics connit tee mem her

Civil Liberties Union and consumer ad-
vocate Ralph Nader.
"IN THE MINDS of millions of
people, these guys are guilty and they
haven't even been charged," Nader has
been quoted as saying.
Rep. Don Edwards (D-Calif.),
chairman ofnthe House Judiciary con-
stitutional rights subcommittee, said he
will call Justice Department and FBI
officials later this month toask them to
defend their methods.
Meanwhile, the Abscam bribery
scandal is forcing Congress to take a
fresh look at its ability to police itself,
with some leaders conceding from the
outset that it usually does the job
"This is not a law enforcement agen-
cy. We're not well equipped to cope with
some of the kinds of problems to which
the Constitution assigns us," said Rep.
John Brademas (D-Indiana).

Ex-cook says frat told him
not to identify cat killers

SOME HOUSE members, com-
plaining that the FBI tried to entrap in-
nocent public officials, suggested cut-
ting the bureau's undercover budget.
Others urged steps to restrict the un-
dercover activities to prevent entrap-
ment. One concerned member of the
House ethics committee said privately:
"It looks like they're (the FBI) trying

critics are choosing their words
carefully in an attempt not to be seen as
condoning the alleged acts of those
caught in the FBI dragnet.
Some outside of Congress are not
treading as cautiously. The FBI's han-
dling of the probe and apparent leaks to
the news media by officials have been
roundly criticized by both the American

The ex-cook of Alpha Delta Phi
fraternity has accused the group of
conspiring to cover up the identities of
the five former members accused of
killing their house cat Dec. 6.
In a lawsuit filed Friday in
Washtenaw County Circuit Court, Earl
Carl of Ann Arbor, said he resigned his
position Dec. 12 and is seeking "at least
$10,000" in financial compensation to
both cover the remainder of his con-
tract and to offset the "emotional

distress" he suffered as a result of
NAMED AS defendants in the suit are
former chapter president Douglas
Hamlin, David Froikin, former house
steward, and the fraternity's alumni
association board of directors, which
own the house at 556S. State St.
Carl, who was hired as house cook
last September, also accused Gene
Hand, the alumni board's president 'of
"orchestrating the cover-up." Carl said
See EX-COOK, Page 3

Top dog
Even dogs work like
dogs in the high
pressure world of
canine competitions.
Longdorham's Sheps
Folly, a smarter-than-
average Old English
Sheepdog, is studying
for his big test. Buster,
ac. hPa n~ffl*tinnlflO1

wash the dishes, and buy birthday presents. For a price,
New Yorker Emma Fried, "The Surrogate Wife," will do
all these things cheerfully for her clients. "I'm not a
glorified girl friday," she said, "and I'm certainly not a
cleaning lady. I take a personal interest in what I do, just as
if I were-a housewife." After helping her former boss, a
film producer, withhis household chores, Fried figured
other people might pay her for her housewifing skills. So the
hyper-efficient, forty-ish Fried placed ads in neighborhood
newspapers, explained to some callers that she was not a
dating service, and for the past four years business has

" Then wait for a letter saying you are registered and
asking that you notify the Selective Service of any change of
Meanwhile, those who plan to head for Canada may have
a surprise in store for them. According to Canadian Prime
Minister Joe Clark, immigration law changes since the
Vietnam War have made it impossible for visitors to apply
for permanent residence. People who wish to move to
Canada, Clark said, must apply for "landed immigrant"
status. He warned that American draft evaders would have
a low priority in applying for this status.0


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