SECURITY DEPOSITS . See editorial page E Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom 1E aiI TROPICAL See Today for details 0 Vol. XC, No. 1t 06 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 8, 1980 Ten Cents Fourtee~n Pages Econ. Dept. seeks fdunds to combat By BETH ROSENBERG Although the University soon may allocate qctra money to help ease the overcrowded con- tions in the economics department, unusually large class sizes are likely to continue for some time in the popular department. Acting Vice-President for Academic Affairs Alfred Sussman said ,the economics depar- tmnent is a "serious contender" for "priority" money from a special $1 million University fund. The fund is designed to be allocated by the University Budget Priorities Committee on a competitive basis to units in the University that demonstrate a special need, Sussman said. qBUT DAVID LAVERTY, a student member fthe Budget Priorities Committee and editor of the Michigan Undergraduate Journal of Economics; said the money for additional department faculty members would not solve the problem,. "Two or three faculty members won't help a great deal," Laverty said. Large classes The overcrowding problems in the economics department have been worsening in recent years as economics classes have become more popular. In December, Economics Prof. William Shepherd sent a memo to his colleagues criticizing LSA for not helping the department. Undergraduate enrollment in 'economics courses has increased by almost 28 per cent since 1975, creating overcrowding in lower- and upper-level classes. . The need for increased staff involves additional funds which, at the present time, neither LSA nor the department can provide. "THE PROBLEM (of short staffing) is not just in the econ, department. There are problems for business and engineering," Sussman explained. "Any group which 'is popular with students has the problem." likely to continue in prop Sussman said decisions on tuna allocation shoulders of the college aj depend on the legitimate needs of the depar- Hymans said. The departs tment and the expected trends in enrollment, live with enrollment in thi "Those (departments) most popular today and provide the best educat won't necessarily be later on. This reduces our "In a sense, it's an emb, flexibility," he said. "The question remains as dergraduates come he] how much and how far should we, go." economics . .. and can't f LSA DEAN BILLY Frye met with economics course with fewer than 80 f~eulty members last week to discuss the said. financial condition of the college and to explain Hymans said the quality why monies may not surface immediately. than he would like and low Economics Department Chairman Saul years ago, but the departm, Hymans said the college is being as supportive best it can." as possible and he is confident the department ECONOMICS PROF. An will get help after a reasonable period of time. meeting with Frye was a "(We realize) the college's resources and frustrations. The college t. that the college can't freeze itself into a and the department talke situation," he said, needs, she said. THlE PROBEM falls: equally on the "The students' Prot Ir IV hi ti >,a r fi V4 M a] .1 to ei b overcrowding overlooked," Anderson said. In her Economics; l 201 class, Anderson said she let 70 additional rra i students in each section. Ninety per cent of the students on the original ind the department, class list, she said, had last names beginning, ment must learn to with the letters R, S, and T, indicating students e context available in the first CRISP group dominated the classes. tion it can, he said. "It seems like the college is saying that your aarrassment that un- major is determined by what the first letter of re and major in your last name is," she said, agreeing with one find an upper level of her coleagues who said the "excess demand students," Hymans doesn't go away, it sits there." SHEPHERD SAID he sees, no solution to the of education is lower problem unless students push for change. 'er than it was a few "I believe students pay tuition and ought to' kent "is adjusting the have as free a choice as possible (on their cour- ses)," he said. "(The problem) raises the n Anderson said the question of who is responsible." matter~ of swapping Prof. Helen Crafton said she has had to turn talked about budgets away students because classrooms are not big. d about the help it enough. "When there are 12 students sitting on the floor, there is literally no more room," she blems are being See ECON., PageS8 U.S. encouraged by signs in Iran; sanctions vetoed, Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM Gator Bowl Alligators on campus? Thousands of students pass within several yards of them every day. See story, Page 8. C arter'' wil c all for registration of women From UPI and AP WASHINGTON - The United States, encouraged by signs that Iran's new government is anxious to end the hostage crisis, announced yesterday it will not formally impose long-promised economic sanctions against that coun- try. State. Department spokesman* Hod- ding Carter explained the policy rever- sal by saying that the administration does not want to take this step while diplomatic activity continues. HE DID not elaborate. However, reports have circulated in recent days indicating that Iran would be willing to release the 50 American hostages held in Tehran in exchange for the establishment of a U.N.-sponsored in- ternational tribunal to investigate alleged crimes of the deposed Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Trade between the two countries was effectively cut off last November after the American embassy and the hostages were seized by militants. However, the administration had said it planned the additional step of issuing regulations to formalize a suspension of all trade except for food and medicines. Meanwhile, in Iran, President Abolhassan Bani Sadr hammered away yesterday at the U.S. Embassy miltan- ts' remaining power and prestige among the Iranian people, as reports persisted that the American hostages might be freed soon. For the second straight day, the new Iranian president blasted the young Moslem radicals publicly, calling them ''rebels against the government.'' And the Revolutionary. Council, led by Bani Sadr, took action against them, restric- ting their access to national radio and television. IN THE past the militants have used broadcasts to whip up support for their hardline position against freeing the Americans. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, while apparently heartened at the declining power of the militants, cautioned "obstacles still lie ahead" in efforts to free the Americans, now in their 96th day of captivity. A spokesperson for the militants denied in a telephone interview with UPI that a breakthrough was imminent and said the hostages would be held un- til Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi was returned for trial. 'THERE WERE growing indications, however, that the militants were losing ground to Bani Sadr, who is also chair- man of the powerful Revolutionary Council and whosought in the past for a negotiated release of the hostages. State Department spokesman Carter repeatedly brushed off reports of a possible breakthrough in U.N. Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim's private efforts to gain release of the hostages. "I do not see any imminent release of the hostages," Carter said at the State Department's daily news briefing. THE UNITED States announced plans in December to go ahead .with Iranian economic sanctions on its own after the Soviet Union vetoed a U.N. Security Council resolution banning trade. U.S.-Iran trade has already fallen from more than $200 million to $6 million a month in the face of uncer- tainties raised by the U.S. freeze on Iranian bank assets. A2 police cite 16 establishments for sales to minors last month I ..,_ WASHINGTON (AP) -President Carter will call for the registration of women for the military draft, White House officials said yesterday. The White House scheduled an an- nouncement for today detailing the rresident's plans for the entire draft ~eg istration program. THE .PRESIDENT'S proposal, disclosed by officials who asked not to be identified, is a sharp break with historical precedent. It will be the first time that ,a president has suggested registering women for the draft. Carter decided to include women in the program despite a warning from House Speaker Thomas O'Neill that it would not pass the Congress. The president probably will limit * egistration to persons 19 and 20, though full details were. not' made available. CARTER announced plans last mon- th in his State of' the Union message to resume draft registration, citing an in- creasing miltary threat from the Soviet Union. -Although he remained mum on the question of whether he would include women, he has previously .taken the 4kosition that any such program should include women. In recent weeks, Carter's decision has been foreshadowed by statements from administration officials and the president's wife, Rosalynn, who urged registration of women. CURRENTLY, there are about 150,000 women in the military, out of a force of more than two million.. However, women still are banned by law from combat. By WILLIAM THOMPSON An Ann Arbor police project aimed at reducing alcohol sales to those under 21 has resulted in. citations for some retailers and miade others more stringent about checking for iden- tification. Police checked 70 stores and bars for illegal sales last month and sixteen establishments were given citations. More raids on alcohol retailers will be made soon according to the program's coordinator, Chief of Detectives Robert Woodruff. "There are still a few places that ignore the law," he said. THE CHECKS are conducted when underage persons, in cooperation with the police, enter.a store and attempt to buy alcohol. If the clerk makes the sale, police observing the transaction issue a citation. The primary goal of the program, ac- cording to Woodruff,' is to deter retailers from selling alcohol to those who cannot prove they are 21. "We are trying to putsa stop to it (illegal sales)," he said. "Places are going to tighten up. Woodruff said the program was initiated after police received reports of frequent illegal sales. "When you get reports like that, you have to do something," Woodruff said. WOODRUFF SAID Ann Arbor police have also been instructed to look for. See CITY, Page 9 Carter currently has the authority to register men aged 18-26 and is asking Congress for an additional $10 million to begin the program. The Selective Service has said it needs a pool of about four million or five million persons for registration pur- poses. There are approximately eight million men and women between the ages of 18 and 20. HOWEVER, there have been in- See CARTER, Page 2 Greek-Americans, Dems fund primary B yJOHN GOYER Stephanopoulos is, not the type of name you. would want to use in Hollywood. But for LSA junior Stacey Stephanopoulos, candidate for City Council in the Second Ward, the name has paid off in the form of campaign contributions from people with names like Kappos, Kokkales, Michos, Roumanis and Manos - people of Greek descent. STEPHANOPOULOS reported yesterday her campaign had raised $1,100. Earl Greene (D-Second Ward), the incumbent and her opponent in the Feb. 18 city primary, has raised $805 as of yesterday, the deadline for filing financial statements for candidates who expect to spend over $500. According to documents filed by the candidates in the County Clerk's office, the campaign funds are typically spent on printing brochures, supplies and postage. Council candidates will compete in primaries in two of the city's five wards - the Second and the F'ifth - on Feb. 18. IN THE Fifth Ward, four Republicans are vying for their party's endorsement in a ward that traditionally votes Republican in city elections. The primary fight in the Fifth Ward broke out after incumbent James Cmejrek (R-Fifth Ward) decided not to See GREEK-AMERICANS, Page 5 Presidential greeting Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM University President Harold Shapiro (left) greets NAACP Director of Voter Education Joe Madison after Madison spoke at an East Quad ceremony celebrating Black History Month last night. Madison said that 18- to 24-year-old should register and vote out of office congressional representatives who support draft registration. I Y chance." Rally organizer Mike Wallace, a, Residential College sophomore, said the group carried lit candles to drmatize the event. The peaceful rally ended at Regents Plaza at 12:30 a.m. where the group burned fake draft cards. Q Simon ,says One of the topics discussed at the Ann Arbor Board of Education meeting Wednesday was substance abuse in the We're so-selfish The "me generation" has long had obvious effects regarding mind and body, but University students seem to have carried it over into the job market. According to statistics recently released by the Peace Corps, the University ranked high among colleges and universities in its supply of volunteers to the program from 1960 to 1974. The last five years, however, has shown a marked decline in the nuimber of University graduates choosingrthe Peace~ six and one half inches of snow blanketing South Carolina, Fern arrived at an idea he thought would benefit both Lost Valley and the South Carolina Highway Department. He sent the Highway Department a Mailgram which read, "Anxious to assist you with your immediate problem. Please consider this a shipping order for any excess snow in your area." Because of the mild winter conditions, Lost Valley has relied on manmade snow to remain in operation' this winter. "We need natural snow to spur the enthusiasm of the people," Pontbriand explained.'E .* y ,I i